View Full Version : Hidden Leaven!
05-25-2011, 07:12 AM
Nearly everyone considers leaven to be a bad thing in the Bible -- "getting the leaven out" (like "getting the lead out") is supported by many denominations. But is it really so?
"Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened". Matt13:33 KJV Maybe because its a WOMAN who is doing the hiding, but do we consider how this speaks of the "hidden leaven"?
"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory": 1Cor2:7
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price".1Pet3:4
"For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread". 1Cor10:17 KJV
Doncha know how that the bread won't rise unless it contains yeast?
"And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight, And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts 1:9-11
Jesus, the True and Living Bread of John 6, ROSE up into the cloud -- we might think "flew" because of a couple of bird analogies, but no wings are mentioned in the Book of Acts so evidentally he simply defied gravity and rose.. like what happens in the natural when the bread is leavened and covered and set in a warm place to rise. As the True Vine (plenty of raisins), those branches who follow Him may surely be termed "Raisin Bread", who will rise to meet their Lord in the air..
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord". 1Thes4.
THIS IS THE SPIRITUAL HIDDEN LEAVEN: "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory": Col 1:27. Sad to say, those who DON'T have Christ in them, will NOT be rising to meet Him. Amen? :thumb:
05-25-2011, 10:25 AM
Nearly everyone considers leaven to be a bad thing in the Bible -- "getting the leaven out" (like "getting the lead out") is supported by many denominations. But is it really so?
"Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened". Matt13:33 KJV Maybe because its a WOMAN who is doing the hiding, but do we consider how this speaks of the "hidden leaven"?
"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory": 1Cor2:7
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price".1Pet3:4
"For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread". 1Cor10:17 KJV
Doncha know how that the bread won't rise unless it contains yeast?
"And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight, And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts 1:9-11
Jesus, the True and Living Bread of John 6, ROSE up into the cloud -- we might think "flew" because of a couple of bird analogies, but no wings are mentioned in the Book of Acts so evidentally he simply defied gravity and rose.. like what happens in the natural when the bread is leavened and covered and set in a warm place to rise. As the True Vine (plenty of raisins), those branches who follow Him may surely be termed "Raisin Bread", who will rise to meet their Lord in the air..
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord". 1Thes4.
THIS IS THE SPIRITUAL HIDDEN LEAVEN: "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory": Col 1:27. Sad to say, those who DON'T have Christ in them, will NOT be rising to meet Him. Amen? :thumb:
Hi Duxrow...I always enjoy your posts. They always leave me with the feeling you have much to share, but you're keeping the "cork" on. :winking0071: What do you suppose the "3" measures represent?
05-25-2011, 11:01 AM
Thanks Kathryn for those kind remarks. As for the "3 measures", I think of them as the 3 kinds of 'bread' (cornbread, wonderbread, and raisin bread) representing 3 era's of history: the Genesis (pre-Law) period, followed by the Old Covenant for the Jew under the Law, and then the New Covenant for the Gentile's.
The symbology of "3" is rich; from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to the 3 choices of David for numbering Israel, and of course the Triple Acrostic of the Bible Wheel and Lamentations-3. Tks again, and blessings!
Thanks Kathryn for those kind remarks. As for the "3 measures", I think of them as the 3 kinds of 'bread' (cornbread, wonderbread, and raisin bread) representing 3 era's of history: the Genesis (pre-Law) period, followed by the Old Covenant for the Jew under the Law, and then the New Covenant for the Gentile's.
The symbology of "3" is rich; from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to the 3 choices of David for numbering Israel, and of course the Triple Acrostic of the Bible Wheel and Lamentations-3. Tks again, and blessings!
3 measures means dividing into 3 parts and suggests that the kingdom of heaven was created from earth divided by 3 era which is called the 3 kosmos. Each kosmos lasts about 2,000 years. Let's look at the parable again:
"The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened". It means the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that is used in raising bread which God took and divided the earth into 3 ages i.e. the 3 kosmos and let it grow until it reaches maturity just like the bread that has been raised by the yeast in 3 stages and ready to be consumed.
Please see thread on the 3 kosmos:
Many Blessings.
05-26-2011, 06:23 AM
Agrees with my thinking, CWH, and when 1,000 yrs. is like a Day with the Lord, 2Pet3:8, then the Genesis period was Mon-Tue (2K), then The Law period was Wed-Thur (2K), and now looking back to the cross, we've just finished the Fri-Sat (2K) and are ready for "the Rest". From this perspective Jesus will be returning "quickly" -- less than a week!
Why was it a woman doing the hiding? The OT was the 'male' precedent to bring forth the promised Seed, and now the NT is the 'fruitful female' precedent exemplified by virgin Mary.
Gen 41:32 "by 2 it's established", figures here too.
Agrees with my thinking, CWH, and when 1,000 yrs. is like a Day with the Lord, 2Pet3:8, then the Genesis period was Mon-Tue (2K), then The Law period was Wed-Thur (2K), and now looking back to the cross, we've just finished the Fri-Sat (2K) and are ready for "the Rest". From this perspective Jesus will be returning "quickly" -- less than a week!
Why was it a woman doing the hiding? The OT was the 'male' precedent to bring forth the promised Seed, and now the NT is the 'fruitful female' precedent exemplified by virgin Mary.
Gen 41:32 "by 2 it's established", figures here too.
Hi duxrow,
Good insight :thumb: I have never associate the days of creation to the 3 kosmos; this is something new. And you have just given me a tremendous insight, thanks:
1st kosmos - starts with creation of earth and ends with a flood (about 2,000 years)
1st to 2nd day of creation starts with the earth, day and night and ended with the creation of water below and above the firmament.
2nd kosmos - starts with the end of flood with a renewal of God's creation - vegetation, animals to the coming of Jesus (about 2,000 years)
3rd to 4th day of creation starts with the creation of sea, vegetation and end with the heavenly lights...stars, moon, planets (Jesus is also known as the light of the world, the Morning Star, Heavenly King).
3rd kosmos - starts with the death of Jesus till his second coming (about 2,000 years)
5th to 6th day of creation starts with the creation of birds, sea and land creatures and ended with the creation of man in God's image to rule over all creation. (The death of Jesus heralds the spread of the Gospel and the creation of a new religion Christianity for the salvation of mankind and ended with the coming of Christ to rule over his Kingdom)
And the 7th day of creation is the Rest day which is the 1,000 year millennium.
Why was it a woman doing the hiding?
As for the woman, it probably refers to Jesus or God. The word hiding is likely to mean mixing i.e. mixing the yeast with the flour as in many versions of the Bible e.g.:
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
133Jesus also said:
The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a woman mixes a little yeast into three big batches of flour. Finally, all the dough rises.
Many Blessings.
05-26-2011, 08:33 AM
Think of the 3 measures as Cornbread, Wonderbread, and Raisinbread -- somewhat off the subject, but here in the US people generally don't like the "cornbread" title, and some bibles switch it to grain or even wheat. H1250/bar. Joseph gathered CORN as the sand of the sea, Gen41:49, and it was with their corn-money the brothers journeyed to Egypt.
The "wonderbread" is kind of facetious (they 'wondered' where the pillars were leading, and the meaning of manna being "what is it?".
Neither of these types of bread (nor the Raisinbread) are written, so the concept doesn't register with most churches -- how is it there in China?
Think of the 3 measures as Cornbread, Wonderbread, and Raisinbread -- somewhat off the subject, but here in the US people generally don't like the "cornbread" title, and some bibles switch it to grain or even wheat. H1250/bar. Joseph gathered CORN as the sand of the sea, Gen41:49, and it was with their corn-money the brothers journeyed to Egypt.
The "wonderbread" is kind of facetious (they 'wondered' where the pillars were leading, and the meaning of manna being "what is it?".
Neither of these types of bread (nor the Raisinbread) are written, so the concept doesn't register with most churches -- how is it there in China?
Well, I only know about Ricebread and Sunshine Bread :lol: Anyway Rice cannot be made into bread. I understand in America you have Condoleezza Rice:lol:. BTW, I am not from China but near there. Christianity is rather restricted in China and many churches are "underground".
Many Blessings.
05-26-2011, 10:06 AM
Agrees with my thinking, CWH, and when 1,000 yrs. is like a Day with the Lord, 2Pet3:8, then the Genesis period was Mon-Tue (2K), then The Law period was Wed-Thur (2K), and now looking back to the cross, we've just finished the Fri-Sat (2K) and are ready for "the Rest". From this perspective Jesus will be returning "quickly" -- less than a week!
Why was it a woman doing the hiding? The OT was the 'male' precedent to bring forth the promised Seed, and now the NT is the 'fruitful female' precedent exemplified by virgin Mary.
Gen 41:32 "by 2 it's established", figures here too.
Thanks Duxrow...I love how the ripening or "raising" principle is demonstrated in 3's throughout scripture.
Now, I have to ask...the sea horse...Could it be that you are interested in the leavening process, as it applies to the renewing of the mind?:D (I'm determined to get past that cork, aren't I?) ha!
05-26-2011, 10:27 AM
:yo:ell Of course that's true, Kathryn, though my seah icon mainly meant to ID my seafaring past.. keep meaning to research it, but something about the seahorse not needing a female? Maybe I'd better not let my wife hear of it. ha.
:winking0071And, in response to Chow: roger the rice cakes situation (I loved Hong Kong). In the 2nd dream of the Pharoah my objection was that corn has no mouth to eat with--only "ears to hear with" (!) and I still believe the 2 dreams had a greater fulfillment as exemplifying the two Covenants. (Gal 4:24). :yo:
05-26-2011, 10:41 AM
:yo:ell Of course that's true, Kathryn, though my seah icon mainly meant to ID my seafaring past.. keep meaning to research it, but something about the seahorse not needing a female? Maybe I'd better not let my wife hear of it. ha.Har! I should have known! Well..fair enough! I thought perhaps it was a reference to the hippocampus in the brain...which typology nuts (such as myself) equate to the white horse in revelation 19 (and the Mind of Christ ) Of course I only just noticed yours was green. Ha!
:winking0071And, in response to Chow: roger the rice cakes situation (I loved Hong Kong). In the 2nd dream of the Pharoah my objection was that corn has no mouth to eat with--only "ears to hear with" (!) and I still believe the 2 dreams had a greater fulfillment as exemplifying the two Covenants. (Gal 4:24). :yo:
Hi duxrow,
Good insight :thumb: I have never associate the days of creation to the 3 kosmos; this is something new. And you have just given me a tremendous insight, thanks:
1st kosmos - starts with creation of earth and ends with a flood (about 2,000 years)
1st to 2nd day of creation starts with the earth, day and night and ended with the creation of water below and above the firmament.
2nd kosmos - starts with the end of flood with a renewal of God's creation - vegetation, animals to the coming of Jesus (about 2,000 years)
3rd to 4th day of creation starts with the creation of sea, vegetation and end with the heavenly lights...stars, moon, planets (Jesus is also known as the light of the world, the Morning Star, Heavenly King).
3rd kosmos - starts with the death of Jesus till his second coming (about 2,000 years)
5th to 6th day of creation starts with the creation of birds, sea and land creatures and ended with the creation of man in God's image to rule over all creation. (The death of Jesus heralds the spread of the Gospel and the creation of a new religion Christianity for the salvation of mankind and ended with the coming of Christ to rule over his Kingdom)
And the 7th day of creation is the Rest day which is the 1,000 year millennium.
As for the woman, it probably refers to Jesus or God. The word hiding is likely to mean mixing i.e. mixing the yeast with the flour as in many versions of the Bible e.g.:
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
133Jesus also said:
The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a woman mixes a little yeast into three big batches of flour. Finally, all the dough rises.
Many Blessings.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the yeast is God's words or/and righteous people. So the passage means that the kingdom of God is like when God mixes God's words and righteous men with the people of the earth in 3 stages so that when the population of the earth grows and reaches maturity, it is ready for the harvest (Note that meals are meant to be eaten and yeast is good as it raises the dough).
Many Blessings.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the yeast is God's words or/and righteous people. So the passage means that the kingdom of God is like when God mixes God's words and righteous men with the people of the earth in 3 stages so that when the population of the earth grows and reaches maturity, it is ready for the harvest (Note that meals are meant to be eaten and yeast is good as it raises the dough).
Many Blessings.
133Jesus also said:
Matthew 13:33The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a woman mixes a little yeast into three big batches of flour. Finally, all the dough rises.
There is another parable that is quite similar to the above and also mentioned the 3 stages...first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.:
Mark 4:26-29
26 And he said, "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed upon the ground, 27 and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he knows not how. 28 The earth produces of itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come."
What it means is this:
The kingdom of God is like God "growing" humans on earth. Day after day, night after night, He will let humans grow and develop as planned by their own without much interference. The humans on earth will developed progressively in 3 stages (3 kosmos) and when human developments have reached maturity, God will come to "harvest" humans....the good and the bad.
See also the 3 Timelines by duxrow and compare to the 3 kosmos:
Many Blessings.
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