View Full Version : What kind of Bread?

05-03-2011, 06:47 AM
:yo: 1Cor10:17 "For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread".
Jesus is the True and Living Bread, as everyone knows who has read John chapt. six.
Not your usual bakery bread, right? The OT speaks of the "Bread of Tears", Ps80:5, and "Bread of Sorrow", Ps127:2 -- clearly a kind of poetic speech and not the kind of bread you really want sliced or buttered; right?
In Egypt they were desperate for bread after the 7 yrs. of famine began, and Joseph "gathered corn as the sand of the sea", Gen41:49 -- I think of that as the "Cornbread Period".
After Moses arrived and led them out of Egypt, they survived on Manna (means: "what is it?"), and were led by the pillar of fire and pillar of smoke. I call it the "Wonderbread Period" because they wondered where they were going; i.e., where the pillars were leading.
Finally Jesus arrived saying he was the real Manna, and Paul writes about us being "one-bread" -- but what kind?
Well, if we're going to RISE and meet him in the air, we'd better be leavened with the hidden leaven, Mt13:33, --
This third kind of bread is the Raisin Bread !
"Christ in us, the hope of glory", Col 1-27 -- Don't plan on rising w/o this leaven! GLORY!