View Full Version : Sword Poem

05-05-2011, 05:34 PM
Bob Smith, Catania Sicily, 8/87

The Sword of the Lord, and Gideon...conquered all of the foe
They took the Light in their vessels, and with the trumpets did blow!

The 300 men of Gideon quenched their thirst in the Water of Life,
Then they took up the Sword of the Lord, and delivered the Midianites!

The bread that rolled into the tent, shook it and laid it low..
That Bread was the symbol of Jesus: the Sword of the Lord that we know!

Now the Sword of the Lord has slain me, and laid my old spirit to rest..
It's the Spirit of Christ that's within me, and all that I'm doing is blessed!

I lived with the pigs long enough, and my Father was waiting for me,
With a ring and a robe and a fatted calf--and the blood of the Lamb for a bath.

I stripped off my old filthy garments--I was naked again in His sight,
Now I'm dancing and singing and praising my Lord, and I'm doing it with all my might!

Don't despise the worship of David; Don't look at him with contempt,
Or you'll wind up barren like Michael, and there'll be no fruit in your tent!

Don't say that you're trusting in Jesus, when you haven't read what he said,
Cause the ones who didn't heed Moses, were the ones who were led by the dead.

Now the Sword of the Lord has cut me! All way to the quick!
And the Sword of the Lord has healed me! It's a 2-edged sword that I've picked.

It's the Sword of the Lord named Jesus; He's the Word manifest in the flesh..
He came to earth as a baby, to redeem me from unrighteousness.

The Sword of the Lord and Gideon, has laid my old spirit to rest..
Now I'm drinking the new-wine with Jesus, and putting his Word to the test.

"Come, Let us reason together".. "Prove me and see if I'm wrong"...
The Lord says that he is returning, and the signs of the time are quite strong.

So, take up the Sword of the Lord, and slay everybody you see..
The meat is for those who are hungry, and the milk and the honey are free!

Gideon's Army had trumpets in their right hand and pitchers in the other, so no room for a physical sword, but only the spiritual sword of Ephesians 6:17. Now we are chosen "vessels" when we let our light shine by proclaiming The Word. His three hundred drank the 'water' in fashion suitable for that special warfare.

02-09-2014, 09:33 AM
The Pharaoh's birthday was on "the third day", Genesis 40:20, when the Butler received LIFE and the Baker received DEATH. :eek:

There's just one other specific birthday in Scripture: Herod's birthday (more accurately, the day his birthday was kept, Matthew 14:6, Mark 6:21) was on the day Herodias' daughter danced, and John the Baptist was beheaded. His head was "taken away" on that infamous day, and now the Body of Christ is awaiting the day we'll be reunited with the head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ. And you say?

02-10-2014, 11:15 AM
Normally its the Butler who did it, when you check the last chapter, but in the Bible it's the Baker who had the wrong kind of bread in his top basket; like how you're maybe entitled to your own opinion, or respect your elders, but it's the Jesus Bread which belongs in the top basket. Amen? :winking0071:

So the Baker died, whereas the Butler's communion earned him a restoration--LIFE! :sCo_hmmthink: