View Full Version : An Enlightened Mind sees the Truth
The Bible is an historical account of mans perception of “God” from the dawn of civilization to the ultimate presentation in the 1st century - when Jesus revealed the true nature of God to us. As we read through the Bible we find account after account of how a particular race of people (Jews) viewed “God” through their own myths, traditions, and customs of their time period. This historical biblical record ends with the final and highest account of God, and that is of “Christ” in the 1st century.
Scripture is not meant to be an instruction book telling us how to live our lives by following ancient mans perception of God through their myths, customs, and traditions, but rather a progressive revelation of how man has perceived God throughout history. We as modern people with “enlightened minds” should look at those ideas, and concepts given us in the Bible, and use them as a measure of where we are at in our level of understanding of the true nature of God through our empathic capacity. How a person looks at and interprets what the Bible is revealing, directly reflects where he, or she is at in their level of consciousness, and their understanding of the concept of God.
As mankind’s consciousness level raises, so does our empathic capacity which should in turn mature our understanding as to why the Bible has been preserved for us….not as a book which directs us to follow archaic customs and traditions of ancient man concerning their perception of God, but rather to be used as a rule of measure manifesting to us where we are at on the scale of human progress. Do we look at the horrendous stories contained in the Bible - that are presented to us as commands from God - with a moral judgment of condemnation, or with a motive of trying to justify what is presented to us as somehow being condoned by God? It is time for people with enlightened minds to stand up and declare the truth, instead of trying to justify, or sweep under the rug those things that seem to go against what we’ve been taught about the Bible.
If nothing else is gained from this article, I wished again to emphatically stress the idea that the Bible is not given to us as an instruction book that directs us to adhere to, and follow archaic customs and traditions of ancient peoples, but rather it is an account of how those ancient peoples perceived God through the mindset of the times they lived in; the highest account given being that of Christ, but that still is presented through the eyes of those who wrote down the words of Jesus from their time period. With this in mind, we can use those accounts as a rule of measure to judge our own perception of God, but by no means using the Bible as a command from God to return to, and be bound under those customs and traditions.
The more empathic a person is, the more he, or she is able to see that much of what is written in the Old Testament concerning the nature of God comes from the myths, customs, and traditions of the time-period, not from a true revelation of God. If we have truly risen to a higher level of human empathy, we should be able to see that clearly, thus the Bible becomes a measure of that standard.
The highest standard that the Bible reveals: “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “Freedom & Equality”, should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind what the ultimate message of the Bible is about….anyone who teaches differently is in error.
Howdy Rose,
You are beginning to use the right paintbrush .
Howdy Rose,
You are beginning to use the right paintbrush .
02-03-2011, 08:46 PM
The Bible is an historical account of mans perception of 'God' from the dawn of civilization to the ultimate presentation in the 1st century - when Jesus revealed the true nature of God to us. As we read through the Bible we find account after account of how a particular race of people (Jews) viewed 'God' through their own myths, traditions, and customs of their time period. This historical biblical record ends with the final and highest account of God, and that is of 'Christ' in the 1st century.
Scripture is not meant to be an instruction book telling us how to live our lives by following ancient mans perception of God through their myths, customs, and traditions, but rather a progressive revelation of how man has perceived God throughout history. We as modern people with 'enlightened minds' should look at those ideas, and concepts given us in the Bible, and use them as a measure of where we are at in our level of understanding of the true nature of God through our empathic capacity. How a person looks at and interprets what the Bible is revealing, directly reflects where he, or she is at in their level of consciousness, and their understanding of the concept of God.
As mankind’s consciousness level raises, so does our empathic capacity which should in turn mature our understanding as to why the Bible has been preserved for us….not as a book which directs us to follow archaic customs and traditions of ancient man concerning their perception of God, but rather to be used as a rule of measure manifesting to us where we are at on the scale of human progress. Do we look at the horrendous stories contained in the Bible - that are presented to us as commands from God - with a moral judgment of condemnation, or with a motive of trying to justify what is presented to us as somehow being condoned by God? It is time for people with enlightened minds to stand up and declare the truth, instead of trying to justify, or sweep under the rug those things that seem to go against what we’ve been taught about the Bible.
If nothing else is gained from this article, I wished again to emphatically stress the idea that the Bible is not given to us as an instruction book that directs us to adhere to, and follow archaic customs and traditions of ancient peoples, but rather it is an account of how those ancient peoples perceived God through the mindset of the times they lived in; the highest account given being that of Christ, but that still is presented through the eyes of those who wrote down the words of Jesus from their time period. With this in mind, we can use those accounts as a rule of measure to judge our own perception of God, but by no means using the Bible as a command from God to return to, and be bound under those customs and traditions.
The more empathic a person is, the more he, or she is able to see that much of what is written in the Old Testament concerning the nature of God comes from the myths, customs, and traditions of the time-period, not from a true revelation of God. If we have truly risen to a higher level of human empathy, we should be able to see that clearly, thus the Bible becomes a measure of that standard.
The highest standard that the Bible reveals: 'Love your neighbor as yourself' and 'Freedom & Equality', should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind what the ultimate message of the Bible is about….anyone who teaches differently is in error.
Hi Rose,
I think the Bible first and foremost is God's revelation of himself to mankind. In the OT God was revealing his nature and character to the people he called out for himself, the Hebrews or Jews. In the NT God made a complete revelation of himself in Jesus Christ for all the world. Sure it also contains man's perception of God at the time, but that is only a minor message of the Bible.
The Bible is not only a progressive revelation of how man has perceived God throughout history, but more importantly how God has progressively revealed himself to mankind, with his final revelation of himself in Christ.
Certainly God does not want us to follow ancient customs or traditions that are not in line with his revealed nature, but the Bible is a record of God revealing his nature to mankind so we have a standard by which to measure our conduct and by his grace and mercy try to act according to his revealed nature.
I agree that the Bible is not a book of rules and laws that we were supposed to follow, but is a revelation of Gods nature and character and that is the measure to judge our progress. For example the 10 commandments are a revelation of God's character. So by looking at those we have an objective standard of how we measure up. Now I am not saying or implying in any way that we have to obtain a certain measure of righteousness to obtain salvation, that is a free gift of God and by his grace he helps up to try and live up to his standards.
The more empathic a person is, the more he, or she is able to see that much of what is written in the Old Testament concerning the nature of God comes from the myths, customs, and traditions of the time-period, not from a true revelation of God.
If it all came from the myths, customs, and traditions of the time period then the Jews would have been polytheists like all the other cultures of that day. God revealed himself to them as the one and only true God. Plus the gods of the cultures around them were angry and wrathful and had to be appeased by sacrifice, sometimes by human sacrifice. Sure God is sometimes depicted in the OT as angry and wrathful, but was only when his people strayed from him. He was mostly portrayed as a loving God who would show his love to a thousand generations of those who loved him.
The highest standard that the Bible reveals: 'Love your neighbor as yourself' and 'Freedom & Equality', should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind what the ultimate message of the Bible is about….anyone who teaches differently is in error.
I think the main message of the Bible is God's plan to save mankind from their sins and restore them back into fellowship with himself. Sure loving your neighbor as yourself is the most important law regarding how we are to conduct ourselves with are fellow man but that is not the main message of the Bible.
Hi Rose,
I think the Bible first and foremost is God's revelation of himself to mankind. In the OT God was revealing his nature and character to the people he called out for himself, the Hebrews or Jews. In the NT God made a complete revelation of himself in Jesus Christ for all the world. Sure it also contains man's perception of God at the time, but that is only a minor message of the Bible.
The Bible is not only a progressive revelation of how man has perceived God throughout history, but more importantly how God has progressively revealed himself to mankind, with his final revelation of himself in Christ.
Certainly God does not want us to follow ancient customs or traditions that are not in line with his revealed nature, but the Bible is a record of God revealing his nature to mankind so we have a standard by which to measure our conduct and by his grace and mercy try to act according to his revealed nature.
I agree that the Bible is not a book of rules and laws that we were supposed to follow, but is a revelation of Gods nature and character and that is the measure to judge our progress. For example the 10 commandments are a revelation of God's character. So by looking at those we have an objective standard of how we measure up. Now I am not saying or implying in any way that we have to obtain a certain measure of righteousness to obtain salvation, that is a free gift of God and by his grace he helps up to try and live up to his standards.
If it all came from the myths, customs, and traditions of the time period then the Jews would have been polytheists like all the other cultures of that day. God revealed himself to them as the one and only true God. Plus the gods of the cultures around them were angry and wrathful and had to be appeased by sacrifice, sometimes by human sacrifice. Sure God is sometimes depicted in the OT as angry and wrathful, but was only when his people strayed from him. He was mostly portrayed as a loving God who would show his love to a thousand generations of those who loved him.
Hi Clifford,
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
The Bible acknowledges the existence of many other gods, but what seems to be important is that there is only one creator God. The sad thing is that when one looks at some of the biblical texts where God is pouring out his wrath on those who are disobedient, it doesn't look any different then how the pagan gods are both cases human lives are sacrificed.
I think the main message of the Bible is God's plan to save mankind from their sins and restore them back into fellowship with himself. Sure loving your neighbor as yourself is the most important law regarding how we are to conduct ourselves with are fellow man but that is not the main message of the Bible.
Yes, the main message of the New Testament is salvation, and restoration, but when one looks around at the condition of mankind I don't see any change in people's fellowship with God now compared to that of the 1st century....what I do see though is a progressive rise in the level of morality.
02-03-2011, 09:56 PM
Hi Clifford,
The sad thing is that when one looks at some of the biblical texts where God is pouring out his wrath on those who are disobedient, it doesn't look any different then how the pagan gods are both cases human lives are sacrificed.
Hi Rose,
There is a big difference in pouring out wrath on the disobedient and just making a sacrifice to a god to appease him. Its would be like the difference of the state carrying out the death penalty on a murderer and killing an innocent person.
Yes, the main message of the New Testament is salvation, and restoration, but when one looks around at the condition of mankind I don't see any change in people's fellowship with God now compared to that of the 1st century....what I do see though is a progressive rise in the level of morality.
I see the progressive rise in the level of morality as the effect of the gospel spreading around the world. As people embrace it or at least live according to its principles the level of morality and civility between people and nations will increase.
God Bless,
Hi Rose,
There is a big difference in pouring out wrath on the disobedient and just making a sacrifice to a god to appease him. Its would be like the difference of the state carrying out the death penalty on a murderer and killing an innocent person.
Hi Clifford,
Killing innocent people is precisely what I'm talking about and what I'm having a very difficult time reconciling. What I read in the Bible is God telling the Jews to go and kill innocent women and children...:eek:
I see the progressive rise in the level of morality as the effect of the gospel spreading around the world. As people embrace it or at least live according to its principles the level of morality and civility between people and nations will increase.
God Bless,
I also see a progressive rise in the level of morality, but I don't necessarily see it as a result of the gospel spreading around the world. I can look back at much of the Church's history when they were trying to spread the gospel and see a bloody mess.
02-04-2011, 07:34 AM
Hi Clifford,
Killing innocent people is precisely what I'm talking about and what I'm having a very difficult time reconciling. What I read in the Bible is God telling the Jews to go and kill innocent women and children...:eek:
I also see a progressive rise in the level of morality, but I don't necessarily see it as a result of the gospel spreading around the world. I can look back at much of the Church's history when they were trying to spread the gospel and see a bloody mess.
Rose, do you believe God would instruct Israel (for not all Israel are Jews) to kill "INNOCENT" people?
I would you see the history of the "church," as that of our Father?
Rose, do you believe God would instruct Israel (for not all Israel are Jews) to kill "INNOCENT" people?
I would you see the history of the "church," as that of our Father?
Hi Whirlwind,
That's the problem! The Bible does indeed record that God commanded the Jews to kill INNOCENT people!!! So either one concludes that it wasn't God who commanded those things, and it was merely people who THOUGHT God told them to do those wicked things, or comes one up with some other justification. What's written, is written!
I see Church history as MANS interpretation of what they THOUGHT the Bible was instructing them to do....people have no other choice, we must interpret words through our own minds. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, there is a lot of twisted minds out there!
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