View Full Version : 20 questions showing the connection of Daniel with Deut.

01-07-2011, 06:25 PM
I've been working on a list of questions to connect Daniels 'time of the end' and 'latter days' with the 'latter end' and 'end' and judgment upon the conditional/national covenant, it's principles and unbelieving people as prophesied in Deut and especially chapter 32 as fulfilled in 30-70 AD.

The Goal is to force an answer to question 20.

Feel free to discuss, print and circulate for discussion and also to offer suggestions for clarification and refinement.

A preliminary reading of the complete book of Deuteronomy in one or several sittings would be recommended to get a flavor for it's contextual message. A reading of Daniel chapter 9 would also be important with a particular emphasis on the prayer.

1. To what was Daniel referring to as the 'curse of the law' of Moses in Dan 9:11-14? see Deut 28:15ff

2. Was it prophesied in Deut 30:1-5 that after experiencing the blessings 'and' the curse of the law of Deut 28:15ff and after confessing the 'curse of the law' that all Israel would return to the land? Is there evidence that Daniels prayer of chapter 9 and/or Neh and Ezra fulfilled the requirements of this confession? What evidence? Answer; the evidence of the decree from Cyrus and the return to the land.

3. Some teachers of the dispensational/futurist view say that ‘all Israel’ did not return to the land and that only Judah was represented in Israel at the time of Christ. Is there any reason to not consider these following to refer to the same ‘all Israel’ that was to return to the land? Ezra 2:70; 6:17; 8:25, 8:35; 10:5; Neh 7:73, 12:47. This fulfillment of the return is further confirmed by Pauls quote of Deut 30:10ff in Rom 10:5ff. Note also that some of the northern tribes were intermarried with other nationalities and present in the land as Samaritans and others.

4. Does Deut 30:6-10 in speaking of the circumcision of the heart appear to be talking of the same event as prophesied in Jer 31 and other places which would be individual (as per Jer 31) rather than corporal?

5. In Duet 30, was any additional time between the return to the land and the circumcision of the heart mentioned in vs 5 or 6? Is the context of the angel’s visitation and the giving of the 70 week time prophecy in the same context of time and a response of his prayer of confession in Dan 9:11-14 which satisfied Deut 30:1-5? Is the angels 490 yr prophecy to rebuild the city and temple in preparation to usher in the Messiah, the circumcision/change of the heart and the indwelling of the Spirit; thus interjected between vs's 5 and 6 and as a response to Daniels confession?

6. Was an "END" or 'latter end' prophesied to occur in Dueteronomy after the promised return (Duet 30:1-4) from Babylonian captivity and after the change of heart and (see Deut 31:29; 32:20; 29;)

7. Was the mosaic national covenant prophesied to have a beginning (Deut; 1:3; 5:2,3; 9:1; 27:9; 29:1) and an end and destruction? (Duet 4:25,26; 8:16-19; 31:29; 32:20:29;) Was the latter end and destruction to be administered in the time of the 'new prophet'. 18:15ff; Acts 3:22-24

8. Does Paul quote from Deut 30:11ff in Romans 10:5ff indicating it’s fulfillment in the Holy Spirit?

9. Does parts of Dan 10 appear to overlap parts of Dan 9:20 ff ? Does Dan 10:14 appear to have any similitude to Deut 31:29? Would the 'latter days' of Deut 31:29 thus also apply to parts of the prophecy of Dan 9 as well as the ‘latter days’ of Dan 10:14?

10. According to Dan 9:25; Does Messiah appear on the scene after the 69th week. Did Jesus tell the Samaritan woman that he was 'messiah' very shortly after his baptism?

11. Does Jesus thus proclaim himself as "messiah' within the time-frame of the 70th week and well before triumphal entry and cross?

12. Considering the previous proclamations of "a" covenant or "my covenant" http://www.blueletterbible.org/search/translationResults.cfm?Criteria=covenant&t=KJV especially to Noah and Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ephraim was there any promise or 'covenant' made before Noah to mankind which may have been called “my covenant’ to Noah and Abraham and then referred to as 'the covenant' in Dan 9:27 ? (i.e. edenic promise of a 'seed' of Eve of Gen 3:15) See Rom 8:2)

13. Could vs’s 26,27 of Dan 9 be viewed in Hebrew poetry as overlapping with the Messiah being ‘cut off’ in the midst of the 70th week; with other parts of the final week being fulfilled through His Person, the Holy Spirit in the believing apostles and disciples?

14. Did Jesus claim to be spoken of by Moses which would refer to his being the 'new prophet' of Duet 18:15ff who would Speak "new words' of God (See John 5:46) Did Jesus ever claim to speak the very words of God or by the authority of God?

15. Was the Mosaic national covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob? See Deut 1:3; 5:2,3; 27:9, 29:1;) Again; note question 7 here.

16. Is the 'old covenant' the one made when he took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt? (Jer 31:32: Dan 9:15) Is the 'old covenant' the same 'conditional/national covenant of Deuteronomy according to the beginning verses of question 7. Was it promised to be replaced by a New prophet with new ordinances and New covenant?

17. Did Paul say the 'old covenant' was the administration of death; (2 Cor 3) decaying, inferior, waxing old, ready to pass away in his writings of 40-60 AD; if we include Hebrews with Paul’s writings? Did it 'pass away' shortly after those writings?

18. Is Deut 32 and the writings of the 'end generation' of the mosaic covenant quoted from in Rom 10:19; 12:19; 13:10; Hebrews 1:6; 10:30, and perhaps other places? How are these quotes used in the letters of the apostles to their first century audiences? What is the expectation of the people of the first century to whom the letter was written.

19. What is the "song of Moses" in Rev 15? Why were the people singing it? How could any generation other than the first century generation of the end of the national people sing this song?

20. Is there a reason that all ‘time of the end,’ latter days’, 'latter end", "end of the age", prophecies are not related to this 'end of national Israel’s covenant of Deut 32 and thus fulfilled in the first century?
This would include Deut 32; Daniels overlapping chapters and visions, other prophecies in the prophets about the end or ‘latter days’ of the Mosaic covenant heavens and earth and the ‘NEW” heavens and earth of the “New Prophet”. It would include the ‘latter days’ and other prophecies of EZ 38,39. It would include the prophecies of the “end of the age” in the Olivet discourse and other pertinent final instruction teachings of Jesus and many topics and subjects of the apostles in their letters including Revelation.


02-04-2011, 05:43 PM
This is a bump.
In summary; the questions and studies are designed to prove that 'time of the end', end time, latter days, and latter end prophecies were further expansions and further descriptions of the time of the 'latter end' and 'end' of the mosaic covenant as was prophesied in Duet 32 right when the mosaic covenant was given and which were fulfilled in 30-70 AD.

Daniels calls the babylonian captivity as the curse of the law of Deut 28:15 in his prayer in chapter 9. This confession along with Ezra and Nehemiah's sets the stage for the return to the land that was required in Deut 30:1-5.

Paul quotes from this section of Deut 30-32 several times in his epistles; and 'this (first century) generation' of Pharisees is referred to as adulterous, 'evil' and brood of vipers by Jesus and John the baptist further supporting Jesus knowledge of their living in that 'end time' generation of Deut 32.

Jesus further acknowledges being the "new" prophet of Duet 18 who Moses told would come and bring 'new words' of Life and bring the 'end and utter destruction' of the mosaic covenant.

Those are the summary points of the 20 questions.

One key association is between Dan 10:14 and Deut 31:29. Both use the words 'will befall you in the latter days'. Since Deut 31:29 is referring to the latter days of the continued idolatry of the conditional mosaic covenant ways; it can be affirmed that Daniels prophecies are also referring to and expanding upon this event which was fulfilled in 30-70 AD.

Take care all.