View Full Version : Eve and the Sacred Mushroom
I recently viewed a 1961 documentary on 'ESP and the Sacred Mushroom' where a study was done testing the ESP powers of a person before and after partaking of psychotropic mushrooms. The results of the study showed that ESP powers greatly increased when a person was under the influence of mind altering mushrooms. Also included in the documentary was some rare footage of religious ceremonies taken in a secluded village in Mexico where the Shaman used his greatly enhanced ESP powers (from eating sacred mushrooms) to act as a 'Seer'. A second video I watched called the Sacred Mushroom mentioned that the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil could be a psychotropic mushroom; immediately the verse from Genesis popped into my mind where it says:
Gen.3:5-6 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
My mind began to reason that possibly the side effects caused by eating psychotropic substances could be where the myth of the Garden Story came from. When psychotropic substances are ingested some of the first reported effects are an 'opening of the eyes' and a 'god experience' - also, like the documentary mentioned a heightened sense of ESP powers is experienced making a person appear wise. This precisely parallels the qualities associated with the forbidden fruit of the Garden, making a strong case for the origins of the mythical fruit of knowledge being a psychotropic sacred mushroom.
A second video I watched called the Sacred Mushroom mentioned that the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil could be a psychotropic mushroom; immediately the verse from Genesis popped into my mind where it says:
Gen.3:5-6 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
My mind began to reason that possibly the side effects caused by eating psychotropic substances could be where the myth of the Garden Story came from. When psychotropic substances are ingested some of the first reported effects are an 'opening of the eyes' and a 'god experience' - also, like the documentary mentioned a heightened sense of ESP powers is experienced making a person appear wise. This precisely parallels the qualities associated with the forbidden fruit of the Garden, making a strong case for the origins of the mythical fruit of knowledge being a psychotropic sacred mushroom.
I disagree with your load of rubbish! Are you saying that what Eve and Adam ate was a psychotropic mushroom? And when their eyes were opened, they began to hallucinate a "god experience" and heightened ESP making them seemed wise? What happened when the psychotropic drug effect wears off? Were they back to their normal self and unwise and "their eyes were closed" after the side-effect of the psychotropic mushrooms wear off? If that was the case, then Eve and Adam had not sinned and they lived forever. And the story of Adam and Eve was just a hallucination. OMG....... I almost fainted!
May God give us His Wisdom, Amen :pray:.
You mean something like pot! Can give you the higher effects of an 'opening of the eyes' and a 'god experience' Cool! :thumb::hippie:
Richard Amiel McGough
08-25-2011, 01:33 PM
A second video I watched called the Sacred Mushroom mentioned that the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil could be a psychotropic mushroom; immediately the verse from Genesis popped into my mind where it says:
Gen.3:5-6 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
My mind began to reason that possibly the side effects caused by eating psychotropic substances could be where the myth of the Garden Story came from. When psychotropic substances are ingested some of the first reported effects are an 'opening of the eyes' and a 'god experience' - also, like the documentary mentioned a heightened sense of ESP powers is experienced making a person appear wise. This precisely parallels the qualities associated with the forbidden fruit of the Garden, making a strong case for the origins of the mythical fruit of knowledge being a psychotropic sacred mushroom.
I disagree with your load of rubbish! Are you saying that what Eve and Adam ate was a psychotropic mushroom? And when their eyes were opened, they began to hallucinate a "god experience" and heightened ESP making them seemed wise? What happened when the psychotropic drug effect wears off? Were they back to their normal self and unwise and "their eyes were closed" after the side-effect of the psychotropic mushrooms wear off? If that was the case, then Eve and Adam had not sinned and they lived forever. And the story of Adam and Eve was just a hallucination. OMG....... I almost fainted!
May God give us His Wisdom, Amen :pray:.
OMG indeed, Cheow! I can't believe that you've missed the point again. Rose was talking about a possible origin of the myth of the Garden story! But you are so profoundly lost in the literal interpretation that you can't even see the words that she wrote. She was not suggesting that there was a literal Adam and Eve who ate a psychotropic mushroom! She was talking about how the effects of eating those mushrooms fit with the story of the Garden and so could have been what inspired the author of that story in the first place. You totally missed her point.
Richard Amiel McGough
08-25-2011, 01:41 PM
You mean something like pot! Can give you the higher effects of an 'opening of the eyes' and a 'god experience' Cool! :thumb::hippie:
Yes indeed, we're talking ganja bro! I just found out this morning that the famous and highly productive scientists Carl Sagan was a user and advocate for marijuana. Here's what the wiki says (
Carl Edward Sagan (English pronunciation: /ˈseɪɡən/ ( (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer (, astrophysicist (, cosmologist (, author, science popularizer (, and science communicator ( in the space ( and natural sciences ( During his lifetime, he published more than 600 scientific papers and popular articles and was author, co-author, or editor of more than 20 books. In his works, he advocated skeptical inquiry ( and the scientific method (
Sagan was a user and advocate of marijuana ( Under the pseudonym "Mr. X", he contributed an essay about smoking cannabis to the 1971 book Marihuana Reconsidered.[50] ([51] ( The essay explained that marijuana use had helped to inspire some of Sagan's works and enhance sensual and intellectual experiences. After Sagan's death, his friend Lester Grinspoon ( disclosed this information to Sagan's biographer, Keay Davidson. The publishing of the biography, Carl Sagan: A Life, in 1999 brought media attention to this aspect of Sagan's life.[52] ([53] ([54] ( Not long after his death, widow Ann Druyan had gone on to preside over the board of directors of NORML (, a foundation dedicated to reforming cannabis laws.[55] (
Six hundred scientific articles by a pot head! Maybe if we spent our money on education instead of war and quit making criminals out of long haired intellectuals and music loving hippies who smoke pot we could make this world a better place!
Yes indeed, we're talking ganja bro! I just found out this morning that the famous and highly productive scientists Carl Sagan was a user and advocate for marijuana. Here's what the wiki says (
Six hundred scientific articles by a pot head! Maybe if we spent our money on education instead of war and quit making criminals out of long haired intellectuals and music loving hippies who smoke pot we could make this world a better place!
Yeah, And punk music, drug addiction and free sex as well right?
:winking0071: A better place? Of course Not! Better spent the money on religion such as Christianity so that the country will be a more civilized and safer place with little crimes and sin. Everyone will then stand a chance for salvation. And the country will be a blessed place, filled with abundance and God's blessings.
Matthew 6:19 'Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Seek God's Righteousness, Store up treasures in heaven, Amen,:pray:
Richard Amiel McGough
08-25-2011, 02:55 PM
Yeah, And punk music, drug addiction and free sex as well right?
You got it Cheow. That's exactly what I was talking about. As usually, your insight is brilliant. Especially that bit about drug addiction. That's what I'm advocating. You're a genius!
:winking0071: A better place? Of course Not! Better spent the money on religion such as Christianity so that the country will be a more civilized and safer place with little crimes and sin.
Oh really? You think the government should shove religion down the throats of the populace? Brilliant! Europe went that route with the Roman Catholic Church. They ruled for a thousand years. It was a real blast. Inquisition. Burning people at the stake. Killing people if they thought for themselves and spoke truth. A real paradise on earth!
But at least they would outlaw the LIE OF EVOLUTION! Every child in grade school would learn the truth of a literal Adam and Eve who lived in a garden just 6000 years ago. And Noah's flood too! With all the cute animals. Sounds just like the kind of educational reform that we need. :doh:
Everyone will then stand a chance for salvation. And the country will be a blessed place, filled with abundance and God's blessings.
Oh ... so you're saying that they don't "stand a chance for salvation" right now? Hummm ... don't you think that might present a problem for the rest of your Christian doctrines? If folks don't have a "chance for salvation" then what's God going to do? Send them all to hell?
[QUOTE=RAM;34202]You got it Cheow. That's exactly what I was talking about. As usually, your insight is brilliant. Especially that bit about drug addiction. That's what I'm advocating. You're a genius!
You've got tp be kidding....unless you were a former hippie yourself.
Oh really? You think the government should shove religion down the throats of the populace? Brilliant! Europe went that route with the Roman Catholic Church. They ruled for a thousand years. It was a real blast. Inquisition. Burning people at the stake. Killing people if they thought for themselves and spoke truth. A real paradise on earth!
That's why people believe the RCC was the antichrist. They were totally extreme fanatics just like some of today's terrorists. Any sane people will not go to such extreme to promote their cause. I don't advocate extreme religious revival but I encourage religious education in schools to promote discipline, compassion, civil living, brotherly love, forgiveness, righteousness in our society. Don't you want that too? What good to society if we have highly intelligent educated people but without those positive attributes?
But at least they would outlaw the LIE OF EVOLUTION! Every child in grade school would learn the truth of a literal Adam and Eve who lived in a garden just 6000 years ago. And Noah's flood too! With all the cute animals. Sounds just like the kind of educational reform that we need. :doh:
If freedom of speech and thought are sincere, both creationism and evolutionism should be taught in schools. The current education system is too biased against religion yet not realizing that all sciences are from God the creator..... nuclear fission, fusion, mathematics, aerodynamics, sonar, magnetism, electricity etc.
Oh ... so you're saying that they don't "stand a chance for salvation" right now? Hummm ... don't you think that might present a problem for the rest of your Christian doctrines? If folks don't have a "chance for salvation" then what's God going to do? Send them all to hell?
As I said before, being preterists, futurists or whatever does not guarantee a place in heaven but those who did the will of God the Father in heaven. Encouraging religious education offers that opportunity towards that goal. Almost all religions taught Righteous living leads to heaven. I believe our Christian God will pardon those from other religions provided they are righteous and did the will of God for righteousness is what God is after, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shail be added onto you.."
Glory to God and His creation! Amen :pray:.
Richard Amiel McGough
08-25-2011, 05:31 PM
Yeah, And punk music, drug addiction and free sex as well right?
You got it Cheow. That's exactly what I was talking about. As usually, your insight is brilliant. Especially that bit about drug addiction. That's what I'm advocating. You're a genius!
You've got tp be kidding....unless you were a former hippie yourself.
Kidding? No way! If I were kidding I would have used sarcasm or something like that.
That's why people believe the RCC was the antichrist. They were totally extreme fanatics just like some of today's terrorists. Any sane people will not go to such extreme to promote their cause. I don't advocate extreme religious revival but I encourage religious education in schools to promote discipline, compassion, civil living, brotherly love, forgiveness, righteousness in our society. Don't you want that too? What good to society if we have highly intelligent educated people but without those positive attributes?
What makes you think that religion promotes those values? You yourself admit that the millennial rule of the Roman Catholic Church was a very bad time for Europe. And that was a Christian religion! What about the other religions like Islam? Folks in those countries make the same kind of arguments as you, except to them it's obvious that Islamic "religious education in schools" is required "to promote discipline, compassion, civil living, brotherly love, forgiveness, righteousness in [their] society."
But at least they would outlaw the LIE OF EVOLUTION! Every child in grade school would learn the truth of a literal Adam and Eve who lived in a garden just 6000 years ago. And Noah's flood too! With all the cute animals. Sounds just like the kind of educational reform that we need. :doh:
If freedom of speech and thought are sincere, both creationism and evolutionism should be taught in schools. The current education system is too biased against religion yet not realizing that all sciences are from God the creator..... nuclear fission, fusion, mathematics, aerodynamics, sonar, magnetism, electricity etc.
That is ludicrous. Evolution is a modern scientific theory accepted and used by essentially all biological scientists. Intelligent design is not a science at all. Can you name a single "scientific discovery" that can be attributed to "intelligent design?"
