View Full Version : God and Marriage
I would like to open an discussion and would hope it would be ground's where we could have a study on the topic of God and Marriage. In some past threads I've read very insightful and very informational topic's concerning how God sees and understand's the concept of marriage. For instance threads as here. (
So I'm not sure in what direct to start, but to simply ask how does God himself use marriage? Is there scripture that gives where God has become married if so where and lets talk about it. All I'm wanting is to get a better understanding and if I can understand how God uses marriage that would help.
Richard Amiel McGough
02-08-2011, 07:59 PM
I would like to open an discussion and would hope it would be ground's where we could have a study on the topic of God and Marriage. In some past threads I've read very insightful and very informational topic's concerning how God sees and understand's the concept of marriage. For instance threads as here. (
So I'm not sure in what direct to start, but to simply ask how does God himself use marriage? Is there scripture that gives where God has become married if so where and lets talk about it. All I'm wanting is to get a better understanding and if I can understand how God uses marriage that would help.
When writing the Bible Wheel book, I became very impressed with the Biblical use of marriage as a symbol of our relationship with God. I became particularly impressed when writing the chapters on Spoke 22, the final Spoke which is dominated by the theme of "consummation." The books on this Spoke are:
Cycle 1: Song of Songs - A King receives his Bride
Cycle 2: Acts - The Bride (Church) is born at Pentecost
Cycle 3: Revelation - Christ receives his Bride
The alignment of these books, with their theme of the "consummation" of a marriage, is amazing in light of the fact that they "close the circle" of the Bible Wheel. Here is a link to one of my main articles on this topic (which also discusses the theme of marriage in the Bible a lot):
Marriage Song: The Union of Christ and His Church (
When writing the Bible Wheel book, I became very impressed with the Biblical use of marriage as a symbol of our relationship with God. I became particularly impressed when writing the chapters on Spoke 22, the final Spoke which is dominated by the theme of "consummation." The books on this Spoke are:
Cycle 1: Song of Songs - A King receives his Bride
Cycle 2: Acts - The Bride (Church) is born at Pentecost
Cycle 3: Revelation - Christ receives his Bride
The alignment of these books, with their theme of the "consummation" of a marriage, is amazing in light of the fact that they "close the circle" of the Bible Wheel. Here is a link to one of my main articles on this topic (which also discusses the theme of marriage in the Bible a lot):
Marriage Song: The Union of Christ and His Church (
Hi Richard,
I will take a look at those spokes, I do believe it will be very insightfull and knowing me I probably will have even more questions :lol:
I'm not only interested in marriage in God's view but also divorce. I know this to be an topic of great passion so I want to fully understand God's perpective and how He himself is said to use theses.
Richard Amiel McGough
02-09-2011, 05:01 PM
Hi Richard,
I will take a look at those spokes, I do believe it will be very insightfull and knowing me I probably will have even more questions :lol:
I'm not only interested in marriage in God's view but also divorce. I know this to be an topic of great passion so I want to fully understand God's perpective and how He himself is said to use theses.
Well, if you are interested in the topic of divorce, I would guess that you have probably gone over the classic verses pretty carefully (Matt 19, 1 Cor 7, etc.).
My opinion is that "God hates divorce" (Mal 2:16) but I am certain he hates the destruction of lives tormented in bad marriages a thousand times more, and I am even more certain that he hates the Pharisaical legalism that magnified the Law under Christianity by forbidding all divorce a thousand times more again.
It has always mystified me that Christians were made free from bondage of the Jewish Law in all things except divorce, which was amplified and made more odious.
Well, if you are interested in the topic of divorce, I would guess that you have probably gone over the classic verses pretty carefully (Matt 19, 1 Cor 7, etc.).
Why Yes.
My opinion is that "God hates divorce" (Mal 2:16) but I am certain he hates the destruction of lives tormented in bad marriages a thousand times more, and I am even more certain that he hates the Pharisaical legalism that magnified the Law under Christianity by forbidding all divorce a thousand times more again.
It has always mystified me that Christians were made free from bondage of the Jewish Law in all things except divorce, which was amplified and made more odious.
And I would agree, but with that I'm still interested in defining in what context marriage and divorce may apply. As per context in Malachi it comes from the 'covenant' of thy youth, the wife of thy covenant. Likewise God's marriage is by covenant. I would like for us or me to get a understanding of marriage before we get to far into divorcement.
Richard Amiel McGough
02-09-2011, 08:51 PM
And I would agree, but with that I'm still interested in defining in what context marriage and divorce may apply. As per context in Malachi it comes from the 'covenant' of thy youth, the wife of thy covenant. Likewise God's marriage is by covenant. I would like for us or me to get a understanding of marriage before we get to far into divorcement.
I agree that marriage is a covenant. Makes perfect sense to me.
But it is curious that the Bible does not define marriage, and neither the Hebrew or the Greek has a word for "wife" other than "woman." And the husband is usually called the woman's "man" but sometimes her ba'al (lord).
Why would God neglect to define marriage if divorce is so rigorously restricted?
Richard Amiel McGough
02-09-2011, 10:43 PM
While researching a new interpretation of 1 Cor 14:34-36 (subject of another thread) I serendipitously found this book which impacts our discussion:
Divorce: God's Will? (
Thought you might find it of interest. Synchronicity always impresses me.
I agree that marriage is a covenant. Makes perfect sense to me.
But it is curious that the Bible does not define marriage, and neither the Hebrew or the Greek has a word for "wife" other than "woman." And the husband is usually called the woman's "man" but sometimes her ba'al (lord).
Why would God neglect to define marriage if divorce is so rigorously restricted?
If I understand correctly, I believe God has defined what marriage is to be in a sence, and that you have show in spoke 22 is how God used our relastionship in marriage to our wife 'woman' to reveal to us how His relastionship is to His wife, the bride of Christ the church. (as it should be)
Jesus spoke to the pharisees of God's plan for man and woman in their joinning together in marriage by covenant to make one body.
Matthew 19:4-5
4And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
And within this covenant, vow or contract it is consummated by blood that confirms this covenant. Both the marriages of male and female and that of Christ and the church. But looking back there are two covenants of God with man.
First the covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15:5-18) with has a sign given to Abraham in circumcision of the forskin. Which is concernings the laws of the covenant with the children of Israel.
Second the covenant with the seed of Abraham (Luke 22:15-20) and this covenant is confirmed by the circumcision of the heart.
Luke 22:15-20
15And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:
16For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
17And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:
18For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.
19And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
20Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
If these two covenant's are seen in the sight of marriage why two? I guess this line of question is going in the direction of Israel and Church. How is God's relationship with both in covenant contracts? I assume a covenant contract with that of marriage figuratively.
Brother Les
02-10-2011, 09:02 AM
So I'm not sure in what direct to start, but to simply ask how does God himself use marriage? Is there scripture that gives where God has become married if so where and lets talk about it. All I'm wanting is to get a better understanding and if I can understand how God uses marriage that would help.
There is a verse where YHWH is talking to 'Israel' and He said (to the effect) 'You were not the largest or most powerfulest, but 'I' chose you'.
We see many examples of YHWH/Jesus (Jesus had to make the Sinai Covenant contract in order to Die from/for that Covenant contract) being the Husband of 'Mother' Israel and 'her' two daughters.
But we know that He was in 'Covenant' (ie Contract/marriage) before the Sinai Betrothal. Did He truely 'marry' 'Adam' and then have a 'divorce'. But 're-'married His Covenant Creation with Seth. The division of the Covenant Creation with one 'branch' being 'Light' (marriage) and one 'branch' being 'Darkness'(Divorced)? We move on to Noah and The Flood (local?) and the 'destruction' (Divorce?) of the 'world'.... save for Noah and his direct Family. Then we move on to Abram and him being told to leave his home for another land and to change his name.
Every single Covenant Creation Marriage is preceded by a total Covenant Destruction/Fulfillment.
The conversation on YHWHs Marriage and Divorce/destruction can be focused on the Mosaic Covanant Marriage going to the New Covenant Creation Marriage (that never ends) or we can move to 'in the begining' of HIStory of Genisis 1:1
Genesis 1
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Physical Creation or Covanantal Marriage Creation?
Which direction would you like to go?
We see many examples of YHWH/Jesus (Jesus had to make the Sinai Covenant contract in order to Die from/for that Covenant contract) being the Husband of 'Mother' Israel and 'her' two daughters.
Hi Les,
In that the old covenant of the flesh is symbolic of the nature of an time of betrothal, the time before the consummation of the marriage. There is so much symbolism that at times it become confusing, so bear with me.
But we know that He was in 'Covenant' (ie Contract/marriage) before the Sinai Betrothal. Did He truely 'marry' 'Adam' and then have a 'divorce'. But 're-'married His Covenant Creation with Seth.
The division of the Covenant Creation with one 'branch' being 'Light' (marriage) and one 'branch' being 'Darkness'(Divorced)? We move on to Noah and The Flood (local?) and the 'destruction' (Divorce?) of the 'world'.... save for Noah and his direct Family. Then we move on to Abram and him being told to leave his home for another land and to change his name.
Every single Covenant Creation Marriage is preceded by a total Covenant Destruction/Fulfillment. I do see a number of covenant creation's but still maintaining the seed of the covenant. So I'm not sure of an total destruction and fulfillment of each.
The conversation on YHWHs Marriage and Divorce/destruction can be focused on the Mosaic Covanant Marriage going to the New Covenant Creation Marriage (that never ends) or we can move to 'in the begining' of HIStory of Genisis 1:1
Genesis 1
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Physical Creation or Covanantal Marriage Creation?
Which direction would you like to go?
I would like to stick with the covenant marriage for now.
Marriages have always been based upon a spirit and a soul.
Forget about individuals as man and woman.
They most certainly come into play, but follow the spirits and souls as Wholes.
Individuals are all parts of the Wholes be they Good or Evil.
Matched or mismatched spirits and souls.
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