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Are those passages on sleep meant as death. When is sleeping really sleep and when is death really death?...or perhaps those who died did not really died in those passages but were unconscious or in a very deep sleep? Is Death really a form of sleep (my own term: sleeping death; clinically dead and physically dead)?...or is sleep really a form of death (my own term: living death; clinically alive and physically slowed)? The differences are in death the spirit leaves the body while the body decays and return to earth as dust; in sleep the spirit remains in the body while the body rest and recuperates and wakes up physically refreshed. In death the body physically stops functioning; in sleep the body still physically functions but at a slower pace. If death is really a form of sleep, then theorectically, death is reversible if only we can prevent the spirit from leaving the body or put the spirit back into the body.....ummph, no wonder the ancient Egyptians mumified the dead to try to prevent the soul/spirit from leaving the body and to prevent the flesh from from rotting so that someone in the future may be able to use advance technology to raise them up alive.
Matthew 10:28Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. The body is of no avail meaning the spirit/soul is the one that keeps the body functioning, the body does not. What are your views? If Jesus symbolized death as sleep then there is a possibility He meant that if one dies he will in due time wake up physically and be refreshed.
Matthew 9:23-25 (King James Version)
23And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
24He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.
25But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
Luke 8:51-53 (King James Version)
51And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
52And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. 53And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.
John 11
11These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. 12Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
13Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.
14Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.
15And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.
16Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.
17Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.
Mark 5
35 While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher any more?”
36 Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
37 He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. 38 When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. 39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” 40 But they laughed at him.
After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). 42 Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. 43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.
1 Corinthians 11:30
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
1 Corinthians 15:51
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
Ephesians 5:14
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
1 Thessalonians 4:14
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
Many Blessings.
Charles Wade
03-30-2011, 12:18 PM
I wish I knew more about the afterlife. Perhaps you can tell me Joel. I think it would make me a better person if I had a better perspective.
Hi Ya CWH & Craig.....These two subjects fit hand & hand.
Craig, I love your statement & it is very true.
My mother was 1/2 Cherokee & my dad was 1/16 Cherokee also. By saying this, I want to imply that I have discussed "The Spirit World" and the afterlife probably more & in different perspectives than most folks.I have spent much time, especially in my youth talking & asking questions of 4/4's or full blood Indians concerning the spirit world & the afterlife than most white folks or black folks, oriental folks may be the exception. This by no means qualifies me as an expert on the subject, only a fearless different perspective than most white Christians.But,this I do know: most white folks are afraid of the spirit world and especially white Christians seem to think that there are only evil demonic spirits that they call disembodied.
Four years ago I undertook a study that completely changed my life here on this planet and through this continuing study, I am a better person. I know without a doubt in my soul & heart, from whence I came, why I am here on earth,and what I am suppose to do with the short period of time appointed to me while here, and what happens after the death of my body or disposal of this earthly garment.
This all fits biblical scripture, because the Bible is my measuring stick. I have been a christian since I came from my mothers womb & attended the "Church of Christ", even while in the womb, and 4 days a week with my parents and siblings since I have had a memory, until the age of 17 years.
I was born a christian & I remain a christian,even tho I see the Bible as errant.
This does not qualify me as an expert, nor do I consider myself an expert, I just want to understand that I am still a Christan, redeemed by the blood of Christ, [B]happily working for my inheritance that is awaiting me and all, in the Kingdom of God/Heaven, when this body gives up the ghost.
I have long ago worked out my salvation with fear & trembling, and I know what I am saved from & how I can be led by spirit, into the Kingdom while still in this body [Jesus, Enoch, Elijah] even tho it will take the afterlife for me to complete the journey.
This new realization has brought me much Joy & Peace, far beyond the understanding of my carnal mind, but not beyond the understanding of my my soul & spirit. Along with these emotions, it is teaching me why and how to love others as I love myself. Just like my Father, to whose house I am returning to soon, just like in the parable of the prodigal son.
LOVE is the narrow path to the Kingdom as Jesus describes, and the path can only be lit to the souls that have love for God & and do loving unselfish acts of kindness and service to their neighbor in need.
If a person holds on to the doctrine that your soul sleeps upon death of the body, then these truths that have been revealed are of NO Value to them, and it is not my desire to debate this doctrine of soul sleep. My doctrine debating days are over, because I don't think I have ever won any over to my side, and debating is pure nonsense to me since four years ago, but I love discussions.
Only God can reveal the pure truth and it is up to the individual soul to discern the truth, and to accept or deny what is revealed. On the other hand, it can be taught and received by an individual soul that is truly seeking the truth and is an open vessel and not closed, while seeking truths so they can apply them & not just acquire them for knowledge. In other words seeking wisdom.
So Craig, your statement:
I wish I knew more about the afterlife. Perhaps you can tell me Joel. I think it would make me a better person if I had a better perspective. can be turned into reality because this I can assure all, that Jesus statement to Nicodemus is true;that you have to be born of the spirit to enter the Kingdom, and Paul elaborates on on how the flesh/body wars against the Spirit.
