View Full Version : The amazing Bible Canons!
dan b
03-10-2011, 12:03 PM
At first there was just the Old Testament Bible.
..The Law..............The Prophets.............The Writtings
1. Genesis.............6. Joshua...................27. Psalms
2. Exodus..............7. Judges...................28. Proverbs
3. Leviticus............8. I Samuel................29. Job
4. Numbers............9. 2 Samuel
5. Deuteronomy.....10. I Kings..................The five Megillot
..........................11. 2 Kings
..........................12. Isaiah....................30. Song of Songs
..........................13. Jeremiah.................31. Ruth
..........................14. Exekiel....................32. Lamentations
.................................................. ..........33. Ecclesiastes
..........................The Twelve...................34. Esther
.................................................. ..........35. Daniel
...........................15. Hosea....................36. Ezra
...........................16. Joel.......................37. Nehemiah
...........................17. Amos.....................38. I Chronicles
...........................18. Obadiah..................39. 2 Chronicles
...........................19. Jonah.....................40. Haftaroth
...........................20. Micah
...........................21. Nahum
...........................22. Habakkuk
...........................23. Zephaniah
...........................24. Haggai
...........................25. Zechariah
...........................26. Malachi
Then when Christianity began they added the 27 books of the New Testament.
.................................GREEK ORTHODOX BIBLE..................................
.1. Genesis....................28. Isaiah.....................51. Matthew
.2. Exodus.....................29. Jeremiah.................52. Mark
.3. Leviticus..................30. Lamentations............53. Luke
.4. Numbers...................31. LETTER OF JEREMIAH.54 . John
.5. Deuteronomy............32. BARUCH....................55. Acts
.6. Joshua....................33. Ezekiel......................56. James
.7. Judges....................34. Daniel.......................57. 1 Peter
.8. Ruth.......................35. Hosea.......................58. 2 Peter
.9. 1 Kings....................36. Joel.........................59. 1 John
10. 2 Kings...................37. Amos........................60. 2 John
11. 3 Kings...................38. Obadiah....................61. 3 John
12. 4 Kings...................39. Jonah...(center).........62. Jude
13. 1 Chronicles............40. Micah.......................63. Romans
14. 2 Chronicles............41. Nahum......................64. 1 Corinthians
15. 1 Esdras.................42. Habakkuk..................65. 2 Corinthians
16. Nehemiah................43. Zephaniah.................66. Galations
17. 2 ESDRAS................44. Haggai.....................67. Ephesians
18. TOBIT.....................45. Zechariah.................68. Philippians
19. JUDITH....................46. Malachi....................69. Colossians
20. Esther.....................47. 1 MACCABEES...........70. 1 Thessalonians
21. Job.........................48. 2 MACCABEES............71. 2 Thessalonians
22. Psalms.....................49. 3 MACCABEES...........72. 1 Timothy
23. Proverbs..................50. 3 ESDRAS.................73. 2 Timothy
24. Ecclesiastes...................................... ...........74. Titus
25. Song of Solomon........................................... 75. Philemon
26. WISDOM OF SOLOMON...................................76. Hebrews
27. ECCLESIASTICUS.................................... .......77. Revelation
Then the Catholics had Jerome translate the Greek Bible into Latin and called it the Vulgate. They kept the exact same arrangement but left off 4 books.
..............................ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLE(The Vulgate).................
.1. Genesis......................27. Isaiah...................52. Romans
.2. Exodus.......................28. Jeremiah...............53. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus....................29. Lamentations.........54. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers....................30. BARUCH.................55. Galations
.5. Deuteronomy..............31. Ezekiel..................56. Ephesians
.6. Joshua......................32. Daniel....................57. Philippians
.7. Judges......................33. Hosea....................58. Colossians
.8. Ruth.........................34. Joel.......................59. 1 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Kings......................35. Amos.....................60. 2 Thessalonians
10. 2 Kings.....................36. Obadiah..................61. 1 Timothy
11. 3 Kings.....................37. Jonah...(center).......62. 2 Timothy
12. 4 Kings ....................38. Micah.....................63. Titus
13. 1 Chronicles...............39. Nahum...................64. Philemon
14. 2 Chronicles...............40. Habakkuk................65. Hebrews
15. 1 Esdras....................41. Zephaniah..............66. James
16. 2 ESDRAS..................42. Haggia...................67. 1 Peter
17. TOBIT.......................43. Zechariah...............68. 2 Peter
18. JUDITH......................44. Malachi..................69. 1 John
19. Esther.......................45. 1 MACCABEES.........70. 2 John
20. Job...........................46. 2 MACCABEES.........71. 3 John
21. Psalms.......................47. Matthew................72. Jude
22. Proverbs....................48. Mark......................73. Revelation
23. Ecclesiastes................49. Luke
24. Song of Songs.............50. John
Finally with the Protestant Reformation the Germans and English established their own 66 book Bible Canon. They used the same contents as the original Hebrew Masoretic Text Bible. But they kept the exact same arrangement as the Greek and Latin Bibles.
...THE LAW...................THE PROPHETS............THE WRITINGS........
.1. Genesis...................23. Isaiah....................45. Romans
.2. Exodus....................24. Jeremiah................46. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus.................25. Lamentations..........47. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers..................26. Ezekiel...................48. Galatians
.5. Deuteronomy...........27. Daniel....................49. Ephesians
.................................................. ................50. Philippians
.6. Joshua....................28. Hosea...................51. Colossians
.7. Judges....................29. Joel......................52. 1 Thessalonians
.8. Ruth.......................30. Amos....................53. 2 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Samuel.................31. Obadiah.................54. 1 Timothy
10. 2 Samuel................32. Jonah.....................55. 2 Timothy
11. 1 Kings...................33. Micah....................56. Titus
12. 2 Kings...................34. Nahum...................57. Philemon
13. 1 Chronicles............35. Habakkuk................58. Hebrews
14. 2 Chronicles............36. Zephaniah
15. Ezra.......................37. Haggai
16. Nehemiah................38. Zechariah...............59. James
17. Esther....................39. Malachi...................60. 1 Peter
.................................................. .................61. 2 Peter
18. Job........................40. Matthew.................62. 1 John
19. Psalms....................41. Mark......................63. 2 John
20. Proverbs.................42. Luke.......................64. 3 John
21. Ecclesiastes............43. John.......................65. Jude
22. Song of Solomon......44. Acts.......................66. Revelation
So notice how this new Protestant 66 book bible fits so perfectly under the original Hebrew Bible headings of the "Law, Prophets and Writtings. The colomn under the Prophets is all prophets. The colomn under the Writings is all writings or epistles.
Then it is remarkably set up with the first five books in the first colomn being the "Pentatuch." The last five books in this colomn are called the "wisdom literature."
In the second colomn the first five books are called the "major Prophets." The last five books in this colomn are the "Gospels of the New Testament and Acts." This arrangement was not set up by men. They never changed anything as can be seen by comparing the above four Bible Canons.
