View Full Version : Time to depart

09-26-2010, 08:38 PM
I can see that it is time for me to say my goodbyes. I pray that you all are able to work out your differences with regard to eschatology.



Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2010, 09:48 PM
I can see that it is time for me to say my goodbyes. I pray that you all are able to work out your differences with regard to eschatology.


Hey Ron,

I don't blame you for being tired of eschatology. I am too!

But that's not the only thing we talk about here. Did we drop a conversation that our felt was important or interesting? If so, I'm sorry.

Or is there some other reason you feel a need to leave? I would be interested to know why.

All the very best my friend,


09-30-2010, 08:05 AM
I can see that it is time for me to say my goodbyes. I pray that you all are able to work out your differences with regard to eschatology.


You are going to be missed! I don't often get a chance to log on, but I am always happy when I see that you have posted. You have a beautiful spirit and much wisdom!
I have been visiting Ronsrestingplace for a long time, (it is awesome!), and I was thrilled recently to learn of your Original Hebrew site.

I have much I would like to ask you about,(most recently you posted insights into the fullness of the gentiles on another thread)

I am going to miss you, your input here is exceedingly valuable!

09-30-2010, 02:59 PM
I would like to stay in touch with you..........please provide link to website, or, email.

You are a dedicated man of God, and I am pleased to have sharpened swords with you.......


10-04-2010, 03:53 PM

The Lord has gifted you brother, with a beautiful way to express his truths concerning the Bible Wheel. My prayer is that you would continue to be enlightened by Him, to edify the body by providing more of what the Lord brings concerning it.


It was such a pleasure meeting you when I did. Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your heart through what you wrote on Romans. My email is ronandofl @ yahoo.com


Your post touched my spirit very deeply. Only in Him am I even worth mentioning in the ways you have kindly written about. Yes, he has given me certain passions, which has led to some lonely times, but times well worth it, for even when alone, none of us are truly alone, are we? :)

I had no idea that you even knew about some of my other sites, so reading your words greatly encourages me to press on. I sense a very gentle and loving spirit in you, in going back over your posts. That is such a treasure. May others be able to mine your depths to enjoy those blessings from Him through you.