Your suggestion is the same as saying that the geocentric theory should be taught along side heliocentric theory.
Oh ... so you're saying that they don't "stand a chance for salvation" right now? Hummm ... don't you think that might present a problem for the rest of your Christian doctrines? If folks don't have a "chance for salvation" then what's God going to do? Send them all to hell?
As I said before, being preterists, futurists or whatever does not guarantee a place in heaven but those who did the will of God the Father in heaven. Encouraging religious education offers that opportunity towards that goal. Almost all religions taught Righteous living leads to heaven. I believe our Christian God will pardon those from other religions provided they are righteous and did the will of God for righteousness is what God is after, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shail be added onto you.."
Glory to God and His creation! Amen :pray:.
Why do you always bring up eschatology? I didn't say eschatological beliefs had anything to do with salvation.
And it's fascinating that your religion is so far removed from most varieties of Christianity. Don't you know that you can't get to heaven by good works or trying to be righteous? Your statement that "Almost all religions taught Righteous living leads to heaven" means that no one needs Jesus! We can get to heaven by our own good works and attempts to be righteous. I am stunned that you appear to be ignorant of one of the most fundamental doctrines of orthodox Christianity.
But you are right - we should teach religions in public schools. We shoudl teach Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism and all varieties of Christianity (Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Freewill Baptist, Calvinist Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, etc., etc., etc,.) and Atheism and Agnosticism and Zorastrianism (just to finish the alphabet) and let the kids figure it out. Of course, that would leave much time for reading, writing, or arithmetic, would it?
Great chatting!
11-05-2017, 09:39 AM
I disagree with your load of rubbish! Are you saying that what Eve and Adam ate was a psychotropic mushroom? And when their eyes were opened, they began to hallucinate a "god experience" and heightened ESP making them seemed wise? What happened when the psychotropic drug effect wears off? Were they back to their normal self and unwise and "their eyes were closed" after the side-effect of the psychotropic mushrooms wear off? If that was the case, then Eve and Adam had not sinned and they lived forever. And the story of Adam and Eve was just a hallucination. OMG....... I almost fainted!
May God give us His Wisdom, Amen :pray:.
Oh my...using the Lord's name in vain (even in an abbreviated form) and telling someone their ideas are "rubbish" doesn't sound Christ-like to me. Ok to disagree but better with the mind and Spirit of Christ in your words. It can go a long way to open up the hearts of others to Him because in the end it's only about Him, not whether anyone is right or wrong. God will sift that out. We just need to keep coming from love to win hearts, lest we give HIM a bad name. ♡
Richard Amiel McGough
11-05-2017, 10:58 AM
Oh my...using the Lord's name in vain (even in an abbreviated form) and telling someone their ideas are "rubbish" doesn't sound Christ-like to me. Ok to disagree but better with the mind and Spirit of Christ in your words. It can go a long way to open up the hearts of others to Him because in the end it's only about Him, not whether anyone is right or wrong. God will sift that out. We just need to keep coming from love to win hearts, lest we give HIM a bad name. ♡
Very interesting points. Believers often want to use common secular phrases like "Oh My God" (OMG) but know they shouldn't say "God" so they replace it with "Gosh" (Oh My Gosh). This then has the hilarious consequence of general replacement of "God" with "Gosh" and you hear them say things like "Gosh knows"! :lol:
And yes, it is perfectly OK to disagree. That's inevitable since we all see things from a different perspective, and are born ignorant, and are taught many things of dubious validity by a culture created by our ignorant ancestors, etc. Discourse over our disagreements is one of the most effective ways to help each other refine our knowledge and free ourselves from our delusions (which we all have to a greater or lesser degree).
I agree that showing love to others is the way to go, but it seems strange that Christians are taught to love everyone when the Bible presents God as hating many of us so much that he intends to torment us forever in hell. It looks to me like modern humans are more loving than the God their ancestors invented.
Great chatting!
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