10-31-2010, 04:58 PM
As reminded by goodnewsinc of his perspective of castles in the sky (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1868) songs of Christian perspective and the Creator Spirit are sometimes found within mainstream music and not only 'christian rock'. Some of Christian music can even be tainted with questionable teaching theology. Thus we cannot depend or rely on music or musicians solely for our theology.
This thread is designed to give posters here a chance to share songs or groups who they feel are 'spiritual songs' laden with truth of the Spirit.
The group Kansas had a member who was born of the Spirit and helped write 'dust in the wind' and "Carry ON (my wayward son)"
Huey Lewis and the News usually have had positive songs including 'the Power of Love" which could be construed as a worship song of the second half of Romans 12/first part of Rom 13.
About 20 yrs ago, I was listening to Steve Miller Band "Wintertime" and it struck me that he was singing about the antithesis of the 'summer' prophecy of the Olivet Discourse. I remember thinking/saying "these are kingdom song's" and "spiritual songs'. Then, afterwhile I dismissed the thought while thinking that perhaps it was written in a mocking rebellion of what I was taught was the yet future judgment.
Having recently picked up a more complete compilation of his 'greatest hits' AND along with a re-newed awareness of fulfilled prophecy and of reading/interpreting/understanding from an original audience perspective; I am even more persuaded that many SMB songs can not only be enjoyed simply as pop music with great guitar, rythm and harmony and quirky but fun lyrics, but some or many also reflect a testimony of being "spiritual songs" with some added individual personality.
In a song "Wide River" he sings:
Wide River, do you remember me?; It was not so long ago that you set me free. We of the indwelt spirit of Jesus and fulfilled perspective can understand that the River he's speaking of could be the River of Life of Rev 20+. and the setting free is being set free from the law of sin/seperation/shame (death) and law of Moses. Rom 8:2; 10:4.
In a song titled: Space Cowboy he sings;
"let me tell you people that I've found a new wayand I'm tired of all this talk about LAWWW-ve. He says that there is nothing that they can say that can satisfy he soul deep inside.... (I take it because it is already satified)....and he is ready for the 'FINAL SURPRISE'.. (I.E. DEATH and Afterlife)
The 'new way' to me is the way that Abraham found; i.e. being justified by faith. It's the Way of the Tree of Life in a restored fellowship and sonship with the Father (Abba, Daddy) through faith in Christ's Person. as well as being taught directly by the Jesus/Creator Spirit as described in the prophecies of the NC and in John 14-16. It's the Way of putting faith in the Person, Words and Character of Christ as God representation 'incarnate' as THE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. It's the New law , New Words of the 'new' covenant; and the restoration of individual freedom and accountability and being sons/daughters of the Living God that Jesus had.
Then he talks about the 'FAT CATS' and the pray-ers and survey-ors who he keeps guard against. I'd make a connection to the political leaders and the pharisaic type 'religionist' and those who seek to rule over and oppress others by constantly surveying what they are doing and instilling undue fear and enslavement through false interpretations or authority.
I think it is in this song that he says: I keep my eyes on the prize; on the long fallen skies and I dont' let my friends get hurt...
The 'long fallen skies' seem to me to be skies-ordinances of heaven of the mosaic covenant leadership of the Olivet discourse, which "FELL" by the power of God during the Roman invasion along with the prophesied end of the Mosaic conditional/national/inferior covenant.
There are more lyrics to that song that indicate that they are indeed 'spiritual songs' even with original audience perspective which can be sung right along with psalms and hymns.
Barry McGuire did an album called "Cosmic Cowboy" and I wonder if there was an association with that album.
In a song titled "Wild Moutain Honey" Mr Miller sings "cmon children, (Jesus' children) lets learn how to RUN; by heaven, the stars, the moon and the sun. This again could be a referral to the ordinances, power and love of the Creator of Life and of Heavens/earth. The 'Wild Moutain Honey" could of course be applied in several different ways; but we read in Joel 3:18 where his doctrine and word would flow from a moutain like new wine and like milk (synonomous other places with honey) and we know that the compilation of ordinances, statutes and doctrine can be referred to as a mountain.
And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, (not fire of destruction) and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim. It could be "Wild" due to it's being administered, enforced and protected in Freedom by the God of Heaven and not man.
He sings Cmon Papa; your end is your means. At the end of a mans life; his will is revealed. Through adoption as sons, and freedom of the Spirit of Life in Christ; a reborn mans 'Good' will, exposed and submitted heart's desires and purposes become attainable and successful during this life and through the good/loving will of God/Christ. "Lean not on your own understanding, ..... and he will bring it to pass....
In a beautiful song titled the Window; He askes the question of what perspective do you have of life and the creation.... "Look through the window... tell me what do you see.... a beautiful planet, Peace and Harmony". God's Creation and Kingdom is still Good!!! We need to stop tearing it down and criticizing it.
He sings "think Love, you'll surround it" and I think this is the perspective of understanding and surrounding scriptures from the Garden law in Genesis to the Wide River in Revelation through the Lenses of the Love/Mercy of God and not remain in judgment of the Garden.
I think it was this song that I was listening to while parked in the mountains a few weeks ago and soon after it started playing a song bird came and perched right above the truck and "sang" in what seemed to be joyous harmony with the music for half a minute or more.
In a song titled "I want to make the world turn around" he begins; "I dont' want to live in a world of darkness; I want to live in the world of LIGHT; I don't want to live in a world that's heartless; I want to live in the world of Sight". These are written as if they could be sung, listened to right along with Johns Gospel and epistles. It's in this song that he says...we've got to build it up, stop tearing it down... weve got to build it up... make the "world" turn around... meaning go the opposite direction of the manner in which it is going.
We've got to stop tearing it down by preaching the 'end and destruction of the God created world' and by preaching that mans sin had such an effect on Creation that God has to destroy it.....We need to stop tearing it down by pushing off (shutting up) the kingdom of God to the future age rather than seeking and learning through faith how to live in the present kingdom of God of the saints.
Another song has him say... don't want to ever kill another man....
Another song is titled military/industrial complex Hex.
and in another song called "cry, cry, cry" (or blues for a beautiful world)... "all you need is a heartbeat and a HEART...."
and another "Gather your leaves together (implied shame from disobedience of garden judgment ) there's only LOVE until we die. (Rom 8:2) Not: live in shame, consequences and judgment (of sin) until jesus returns... Adopted and forgiven individual children of God through faith in Christ have (shameless) access to the throne of Grace as children who can confidently call out "Daddy" to the omnipotent/omniscient / loving Creator. Johns gospel, Hebrews and first John support this.
It seems Mr Millers theology might agree with several of us here who view the 'death' of the garden judgment as being cast out of direct fellowship with "Daddy" or in other words an eternal spiritual death which was then given a remedy fulfilled in eternal fellowship and LIFE with God/Holy Spirit (Space Cowboys) The veil of the temple is torn; the shame and blame of the seperation from the presence and joy with Him is removed. His presence can fill our souls with unconditional Love and our lives can be developed as a garden and 'wide river' that gets deeper.
I've read lyrics of some of his other lesser known songs and have found a likemindedness and common Spirit.
It would be appropriate to have responses to any of these bands or mention others who you feel may be singing 'spiritual songs' of the positive kingdom of God.
I dont' mean to intepret Mr Millers songs incorrectly or invasively, or read too much into them; but these are some of the perspectives I glean from them.
Another musician who I greatly enjoy is John Michael Talbot.
This thread is designed to give posters here a chance to share songs or groups who they feel are 'spiritual songs' laden with truth of the Spirit.
The group Kansas had a member who was born of the Spirit and helped write 'dust in the wind' and "Carry ON (my wayward son)"
Huey Lewis and the News usually have had positive songs including 'the Power of Love" which could be construed as a worship song of the second half of Romans 12/first part of Rom 13.
About 20 yrs ago, I was listening to Steve Miller Band "Wintertime" and it struck me that he was singing about the antithesis of the 'summer' prophecy of the Olivet Discourse. I remember thinking/saying "these are kingdom song's" and "spiritual songs'. Then, afterwhile I dismissed the thought while thinking that perhaps it was written in a mocking rebellion of what I was taught was the yet future judgment.
Having recently picked up a more complete compilation of his 'greatest hits' AND along with a re-newed awareness of fulfilled prophecy and of reading/interpreting/understanding from an original audience perspective; I am even more persuaded that many SMB songs can not only be enjoyed simply as pop music with great guitar, rythm and harmony and quirky but fun lyrics, but some or many also reflect a testimony of being "spiritual songs" with some added individual personality.
In a song "Wide River" he sings:
Wide River, do you remember me?; It was not so long ago that you set me free. We of the indwelt spirit of Jesus and fulfilled perspective can understand that the River he's speaking of could be the River of Life of Rev 20+. and the setting free is being set free from the law of sin/seperation/shame (death) and law of Moses. Rom 8:2; 10:4.
In a song titled: Space Cowboy he sings;
"let me tell you people that I've found a new wayand I'm tired of all this talk about LAWWW-ve. He says that there is nothing that they can say that can satisfy he soul deep inside.... (I take it because it is already satified)....and he is ready for the 'FINAL SURPRISE'.. (I.E. DEATH and Afterlife)
The 'new way' to me is the way that Abraham found; i.e. being justified by faith. It's the Way of the Tree of Life in a restored fellowship and sonship with the Father (Abba, Daddy) through faith in Christ's Person. as well as being taught directly by the Jesus/Creator Spirit as described in the prophecies of the NC and in John 14-16. It's the Way of putting faith in the Person, Words and Character of Christ as God representation 'incarnate' as THE WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. It's the New law , New Words of the 'new' covenant; and the restoration of individual freedom and accountability and being sons/daughters of the Living God that Jesus had.
Then he talks about the 'FAT CATS' and the pray-ers and survey-ors who he keeps guard against. I'd make a connection to the political leaders and the pharisaic type 'religionist' and those who seek to rule over and oppress others by constantly surveying what they are doing and instilling undue fear and enslavement through false interpretations or authority.
I think it is in this song that he says: I keep my eyes on the prize; on the long fallen skies and I dont' let my friends get hurt...
The 'long fallen skies' seem to me to be skies-ordinances of heaven of the mosaic covenant leadership of the Olivet discourse, which "FELL" by the power of God during the Roman invasion along with the prophesied end of the Mosaic conditional/national/inferior covenant.
There are more lyrics to that song that indicate that they are indeed 'spiritual songs' even with original audience perspective which can be sung right along with psalms and hymns.
Barry McGuire did an album called "Cosmic Cowboy" and I wonder if there was an association with that album.
In a song titled "Wild Moutain Honey" Mr Miller sings "cmon children, (Jesus' children) lets learn how to RUN; by heaven, the stars, the moon and the sun. This again could be a referral to the ordinances, power and love of the Creator of Life and of Heavens/earth. The 'Wild Moutain Honey" could of course be applied in several different ways; but we read in Joel 3:18 where his doctrine and word would flow from a moutain like new wine and like milk (synonomous other places with honey) and we know that the compilation of ordinances, statutes and doctrine can be referred to as a mountain.
And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, (not fire of destruction) and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim. It could be "Wild" due to it's being administered, enforced and protected in Freedom by the God of Heaven and not man.
He sings Cmon Papa; your end is your means. At the end of a mans life; his will is revealed. Through adoption as sons, and freedom of the Spirit of Life in Christ; a reborn mans 'Good' will, exposed and submitted heart's desires and purposes become attainable and successful during this life and through the good/loving will of God/Christ. "Lean not on your own understanding, ..... and he will bring it to pass....
In a beautiful song titled the Window; He askes the question of what perspective do you have of life and the creation.... "Look through the window... tell me what do you see.... a beautiful planet, Peace and Harmony". God's Creation and Kingdom is still Good!!! We need to stop tearing it down and criticizing it.
He sings "think Love, you'll surround it" and I think this is the perspective of understanding and surrounding scriptures from the Garden law in Genesis to the Wide River in Revelation through the Lenses of the Love/Mercy of God and not remain in judgment of the Garden.
I think it was this song that I was listening to while parked in the mountains a few weeks ago and soon after it started playing a song bird came and perched right above the truck and "sang" in what seemed to be joyous harmony with the music for half a minute or more.
In a song titled "I want to make the world turn around" he begins; "I dont' want to live in a world of darkness; I want to live in the world of LIGHT; I don't want to live in a world that's heartless; I want to live in the world of Sight". These are written as if they could be sung, listened to right along with Johns Gospel and epistles. It's in this song that he says...we've got to build it up, stop tearing it down... weve got to build it up... make the "world" turn around... meaning go the opposite direction of the manner in which it is going.
We've got to stop tearing it down by preaching the 'end and destruction of the God created world' and by preaching that mans sin had such an effect on Creation that God has to destroy it.....We need to stop tearing it down by pushing off (shutting up) the kingdom of God to the future age rather than seeking and learning through faith how to live in the present kingdom of God of the saints.
Another song has him say... don't want to ever kill another man....
Another song is titled military/industrial complex Hex.
and in another song called "cry, cry, cry" (or blues for a beautiful world)... "all you need is a heartbeat and a HEART...."
and another "Gather your leaves together (implied shame from disobedience of garden judgment ) there's only LOVE until we die. (Rom 8:2) Not: live in shame, consequences and judgment (of sin) until jesus returns... Adopted and forgiven individual children of God through faith in Christ have (shameless) access to the throne of Grace as children who can confidently call out "Daddy" to the omnipotent/omniscient / loving Creator. Johns gospel, Hebrews and first John support this.
It seems Mr Millers theology might agree with several of us here who view the 'death' of the garden judgment as being cast out of direct fellowship with "Daddy" or in other words an eternal spiritual death which was then given a remedy fulfilled in eternal fellowship and LIFE with God/Holy Spirit (Space Cowboys) The veil of the temple is torn; the shame and blame of the seperation from the presence and joy with Him is removed. His presence can fill our souls with unconditional Love and our lives can be developed as a garden and 'wide river' that gets deeper.
I've read lyrics of some of his other lesser known songs and have found a likemindedness and common Spirit.
It would be appropriate to have responses to any of these bands or mention others who you feel may be singing 'spiritual songs' of the positive kingdom of God.
I dont' mean to intepret Mr Millers songs incorrectly or invasively, or read too much into them; but these are some of the perspectives I glean from them.
Another musician who I greatly enjoy is John Michael Talbot.