View Full Version : My Prediction for Harold Camping and Family Radio after May 21

Richard Amiel McGough
05-20-2011, 11:12 AM
I've read a lot of speculation about what will happen to Harold Camping and his Family Radio empire (with 150 stations, worth over $100 million). Most folks think he and his servants will just regroup, recalculate, and come up with a new date. This is exactly what happened after his falsely predicted the rapture would happen in 1994. But he had an out then. He told his audience he was only 99.9% certain, and that it was possible he could be wrong even though he "believed it with all his heart." But he had an out, and though stinging from embarrassment, he managed to regroup and regain much of his audience.

But I find that scenario to be simply impossible now because he has adamantly been declaring in countless soundbites for two years now that is is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be wrong because the "BIBLE GUARANTEES IT WILL HAPPEN." He has said that "Judgment Day May 21 is the Word of God." He has left himself no way out. None. Zilch. Nada.

So what will happen? Well, let's follow the money. According to this article (http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/19/news/economy/may-21-end-of-the-world-finances-harold-camping/index.htm?fb_ref=fbLike&fb_source=other_multiline) on CNN Money, Family Radio Inc brought in 80 MILLION DOLLARS between 2005 - 2009. That's some "real money." The article also quotes the Family Radio receptionist as estimating that "about 80% of her coworkers don't even agree with Camping's May 21 forecast."

So here's my prediction: Family Radio will throw Harold Camping under the bus and distance themselves from him entirely, and then restructure themselves to look like the ultra-conservative Calvinist broadcasting organization that appealed to their very generous (and woefully gullible) original audience. They will basically re-brand themselves as Family Radio with no reference anywhere to Harold The Dingbat Camping. Harold will almost certainly go along with the plan since he is an exhausted octogenarian who probably would rather have needles stuck in his eyes than having to answer for his outrageously arrogant and ludicrous false predictions.

I posted this on my blog (http://www.biblewheel.com/blog/index.php/2011/05/20/my-prediction-for-harold-camping-and-family-radio-after-may-21/) too, where other folks make comment.

05-22-2011, 03:57 PM
I've read a lot of speculation about what will happen to Harold Camping and his Family Radio empire (with 150 stations, worth over $100 million). Most folks think he and his servants will just regroup, recalculate, and come up with a new date. This is exactly what happened after his falsely predicted the rapture would happen in 1994. But he had an out then. He told his audience he was only 99.9% certain, and that it was possible he could be wrong even though he "believed it with all his heart." But he had an out, and though stinging from embarrassment, he managed to regroup and regain much of his audience.

But I find that scenario to be simply impossible now because he has adamantly been declaring in countless soundbites for two years now that is is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be wrong because the "BIBLE GUARANTEES IT WILL HAPPEN." He has said that "Judgment Day May 21 is the Word of God." He has left himself no way out. None. Zilch. Nada.

So what will happen? Well, let's follow the money. According to this article (http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/19/news/economy/may-21-end-of-the-world-finances-harold-camping/index.htm?fb_ref=fbLike&fb_source=other_multiline) on CNN Money, Family Radio Inc brought in 80 MILLION DOLLARS between 2005 - 2009. That's some "real money." The article also quotes the Family Radio receptionist as estimating that "about 80% of her coworkers don't even agree with Camping's May 21 forecast."

So here's my prediction: Family Radio will throw Harold Camping under the bus and distance themselves from him entirely, and then restructure themselves to look like the ultra-conservative Calvinist broadcasting organization that appealed to their very generous (and woefully gullible) original audience. They will basically re-brand themselves as Family Radio with no reference anywhere to Harold The Dingbat Camping. Harold will almost certainly go along with the plan since he is an exhausted octogenarian who probably would rather have needles stuck in his eyes than having to answer for his outrageously arrogant and ludicrous false predictions.

