View Full Version : Daniel 7-10 Antichrist Greek? Roman?

04-13-2011, 11:09 AM
JR Church claims that the founders of Rome were refugees from Sparta.
Why is it that the little horn is related to Rome in Daniel 7;
Then from Greece in Daniel 8;
Then from Rome in Daniel 9;
Then from Greece in Daniel 10?


He says the man who voted Nero was a Seleucid.

Here is part 2:
What about the gap between the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks? We talk about the last week the 70th week of Daniel 9:27.
Most if not all American presidents are related and root from European royalty.

04-13-2011, 05:35 PM
The Black Nobility- The Merovingians

They are identified with the Spartans, and both books of Maccabees link the Spartans with the Jews. I Maccabees 12 tells of Jonathan sending a letter to the Lacedemonians (Spartan Greeks) asking for their help, since they were brethren. The Spartans replied, "It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Jews are brethren and that they are of the stock of Abraham" (verse 21). It is assumed by some writers that this means the Spartans were Israelites, but the Spartans were not Israelites they were Edomites descended from Bela son of Beor and brother of Baalim, and king of Edom (Genesis 36:32; I Chronicles 1:43). Edom was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham who sold his birthright, and bred his posterity off the Book of Life.