Satan binds by ego, or by promoting the use your carnal [flesh] mind and keep you from this rebirth/awakening of the spirit. The spirit of love, the pure substance of our creator.The carnal mind will never conceive what God has in store for those that truly love Him & how He will dispense this inheritance in the heavenly Kingdom.This binding of Satan is by your thoughts that tell you that someday you will understand God's will & mysteries by reading and studying and listening to these great orators [preachers] or people you think are more intelligent than you.A good clue is they selfishly charge us for their books, when God's word is freely given, and they are full of errors and this just keeps the force of the author's ball of confusion rolling like a perpetual motion machine.
The war between flesh and spirit is what has to be "overcome" and the spirit win, a prerequisite in order to eat of the hidden manna mention in Rev 2:17 . Simply put,a person has to succumb to the spirit of God, the source of pure truth,and stop listening to all the carnal knowledge/interpretations that is readily supplied in error by man, by eating of good & evil, also called the tree of knowledge.
Then, all the false doctrines we have been taught by man begin to crumble as we eat of the hidden manna, the true bread of life, the "Lord's Supper" by drinking His blood and eating His body or simply put by having communion with our Lord. This is the tree of life, and leaving the taste of the tree of knowledge, that has caused so much trouble/confusion since it was allegorically set in the Garden of Eden. Ever notice what tree is mentioned here & which tree no longer exist in these verses because of its location... Rev 2:7 .. Rev 22:2.. Rev 22:14 This why God wants us to commune/worship Him in truth & spirit and not carnally aka religious ceremonies.
Bible inerrant or not, I stand on all the promises of God/Jesus.
In His love, Chas.
If Sleep and Death are related, what about Hibernation? Hibernation seems to be a state between sleep and death. In sleep, most of our bodily functions operate at a slower rate until awakening by our body clock whereas in death all bodily functions stop. In hibernation, all our bodily function operates at a much, much slower rate and only starts to operate gradually upon the arrival of certain energy such as an increase in temperature or the arrival of water.
This brings me to the thought of if human can hibernate, will we live like the patriach to almost a lifespan of a thousand years? YES and why not!. There is a story (not sure if it's true or false) which I read several years ago of a WW1 French soldier found buried in the ice in the Alps since 1918 and when thawed, he came back to life and realized that the year was 1980s. He have been "dead" for 70 over years and obviously he hibernated. He looks very young at age 20 and yet was already over 80 years old. During hibernation, one age very very slowly as metabolism is almost absent. Imagine humans lived 20 years and then hibernate for 100 years and then awake for another 20 years and hibernate for a hundred years and so on, we should be able to reach the age of 500 years old and beyond! That may be one explanation of how the patriach in Genesis and even in some ancient myths, (Babylonians, Greeks, Indians) people lived to such old age. That also explains how Noah and and his family and the animals in Noah's Ark could survived more than one year with the limited food supply. There are real stories of humans who hibernated and one claimed to have hibernated for 24 days:
If animals can hibernate for months, why not humans?
May God Bless Us. :pray:
Imagine if humans can hibernate, we will be able to solve a lot of problems:
1. Longetivity: Supposed a person hibernates for 6 months per year, he should be able to live twice the expected lifespan say 80 years X 2 = 160 years; 240 years if he hibernates 9 months per year!
2. Overpopulation : Supposed half the world population takes turns and hibernates 6 months per year, a world population of 8 billion will be like having 4 billion people since half the population is hibernating at any one time.
3. Food, water and resources: There will be less demand for food water and other valuable resources since half the world's population will be hibernating and during hibernation the body's metabolism is very low and thus requires very little food, water and other resources.
4. No need for capital punishment or jail time: Just put the criminal to hibernate for decades and then wake him up when the sentence is completed.
5. There will be less crimes : All criminals will be put to hibernate depending on the sentence whenever they commit a crime.
6. There will be less patients in the hospital: Patients could go home and hibernate until his operation wound is healed. Patients can hibernate till his recuperation or illness is over or until a cure is found for his illness.
7. Less family hussle: Naughty children or the aged can be put to hibernate on an off so that couples or the family can have more free and peaceful time together.
8. Less demand for resources like jobs, housing, farms etc, since half the world's population is hibernating.
9. Less pollution like noise, rubbish, air etc. since half the world's population is hibernating.
10. Looks younger: Since the metabolism is very low during hibernation, one will age very slowly. It's like keeping food in the fridge whereby it does not rot for weeks or even months. People will look much younger despite their age; a 100 year man will look like 50 years old if he hibernates 6 months per year and will looks like 25 years old if he hibernates 9 months per year.
Just some food for thought.:); on the other hand, what's the difference between hibernation compare to death and resurrection or reincarnation?
God Bless.:pray:
07-17-2014, 07:16 PM
Hi Ya CWH & Craig.....These two subjects fit hand & hand.
Craig, I love your statement & it is very true.
My mother was 1/2 Cherokee & my dad was 1/16 Cherokee also. By saying this, I want to imply that I have discussed "The Spirit World" and the afterlife probably more & in different perspectives than most folks.I have spent much time, especially in my youth talking & asking questions of 4/4's or full blood Indians concerning the spirit world & the afterlife than most white folks or black folks, oriental folks may be the exception. This by no means qualifies me as an expert on the subject, only a fearless different perspective than most white Christians.But,this I do know: most white folks are afraid of the spirit world and especially white Christians seem to think that there are only evil demonic spirits that they call disembodied.
Four years ago I undertook a study that completely changed my life here on this planet and through this continuing study, I am a better person. I know without a doubt in my soul & heart, from whence I came, why I am here on earth,and what I am suppose to do with the short period of time appointed to me while here, and what happens after the death of my body or disposal of this earthly garment.
This all fits biblical scripture, because the Bible is my measuring stick. I have been a christian since I came from my mothers womb & attended the "Church of Christ", even while in the womb, and 4 days a week with my parents and siblings since I have had a memory, until the age of 17 years.
I was born a christian & I remain a christian,even tho I see the Bible as errant.
This does not qualify me as an expert, nor do I consider myself an expert, I just want to understand that I am still a Christan, redeemed by the blood of Christ, [B]happily working for my inheritance that is awaiting me and all, in the Kingdom of God/Heaven, when this body gives up the ghost.
I have long ago worked out my salvation with fear & trembling, and I know what I am saved from & how I can be led by spirit, into the Kingdom while still in this body [Jesus, Enoch, Elijah] even tho it will take the afterlife for me to complete the journey.
This new realization has brought me much Joy & Peace, far beyond the understanding of my carnal mind, but not beyond the understanding of my my soul & spirit. Along with these emotions, it is teaching me why and how to love others as I love myself. Just like my Father, to whose house I am returning to soon, just like in the parable of the prodigal son.
LOVE is the narrow path to the Kingdom as Jesus describes, and the path can only be lit to the souls that have love for God & and do loving unselfish acts of kindness and service to their neighbor in need.
If a person holds on to the doctrine that your soul sleeps upon death of the body, then these truths that have been revealed are of NO Value to them, and it is not my desire to debate this doctrine of soul sleep. My doctrine debating days are over, because I don't think I have ever won any over to my side, and debating is pure nonsense to me since four years ago, but I love discussions.
Only God can reveal the pure truth and it is up to the individual soul to discern the truth, and to accept or deny what is revealed. On the other hand, it can be taught and received by an individual soul that is truly seeking the truth and is an open vessel and not closed, while seeking truths so they can apply them & not just acquire them for knowledge. In other words seeking wisdom.
So Craig, your statement: can be turned into reality because this I can assure all, that Jesus statement to Nicodemus is true;that you have to be born of the spirit to enter the Kingdom, and Paul elaborates on on how the flesh/body wars against the Spirit.
Satan binds by ego, or by promoting the use your carnal [flesh] mind and keep you from this rebirth/awakening of the spirit. The spirit of love, the pure substance of our creator.The carnal mind will never conceive what God has in store for those that truly love Him & how He will dispense this inheritance in the heavenly Kingdom.This binding of Satan is by your thoughts that tell you that someday you will understand God's will & mysteries by reading and studying and listening to these great orators [preachers] or people you think are more intelligent than you.A good clue is they selfishly charge us for their books, when God's word is freely given, and they are full of errors and this just keeps the force of the author's ball of confusion rolling like a perpetual motion machine.
The war between flesh and spirit is what has to be "overcome" and the spirit win, a prerequisite in order to eat of the hidden manna mention in Rev 2:17 . Simply put,a person has to succumb to the spirit of God, the source of pure truth,and stop listening to all the carnal knowledge/interpretations that is readily supplied in error by man, by eating of good & evil, also called the tree of knowledge.
Then, all the false doctrines we have been taught by man begin to crumble as we eat of the hidden manna, the true bread of life, the "Lord's Supper" by drinking His blood and eating His body or simply put by having communion with our Lord. This is the tree of life, and leaving the taste of the tree of knowledge, that has caused so much trouble/confusion since it was allegorically set in the Garden of Eden. Ever notice what tree is mentioned here & which tree no longer exist in these verses because of its location... Rev 2:7 .. Rev 22:2.. Rev 22:14 This why God wants us to commune/worship Him in truth & spirit and not carnally aka religious ceremonies.
Bible inerrant or not, I stand on all the promises of God/Jesus.
In His love, Chas.
Brother Wade,
I do not agree with all things other Christians believe, nor they with me...but here is one truth we both can carry. If we believe in Jesus, he gives us the promise of life. I see your belief is strong, as mine is strong.
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