I posted this on my blog (http://www.biblewheel.com/blog/index.php/2011/05/20/my-prediction-for-harold-camping-and-family-radio-after-may-21/) too, where other folks make comment.
I guess before we get too heavy on Camping, we can realize that The lindseys, Lahaye's, Falwells, Rosenbergs, and the like are in a similar camp. They promote some type of yet future cataclysmic event rather than consider that the 'end times' was the 'latter end' of the mosaic covenant nation. The very intelligent Isaac Newton and the historicist fall into the camps also. Newton was coached by the Jews or so it is thought.

If Camping's 'Family Radio' is the focus of lawsuits, they should also be metered out to Lindsey, Lahaye and Rosenberg who follow the same theological dilemma....either unknowingly deceived and misled or knowingly in compliant with them. The latter I suspect of Rosenberg.

The problem with Camping isn't that he got the wrong date; but that he as in thousands of other 'bible scholars' got the wrong definition of "world" as it applied to the end of the mosaic covenant AGE and it's temporal nation.

They focus on Daniel's 'time of the end' or 'latter days" without determining what "end" God was giving information to Daniel about for his people still within the mosaic covennat. Nor do they consider that Daniel was a prophet to his people within the temporal mosaic covenant nation, and also a prophet to the blessing to the unending latter son of all peoples under Adam justified and re-born by faith.

Newton also missed these concepts.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-22-2011, 04:17 PM
I guess before we get too heavy on Camping, we can realize that The lindseys, Lahaye's, Falwells, Rosenbergs, and the like are in a similar camp. They promote some type of yet future cataclysmic event rather than consider that the 'end times' was the 'latter end' of the mosaic covenant nation. The very intelligent Isaac Newton and the historicist fall into the camps also. Newton was coached by the Jews or so it is thought.

If Camping's 'Family Radio' is the focus of lawsuits, they should also be metered out to Lindsey, Lahaye and Rosenberg who follow the same theological dilemma....either unknowingly deceived and misled or knowingly in compliant with them. The latter I suspect of Rosenberg.

The problem with Camping isn't that he got the wrong date; but that he got the wrong definition of "world" as it applied to the end of the mosaic covenant AGE and it's temporal nation.

They focus on Daniel's 'time of the end' or 'latter days" without determining what "end" God was adding information to Daniel about. Nor do they consider that Daniel was a prophet to his people within the temporal mosaic covenant nation, and also a prophet to the blessing to the unending latter son of all peoples under Adam justified by faith. Newton also missed these concepts.
I agree they are all complicit in the corruption of the evangelic mind. And they all made a LOT of money doing it too. They are all implicit date-setters when they say that Jesus will be coming "soon" and that we are in the "end times." They are the ones who prepared Christians to accept lunatic ravings like those of Harold Camping.

05-23-2011, 11:24 AM
I agree they are all complicit in the corruption of the evangelic mind. And they all made a LOT of money doing it too. They are all implicit date-setters when they say that Jesus will be coming "soon" and that we are in the "end times." They are the ones who prepared Christians to accept lunatic ravings like those of Harold Camping.

How complicit are the other futurists with Camping's check out of life soon ideas, except that they haven't specified a date??

How complicit are we, if we do not continue to spread the Good News and the good word of the historical fulfillment of God's purposes and of fulfilled prophecy in the first century and specifically answer the questions and counter-instruct errors and interpretations of the dispensationalists, Zionists, futurists, such as 2Spirits contrived and twisted "ye principle".

Hence the motive for many of Joe, Your, Truthseeker, and the others topics and discussions. Hence the motive for the 20 question (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1992)and the Romans 11 (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1991) thread and these continued discussions on this and other boards.. (http://www.christianforums.com/t7560182/)

Hopefully, this event will be used by the Spirit to bring light not to the errors of his calculations; but to the errors [and Ireneous faulty and coerced foundations] and manipulations of the futurist, dispensationalists, Zionist systems AND to bring contrast emphasis on the positive truths and Reality of the Almighty and the GOOD NEWS of the everlasting Gospel and of adoption as Spirit Sons, his kingdom and approval of life.

Thank you Richard for supporting and permitting said discussions.