View Full Version : Let my people Go!

07-21-2011, 07:00 AM
"LET MY PEOPLE GO" - Exodus 8, 9

"Let my people go!" says God, but Satan hangs on tight, and the
people who are steeped in sin don't know to do what's right.

Come hell or high calamity; Come sickness or disease,
people just go right ahead doing as they please.
Sometimes they vow and plead with God, when things get
really rough, but when they're on their feet again,
they say "of Church I've had enough!". :mad:

"Let my people go!" says God, "So they can worship me",
so they can sing and praise with joy, and live in honesty.
So they won't lie or steal or cheat; they'll give up harmful habits,
and show their children not to go around behaving just like rabbits.

"Let my people go!" said God, but Satan won't let go...
and the leaders of this people want to keep the status quo.
They think they're oh-so very smart, and know-it-all besides..
But just as soon as God gets back, He's going to tan their hides!


My apologies to the rabbits. This poem from the Book of Exodus is modulated with a New Testament perspective which says those things were "for our learning"; Rom15:4.

It was the Pharaoh in Egypt who refused to let the Children of Israel depart and it was puzzling why he was so wishy-washy; so obstinate and cantankerous, alternately agreeing and then refusing to let the people go, in view of all the severe plagues. Back in those days the Israeli's were fighting flesh and blood enemies and knew little of Satan (did they equate him with the serpent in the garden?), but the Christian fight is against the lies concerning God's Word: a spiritual battle of words, symbolic logic, and outspoken faith.

Here's NEWS for you -- the FIRSTBORN still die! We're all "terminal". That's why you "must be born again", like Jesus said, if you're ever to inherit eternal life. :thumb:

Suppose the Pharaoh had allowed the Israeli's to depart early on, before the final plague of the death of the firstborn. Then we would have missed the crucial sacrament of the Passover Lamb and how it related to Jesus, the Lamb of God. God had said back then "When I see the blood, I will pass over you"; a figure and precept of the atoning action which ultimately took place at Calvary. :thumb: