View Full Version : Something New About Numbers!

06-08-2011, 05:05 PM
God = 234 (clock gematria)
Whom wrote the Holy Bible? = 234 (clock numerology)
The Holiest Letters = 234

God = 39
Jesus = 390 (clock gem.)
Thirty-Nine = 123
God's Number = 123
Three and Nine = 888 (clock gem.)

Whom is Thirty-Nine? = 183
The Most High God = 183

Who is Right? = 136
God's Numbers = 136
Jesus' Number = 136

God's Son = 528 (clock gem.)
The Word = 528 (clock gem.)

Yehoshua HaMashiach = 179
Who is the Christ? = 179

Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 192
The Prophet of God = 192

Lord Jesus Christ = 182
Who is the Messiah? = 182

It's really cool. Are we allowed to discuss this new numerology, RAM? Thanks RAM : ) :signthankspin:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-08-2011, 06:08 PM
God = 234 (clock gematria)
Whom wrote the Holy Bible? = 234 (clock numerology)
The Holiest Letters = 234

God = 39
Jesus = 390 (clock gem.)
Thirty-Nine = 123
God's Number = 123
Three and Nine = 888 (clock gem.)

Whom is Thirty-Nine? = 183
The Most High God = 183

Who is Right? = 136
God's Numbers = 136
Jesus' Number = 136

God's Son = 528 (clock gem.)
The Word = 528 (clock gem.)

Yehoshua HaMashiach = 179
Who is the Christ? = 179

Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 192
The Prophet of God = 192

Lord Jesus Christ = 182
Who is the Messiah? = 182

It's really cool. Are we allowed to discuss this new numerology, RAM? Thanks RAM : ) :signthankspin:
Hi there ClockNumerology, :yo:

Welcome to our forum!


Yes, most everything is "allowed" on this forum, except things like persistently rude irrationality or refusal (or inability) to respond to repeated attempts to communicate with respect. But though your "clock numerology" is allowed, I must warn you that I tend to test things rather rigorously, and in the past most "alternative" forms of gematria have failed my tests. For example, you can take a look at my analysis of English Gematria (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1868#post1868) to see why I concluded it is worthless.

So what is Clock Numerology? I am guessing you are combining English Gematria with modular arithmetic. Please define it so I can check it out.

All the best!


06-09-2011, 04:00 AM
Hi there ClockNumerology, :yo:

Welcome to our forum!


Yes, most everything is "allowed" on this forum, except things like persistently rude irrationality or refusal (or inability) to respond to repeated attempts to communicate with respect. But though your "clock numerology" is allowed, I must warn you that I tend to test things rather rigorously, and in the past most "alternative" forms of gematria have failed my tests. For example, you can take a look at my analysis of English Gematria (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1868#post1868) to see why I concluded it is worthless.

So what is Clock Numerology? I am guessing you are combining English Gematria with modular arithmetic. Please define it so I can check it out.

All the best!


Thanks for that critisism. RAM. You're an excellent debater, for certain.


2 =A,Z
3 =B,Y
7 =J,K,P,Q
10 =O,I,L,R
11 =D,W
12 =C,X
13 =M,S,H,N
15 =V,E
17 =U,F
18 =G,T

The Bible had Greek translations, too.

Kurios Iesous Christos = 244
One Hundred Eighty-Two = 244

100/Rho + Pi/80 + Beta = 182
Rho Pi Beta = 528 (clock gem.)

The Number Fifteen = 222
The Number and Name of the Most High God = 2022 (eng. gem.)

Yehoshua's Value = 182 (english)
The Highest Number = 182 (eng.)

Yehoshua HaMashiach =179
Rho/100 + Omicron/70 + Theta/9
Rho Omicron Theta = 182

Is the number six -in fact- widely known as God's Number, RAM? God created the Universe in 6 days (Genesis 1 & 2:1-2).

1+2+3 = 6
Whom is the Number Six? = 222

The Number Two,Two,Two = 234
The Holy Spirit's Number = 234
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (eng.) 333 (reverse eng.)

I've read on the biblewheel forum where you said, that 666 was the Number of Creation? If I am misinformed, I apoligise to you.

God's Value = 111
111x6 = 666
The Holy Spirit = 150
1 divided by 666 = 0.0150150

God's Numbers = 816
Eight Hundred Sixteen = 260
The Letters of God's Son = 260

148 is May 28
One Hundred Forty-Eight= 260

The Number Six Hundred Sixty-Six = 333
What is Lord Jesus Christ's Number? = 333 (clock) 2034 (reverse eng. gem.)

The Number of God = 1098 (clock) 918 (english)

3+9 = 12
3×9 = 27
12 + 27 = 39
—————>What’s Twelve plus Thirty-Seven? = 2022 (clock gematria)

Three Two's = 123

3-9= (-6)
3 divided by 9 = (0.3)
——————> (-6) + 0.3 = (-5.7)

39 – 5.7 = 33.3
Three Three's = 155 ...The Name of God = 155

Three = 71
182nd Day = July 1st (7.1)

One Eighty-Two = 154
The Holy Ghost = 154
The Word of God = 154

234th Day = August 22
The Twenty-Second of August = 1860 (clock and eng.) 1866 (reverse eng)
816 is 918 (upside/down)

Who's God? = 86
Yehoshua = 86

The Numbers of 'I AM' =182
11/28 = 333rd Day (leap year)

This is enough to -at least- make an unbeliever start to question which god is in charge. And that's the whole point: to get people reading the holy bible.

Thanks for letting me share.

06-09-2011, 06:28 AM
Funny. Let's rock around the clock lol

Richard Amiel McGough
06-09-2011, 07:13 AM
Thanks for that critisism. RAM. You're an excellent debater, for certain.


2 =A,Z
3 =B,Y
7 =J,K,P,Q
10 =O,I,L,R
11 =D,W
12 =C,X
13 =M,S,H,N
15 =V,E
17 =U,F
18 =G,T


This is enough to -at least- make an unbeliever start to question which god is in charge. And that's the whole point: to get people reading the holy bible.

Thanks for letting me share.

Thanks for the good words. I look forward to discussing this with you.

I understand what you are doing, but I don't understand why you would think that it has any significance. Any random letter/number association will generate a list of words with the same numerical values. Why did you choose your particular system? Is there a reason we should think that it, and the lists it generates, have any real meaning?

I hope you understand my question. If any random letter/number association will produce results like yours, why choose one over the other? And why believe that any of them have any significance? In my own studies of the alphanumeric structure of Scripture, I found self-confirming structures built on nested patterns of prime numbers (rather like fractals). I call them Biblical Holographs (http://biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Holographs.asp). They give real evidence that the numerical patterns were "designed" (in some sense) as opposed to being merely the result of random letter/number associations.

Great chatting!

06-09-2011, 12:41 PM
Thanks for the good words. I look forward to discussing this with you.

I understand what you are doing, but I don't understand why you would think that it has any significance. Any random letter/number association will generate a list of words with the same numerical values. Why did you choose your particular system? Is there a reason we should think that it, and the lists it generates, have any real meaning?

I hope you understand my question. If any random letter/number association will produce results like yours, why choose one over the other? And why believe that any of them have any significance? In my own studies of the alphanumeric structure of Scripture, I found self-confirming structures built on nested patterns of prime numbers (rather like fractals). I call them Biblical Holographs (http://biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Holographs.asp). They give real evidence that the numerical patterns were "designed" (in some sense) as opposed to being merely the result of random letter/number associations.

Great chatting!

To be honest, we're talking about what the numbers already are. I can not remember exactly how I got these numbers. The following is the gist-of-it. I tried to go back and reverse engineer what I had done, with absolutely no success at all. But I'm proud to have created it...


I used the systematic ratio of the clock (60minutes:60 seconds). And A (as AM) and B (as PM). And then I started with the letter C as (3600 = 60x60). And then letter D (3600x2=7200) and so on.

A = 1 ; B = 2
When I compiled that list; I either added 3+6+0+0 or multiplied.
I can not remember the details, RAM. I just know the numbers work quite convincingly (in my opinion).

I took A and Z and paired them off; B and Y (as pairs); C and X (etc etc), for they are opposite of the alphabet table. One thing I know for certain, RAM: this is why there is no reverse clock numerology. :lol:

Example: God = 39 ... G is opposite T; O opposite L; D opposite W.

G=18 ..T=18
O=10 ..L=10
D=11 ..W=11

It's the same with any other word/letter combination. :thumb:

And furthermore...

For the first half A-M, I added 1 to the value, since A meant AM and A=1

And the latter half (N - Z) ...(N started 12:00PM) , I added 2 to the value of each letter.

Thanks so much. You're forum is one of the best out there (the best, in my opinion.) You do very good work on this subject as well as knowing the word of god.

This seems to work with the Clock, if you'd like me to explain -at least partly?

God Bless

06-09-2011, 01:38 PM

Richard Amiel McGough
06-09-2011, 04:16 PM
To be honest, we're talking about what the numbers already are. I can not remember exactly how I got these numbers. The following is the gist-of-it. I tried to go back and reverse engineer what I had done, with absolutely no success at all. But I'm proud to have created it...


I used the systematic ratio of the clock (60minutes:60 seconds). And A (as AM) and B (as PM). And then I started with the letter C as (3600 = 60x60). And then letter D (3600x2=7200) and so on.

A = 1 ; B = 2
When I compiled that list; I either added 3+6+0+0 or multiplied.
I can not remember the details, RAM. I just know the numbers work quite convincingly (in my opinion).

I took A and Z and paired them off; B and Y (as pairs); C and X (etc etc), for they are opposite of the alphabet table. One thing I know for certain, RAM: this is why there is no reverse clock numerology. :lol:

Thanks for the explanation.

I trust you will understand why I believe your numerology is totally meaningless. I mean, I don't have to explain my reasons in gory detail, do I?

Don't hesitate to comment on other threads you may find to be of interest.

All the best!

06-10-2011, 07:38 PM
You mean there is worse numerology out there than clock numerology?! I'd like to here your tales, Richard.

You will need a clock dial for you to see my answer..

1 hour + 82 minutes = 2:22
2:22 is opposite 10:38
---->Two Hours Twenty Two Minutes = 318
---->138th Day is 5.18 ...518x6 = 3108

8:16 is opposite 4:44
---->God's Numbers = 816
3:33 is opposite 9:03
---->333 & 39
1:23 is opposite 11:37
---->123 & God's Number = 137 (eng) ...137x6 = 822 (234th Day)

123 and 234 and 222 etc are beautiful numbers, as is God's Creation.
And very easy to remember. Even though God speaks Hebrew, He created all things for Himself (Proverbs 16:8)...even other languages like English.

Who is synchronized? = 182 (clock) 234 (english)

88minutes = 1hour 28 minutes
1:28 is opposite 11:32
one two three = 888 (clock and english gem.)

5:28 is opposite 7:32
---> 528 and 237th Day is 8.25

One Hour Eighty-Two Minutes = 1818 (clock)
Whom is Eighteen? = 1122 ..Jesus the Christ = 1122

Numbers are cool!

06-10-2011, 09:38 PM
Another thing: set two clocks ...I will tell you how at the end of this post :thumb:

You will notice these times....

8:22 & 12:02
--->234th Day and December 2 is the 337th on a leap year
--->337x6 = 2022

8:25 & 12:05
--->528 and December 5th = 339th Day (339x6=2034)

8:32 & 12:12
---->March 28 = 88th on a leap year (Eight, Eight = 888)
---->December 12 = 345t day on a leap year (who is synchronized? = 182 clock & 234 english)
---->1 divided by 825 = 0.001212

8:17 & 11:57
----> 187 x 6 = 1122 ..38x6=228 ..One = 38 (god/39..two/39)
----->May 17 = 136th on a leap year ...God's Numbers = 136

136x6 = 816 (August 16 is the 228th Day)

8:14 & 11:54
----->148x6 = 888 ..Eight Eight Eight = 222 (clock) ..148th Day/5.28
----->The Holy Ghost = 154

What numbers did you not get that were meaningful? :winking0071:
Could you please pass this on? Thanks Richard, you really are the best!

PS- set the clocks: one at 5:28 and the other at 1:48

06-15-2011, 05:54 PM
it even works with conversion tables, Richard :D

391 degrees = 1.0861 of a circle (1 circle + 0.861)
Yeshua = 391 (hebrew) ..God's Numbers = 816 (clock gematria)

234 degrees = 0.65 of a circle (more than 1 half of a circle)
Jesus = 65 (clock)

39.39 days + 39.39 weeks = from 1/1/01 to 11/12/2001
11/12 (316th day)...God's Numbers = 136 (clock)

800 degrees = 2.22 of a circle
8:00= minute/second hand are at 12 & 8 (Lord Jesus Christ=182 'clock'..)
Two = 39, God= 39, Jesus= 390 (clock gem.)

738 degrees = 2.05 of a circle (2 circles + 0.5)
205x6=1230 --->God's Number= 123 (clock) 738 (clock gem.)

---->Dates Tab "LEAD TIME"
---->ANGLES Tab


06-15-2011, 05:59 PM
it even works with conversion tables, Richard :D

391 degrees = 1.0861 of a circle (1 circle + 0.861)
Yeshua = 391 (hebrew) ..God's Numbers = 816 (clock gematria)

234 degrees = 0.65 of a circle (more than 1 half of a circle)
Jesus = 65 (clock)

39.39 days + 39.39 weeks = from 1/1/01 to 11/12/2001
11/12 (316th day)...God's Numbers = 136 (clock)

800 degrees = 2.22 of a circle
8:00= minute/second hand are at 12 & 8 (Lord Jesus Christ=182 'clock'..)
Two = 39, God= 39, Jesus= 390 (clock gem.)

738 degrees = 2.05 of a circle (2 circles + 0.5)
205x6=1230 --->God's Number= 123 (clock) 738 (clock gem.)

---->Dates Tab "LEAD TIME"
---->ANGLES Tab


Richard Amiel McGough
06-15-2011, 07:40 PM
it even works with conversion tables, Richard :D

391 degrees = 1.0861 of a circle (1 circle + 0.861)
Yeshua = 391 (hebrew) ..God's Numbers = 816 (clock gematria)

234 degrees = 0.65 of a circle (more than 1 half of a circle)
Jesus = 65 (clock)

39.39 days + 39.39 weeks = from 1/1/01 to 11/12/2001
11/12 (316th day)...God's Numbers = 136 (clock)

800 degrees = 2.22 of a circle
8:00= minute/second hand are at 12 & 8 (Lord Jesus Christ=182 'clock'..)
Two = 39, God= 39, Jesus= 390 (clock gem.)

738 degrees = 2.05 of a circle (2 circles + 0.5)
205x6=1230 --->God's Number= 123 (clock) 738 (clock gem.)

---->Dates Tab "LEAD TIME"
---->ANGLES Tab

What do you mean by "it works?" Do you not realize you could do the same thing with any random set of numbers? What makes you think random associations between numbers and words are meaningful?

06-16-2011, 01:30 AM
Please explain to me.

Out of no where: just assign a letter to the alphabet (english).
And show how this happens everytime.

Thanks! I am not being fasecious. I really want to be enlightened by your thoughts, RAM.

more explaination can not be detailed here, unless stated.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2011, 01:12 PM
Please explain to me.

Out of no where: just assign a letter to the alphabet (english).
And show how this happens everytime.

Thanks! I am not being fasecious. I really want to be enlightened by your thoughts, RAM.

more explaination can not be detailed here, unless stated.
I don't know what you mean when you say that it "happens every time." For example, you wrote:
391 degrees = 1.0861 of a circle (1 circle + 0.861)
Yeshua = 391 (hebrew) ..God's Numbers = 816 (clock gematria)
You switched the numbers from "0.861" to "816" to "make it work." So I suppose if the deesired number was 168 or 681 or 186 or 618 you also would have said it "worked." And if the number was 0.258 you would have connected it with 528 and declared THE KEY! Look at it always works! And on and on you go. Massaging random numbers to make them to "fit" into some random pattern so you can declare your system works "every time."

Do you understand why your numerology appears to be meaningless? Here's the key that should give you understanding: just tell me what it would take to prove that your system did NOT work.

06-16-2011, 06:01 PM
MATRIX: something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.

123 ...=321 "originated' from 123...

123 is 'something' (in this case, "Number A") from which 213 something else (in this case, "Number a") 'takes form.

NOTE: A = a (both are still within its own orignal meaning).

Numerology is a Matrix, RAM

"It does not take a genius to add 2 +2 = 22" -Albert Einsten :lol:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2011, 06:55 PM
MATRIX: something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.

123 ...=321 "originated' from 123...

123 is 'something' (in this case, "Number A") from which 213 something else (in this case, "Number a") 'takes form.

NOTE: A = a (both are still within its own orignal meaning).

Numerology is a Matrix, RAM

"It does not take a genius to add 2 +2 = 22" -Albert Einsten :lol:
That's all good, but it doesn't answer my question. Is there a difference between your numerology and the numerology we would find if we randomly assigned numbers to letters? If so, then tell me this: What would it take to discern between a meaningless numerology and your numerology? Do you understand this question? For example, there is a guy on this forum who believes that English Gematria proves Christianity because he has some identities like Jesus = 74 = Messiah = Gospel. But he then has make up excuses why Lucifer = 74 does not also prove that Jesus = Lucifer. Do you believe in English Gematria too? If not, why not? Do you just believe whatever you want regardless of evidence? What standards do you have?

All the best.

06-19-2011, 04:50 AM
To clarify what I meant by "2+2=22":

The answer is not twenty-two, but both 4 and two,two(22). Not twenty-two.

As for (Jesus = 74 & Lucifer = 74); Lucifer has not given us his earth name (Lucifer is the name of the Angel who Rebelled against God in Heaven). Jesus has given us His name, who He is, and what He's not. Numerology does not apply to Lucifer at this point (pre-tribulation period).

What makes clock numerology different than all the rest?

I can prove that clock numerology -WAS!- inspired by the clock and the number six (6) is in the workings of its numeric clock ratio (60:60...ie 6)

Yes. I believe in English Gematria:

Examples: Messiah = 79 ...79th Day = 321st (LY) ...God's Number=123
The Messiah = 125 ...125th Day = 5/5 ..God=55 reverse.
215th day = 3rd of August....(8:15 minute/hour hand at 3 & 8)
8/15= 228th (LY) ...God's Numbers= 822 (eng. gem.)

That's an easy assesment of why I believe God is in everything, RAM. You certainly are not calling me 'meaningless' based on mine and your belief in God, are you?

What's the greatest thing about Hebrew Numerology that you like ( as well as others)? An example is what I'd like for you to give me, so that I may learn from the true hebrew tradition and apply it to clock numerology.

Bare in mind, I know nothing about Holographs, Cubes (numeric? 222x22x2?? or whatever)...I know only about Algerbra/Simple Geometry.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-19-2011, 09:26 AM
As for (Jesus = 74 & Lucifer = 74); Lucifer has not given us his earth name (Lucifer is the name of the Angel who Rebelled against God in Heaven). Jesus has given us His name, who He is, and what He's not. Numerology does not apply to Lucifer at this point (pre-tribulation period).

There are a few problems with that explanation. How am I supposed to know when numerology does or does not apply to something? Are there any rules, or do I just have to rely on your authority as the "Clock Numerology Guru?"

And what about all the other numerical patterns that "don't work" the way you would like them to? Do you have to make up excuses for each and every case? If so, don't you realize that proves your system has no objective validity and is really just something you make up as you go?

Do you really expect anyone to believe in your numerology if you just make up stuff to explain away why it doesn't really work?

And there is the funny little fact that contradicts your explanation anyway. The name "Lucifer" is not the name of any Angel. It is a MISTRANSLATION that passed into the King James Bible from the Latin Vulgate. So your explanation is not merely made up, it is based on an erroneous translation. The name "Lucifer" has no real Biblical meaning at all.

And to top it off, your explanation is based on pre-tribulational eschatology, which was made up in the nineteenth century.

What makes clock numerology different than all the rest?

I can prove that clock numerology -WAS!- inspired by the clock and the number six (6) is in the workings of its numeric clock ratio (60:60...ie 6)

Yes. I believe in English Gematria:

Examples: Messiah = 79 ...79th Day = 321st (LY) ...God's Number=123
The Messiah = 125 ...125th Day = 5/5 ..God=55 reverse.
215th day = 3rd of August....(8:15 minute/hour hand at 3 & 8)
8/15= 228th (LY) ...God's Numbers= 822 (eng. gem.)

That's an easy assesment of why I believe God is in everything, RAM. You certainly are not calling me 'meaningless' based on mine and your belief in God, are you?

I don't think you understand the meaning of "proof." Merely providing some examples of some coincidences does not count as "proof" of anything.

And besides, the word "Messiah" in English Gematria equals 74, not 79! Therefore, if your "proof" were really a proof, this simple error would prove it false. Think about that. I've been trying to help you understand the nature of "proof." If you claim that the numbers "prove" something, then there must be a standard of proof that cuts both ways. In other words, you cannot prove something is true if the same standards do not have the potential to prove it false.

Do you understand what I am trying to explain to you? I asked before and you did not respond. Mere providing more examples proves nothing, especially when the examples are erroneous (Messiah = 74, not 79, in English Gematria).

What's the greatest thing about Hebrew Numerology that you like ( as well as others)? An example is what I'd like for you to give me, so that I may learn from the true hebrew tradition and apply it to clock numerology.

Bare in mind, I know nothing about Holographs, Cubes (numeric? 222x22x2?? or whatever)...I know only about Algerbra/Simple Geometry.
On the surface, the standard Greek/Hebrew gematria looks no different than any other form of gematria because all it does is divide words into numerical classes, that is, lists of words that have the same numerical values. Such lists could never prove anything because any arbitrary assignment will generate interesting "hits" - words with common values that also have related meanings, such as Jesus = 74 = Messiah. Likewise, any arbitrary assignment will also contain many meaningless or contradictory "hits" such as Jesus = 74 = Lucifer.

So merely categorizing words by their numerical value proves nothing. But there is something else going on in the Biblical holographs. These are passages of Scripture which have a profoundly coherent and reiterative alphanumeric structures which are based on Primes and Figurate Numbers (http://www.biblewheel.com/Gr/Gr_Figurate.asp). It is this profound depth of self-reflective, reiterative, geometric structures that indicates some kind of intelligent design is going on. For example, consider the Shema, which Jesus said was the first and greatest commandment in the Bible:

Deut 6:4 Here O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.

Here are the values of the words found in that verse:

One (Echad) = 13
The LORD = 26 = 2 x 13
The LORD is One = 39 = 3 x 13 (3 x One => Trinity)
Sum of the Shema = 1118 = 86 x 13 = 86 (Elohim) x 13 (One)

Thus, the Shema is built on nested multiples of 13 with the sum of the entire Shema being 13 x 86, where 86 is the value of the fundamental Hebrew word Elohim (God). Thus, the meaning of the entire Shema is built on the numerical value of its central message (one = 13) and 13 is prime, and the first non-trivial Star number. And there is more - the Greek name of God as The Father is also a factor the sum of the Shema, specifically, Ho Pater (The Father) = 559, and 1118 = 2 x 559. I represent these ideas in this graphic which I call the Unity Holograph:


You can read about it in detail here (http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/gr_unity.asp). There's a lot more too it than I could squeeze into this short post.

I have discovered many holographs like this. If it were not for the holographs, I would reject gematria as nothing but an interesting hobby with no rigorous proof of its validity.

10-30-2011, 03:32 PM

So, here's what I've calculated for yours/mine enlightenment. The full link I have provided especially for you, Richard :tea:

Who is the Most High God? = 1533 (Jewish Gematria)
—>15:33 = 3:33 PM

The Number Three Hundred Thirty-Three = 1904 (Jewish Gematria)
—>19:04 = 7:04 PM
—>Yeshua = 704 (Jewish Gematria)
—>JESUS = 74 (english)

Three Hundred Thirty-Three = 1434 (Jewish Gematria)
—>14:34 = 2:34 PM
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (english) 333 (reverse eng.)
The Numbers of Jesus = 1434 (reverse english gem.)

1/333 = 0.0300300300
3:00 (min/hr hand at 12/3)
Lord Jesus Christ = 1230 (reverse english gem.)

For your sake, I have shortened this post. Thanks so much Richard. The link has alot more detail if so incline.

Blessings to You, in Jesus' Name.
-Chris Landreth-

Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2011, 04:17 PM

So, here's what I've calculated for yours/mine enlightenment. The full link I have provided especially for you, Richard :tea:

Who is the Most High God? = 1533 (Jewish Gematria)
—>15:33 = 3:33 PM

The Number Three Hundred Thirty-Three = 1904 (Jewish Gematria)
—>19:04 = 7:04 PM
—>Yeshua = 704 (Jewish Gematria)
—>JESUS = 74 (english)

Three Hundred Thirty-Three = 1434 (Jewish Gematria)
—>14:34 = 2:34 PM
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (english) 333 (reverse eng.)
The Numbers of Jesus = 1434 (reverse english gem.)

