View Full Version : 2012: It's Big and it's coming ontime!
Mad Mick
10-14-2010, 10:04 AM
I found this site just the other day, the footage of Wormwood was taken at a later time than the last shot I saw. Both the previous and this one show a major planetoid circling the Brown Dwarf. Check this out!
See what the crop circles have been on about.
Should I really be chilling out now Rose . . .
. . . or maybe just maybe I should really be building a bunker?
I think I'll do what ALL the politicians around the world have done and build a bunker; just in case someone's wrong!!!!
Richard Amiel McGough
10-14-2010, 11:03 AM
I found this site just the other day, the footage of Wormwood was taken at a later time than the last shot I saw. Both the previous and this one show a major planetoid circling the Brown Dwarf. Check this out! (
See what the crop circles have been on about.
Should I really be chilling out now Rose . . .
. . . or maybe just maybe I should really be building a bunker?
I think I'll do what ALL the politicians around the world have done and build a bunker; just in case someone's wrong!!!!
Hey Mick,
Exactly how does that 2012 doomsday site differ from all the Y2K doomsday sites that were totally wrong?
I can understand why you might enjoy reading doomsday sites if you find them entertaining, but I get the impression you take them seriously. If that's the case, it would probably be wise to stay away from them. They are not healthy for folks who actually believe we are in the "end times."
All the best,
Mad Mick
10-14-2010, 04:11 PM
Yet authorities state that the nuclear threat WAS very real especially during the Cuban missile crisis which all seemed to balance on the state of mind of our favourite loose cannon General Castro. Evidently his unpredictability caused a lot of anguish for our leaders at the time.
So how can building a deep large cellar on your property be so foolish when such a room will INCREASE the value of your property. People are increasingly building safe rooms to guard their families against the threat of violent thieves. So why not go one step further and put it underground?
So if I am wrong fine, I'LL WEAR THAT! Any person who does build this extra room will not loose anything, for the money they spent will increase the value to their property and I'll get a bit of egg on my face.
But if the data collected and verified by no less than 2 space telescopes, a minimum of 7 major land based telescopes, and at least a team of 30 professional Astronomers all at one time stating that the data is correct, then a deep cellar with 5 to 10 metres cover could very well save these peoples lives!
There's an increase in hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, tsunamis and tidal waves, heat waves and as always the threat of meteor showers, comets and solar storms. NASA has verified that a very large solar storm is due for 2012. So what's the problem?
I ask the question again, "If the politicians have them, why shouldn't we?"
What, are we expendable? Are they implying that our lives aren't worth saving?!!!!
Could the devastation surrounding Katrina somehow have been lessened?
In Australia when we lost our Diggers at Gallipoli we chose to remember them on the 25th of April. When the nation cries as one, "LEST WE FORGET!"
Are our brothers and sisters in America going to LEARN anything from New Orleans?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-14-2010, 06:05 PM
There's an increase in hurricanes ...
That's not correct. Hurricane frequency is currently at a 33 year low. You probably got fooled by the Global Warming doomsday theories which predicted an increase that has yet to show up. It's really quite ironic, since Al Gore airbrushed a bunch of hurricanes all over planet Earth on the cover of his latest book. The really funny part was that they were spinning in the wrong direction!
Mad Mick
10-14-2010, 11:42 PM
What this shows us then that even though the Hurricane frequency is below average, the size of their SEVERITY is making us redesign our Emergency Contingency Plans which could include underground emergency rooms.
I think they're a great idea and when you look into them you'll find positive key points such as lowering heating/cooling costs, lowering the chance of high EMF emissions immobilising electronics and electrical appliances and tools.
So really it shouldn't be scoffed at or belittled in any way for that is how we used to be, reactionary. We are more understanding today and willing to see the benefits of reutilising age old practices for newer contingencies and applications as they arise.
Obviously all construction should adhere to the highest standards of the US Building Codes Act and carried out by licensed or accredited professional trades people. Provisions for food water air filtration, sewerage reclamation and everything your family needs to survive for a minimum of 3 to 6 months. The next stage is to try living in it monitoring air quality at all times. This is not a simple process.
Building the structure is the easy part. Researching closed environment systems such as the Earth 2 project which was designed to sought out various problems that could arise on future Mars colonies will be the key to how long your family could survive underground.
The more back up plans you have the greater your chances. Still a well designed unit of 30 squares or 280 m^2 with 3 m ceilings contains a maximum of 840 m^3. If the average person requires 30 cubic metres (m^3) of air per day then without any air backup this large unit could only sustain a family of 4 for about 7 Days.
You can now see the importance of the necessary research you have to do if for what ever reason you have to stay underground for any longer than 1 week.
I believe as we talk more about this, new innovative ideas will continue to emerge like dissolvable pills which may release the oxygen and provide extra air or an improved hydroponic seaweed which could double as both a food source and oxygen provider. These are just hypotheticals of what we may come up with.
I normally would hope that this would not befall us, but when I think of my children or possible future grandchildren having to bear the brunt of "The Day Of The LORDS Vengeance," without me, it breaks my heart. Not because I want to be right, or I'm into weird ass adventure I just honestly think that all the signs will converge on this time over the next 17 years.
I truly believe that if Jesus does not return soon, we will utterly destroy ourselves by 2050. I believed Gen. MacArthur when he said that Armageddon is at our door. It wont kill us to stay prepared.
What was the quote? "live as if we will stay alive for a hundred more years, yet be prepared as if we will meet our maker tonight!"
See I don't want it to come now or the next two years, for that matter. I would have liked to have generated more wealth so that I could get the Hell of this planet and help many others as well. I would have preferred my children to be a lot older.
It just wasn't meant to be.
10-15-2010, 02:45 AM
Mad Mick
10-16-2010, 03:19 PM
G'day Seasunned.
It's great to have some positive feedback, with a link that brought up a couple of practical ideas.
(My Brother told me last night to watch the movie, "Blast from the Past," the one where Brendan Fraser emerges from a '60's bunker 30 years later; which infuriated me. If the people here think I can be over the top with my language, they should have heard me last night on the phone!)
I appreciate all candid views, so long as they're not rude or ridiculing. I'm sure the people in Iceland or around Mt St.Helens would've appreciated a decent shelter from the hail of stones, ash or plasma flow for a couple of days until the bulk of it blew over.
Besides, it makes a great place to store wine, beverages and food for everyday use. It enables you to buy bulk and can reduce your food costs by 50% or more. My Dad has a cellar to store his wine and it's a great place to hang out on a hot day and drink his home grown Vino and produce. The apples can last for months even after being picked ripe, and his wine keeps a shelf life for an average of 8 years, which for a home grown product is great! All because of controlled ventilation, humidity and temperature kept at stable (non fluctuating) levels. It costs next to nothing to maintain the environment and the benefits have far out weighed the cost of building it over the last 10 years of use!
10-17-2010, 07:30 PM
I found this site just the other day, the footage of Wormwood was taken at a later time than the last shot I saw. Both the previous and this one show a major planetoid circling the Brown Dwarf. Check this out!
See what the crop circles have been on about.
Should I really be chilling out now Rose . . .
. . . or maybe just maybe I should really be building a bunker?
I think I'll do what ALL the politicians around the world have done and build a bunker; just in case someone's wrong!!!!
Hey Mick,
Ever think about writing science fiction novels? You could pull together all those wild and kooky ideas you post and make a great doomsday scenario that I'm sure would be a big seller.
Instead of preparing for the end of the world you could work to make it a better place for everyone. Just a thought.
10-18-2010, 11:55 AM
Hey Mick,
Ever think about writing science fiction novels? You could pull together all those wild and kooky ideas you post and make a great doomsday scenario that I'm sure would be a big seller.
Too late Clifford. Tim LaHaye already cashed in on that idea with the Left Behind fantasy. Excellent marketing, horrible exegesis.
Mad Mick
10-18-2010, 06:58 PM
Instead of preparing for the end of the world you could work to make it a better place for everyone. Just a thought.
Not the end of the world, just wormwood.
Revelation says it, I believe it, I know its there as do thousands of SERIOUS scientists. We've known it for a hundred years, it was first detected 26 years ago, and verified 17 years ago.
Did you get that, 17 YEARS AGO.
God brought it to my intention this year for a very GOOD reason.
You see Cliff I remember when it was first detected, and by '93 I was keenly seeking as much info on this possible Neutron Star within our system because I wanted to back up my own research with any reliable data I could get my hands on.
This thing IS out there. It's only a matter of time.
I personally hope it doesn't arrive by late 2012 only because I'm not ready.
But this thing is inevitable.
That's why our Governments HAVE THEIR CONTINGENCY PLANS.
It is not fair in all due respect, that anyone here at the BW should knock or humiliate any plans for safe keeping for such a scenario when ALL sides of politics ACROSS THE WORLD already have bunkers in place!
Even though I've never caused nor was unfortunate enough to be involved a major car accident I STILL WEAR MY SEAT BELT!
Why? Because it is inevitable that more than likely I will be!
Astrophysicists are not complete idiots.
If 100% ALL agree that a large comet/asteroid will hit this planet again, then all this SCEPTICISM is UNFOUNDED and outright WRONG.
I'm not defending the Nutters. They are an unfortunate consequence of having to live in a world with many different walks of life. Yes they are responsible for CRYING WOLF.
That is a cert.
I've already brought up many benefits regarding the use of underground storage, even if it may never be used for protection. Yet there is still war!
How do you think VIETNAM managed to DEFEAT our coalition.
By going underground.
In every war it's the underground that saves lives and offers any real opposition.
It's that simple.
God bless you.
Mad Mick
10-18-2010, 07:14 PM
You know how hard it is to get a tradie these days.
Could you imagine how hard it will be when the Tradesmen themselves are busy building there own and going into lock down. Even material and food will be hard to come by. Americans or just people in general, LOOT and PANIC at the whiff of a disaster. There is nothing you can do about that, but stay prepared.
It's just like the LORD GOD to allow Satan to send out a few RED HERRINGS to FOOL the PROUD before the inevitable occurs!
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