*- note that the extra books in the Greek and Latin Bible canons are typed out in Capital letters for easier identification.
Now isn't this a miracle or what!
03-13-2011, 08:18 PM
At first there was just the Old Testament Bible.
..The Law..............The Prophets.............The Writtings
1. Genesis.............6. Joshua...................27. Psalms
2. Exodus..............7. Judges...................28. Proverbs
3. Leviticus............8. I Samuel................29. Job
4. Numbers............9. 2 Samuel
5. Deuteronomy.....10. I Kings..................The five Megillot
..........................11. 2 Kings
..........................12. Isaiah....................30. Song of Songs
..........................13. Jeremiah.................31. Ruth
..........................14. Exekiel....................32. Lamentations
.................................................. ..........33. Ecclesiastes
..........................The Twelve...................34. Esther
.................................................. ..........35. Daniel
...........................15. Hosea....................36. Ezra
...........................16. Joel.......................37. Nehemiah
...........................17. Amos.....................38. I Chronicles
...........................18. Obadiah..................39. 2 Chronicles
...........................19. Jonah.....................40. Haftaroth
...........................20. Micah
...........................21. Nahum
...........................22. Habakkuk
...........................23. Zephaniah
...........................24. Haggai
...........................25. Zechariah
...........................26. Malachi
Then when Christianity began they added the 27 books of the New Testament.
.................................GREEK ORTHODOX BIBLE..................................
.1. Genesis....................28. Isaiah.....................51. Matthew
.2. Exodus.....................29. Jeremiah.................52. Mark
.3. Leviticus..................30. Lamentations............53. Luke
.4. Numbers...................31. LETTER OF JEREMIAH.54 . John
.5. Deuteronomy............32. BARUCH....................55. Acts
.6. Joshua....................33. Ezekiel......................56. James
.7. Judges....................34. Daniel.......................57. 1 Peter
.8. Ruth.......................35. Hosea.......................58. 2 Peter
.9. 1 Kings....................36. Joel.........................59. 1 John
10. 2 Kings...................37. Amos........................60. 2 John
11. 3 Kings...................38. Obadiah....................61. 3 John
12. 4 Kings...................39. Jonah...(center).........62. Jude
13. 1 Chronicles............40. Micah.......................63. Romans
14. 2 Chronicles............41. Nahum......................64. 1 Corinthians
15. 1 Esdras.................42. Habakkuk..................65. 2 Corinthians
16. Nehemiah................43. Zephaniah.................66. Galations
17. 2 ESDRAS................44. Haggai.....................67. Ephesians
18. TOBIT.....................45. Zechariah.................68. Philippians
19. JUDITH....................46. Malachi....................69. Colossians
20. Esther.....................47. 1 MACCABEES...........70. 1 Thessalonians
21. Job.........................48. 2 MACCABEES............71. 2 Thessalonians
22. Psalms.....................49. 3 MACCABEES...........72. 1 Timothy
23. Proverbs..................50. 3 ESDRAS.................73. 2 Timothy
24. Ecclesiastes...................................... ...........74. Titus
25. Song of Solomon........................................... 75. Philemon
26. WISDOM OF SOLOMON...................................76. Hebrews
27. ECCLESIASTICUS.................................... .......77. Revelation
Then the Catholics had Jerome translate the Greek Bible into Latin and called it the Vulgate. They kept the exact same arrangement but left off 4 books.
..............................ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLE(The Vulgate).................
.1. Genesis......................27. Isaiah...................52. Romans
.2. Exodus.......................28. Jeremiah...............53. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus....................29. Lamentations.........54. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers....................30. BARUCH.................55. Galations
.5. Deuteronomy..............31. Ezekiel..................56. Ephesians
.6. Joshua......................32. Daniel....................57. Philippians
.7. Judges......................33. Hosea....................58. Colossians
.8. Ruth.........................34. Joel.......................59. 1 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Kings......................35. Amos.....................60. 2 Thessalonians
10. 2 Kings.....................36. Obadiah..................61. 1 Timothy
11. 3 Kings.....................37. Jonah...(center).......62. 2 Timothy
12. 4 Kings ....................38. Micah.....................63. Titus
13. 1 Chronicles...............39. Nahum...................64. Philemon
14. 2 Chronicles...............40. Habakkuk................65. Hebrews
15. 1 Esdras....................41. Zephaniah..............66. James
16. 2 ESDRAS..................42. Haggia...................67. 1 Peter
17. TOBIT.......................43. Zechariah...............68. 2 Peter
18. JUDITH......................44. Malachi..................69. 1 John
19. Esther.......................45. 1 MACCABEES.........70. 2 John
20. Job...........................46. 2 MACCABEES.........71. 3 John
21. Psalms.......................47. Matthew................72. Jude
22. Proverbs....................48. Mark......................73. Revelation
23. Ecclesiastes................49. Luke
24. Song of Songs.............50. John
Finally with the Protestant Reformation the Germans and English established their own 66 book Bible Canon. They used the same contents as the original Hebrew Masoretic Text Bible. But they kept the exact same arrangement as the Greek and Latin Bibles.
...THE LAW...................THE PROPHETS............THE WRITINGS........
.1. Genesis...................23. Isaiah....................45. Romans
.2. Exodus....................24. Jeremiah................46. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus.................25. Lamentations..........47. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers..................26. Ezekiel...................48. Galatians
.5. Deuteronomy...........27. Daniel....................49. Ephesians
.................................................. ................50. Philippians
.6. Joshua....................28. Hosea...................51. Colossians
.7. Judges....................29. Joel......................52. 1 Thessalonians
.8. Ruth.......................30. Amos....................53. 2 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Samuel.................31. Obadiah.................54. 1 Timothy
10. 2 Samuel................32. Jonah.....................55. 2 Timothy
11. 1 Kings...................33. Micah....................56. Titus
12. 2 Kings...................34. Nahum...................57. Philemon
13. 1 Chronicles............35. Habakkuk................58. Hebrews
14. 2 Chronicles............36. Zephaniah
15. Ezra.......................37. Haggai
16. Nehemiah................38. Zechariah...............59. James
17. Esther....................39. Malachi...................60. 1 Peter
.................................................. .................61. 2 Peter
18. Job........................40. Matthew.................62. 1 John
19. Psalms....................41. Mark......................63. 2 John
20. Proverbs.................42. Luke.......................64. 3 John
21. Ecclesiastes............43. John.......................65. Jude
22. Song of Solomon......44. Acts.......................66. Revelation
So notice how this new Protestant 66 book bible fits so perfectly under the original Hebrew Bible headings of the "Law, Prophets and Writtings. The colomn under the Prophets is all prophets. The colomn under the Writings is all writings or epistles.
Then it is remarkably set up with the first five books in the first colomn being the "Pentatuch." The last five books in this colomn are called the "wisdom literature."
In the second colomn the first five books are called the "major Prophets." The last five books in this colomn are the "Gospels of the New Testament and Acts." This arrangement was not set up by men. They never changed anything as can be seen by comparing the above four Bible Canons.
*- note that the extra books in the Greek and Latin Bible canons are typed out in Capital letters for easier identification.
Now isn't this a miracle or what!
Don't forget that the codex version of the bible began after the 1st century. I don't think their was a final decision on which books to include or exclude since they were all individual scrolls mostly.
Didn't Jerome express his doubts on the Apocryphal books?
dan b
03-14-2011, 10:40 AM
Don't forget that the codex version of the bible began after the 1st century. I don't think their was a final decision on which books to include or exclude since they were all individual scrolls mostly.
Didn't Jerome express his doubts on the Apocryphal books?
It seems to me that nobody planned any of this. These Bible Canons are just today a fact of history. I have obtained these Bible Canons from the Theologial sections in major worldwide lybraries. They appear to be the accepted Canons of the four major Religious dominations of Hebrews, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. I know that there are many other offshoots of Bible Canons. But these four are by and large the major and most commonly accepted ones. I believe God has a hand in whatever has happened and is happening in these arrangements. After all God is guiding us, isn't he?
In the Hebrew Bible which the common man will find in most Lybraries around the world the "Massoretic Text" is the standard and the norm. If you check this you will find the exact 39 book Canon and a 40th book called Halftorah. The Halftorah is, as I have been so often told, not an actual Bible book at all but somewhat of a series of readings that are read in the synagoge on the Sabbath. I am not at all questioning what it is or how it pertains into the Herbrew bible. I have here only set out what anyone who inquires into this topic will find. I am not interested here to deeply investigate what some Bible scholars may investigate. But I am looking at these Canons from a common man's perspective in what anyone who has an interest and investigates will see. And it appears to me to be somewhat of a major Miracle!
Yes, Jerome did indeed question the legitimacy of the Apocrypha. And then 1000 years after him Luther and the English also questioned it too. They each made the arrangments with it that they themselves found suitable. The above four Bible Canons is the result.
The point that we can see if we just look at the books in these four canons is that;
1. They all progressed following and coping the preveous ones before them.
2. No one changed the order of any of the books on their own.
3. No one added any Bible books to the Canons.
So if you look at this, you can see that no man changed of arranged any of this on his own. They religiously copied what was before. And yet look at the amazing resultant Protestant 66 book Canon. It fits under the three headings of the Masoretic Text perfectly. And each of it's three colomns are numerically balanced.
The cattagories of Bible books such as the "Pentatuch," the Wisdom Literature, the Major Prophets, the Minor Prophets, and the Writtings were all established as individual sections long before this. But in the Protestant 66 book Canon they are set up in such an amazing and balanced way. How could this have come about? And dosn't this show a supernatural hand?
03-14-2011, 02:32 PM
It seems to me that nobody planned any of this. These Bible Canons are just today a fact of history. I have obtained these Bible Canons from the Theologial sections in major worldwide lybraries. They appear to be the accepted Canons of the four major Religious dominations of Hebrews, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. I know that there are many other offshoots of Bible Canons. But these four are by and large the major and most commonly accepted ones. I believe God has a hand in whatever has happened and is happening in these arrangements. After all God is guiding us, isn't he?
In the Hebrew Bible which the common man will find in most Lybraries around the world the "Massoretic Text" is the standard and the norm. If you check this you will find the exact 39 book Canon and a 40th book called Halftorah. The Halftorah is, as I have been so often told, not an actual Bible book at all but somewhat of a series of readings that are read in the synagoge on the Sabbath. I am not at all questioning what it is or how it pertains into the Herbrew bible. I have here only set out what anyone who inquires into this topic will find. I am not interested here to deeply investigate what some Bible scholars may investigate. But I am looking at these Canons from a common man's perspective in what anyone who has an interest and investigates will see. And it appears to me to be somewhat of a major Miracle!
Yes, Jerome did indeed question the legitimacy of the Apocrypha. And then 1000 years after him Luther and the English also questioned it too. They each made the arrangments with it that they themselves found suitable. The above four Bible Canons is the result.
The point that we can see if we just look at the books in these four canons is that;
1. They all progressed following and coping the preveous ones before them.
2. No one changed the order of any of the books on their own.
3. No one added any Bible books to the Canons.
So if you look at this, you can see that no man changed of arranged any of this on his own. They religiously copied what was before. And yet look at the amazing resultant Protestant 66 book Canon. It fits under the three headings of the Masoretic Text perfectly. And each of it's three colomns are numerically balanced.
The cattagories of Bible books such as the "Pentatuch," the Wisdom Literature, the Major Prophets, the Minor Prophets, and the Writtings were all established as individual sections long before this. But in the Protestant 66 book Canon they are set up in such an amazing and balanced way. How could this have come about? And dosn't this show a supernatural hand?
Yes not only the writers were inspired but also the church fathers who viewed which books are suitable for the canon and which weren't. But Luther wanted to exclude James because it contradicted his belief that work is the outcome of faith but didn't. Some wanted to exclude Revelation because it's still a mysterious book that no one until today has figured it out. But it's still there.
I appreciate the symmetry of the pattern. As to your final arrangement, I have a question;
If the first two columns are in a pattern of 5-12-5, can the third column be structured likewise?
Finally with the Protestant Reformation the Germans and English established their own 66 book Bible Canon. They used the same contents as the original Hebrew Masoretic Text Bible. But they kept the exact same arrangement as the Greek and Latin Bibles.
...THE LAW...................THE PROPHETS............THE WRITINGS........
.1. Genesis...................23. Isaiah....................45. Romans
.2. Exodus....................24. Jeremiah................46. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus.................25. Lamentations..........47. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers..................26. Ezekiel...................48. Galatians
.5. Deuteronomy...........27. Daniel....................49. Ephesians
.................................................. ................50. Philippians
.6. Joshua....................28. Hosea...................51. Colossians
.7. Judges....................29. Joel......................52. 1 Thessalonians
.8. Ruth.......................30. Amos....................53. 2 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Samuel.................31. Obadiah.................54. 1 Timothy
10. 2 Samuel................32. Jonah.....................55. 2 Timothy
11. 1 Kings...................33. Micah....................56. Titus
12. 2 Kings...................34. Nahum...................57. Philemon
13. 1 Chronicles............35. Habakkuk................58. Hebrews
14. 2 Chronicles............36. Zephaniah
15. Ezra.......................37. Haggai
16. Nehemiah................38. Zechariah...............59. James
17. Esther....................39. Malachi...................60. 1 Peter
.................................................. .................61. 2 Peter
18. Job........................40. Matthew.................62. 1 John
19. Psalms....................41. Mark......................63. 2 John
20. Proverbs.................42. Luke.......................64. 3 John
21. Ecclesiastes............43. John.......................65. Jude
22. Song of Solomon......44. Acts.......................66. Revelation
dan b
03-17-2011, 11:06 AM
I appreciate the symmetry of the pattern. As to your final arrangement, I have a question;
If the first two columns are in a pattern of 5-12-5, can the third column be structured likewise?
Finally with the Protestant Reformation the Germans and English established their own 66 book Bible Canon. They used the same contents as the original Hebrew Masoretic Text Bible. But they kept the exact same arrangement as the Greek and Latin Bibles.
...THE LAW...................THE PROPHETS............THE WRITINGS........
.1. Genesis...................23. Isaiah....................45. Romans
.2. Exodus....................24. Jeremiah................46. 1 Corinthians
.3. Leviticus.................25. Lamentations..........47. 2 Corinthians
.4. Numbers..................26. Ezekiel...................48. Galatians
.5. Deuteronomy...........27. Daniel....................49. Ephesians
.................................................. ................50. Philippians
.6. Joshua....................28. Hosea...................51. Colossians
.7. Judges....................29. Joel......................52. 1 Thessalonians
.8. Ruth.......................30. Amos....................53. 2 Thessalonians
.9. 1 Samuel.................31. Obadiah.................54. 1 Timothy
10. 2 Samuel................32. Jonah.....................55. 2 Timothy
11. 1 Kings...................33. Micah....................56. Titus
12. 2 Kings...................34. Nahum...................57. Philemon
13. 1 Chronicles............35. Habakkuk................58. Hebrews
14. 2 Chronicles............36. Zephaniah
15. Ezra.......................37. Haggai
16. Nehemiah................38. Zechariah...............59. James
17. Esther....................39. Malachi...................60. 1 Peter
.................................................. .................61. 2 Peter
18. Job........................40. Matthew.................62. 1 John
19. Psalms....................41. Mark......................63. 2 John
20. Proverbs.................42. Luke.......................64. 3 John
21. Ecclesiastes............43. John.......................65. Jude
22. Song of Solomon......44. Acts.......................66. Revelation
Hello Joel, The amazing symetry and correspondences of the four historical Bible Canons seems to go deeper and deeper, as far as one is prepared to follow it and look at it. There is much more to this than has so far been shown. But we each have to consider and examine it one step at a time in order to be prepared and knowledgable to grasp and understand some more.
Here is a small answer to your two questions.(a little more from the measly amount of it that I have personally examined)
As you have recognized along with me, the first two colomns have a 5-12-5 pattern. But if you know the history and have read the 12 books in the first colomn you will also see that these have a symetrical pattern in them which is a 3-6-3 correspondence. It probably goes even deeper than that!
Anyway, as noted, the first two colomns are both arranged in a similar form. These two colomns apply to the Old Testament time period. But the third colomn is set up to regard the third 2000 year period of Biblical history which is the Christian period. Now as the Bible states in many places, Mankind, and especially the people whom God chose in whom to do his work,orthe yeast, are growing as does a plant, vine or tree. "As the days of a tree are the days of my people."
So the the third colomn is divisable into the first 14 books, then 7 books, and then the last book of Revelations. The first 14 books are Pauls descriptions of how to establish and to run the Christian Church. The Church is the fruit of God's tree which he planted in Mesopotamia with Adam and Eve. The next seven books beginning with James until Jude are the "thought food" and sustinance for the seeds which are inside the fruit. The purpose of the fruit(church) is only for the protection and nurturing of the seeds. This is the same in all of the fruits of trees on this earth. This is why it is OK that today the Christian Churches are rotting worldwide.
So the church formed first and then inside it the seeds developed and formed. For this very reason many people have not understood the writings of Paul. And they have had trouble understanding the difference between his opinion that salvation is accieved by "faith" and not by "works."
But James wrote in his epistle that salvation needs "works" and not just agreement and faith. This is because Paul was writting his instructions in order to set up the Christian Church in order for it to be built so as to have a place to nurture and develop the seeds(souls of men). Building and maintaining the Church(fruit) requires faith in the plans and blueprint. He instructed his followers to just follow the plans by faith in order to accomplish a benificial and stable church in which the future Christians could practice and learn and develop themselves during this entire 2000 Christian period called by Jesus Christ as the "times of the Gentiles." Lk.21;24
But beginning with the epistle of James these 7 books are written pretaining to the seed that is developling inside of the fruit. This seed is the "souls of men" which the Anti-Christ has been attempting to capture and destroy. Rev.18;13 Therfore they indeed are here instructed to follow Jesus not only by faith but also to carry through following his message by doing his deeds and works. Real Christians are instructed to walk the walk as well as to talk the talk. But Pauls instructions were for the early christians in order to build up and establish the outer protecting covering called the church. This explanation that I am describing here is in relevance to how the Bible books are arranged to correspond to a growing vine or tree. There is indeed another reason for Paul teaching us to accept Jesus by faith. it is in order to obtain salvation by Grace. That is the Christianity in the personal individual perspective. But the fruit and seed correspondence that I am here discussing is in relation to the collective and Civilizational perspective of Christianity.
Sorry for such a longworded explanation. But to answer the question about symetry in the third Bible colomn under the heading of "the Writtings" that is some of it. The Holy Bible also divides into 7 parts matching the growing stages of a plant or tree. The Epistles correspond to the forming of the fruit and the 7 books written by the apostles correspond to the development of the seeds inside the fruit.
The last book called Revelation is the 22d book of the colomn and is, as are the 22d books of each of the three colomn a special book. It is the conclusion of the ideas presented by the books in it's colomn. The book of Revelation is representatlve of the harvest of the ripened fruit of the tree of Israel. It is relevant to our human mental understanding. The Song of Solomon is the conclusion of the first colomn which corresponds to the Physical perspective the beauty of physical woman. The book of Acts corresponds to the Emotional or In-motional perspective of Mankind. Acts are in-motion. The Prophets in this colomn are actually all emotionally lamenting just as the Lamentations of Jeremiah is. The whole entire system and arrangement of the Bible's books seem to be set up to continue in a never exaustive pattern going off in every direction like a 360 degree mosaic.
dan b
03-17-2011, 11:31 AM
Yes not only the writers were inspired but also the church fathers who viewed which books are suitable for the canon and which weren't. But Luther wanted to exclude James because it contradicted his belief that work is the outcome of faith but didn't. Some wanted to exclude Revelation because it's still a mysterious book that no one until today has figured it out. But it's still there.
Hello gilgal, Yes, I too have read about how Luther wanted to exclude the epistle of James because of his apparent contrast to Paul saying that salvation is by faith and Grace but not any longer by works of the Law. In contrast the Russian writter Leo Tolstoy thought that all of Pauls writtings whould be omitted because they didn't stress the necessity of doing Jesus's "works" but just allowed one to consent mentaly and verbaly. I myself, in my own humble and probably not fully developed opinion, believe that both the writtings of Paul and of James are entirerly relevent each for their own purpose. Paul is describing the way that the church(fruit) should be developed, and James's epistle is guidance for the seeds which are the actual individual souls of men and women. So they are talking about two different things.
But let me ask you something if I may. Can you show me in the above four Canons of the bible where any books were added or taken out by someone? Can you show me where the arrangement or order of the Bible books was changed by someone independantly? No. Nothing was ever indipendantly added or subtracted by Luther or any one else. Each progressive Bible Canon was always arranged just exactly as the one that it followed before it and no books were added or omitted.
The Apocrypha was never added or omitted indipendantly but each consecutive Bible Canon followed one from the past. When the Protestants 66 book Canon ommited the Apocrypha, it didn't omit it at all. It wasn't following the Orthodox and Catholic Canons in this way. It was following the original Masoretic Text of the Hebrew bible for it's contents. But It wasn't following the Hebrew Masoretic Text for the arrangement and order of it's Old Testament bible books. It was following the Orthodox and Catholic Bible Canons for it's contents for the Old Testament.
You see. No one individual or church had a hand in changing or making any arrangements for it's Bible Canon. So the resultant 66 book Protestant Bible Canon is indeed an act of God. The symetry that is shown in it's arrangements could not have just happened haphazardly!
Yes, some have wanted to exclude certain books including the book of Revelation. But no one ever did. If any one book was excluded or if there was even one minor change made in the Bible Canon then we would not have the perfect diamond symetry of a Bible Canon that we have today!
03-17-2011, 01:16 PM
Hello gilgal, Yes, I too have read about how Luther wanted to exclude the epistle of James because of his apparent contrast to Paul saying that salvation is by faith and Grace but not any longer by works of the Law. In contrast the Russian writter Leo Tolstoy thought that all of Pauls writtings whould be omitted because they didn't stress the necessity of doing Jesus's "works" but just allowed one to consent mentaly and verbaly. I myself, in my own humble and probably not fully developed opinion, believe that both the writtings of Paul and of James are entirerly relevent each for their own purpose. Paul is describing the way that the church(fruit) should be developed, and James's epistle is guidance for the seeds which are the actual individual souls of men and women. So they are talking about two different things.
But let me ask you something if I may. Can you show me in the above four Canons of the bible where any books were added or taken out by someone? Can you show me where the arrangement or order of the Bible books was changed by someone independantly? No. Nothing was ever indipendantly added or subtracted by Luther or any one else. Each progressive Bible Canon was always arranged just exactly as the one that it followed before it and no books were added or omitted.
The Apocrypha was never added or omitted indipendantly but each consecutive Bible Canon followed one from the past. When the Protestants 66 book Canon ommited the Apocrypha, it didn't omit it at all. It wasn't following the Orthodox and Catholic Canons in this way. It was following the original Masoretic Text of the Hebrew bible for it's contents. But It wasn't following the Hebrew Masoretic Text for the arrangement and order of it's Old Testament bible books. It was following the Orthodox and Catholic Bible Canons for it's contents for the Old Testament.
You see. No one individual or church had a hand in changing or making any arrangements for it's Bible Canon. So the resultant 66 book Protestant Bible Canon is indeed an act of God. The symetry that is shown in it's arrangements could not have just happened haphazardly!
Yes, some have wanted to exclude certain books including the book of Revelation. But no one ever did. If any one book was excluded or if there was even one minor change made in the Bible Canon then we would not have the perfect diamond symetry of a Bible Canon that we have today!
Maybe for a brief period people seem to get inspiration from God but later change their views, like Solomon. And perhaps this is the case why some wanted to exclude certain books or include other books in the canon.
dan b
03-18-2011, 12:25 PM
Maybe for a brief period people seem to get inspiration from God but later change their views, like Solomon. And perhaps this is the case why some wanted to exclude certain books or include other books in the canon.
I, like probably so many other people, have found such amazing and miraculous structures and verses depicting prophesy that has occurred, that I actually believe that God's hand is in all of this. I came to my belief from seeing the miracles through searching the scriptures. So I now think that even in the way that the Bible Canons have come about that it was in his hand and now ours.
dan b
03-18-2011, 01:43 PM
The third colomn of the 66 book Protestant Bible is divided which the first 14 books representing the fruit and the next 7 books representing the seed. The seed is the souls of men or sons of men.
1. Genesis Chapter 1 describes the first 6 days of creation which can symbolically represent the downward growing root or radical.
..........Chapters 2 through 7 describers mankind after receiving the
..........breath of life and enhanced mental capacity symbolized by
..........the upward growing sprout.
2. Genesis Chapter 8 through Deuteronomy describes the growth of stalk, twelve branches and leaf stage. Starting with the single shoot of Abraham and going on to the 12 sons of Israel,(branches) and the 12 tribes,(foliage, leaf). Finally after the great Red Sea watering Israel received the laws and ways of living which prepared it for it's next stage of flowering.
3. Joshua through Esther describes the flowering period beginning after crossing the Jordan River and inhabiting the promised land. Then living under a government of judges(buds), Israel finally received kings,(flowers) and constructed the temple.
4. Job through Acts describes the pollination stage, first by the messages of the Old Testament Prophets, then the destruction or fading of Israel and Judeah led to the scattering and dissemination of the Israelite culture(pollen or seed) towards Europe. Finally pollination was also apparent with the introduction of the New Christian teachings by Christ and his Apostles.
5. Romans through Hebrews describes the growth and development of the fruit stage.(churches) Beginning with establishing the Christian Churches and communities among the Gentiles and establishing Christian thought believers suffered hardship but their Church's hard unripe shell protected them so that their inner spiritual lives or seed could continue developing.
6. James through Jude describes the ripening of seeds and fruit to maturity. Beginning with communities living under Christian governments in many European Countries and on to more advanced Christian awarness because of the Protestant Reformation, Age of Reason, the more ethical governments of Democracy, and ethical Communism.
7. Revelation is the developed fruit containing the plant Israel's blueprint in it's seeds. So fulfulls the prophesy of Jer.31;31 " I will put the law into their hearts."
03-18-2011, 01:45 PM
But I still wonder. What about the book of Enoch which was mentioned in Jude? or other books such as the book of Jasher or whatever else there was mentioned. Or maybe they're not considered as primary or that important. Maybe it's considered secondary as Josephus' book.
03-18-2011, 02:04 PM
The third colomn of the 66 book Protestant Bible is divided which the first 14 books representing the fruit and the next 7 books representing the seed. The seed is the souls of men or sons of men.
1. Genesis Chapter 1 describes the first 6 days of creation which can symbolically represent the downward growing root or radical.
..........Chapters 2 through 7 describers mankind after receiving the
..........breath of life and enhanced mental capacity symbolized by
..........the upward growing sprout.
2. Genesis Chapter 8 through Deuteronomy describes the growth of stalk, twelve branches and leaf stage. Starting with the single shoot of Abraham and going on to the 12 sons of Israel,(branches) and the 12 tribes,(foliage, leaf). Finally after the great Red Sea watering Israel received the laws and ways of living which prepared it for it's next stage of flowering.
3. Joshua through Esther describes the flowering period beginning after crossing the Jordan River and inhabiting the promised land. Then living under a government of judges(buds), Israel finally received kings,(flowers) and constructed the temple.
4. Job through Acts describes the pollination stage, first by the messages of the Old Testament Prophets, then the destruction or fading of Israel and Judeah led to the scattering and dissemination of the Israelite culture(pollen or seed) towards Europe. Finally pollination was also apparent with the introduction of the New Christian teachings by Christ and his Apostles.
5. Romans through Hebrews describes the growth and development of the fruit stage.(churches) Beginning with establishing the Christian Churches and communities among the Gentiles and establishing Christian thought believers suffered hardship but their Church's hard unripe shell protected them so that their inner spiritual lives or seed could continue developing.
6. James through Jude describes the ripening of seeds and fruit to maturity. Beginning with communities living under Christian governments in many European Countries and on to more advanced Christian awarness because of the Protestant Reformation, Age of Reason, the more ethical governments of Democracy, and ethical Communism.
7. Revelation is the developed fruit containing the plant Israel's blueprint in it's seeds. So fulfulls the prophesy of Jer.31;31 " I will put the law into their hearts."
Zola Levitt had things to say on the stages of the woman's pregnancy to the feasts of the Lord.
dan b
03-18-2011, 02:09 PM
But I still wonder. What about the book of Enoch which was mentioned in Jude? or other books such as the book of Jasher or whatever else there was mentioned. Or maybe they're not considered as primary or that important. Maybe it's considered secondary as Josephus' book.
Maybe the point of the Bible Canon is not to necessarily include every good writting. Maybe even the Apostle Paul actually wrote more letters that were good but they didn't end up being included in the New Testament Canon. Maybe the purpose of the final conclusive Bible Canon is to sparkle and show us the Majesty of God and his Universe, but not to include every good and instructive writting ever written. Maybe it includes enough for our understanding and sanctification. Maybe some seemingly good writtings had a small mistake and were therefore not included.
But by and large, if studied according to the modern archeological evidence of modern scholarship the Bible shows miracles in it's construction. By miracles here I mean it was evidently put together over a period of a few thousand years in a way that is fully documented, but yet can be seen as imposible for human beings to have arranged it. The more you study it the more you find. So thats good, it really helps with the faith.
dan b
03-18-2011, 02:13 PM
Zola Levitt had things to say on the stages of the woman's pregnancy to the feasts of the Lord.
Thanks, I'm checking that out now. The Holy Bible also divides not only into the seven stages of a plants growth, but also it seems to correspond to the 7 decades of a persons life. I have make a chart of this which I don't have with me today. Each decade of human life corresponds to a millennium of Civilizations development from Adam untill 3000AD
03-19-2011, 02:26 AM
Thanks, I'm checking that out now. The Holy Bible also divides not only into the seven stages of a plants growth, but also it seems to correspond to the 7 decades of a persons life. I have make a chart of this which I don't have with me today. Each decade of human life corresponds to a millennium of Civilizations development from Adam untill 3000AD
Hi dan_b,
I think the chart you write about is interesting (too) and like to see it also.
Charles Wade
03-26-2011, 08:01 AM
It has been my experience that when you join a religious organization or a denomination of Christians, that you are asking to be dominated.
The organization will not allow you to work out your own salvation, and they impart fear & trembling into the equation, as you try to find our Father & creator by the way His Son showed us.
The organizations are quick to point out only 66 books are excepted and used for guidance.
This is telling you that your discernment is of no value, and to ask them because they consider themselves of the highest, of the intellectual earthly ones, and they clearly lack discernment of truths because this is evident by all the different organizations there are to join.
TRUTHS.......that is to worship our Father in Spirit & truth & allow Him to guide & explain what was written about Him and the behavior of His children, just as scripture points out.
Therefore, it is my contention that a person that truly seeks the truth,not just for knowledge, but to learn the eternal love that our Father has for His creations, & to also display & apply this love in our lives, so we are fully prepared to pass from death to an eternal life in the Kingdom of heaven.
These fellows that canonized the books have also tried to lay commandments upon YOU, as to what you are suppose to read. Who is responsible for your salvation, Them or you?
Salvation is just the beginning point of this journey here on earth and truth & a loving service to your neighbor is the final goal that allows your soul to mature and be ready for a new garment,fit for the light of the Kingdom of heaven.
So, since this is my responsibility,I use every tool available to uncover the truths that have been buried by the ones that say you can only read 66 of the books, and then I ask of the Father, for my discernment to be as one with Him.
In His Love, Chas.
dan b
03-26-2011, 02:19 PM
It has been my experience that when you join a religious organization or a denomination of Christians, that you are asking to be dominated.
The organization will not allow you to work out your own salvation, and they impart fear & trembling into the equation, as you try to find our Father & creator by the way His Son showed us.
The organizations are quick to point out only 66 books are excepted and used for guidance.
This is telling you that your discernment is of no value, and to ask them because they consider themselves of the highest, of the intellectual earthly ones, and they clearly lack discernment of truths because this is evident by all the different organizations there are to join.
TRUTHS.......that is to worship our Father in Spirit & truth & allow Him to guide & explain what was written about Him and the behavior of His children, just as scripture points out.
Therefore, it is my contention that a person that truly seeks the truth,not just for knowledge, but to learn the eternal love that our Father has for His creations, & to also display & apply this love in our lives, so we are fully prepared to pass from death to an eternal life in the Kingdom of heaven.
These fellows that canonized the books have also tried to lay commandments upon YOU, as to what you are suppose to read. Who is responsible for your salvation, Them or you?
Salvation is just the beginning point of this journey here on earth and truth & a loving service to your neighbor is the final goal that allows your soul to mature and be ready for a new garment,fit for the light of the Kingdom of heaven.
So, since this is my responsibility,I use every tool available to uncover the truths that have been buried by the ones that say you can only read 66 of the books, and then I ask of the Father, for my discernment to be as one with Him.
In His Love, Chas.
For those who lack the ability, or mabey it is the desirebility to read and see the above Bible Canon miracles, what can I answer? As I said above, the first Hebrew Bible Canon was changed, then added to, to create the Orthodox and Catholic Canons. But then later when the Protestants needed a truly "Holy Scriptures" they combined the authoritative Hebrew Masoretic Text but into the book arrangement of the Orthodox and Catholic Bibles and presto! they had the most miraculouse book on earth. The Protestant 66 book bible Canon has never been changed or arranged by any man and yet it miraculosly matches the Hebrews Old Testament cattagories of "the Law, the Prophets and the Writtings!
Look at how the Prophets Column begins with the first Prophet Isaiah and continues all through just with the names of men, the Prophets. Look at how the Writtings Column begins with the first New Testament Writting called an epistle. The Epistle to the Romans then continues in a line of 22 consecutive bible books all called Epistles or writtings. If you study these Canons and read up in an Encyclopedia about how each of the three Main Christian churches got their Canons you can see it is a miracle on paper. If you cannot do that then don't, it's your busness. But I believe that God has everything in order in this way.
dan b
03-26-2011, 02:24 PM
Hi dan_b,
I think the chart you write about is interesting (too) and like to see it also.
I am presently attempting to finish the project of the chart that compared the 7 decades of a person's lifetime to the 7 millenniums of Human History as shown allegorically in the 7 day Genesis Creation Story. It is involved so it is important to make it clear for presentation. Whats the use of saying something if you don't take the time and trouble to say it clearly and understandabley? Maybe in a week.
Charles Wade
03-26-2011, 04:07 PM
It is a pleasure to meet you dan b. I guess since you used my quote this is referring to me...sorry, if you thought I was attacking you or the contents of your post.I did not imply that the order of the 66 books had any bearing on my comment.
For those who lack the ability, or mabey it is the desirebility to read and see the above Bible Canon miracles, what can I answer?
This is my only remark on canonization and it was incorrectly & poorly addressed to "the fellows that canonized the bible".
. These fellows that canonized the books have also tried to lay commandments upon YOU, as to what you are suppose to read. Who is responsible for your salvation, Them or you?
In His Love, Chas.
Please allow me to correct my statement above by inserting these three words: follow, only, the;
These fellows that follow only the canonized books have also tried to lay commandments upon YOU, as to what you are suppose to read. Who is responsible for your salvation, Them or you?
Is this correction more palatable for you? I am sorry for the misunderstanding. In His love, Chas.
03-26-2011, 04:47 PM
It is a pleasure to meet you dan b. I guess since you used my quote this is referring to me...sorry, if you thought I was attacking you or the contents of your post.I did not imply that the order of the 66 books had any bearing on my comment.
This is my only remark on canonization and it was incorrectly & poorly addressed to "the fellows that canonized the bible".
Please allow me to correct my statement above by inserting these three words: follow, only, the;
These fellows that follow only the canonized books have also tried to lay commandments upon YOU, as to what you are suppose to read. Who is responsible for your salvation, Them or you?
Is this correction more palatable for you? I am sorry for the misunderstanding. In His love, Chas.
My question is what makes any of these books authoritative? How and why were they accepted in the bible?
Richard Amiel McGough
03-31-2011, 07:39 PM
My question is what makes any of these books authoritative? How and why were they accepted in the bible?
I moved the conversation that sprang from this question to a thread of its own called What makes the books of the Bible authoritative? (
dan b
04-01-2011, 02:46 PM
Hi dan_b,
I think the chart you write about is interesting (too) and like to see it also.
70 Years Old............................................... .......JUDGMENT DAY
..........................Time of Rest - Old Age Pension
60 Years Old............................................... ...........................
..........................Created Mankind
...........................Creeping Things
50 Years Old............................................... ...........................
..................Fowl that fly above the heaven
..................Moving creatures from waters
40 Years Old............................................... ...........................
....................Moon..........Lights in Heaven are
....................Stars.............ideas in the mind.
30 Years Old............................................... ...........................
...........................grass, herbs, trees
...................Waters under heaven gathered apart
.............(People incapable of understanding are left behind)
20 Years Old............................................... ...........................
....................Finally out of slavery(Egypt)
................created a firmament dividing waters
...............(follow laws/rules/stay out of trouble)
10 Years Old............................................... ...........................
.................divided light from darkness(good from bad)
.................created heaven and earth(mind and physical body)
0 Years Old............................................... ............................
1st DECADE............................................ .........0 - 10 years Old
The birth of a human being, like the germination of a plant, involves the Male/Female duality which in Genesis is correspondent to the "Heaven and the Earth." Then as a child grows older he is taught good from bad. "You must be good," he is told, if you want to participate in society. The will to exist corresponds to the Genesis Day One creation of "light." Gen.1;3,4
2d DECADE............................................ .........10 - 20 Years Old
As a child grows up into a teenager he begins to make excursions out into the world by himself. Whereas previously in his child life he was taught good from bad, now this same morality is magnified to include the social rules and laws of society. During these teenage years a person must develop and exercise his "will power" and keep himself within the law. Much is learned by trial and error during the latter part of a teenager's life. This happened similarily to Israel collectively during the second millennium after Adam. But those Israelites who did use their will power finally crossed the Red Sea and the Jordan River and came out of Egyptian slavery and into a new millennium.
In a similar way each individual person at the end of his teenage life, if he has exercised his willpower and self control can finally cross int adulthood. At this age in our lives we come out of the bondage and what we had called slavery and domination to our parents and guardians. We finally leave their rulersip behind and enter the promised land of being a grown-up.
3d DECADE............................................ ............20 - 30 Years Old
During a person's early twenties he often begins to form an independant homestead and an individual life over which he is at last the ruler. Now when he is no longer under the care of his guardians a young adult begins a period in his life which could be likened unto the "establishment of his kingdom." Physically and economically he begins the establishment of his career and home. Emotionally he now seeks association with others who are of like mind and spirit and does not continue the trial and error relationships he may have had during his teenage years. In this way life with spirit is gathered apart from life without spirit. His kingdom now consists of a wife.
Then during the second half of his twenties a person often finds himself becoming entirely occupied and concerned with raising descendants and the advancement of his career. In this way Genesis appropriately aymbolizes this stage of a person's life with God's creation of grass, herbs and trees. Vegetation's only purpose is preservation and procreation of it's species and therefore appropriately symbolizes this era of a human being's life.
4th DECADE............................................ .........30 - 40 Years Old
Entering his 4th decade a person's family, career and his position in society are usually already well established. At this time in parallel history the Jerualem Temple was finally established and the nation was in it's most prosperous and glorious period. However in the early thirties of a person's life things often seem to go for a fall. Life now changes into more of a school for learning and gaining a fuller understanding of human affairs.
Whereas during the twenties the kingdom was being developed, now during the thirties this same kingdom is knocked down. In this same way both of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were destroyed during the parallelling 4th millennium. This destruction in both the historical and in the personal individual perspective is but the continuing process of evolving consciousness and development towards a final victory. As a person comes to understand the wisdom of the Stars(prophets), the moon( the law), and the Sun(Christ's teaching) he often finds that he has made an awful mess of his kingdom(family, career, social position). In this way one may find himself, in a microcosmic perspective, alike to Jesus who although having a complete spiritual understanding yet had his personal physical kingdom destroyed and scattered and himself bearing a terrible cross. Indeed not only Jesus but also any individual person who attempts to live his life by following his conscience inevitably encounters harships, insults and often physical injury from the more materially and brutally minded populations.
5th.DECADE........................................ ...........40 - 50 Years Old
The Genesis symbolism depicting a human being's 5th decade concentrates solely upon the victor. He who has overcome his lower nature which he often well experiences during his thirties is now aptly honoured and symbolized. The Genesis terms "moving creatures from waters" can indicate that at this point in a person's life, after 40, he has the ability to create from "waters"(mental and spiritual consciousness) positive activity and movement. All that was previously misunderstood or needed to be experienced in his life's lessons is accomplished and now the successful and victorious candidate in this development of consciousness begins to be a creator himself. During a persons forties very high purposes can be achieved due to his accomplishments after 40 years of life's experience. Genesis symbolizes this age as "great whales" and as "fowl that fly above the earth." ....con't...
On the lighter side, dan b's post reminds me of the circle of life joke (no pun intended):
Circle Of Life
At age 1...success to walk and run
At age 4...success is...not peeing in your pants.
At age 10...success is...making your own meals.
At age 12...success is...having friends.
At age 16...success is...having a drivers license.
At age 20...success is...having sex.
At age 35...success is...having money.
At age 50...success is...having money.
At age 60...success is...having sex.
At age 70...success is...having a drivers license.
At age 75...success is...having friends.
At age 80...success is...making your own meals.
At age 85...success is...not peeing in your pants.
At age 100...success to walk and run
In fact, I do see the Bible as a circle of life when man learn to live and walk with God in Genesis and the success at the end of age in Revelation when man managed to learn to live and walk with God.....Amen,
Many Blessings.
dan b
04-01-2011, 03:25 PM
continued from above...............
This could be because unlike the material and emotional kingdoms that we established in our twenties, during this 5th decade the kingdom that we are concerned about is "above the earth" of the simple material and bioligical domain. During these years in a humans life he has the ability to become what could be called for the first time, "a living entity" not confined only to their physical materialistic life.
6th DECADE............................................ ................50 - 60 Years Old
During the fifties of our lives the Genesis symbolism sees to give us two choices. "Man or Beast?" To begin with during the parallelling 6th day of Genesis "cattle, creeping things and beasts" were created. Only then came man. Does this indicate that a person must understand and somewhat experience existance in these cattle and beastly mentalities before he will finally arrive at and fully attain human understanding? Genesis symbology here could be indicating that we as human beings must overcome the beastly, hiding and sneaking mentalities before attaining and becoming God's final and crown of creation "mankind." At 60 years old life's wonderful, although sometimes arduous journey is complete. What has been done has been done and what has been experienced has been experienced. Just as in Genesis God ended his creation after six days we too, as individuals, societies and Civilizations seem to have within us a blue print that decreases our innovative energy after six decades, and after six thousand years. On the seventh day God rested and reflected on his works that he had made. Will Mankind do the same?
7th.DECADE........................................ ....................60 - 70 Years Old
This decade in the paralleling Genesis Creation Story is described as the "Day of Rest." This last decade of a person's life is indeed a time of rest even when we consider societie's social security and old age pension systems. In most of this world's Civil Societies a person upon reaching the age of 60 or 65 is relieved of his job and given a suitable and guaranteed income to live out his last years. This is generally a time of thought and reflection, and if applicable, satisfaction as he remembers and thinks over the past six decades of his life. God blessed this "seventh day" and sanctified it. Gen.2;3
But what if a person has fallen and not arisen? What about the people who during their lifetimes have not used will power to a sufficient extent and therefore have not learned and understood from life's experiences? Instead they may not have learned good from bad during thieir first decade and therefore have not been able to hold fast to the rules and laws required of them during their second decade. What if they, during their third decade of their lives instead of building up their kingdoms, left all serious concerns to naught and partied and frolicked in abandonment for those years? What if even during a person's 4th decade he still continued to disregard his human duties? Would he then still be deserving of being called a "fish in spirit" or a "fowl that flies above the earth" during his 5th decade? Or would he during his sixties be more of a "beast, creeping thing or cattle" than ever to become a Man?
Revelation, the book of the Holy Bible that reveals to us in symbols our personal 70 year lifetime as well as our Civilizational historical 7000 years, tells us of another fate that becomes all those who do fail. In Rev.20;3 it tells us that those who act as the old serpent which is the Devil will be cast into the bottomless pit and shut up for 1000 years. Here again we can take analogy to signify the downcast and pitiful conclusion of the lives of those people who do not try and do fail in carrying out even those few life's tasks that they themselves were obviously personally assigned to. They will spend their supposed to be "Day of Rest" as if bound up in a bottomless pit. They will indeed, if they have deprived their develloping consciousness of life's worthwile experiences and lessons and not leaned hard in the direction of progress, find themselves little better than in that situation. For the human being that knowingly forfeits his life's purpose for the lark of frivoulous vanity probably spends this last ten years of his life sad and worring about death.
"The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of streangth they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." Ps.90;10
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom." Ps90;12
04-05-2011, 05:54 AM
Ah you made a layer on Gen. 1. I thought you meant something else with
Thanks, I'm checking that out now. The Holy Bible also divides not only into the seven stages of a plants growth, but also it seems to correspond to the 7 decades of a persons life. I have make a chart of this which I don't have with me today. Each decade of human life corresponds to a millennium of Civilizations development from Adam untill 3000AD
namely connecting the Bible (not only Gen. 1) with the 17th century for example, the Golden Age, A'dam (Amsterdam)* and the Industrial Revolution. But now I see you wrote millennium and not century.
I don't like to critisize your layer, critisizing is always possible when someone posts a large text.
* actually called after a dam in the river Amstel, Amstel-dam, Amsterdam. In short we write A'dam. In Amsterdam are many Jewish hebrew words used, like Amsterdam itself is also called Mokum. It is called after the hebrew word makom which means 'place'.
dan b
04-05-2011, 10:11 AM
Ah you made a layer on Gen. 1. I thought you meant something else with
namely connecting the Bible (not only Gen. 1) with the 17th century for example, the Golden Age, A'dam (Amsterdam)* and the Industrial Revolution. But now I see you wrote millennium and not century.
I don't like to critisize your layer, critisizing is always possible when someone posts a large text.
* actually called after a dam in the river Amstel, Amstel-dam, Amsterdam. In short we write A'dam. In Amsterdam are many Jewish hebrew words used, like Amsterdam itself is also called Mokum. It is called after the hebrew word makom which means 'place'.
Adam was a dumb person.
Adam was a dumb person.
Good :thumb:
No wonder his name is Adam. Adam means man and it means A Damned Man. Damned because he sinned and make us all damnable to sin.
Many Blessings.
04-06-2011, 04:24 AM
Oh well people go to A'dam.
Richard Amiel McGough
04-06-2011, 09:23 AM
Question: Why was the first ant so very stubborn?
dan b
04-06-2011, 12:06 PM
Oh well people go to A'dam.
Yes, I've been to your city many many times. Very nice but smoky.
dan b
04-06-2011, 12:08 PM
Good :thumb:
No wonder his name is Adam. Adam means man and it means A Damned Man. Damned because he sinned and make us all damnable to sin.
Many Blessings.
Actually it goes like this. Adam - Abram - Abraham. Thats the trinity. Thats a progression of development intentionally mentioned in the Bible.
Richard Amiel McGough
04-06-2011, 12:24 PM
Question: Why was the first ant so very stubborn?
Cuz he was Adam ant!
04-07-2011, 12:29 PM
Adam Ant (
dan b
04-07-2011, 01:12 PM
Adam Ant (
or Amster-dumbed? Whys that?
04-08-2011, 12:54 AM
or Amster-dumbed? Whys that?
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