View Full Version : The '1820 Code' from Israel

RC Christian
11-17-2011, 06:58 AM
I was hoping someone on the board would like to get a conversation going about the likelihood (or better yet, if we have any statisticians ...the probability) of the findings in this research group's "1820 Code", being more likely random or more likely non-random. Enjoy!

Richard...if this isn't the correct section for this, please feel free to move it. Thanks.


RC Christian
11-17-2011, 12:16 PM
Will you give me your take on the "1820 Code" people's findings. I'm curious to learn your opinion...or anyone else's.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-17-2011, 12:43 PM
Will you give me your take on the "1820 Code" people's findings. I'm curious to learn your opinion...or anyone else's.
Oh yeah, I'll get around to it. But ya gotta have a little patience! Every minute of my day is being used (and I'm loving it!).

And while you're waiting, perhaps you could answer my latest post in your Encryptions in the KJV (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?2539-Encryptions-within-the-Original-1611-King-James-Version-of-the-Bible) thread. I think I found evidence that it could not have been done deliberately by people living in the 17th century since the pattern "almost" existed in the Geneva Bible 50 years earlier, before Shakespeare was even born.

RC Christian
11-17-2011, 01:11 PM
Oh yeah, I'll get around to it. But ya gotta have a little patience! Every minute of my day is being used (and I'm loving it!).

And while you're waiting, perhaps you could answer my latest post in your Encryptions in the KJV (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?2539-Encryptions-within-the-Original-1611-King-James-Version-of-the-Bible) thread. I think I found evidence that it could not have been done deliberately by people living in the 17th century since the pattern "almost" existed in the Geneva Bible 50 years earlier, before Shakespeare was even born.

Yes sir! I will address your reply tonight...this level of thinking and posting is all I can muster up during the work day with patients and employees to deal with :p ...and your reply was a great point that I want to mentally toy with for a while.

How about the first translation (and continued forward translating) of "Satan", I Chron 21:1, 359 chapter/gematria info...any thoughts? I mean if it was Benjamin's name and gematria...or Samson's even...but Satan... which would be the name/character to toy with if the one editing it knew all this was glorified "fairy tales" and the boogieman was nothing to "worry" about...as would the "mark of the beast".


11-30-2011, 03:42 PM
Has anybody looked more into this, and maybe checked some of the Gematria? Can we trust these calculations, and the spellings they have used? If so, it seems like a man-made pattern to me.


Richard Amiel McGough
11-30-2011, 05:39 PM
Has anybody looked more into this, and maybe checked some of the Gematria? Can we trust these calculations, and the spellings they have used? If so, it seems like a man-made pattern to me.

I began checking into it, but my time is rather limited.

I can confirm that there are 1820 occurrences of YHVH in the Masoretic text of the Torah.

I disagree with his claim that the full spelling of Berashit = 1820 because to get that number you need to spell Tav with an aleph inserted Tav Aleph Vav = 407 when it should be Tav Vav = 406. That's a classic case of massaging the data to make it fit a pattern.

I haven't taken time to confirm anything else as yet.

RC Christian
11-30-2011, 05:44 PM
Has anybody looked more into this, and maybe checked some of the Gematria? Can we trust these calculations, and the spellings they have used? If so, it seems like a man-made pattern to me.


I've attached a Word Document that summarizes some of the findings from the video. I have verified #4, #5, and #6. Richard has verified #3.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-30-2011, 05:58 PM
I've attached a Word Document that summarizes some of the findings from the video. I have verified #4, #5, and #6. Richard has verified #3.
I'm glad this thread is still alive. I intend to check more of the results, but I have some pressing tasks on my plate right now. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it soon. If I don't respond in a week just bump the thread to remind me.

02-13-2014, 06:32 PM
I'm glad this thread is still alive. I intend to check more of the results, but I have some pressing tasks on my plate right now. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it soon. If I don't respond in a week just bump the thread to remind me.
I know you posted this a long time ago Richard, but it doesn't look like you ever got back to this thread, and it interests me.

This is from a Mormon web site.

Juan Jose Martinez Segura on April 17, 2013 at 3:49 am said:

Using the kabbalistic gematria, we have the following result:
s + o + d = 60 + 6 + 4 = 70
y + h + v + h = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26
Psalm 25:14 “The sôd of Yhwh is for those who honor him; he reveals his covenant (berît) to them”.
Genesis 17:2 What happens to those with whom Yhvh makes His berit?
“… I… will multiply thee exceedingly”.
What would happen if we multiply “sod” by “Yhvh”, that is, 70 x 26 = 1820.
What took place in the year 1820? The sod of Yhvh was newly revealed to a man (Amos 3:7) by covenant.


So could the Mormons be right?

If there is a God, and there is something to gematria, is God trying to tell us he reopened communication with earth in 1820?

Why would God design things so that the numerical value of His Divine name multiplied by the word meaning secret (or intimate) counsel would equal 1820?

What significance does this date have?

Did anything other than Joseph Smith's alleged first vision happen in 1820?

I'm not Mormon, and I'm not looking to argue, but I would appreciate some thoughts on this (especially from those who believe in God, and believe He is behind gematria.)

Thank you.