View Full Version : Solomon's Baby

05-06-2011, 07:25 AM
The great King Solomon had two daughters, and only one son! Solomon's son was Rehoboam, then Abia was his grandson, then Asa his great-grandson, then Jehoshaphat his gggrandson. These are the four generations following King David. Despite all of Solomon's seven hundred wives and 300 concubines ( :winking0071:which cause many to question his practical wisdom...ha!) His only recorded offspring was his son Rehoboam. 1Chr3:10

This familiar story is found in 1Kings3 -- How God appeared in a dream to King Solomon and granted him his wish for the WISDOM to know how to lead Israel. The very first case that came up before him then, was when two women came before him, both claiming the same baby!
It was a 'she said - she said' story, and Solomon couldn't be blamed for not knowing which woman was telling the truth UNTIL he decreed that the baby be cut in half and each mother to receive half a baby!
Incredibly, one of the women said OK, agreeing to accept half a baby! Today we would declare her certifiably insane, and Solomon knew from her answer that she was indeed a liar and not the correct mother.
Besides, the correct mother, upon hearing the order to cut the baby in half, had objected immediately, saying No, don't cut the baby in half, but rather let her (the liar) raise her...

And everyone who has heard this story and knows it to be as it is "written" in the holy scriptures, 1Kings3, let them say amen.
Can you see within this story, how that buried within this Special Wisdom tale is a hidden allegory of how Mankind dwells on Earth which is the property of satan, the "god of this world", 2Cor4:4 and Job2:6 It's true that God is a father (not mother), and that we aren't really a 'baby' (Oh yeah, there's a few..) and it's these two women who represent GOD and satan. Remember, Jesus said "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me". Jn14:30.

We're being raised in the devil's territory!

Does anyone else see it this way, or maybe was my last brain surgery a botch?

Richard Amiel McGough
05-06-2011, 11:11 AM
The great King Solomon had no daughters, and only one son! Solomon's son was Rehoboam, then Abia was his grandson, then Asa his great-grandson, then Jehoshaphat his gggrandson. These are the four generations following King David. Despite all of Solomon's seven hundred wives and 300 concubines ( :winking0071:which cause many to question his practical wisdom...ha!) His only recorded offspring was his son Rehoboam. 1Chr3:10

This familiar story is found in 1Kings3 -- How God appeared in a dream to King Solomon and granted him his wish for the WISDOM to know how to lead Israel. The very first case that came up before him then, was when two women came before him, both claiming the same baby!
It was a 'she said - she said' story, and Solomon couldn't be blamed for not knowing which woman was telling the truth UNTIL he decreed that the baby be cut in half and each mother to receive half a baby!
Incredibly, one of the women said OK, agreeing to accept half a baby! Today we would declare her certifiably insane, and Solomon knew from her answer that she was indeed a liar and not the correct mother.
Besides, the correct mother, upon hearing the order to cut the baby in half, had objected immediately, saying No, don't cut the baby in half, but rather let her (the liar) raise her...

And everyone who has heard this story and knows it to be as it is "written" in the holy scriptures, 1Kings3, let them say amen.
Can you see within this story, how that buried within this Special Wisdom tale is a hidden allegory of how Mankind dwells on Earth which is the property of satan, the "god of this world", 2Cor4:4 and Job2:6 It's true that God is a father (not mother), and that we aren't really a 'baby' (Oh yeah, there's a few..) and it's these two women who represent GOD and satan. Remember, Jesus said "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me". Jn14:30.

We're being raised in the devil's territory!

Does anyone else see it this way, or maybe was my last brain surgery a botch?
Well, not to be too picky ... but we do have two daughters recorded:

1 Kings 4:11 The son of Abinadab, in all the region of Dor; which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife:

1 Kings 4:15 Ahimaaz was in Naphtali; he also took Basmath the daughter of Solomon to wife:

And the fact that Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines implies with near certainty that he had many other sons and daughters - unless he had ED or was nearly sterile or gay or whatever.

Now as for the parabolic meaning you see in the story of the two women disputing over the child - I personally don't believe that the earth is the "property of Satan." On the contrary, the Bible repeatedly asserts in both the Old and New Testaments that the earth is God's property:

Exodus 9:29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as I am gone out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD; and the thunder shall cease, neither shall there be any more hail; that thou mayest know how that the earth is the LORD'S.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.

The meaning of the verse you cited (2 Cor 4:4) says nothing of "ownership" of the earth. It could just mean that Satan is the "god of this world" in the sense that unbelievers implicitly or explicitly worship him. It does not and cannot contravene the confirmed teaching of many verses that God alone "owns" the earth which He created. And besides, Calvinists assert that verse is speaking of the True God who is the one who blinded the eyes of the reprobate. So this verse cannot be used as a "proof text" for satanic ownership of the planet. It's meaning is not certain, and your interpretation contradicts many other verses.

As for you reference to Job 2.6 - that implies absolutely nothing about Satan "owning" the earth.

I think you might want to sue your brain surgeon for malpractice! :p

Great chatting,


05-06-2011, 02:23 PM
Well, not to be too picky ... but we do have two daughters recorded:

1 Kings 4:11 The son of Abinadab, in all the region of Dor; which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife:

1 Kings 4:15 Ahimaaz was in Naphtali; he also took Basmath the daughter of Solomon to wife:

And the fact that Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines implies with near certainty that he had many other sons and daughters - unless he had ED or was nearly sterile or gay or whatever.

Now as for the parabolic meaning you see in the story of the two women disputing over the child - I personally don't believe that the earth is the "property of Satan." On the contrary, the Bible repeatedly asserts in both the Old and New Testaments that the earth is God's property:

Exodus 9:29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as I am gone out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD; and the thunder shall cease, neither shall there be any more hail; that thou mayest know how that the earth is the LORD'S.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.

The meaning of the verse you cited (2 Cor 4:4) says nothing of "ownership" of the earth. It could just mean that Satan is the "god of this world" in the sense that unbelievers implicitly or explicitly worship him. It does not and cannot contravene the confirmed teaching of many verses that God alone "owns" the earth which He created. And besides, Calvinists assert that verse is speaking of the True God who is the one who blinded the eyes of the reprobate. So this verse cannot be used as a "proof text" for satanic ownership of the planet. It's meaning is not certain, and your interpretation contradicts many other verses.

As for you reference to Job 2.6 - that implies absolutely nothing about Satan "owning" the earth.

I think you might want to sue your brain surgeon for malpractice! :p

Great chatting,

Glad I asked -- finding daughters of Solomon a big surprise to me.. Thanks, Richard.
Still think he wasn't too wise to have all those wives..
"Earth is the Lord's" is why some (me too) think Satan got a 'lease' on the earth for a set period of time that will expire soon. The 3 tempts of Christ included the one where satan declared his ownership, and Jesus didn't deny..
Think will wait on any lawsuit -- he may have to correct anyway! :-)
Thanks for a Great answer.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-06-2011, 08:56 PM
Glad I asked -- finding daughters of Solomon a big surprise to me.. Thanks, Richard.
Still think he wasn't too wise to have all those wives..
"Earth is the Lord's" is why some (me too) think Satan got a 'lease' on the earth for a set period of time that will expire soon. The 3 tempts of Christ included the one where satan declared his ownership, and Jesus didn't deny..
Think will wait on any lawsuit -- he may have to correct anyway! :-)
Thanks for a Great answer.
I agree that Solomon's wisdom was not well displayed in his harem of a 1000 women!

But as for Satan having a "lease" on the earth - I gotta say "Nah" he don't own nothing. Indeed, I don't believe there is such a being but I will speak of him when discussing Scripture since he is "part of the story" we are given therein. And he did not say that he owned the earth. He simply said that he would give all the glory of the (external) world to Christ. This did not imply ownership. It could be interpreted as meaning nothing more than "everything your carnal heart could desire." In other words, he was tempting Christ to indulge his fleshly nature, just like his effort to tempt Christ to make bread (since his body would have been very hungry after 40 days of fasting).

I've never felt that the "legal" arguments about things like Adam giving the "title deed" of the earth to Satan made any sense at all. The "Word of Faith" teachers made up all sorts of crazy teachings like that, saying that God had no authority on earth at all unless some man gave it to him.

Great chatting.

05-08-2011, 11:37 AM
I've never felt that the "legal" arguments about things like Adam giving the "title deed" of the earth to Satan made any sense at all. The "Word of Faith" teachers made up all sorts of crazy teachings like that, saying that God had no authority on earth at all unless some man gave it to him.

Rest My Case - Heb 4:9

Beyond the shadow of a doubt,
The habeas corpus you can't flout..
The White Throne Judgment is a must
and the only acquital is for the just.

The corpus dilecti is here on earth,
(he left it behind so we'd know..)
There's definitely been a crime committed,
Mankind had better look out below!

The Rulers of Darkness, had they but known,
Would never have smitten the Seed that was sown.. 1Cor2:8/1Pet1:23
They went and killed that innocent Lamb,
Not knowing he was surely the son of "I AM".

Two Testament witnesses will be at the trial,
(Prima facie evidence the world knows..)
His Will and Last Testament shown to the court
The INHERITANCE denied to all foes.

The principal accused is the Devil.. his
bloody head failed the DNA tests..
The many accessories to his crimes
will be known before Defense Rests: Heb4:9

The Counselor tells the Body of Christ
not to fear for the Head up above..
"Faith is the Evidence" we've been saved
and IN HIM we're walking in love.

The High Court will soon be convening..
Nobody's excused from this docket..
You'd better retain the Advocate Son
'Cause He's got the Judge in his pocket!

*Just for grins, of course* :winking0071: