View Full Version : The Messiah, ha-Messhiach = 888

Dave Jenson
10-01-2007, 12:46 PM
Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God" = 888

Also the words Jehovah Tzabaoth, ha-Messhiach, "Jehovah of hosts, the
Messhiach" add up to 888.

The Lord, YHVH = 26
of Hosts, Tzabaoth (H6635)=499
The Messiah, ha-Messhiach=5+358

Total = 888

Richard Amiel McGough
08-18-2008, 08:35 PM
<A href="http://goddessnow.multiply.com"" target=_blank>http://goddessnow.multiply.com
<A href="http://uk.360.yahoo.com/yeshua_ha_messhiach" target=_blank>http://uk.360.yahoo.com/yeshua_ha_messhiach
Behold,I come quickly, and my reward is with me,to give every man according as his works shall be
Hey there Roya,

Please do not use this site to advertise your websites where you claim to be Jesus Christ and God incarnate. If you want to present your beliefs about yourself and interact with other members in a thread here, that would be fine. But if you simply want to advertise your site, I will delete your posts and restrict your priviledges in the forum.

So tell me, how in the world did you come to believe that you are the Creator? Is it not obvious that you are a mere creature like the rest of us?


Richard Amiel McGough
08-18-2008, 08:36 PM
Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God" = 888

Also the words Jehovah Tzabaoth, ha-Messhiach, "Jehovah of hosts, the
Messhiach" add up to 888.

The Lord, YHVH = 26
of Hosts, Tzabaoth (H6635)=499
The Messiah, ha-Messhiach=5+358

Total = 888
Hey there Dave,

I just noticed this post ... I must say that's a beautiful identity you have found.

Thanks! :sunny:


Roya Dayspring
09-04-2008, 03:12 PM
Hey there Roya,

Please do not use this site to advertise your websites where you claim to be Jesus Christ and God incarnate. If you want to present your beliefs about yourself and interact with other members in a thread here, that would be fine. But if you simply want to advertise your site, I will delete your posts and restrict your priviledges in the forum.

So tell me, how in the world did you come to believe that you are the Creator? Is it not obvious that you are a mere creature like the rest of us?


:confused2: My dearest RAM, perhaps if you had visited a couple of the
sites instead of "poo pooing" them, you would know that this has been
going on "visions and dreams" (roya is Persian for dream or prophecy)
since I was four. I am 53 now, sane, sober and every bit as human as
the next fellow, but pass on what's told to me by Kether, as if by some
strategy my mind receives knowledge through a funnel. My blogs explain
some and I incorporate other media to say what words alone cannot
express. I thank you for your patience and consideration. Since I am
Shekinah driven, I have no choice but to SHOUT to the world, country
by country that YHVH has a vested interest in every aspect of what is
transpiring right under everyones' noses. There is nothing that escapes
(nothing hidden that shall not be revealed) Remember that the Good Lord
once used an ass to deliver a message ... and so I rest my case.
My principle site where I don't make any money either
but rather gift His word if you phone and pay postage
is http://www.hescomingsoon.com
Happy to ship you a case ... All blessings and to life (the best)
See you in the forum if time allows - Roya :hug:http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c272/Winter7Hawk/NIK/rfghost.jpg

11-10-2008, 04:53 PM
the numbers are all my secrets.my name dana rene hoecker show truth.some should listen .drhoecker on youtube video proof of all things.rev 44:7 revealed. ect...sealed book opened.

01-29-2009, 04:22 PM
888 The lord.

1480 the cosmic intelligence of the spirit of the sun~~2368, that's a problem for the most of you.

1480= revelation 2221, 888 is Mattheus 2:10, 112 you understand i hope~1000.

1000+913~~1913, Breastplate 358 can you inagine anything by that, i can.

Now we are here on this holy moment, 99, the beginning of wisdom, I will forgive.

Can you do that to, you are not able to do so , you are remenbering everything they done to you.

In Christ you remenber anything to, but it has no roots in your soul anymore, any smile of a child, anything will destroy all your menory"s. They still there, but they are powerless.

You like to understand all the numbers, start with number 1. Be like a child, that"s whwere the great master hinself started, in the desert of this world full of deceit.


Richard Amiel McGough
01-31-2009, 02:14 PM
888 The lord.

1480 the cosmic intelligence of the spirit of the sun~~2368, that's a problem for the most of you.

Hi there Shin,

I think this is my first response to you, so let me say "Welcome to our forum!"


As for the idea of the "cosmic intelligence of the sun" - yes, that could be a problem for a lot of folks here, myself included. First, I'm not sure what you mean by it, and if my guess is correct, it sounds like something folks just made up. I hope you understand I am not criticizing, but rather merely sharing my understanding with you.

1480= revelation 2221, 888 is Mattheus 2:10, 112 you understand i hope~1000.

How does 1480 = revelation 2221? Are you talking about the verse numbered 22:21?

And why do you say 888 is Matt 2:10? That is a wonderful verse:

Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

And Jesus (888) is the Star of Jacob ... is that what you were getting at?

A lot of your comments seem like they are meant to be riddles.


02-02-2009, 06:27 AM
By 1480 i mean the holy spirit of Christ, the intelligence of the universe, the sun , yes i mean revelation-verse 22:21.

888, Jesus, the universal heavenly human, the real image of god,

What is the relation to Matthew 2:10, the star and Jehoshua are one. Jesus is not only the child just born as a innocent baby, he is also the star from the east, the inner soulintelligence of the star incarnate in the soul of the child jesus. Christ as the wholy sun spirit guide that star innnerly and outwardly till it is growing up. Till it's ready to go into the world of deceit. Than they come together, 1480 and 888. Christ and Jesus as one dimension in seven seals.

Not all i'm writing are riddles.
Matthew 2:10

It's impossible to explane everything in detail, the whole circle of consciousness is born in Bethlehem..
And it's still waken up people, my way of study the ways of gematria are very simple. They come, they go.
Excuses for my english, it's also simple.

For me Christ is divine intelligence, jesus the human who is touched by that strenght.

So jesus and maria, in the most deepest way is you.


12-01-2009, 10:24 AM
Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God" = 888

Also the words Jehovah Tzabaoth, ha-Messhiach, "Jehovah of hosts, the
Messhiach" add up to 888.

The Lord, YHVH = 26
of Hosts, Tzabaoth (H6635)=499
The Messiah, ha-Messhiach=5+358

Total = 888

the true messenger would be me.i posess future book of us.i opened daniels book that is.i reveal all that john saw in revelations.i see all the pictures that dean coomes draws on bible-codes.org.i revealed many future events that then occured as i stated them.i have posterd proof i can do these things.i remote viewed north korea ahead and averted ww3.i am sent to reveal all things.drhoecker@hotmail.com:welcome: