View Full Version : Job 13:1-12

08-30-2007, 07:18 PM
An excerpt from Oswald Chambers from Baffled to Fight Better

The Conception of Invincible Ignorance
"What you know, I also know (v2)
This verse is a description of the fanaticism which builds on one point of view only and is determinedly ignorant of everything else. This is the thing Job rages against all the time - "God must be other than you have stated because of what I have experienced," and Job is right. It is possible to build logical edifices on a theological position and at the same time to prove in practical life that the position is wrong. For example, on the metaphysical line the predestinations of God seem clear, but our conception of those predestinations may prove dangerously false when we come to the actual facts of life.

The theological view ought to be constantly examined; if we put it in the place of God we become invincibly ignorant, that is we won't accept any other point of view, and the invincible ignorance of fanaticism leads to delusions for which we alone are to blame. The fundamental things are not the things which can be proved logically in practical life.

Watch where you are inclined to be invincibly ignorant, and you will find your point of view causes you to break down in the most vital thing. An accepted view of God has caused many to fall at the critical moment, it has kept them from being the kind of people they ought to be, and only when they abandon that view of God for God Himself do they become the right kind of people.

08-31-2007, 05:13 AM

Have you undertaken any number studies on Job?
especially the names of his three friends, and the name of the fourth man, Elihu?


08-31-2007, 12:14 PM
I just now submitted a post of the Hebrew alef-beyt on the FATHER which included Job 37. This was not intentional - from my previous post on Job - it just 'happened to be'. I went from submitting that to clicking on this and your question.

No - not as yet - but given time - I probably will take a look that. Have you done the study?

08-31-2007, 01:18 PM
No, I haven't taken the steps, as of yet.......but, you are so adept at it (how's that for a little bit of kiss up????).

I have always been interested in knowing more about these names, but there is very little in studying the meanings of their names by means of Strong's concordance.

It has been my contention that the three friends are an example of universal misunderstanding about God's ways.

I would be interested in what you may find.


08-31-2007, 05:48 PM
No, I haven't taken the steps, as of yet.......but, you are so adept at it (how's that for a little bit of kiss up????).

I have always been interested in knowing more about these names, but there is very little in studying the meanings of their names by means of Strong's concordance.

It has been my contention that the three friends are an example of universal misunderstanding about God's ways.

I would be interested in what you may find.

Joel:lol: You're gonna have to pray a little harder than that. I'm passing the baton to YARAH (or as Richard would say - anyone else 'lurking' out there) because I'm not seeing anything on basic investigation.

02-02-2008, 06:42 PM
The first thing that comes to mind is that the three men are the three stars on the belt of Orion. There is so much in this book that is so deep. Once when I wasn't even Bible literate so to say in an emergency I found the exact part of Job related the Lord making the flesh like a newborns. It helped save a life. The end of Job where the Lord questions him is so deep with textures and colors. It was them that gave me the Idea that the Bible was a treasure map adn treasure in one. In Job the Lord gives Job answers in the form of questions. Pyramid freak that I am I see the Pyramid as the symbol of the earths foundation. I am a little weary now but I come back with some detail on the three but for now consider the passages and names as building material. Each individual sentence has a simple value of its own.Thats the way I look at it. Beware I am a space cadet.:yo: Peace Christan