1/333 = 0.0300300300
3:00 (min/hr hand at 12/3)
Lord Jesus Christ = 1230 (reverse english gem.)

For your sake, I have shortened this post. Thanks so much Richard. The link has alot more detail if so incline.

Blessings to You, in Jesus' Name.
-Chris Landreth-
Hey there Chris,

I understand the math, but what is it supposed to mean?

All the best,


10-31-2011, 01:14 AM
Recreational Math. That is all ...
I found why it is called 'Clock' Numerology. That's all.

I'm doing my best at keeping my posts as short as possible. I know how generous you are in dealing with me :)

Who is the Number Two? = 1428 (eng. gem.)
--->14:28 = 2:28 PM
What is the Number of Yehoshua HaMashiach? = 2280 (eng gem.)

148 seconds = 2:28 (min/sec)
148th Day = 5/28 (may 28)
Yehoshua = 528 (Hebrew)

Two = 23 (reverse eng.)
--->23rd Day = 1/23 (jan 23)
--->Lord Jesus Christ = 1230 (reverse eng. gem.)

Two = 58 (eng.)
--->min/hr hand at 5/8 = 17:40 (5:40PM)
--->174th/173rd Day = Jun 22 (6/22)
Yehoshua HaMashiach = 173 (eng) 1074 (clock gem.)

58th Day = 2/27
227 seconds = 3.783333 Minutes (not 3 min 78 sec)
Yeshua = 378 (clock gem.)

33.3 weeks = 233 Days
The Lord Jesus Christ = 233 (english)

Do you see why it is called 'Clock' Numerology (60:60:1)? That was the Ratio I used when assigning values to each of the 26 letters of the english alphabet.

Recreational Math. That is what I call fun!
I'm unemployed and came up with a better option than Cross Word Puzzles :lol:

Thanks Rich :)

Richard Amiel McGough
10-31-2011, 07:56 AM
I love recreational math.

It comes in many varieties.

Modular arithmentic, which applies to clocks, is an old favaorite amongst recreational mathematicians. Gauss made some amazing discoveries. Do you know about his reciprocity theorem?

11-01-2011, 03:19 AM
Provide a link, RAM. I'm anxious to learn about Gauss. Thanks.

I found this: just today!
(173/Yehoshua HaMashiach)

1 and Seven Thirds= 3.33333 (2.3333 + 1)

___ = 5.66666


(min/hr hand at 5/6 = 17:30 or 5:30 PM)


When adding (SUM TOTAL) 1 + 7 + 3 ...1 - 7 - 3 .. X's and Division.etc
You get (23.04)


I had no idea what to call this hobby. I heard the term 'recreational math' just very recently. And now this is how I describe such fun mental activity.

God Bless

Richard Amiel McGough
11-01-2011, 08:28 AM
Provide a link, RAM. I'm anxious to learn about Gauss. Thanks.

I found this: just today!
(173/Yehoshua HaMashiach)

1 and Seven Thirds= 3.33333 (2.3333 + 1)

___ = 5.66666


(min/hr hand at 5/6 = 17:30 or 5:30 PM)


When adding (SUM TOTAL) 1 + 7 + 3 ...1 - 7 - 3 .. X's and Division.etc
You get (23.04)


I had no idea what to call this hobby. I heard the term 'recreational math' just very recently. And now this is how I describe such fun mental activity.

God Bless
Hi Chris,

His name was Carl Freidrich Gauss - here's an excellent page giving a brief summary of his life with lot's of links to pages summarizing his mathematical achievements:


As for your hobby - it seems to be focused on incidental rather then universal mathematical relations. Most mathematicians focus on universal relations embodied in theorems. For example, you might be amazed to find that the sum of the third and fourth triangular numbers is a square:

Tri(3) + Tri(4) = 6 + 10 = 16 = 4 x 4

And that the same holds true for the 4th and 5th triangular numbers:

Tri(4) + Tri(5) = 10 + 15 = 25 = 5 x 5

Now mathematicians are not be very interested in these incidental relations. They want to know if it is always true that the sum of consecutive triangular numbers is a square, and why. That's what mathematics is really all about. It is the science of numbers. Mathematicians are seeking to understand the world of numbers. Does your hobby lead to any new understanding? If not, why do you find it interesting? It looks like a bunch of incidental connections with no overarching coherence.

All the best,


11-16-2011, 05:31 PM
Thanks, RAM.

I went to the Library to learn about Gauss, yet went home with only one good book about the GOLDEN RATIO and The Clockwork Universe.

Thanks for the Link.

Richard and Rose: Have a Great Holiday Season :pray:
God Bless.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-16-2011, 05:37 PM
Thanks, RAM.

I went to the Library to learn about Gauss, yet went home with only one good book about the GOLDEN RATIO and The Clockwork Universe.

Thanks for the Link.

Richard and Rose: Have a Great Holiday Season :pray:
God Bless.
There is an amazing amount of recreational mathematics relating to the Golden Ratio. It can be a lot of fun.

The Clockwork Universe looks interesting. Is it the book by Edward Dolnick?

11-17-2011, 12:46 AM
Edward Dolnick is correct.

The Golden Ratio by Lorio Morvio. Actually, this book is very detailed about the Golden Ratio. Very fascinating. I may purchase a used one on Amazon some day. That ratio goes as far back as Cave Paintings from what I've read. WoW!

Anyway, all I want to figure out on my own time is to see whether the Clock Matrix (clock numerology) is about perfect numbers or just a bunch of incidental nonsense like you say. My math background is calculus in college. The next class was Physics ....I said, "I'm out!" LOL. After calculus, I reached my limit (mentally LOL) ...

I'm not asking you a full lesson on math, but can you explain as much as you can about what you wrote?

Richrad wrote:

"Tri(3) + Tri(4) = 6 + 10 = 16 = 4 x 4

And that the same holds true for the 4th and 5th triangular numbers:

Tri(4) + Tri(5) = 10 + 15 = 25 = 5 x 5 ..."

Does this mean, Triangle # 3 + Triangle #4 ??? Where did you get 6+10? I am guessing that 'Perfect' Numbers are squares -just from your site (4x4=16, 4x4x4=64). That means 4 is a perfet number?

I do my own reasearch on the web, so I won't bother you with much wasted time.

Thanks Again !

Richard Amiel McGough
11-17-2011, 01:21 PM
Anyway, all I want to figure out on my own time is to see whether the Clock Matrix (clock numerology) is about perfect numbers or just a bunch of incidental nonsense like you say. My math background is calculus in college. The next class was Physics ....I said, "I'm out!" LOL. After calculus, I reached my limit (mentally LOL) ...

Yeah, if there's one thing everyone knows it's that advanced mathematics is not for everyone!

I'm not asking you a full lesson on math, but can you explain as much as you can about what you wrote?

Richrad wrote:

"Tri(3) + Tri(4) = 6 + 10 = 16 = 4 x 4

And that the same holds true for the 4th and 5th triangular numbers:

Tri(4) + Tri(5) = 10 + 15 = 25 = 5 x 5 ..."

Does this mean, Triangle # 3 + Triangle #4 ??? Where did you get 6+10? I am guessing that 'Perfect' Numbers are squares -just from your site (4x4=16, 4x4x4=64). That means 4 is a perfet number?

I do my own reasearch on the web, so I won't bother you with much wasted time.

Thanks Again !
The notation Tri(n) is shorthand for "Triangle number n."

The triangular numbers form a sequence 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 21, ... etc.

Tri(1) = 1
Tri(2) = 3
Tri(3) = 6
Tri(4) = 10

Here's a picture [source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number)] of what I meant by talking about sums of consecutive triangular numbers making squares:

6 + 10 = 16
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Square_number_16_as_sum_of_two_triangular_numbers. svg/100px-Square_number_16_as_sum_of_two_triangular_numbers. svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Square_number_16_as_sum_of_two_triangular_num bers.svg)

10 + 15 = 25
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Square_number_25_as_sum_of_two_triangular_numbers. svg/125px-Square_number_25_as_sum_of_two_triangular_numbers. svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Square_number_25_as_sum_of_two_triangular_num bers.svg)

As for perfect numbers - I don't recall saying anything about them. They are defined (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_number) as a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive proper divisors. It has been proven that all even perfect numbers are also triangular. The first three perfect numbers are:

1 = 1
6 = 1 + 2 + 3
28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14

Enjoy! :yo: