08-09-2010, 08:34 AM
The book of the prophet Jonah is a small one but Jonah is a special prophet compared to others. In the N.T. Jesus referres to the prophet Jonah, starting at Matth. 12:39. I hope you enjoy reading here about Jonah.
Jonah's first prophecy was to Jerobeam (2 Ki. 14:25), Jerobeam did bad things in the eyes of the Lord (2 Ki. 14:24) and God spoke to him through Jonah that he would bring back an area of Israel. The words of the prophet Jonah should be that Israel would be punished, but without alternative an area was brought back.
In his second prophecy he had to proclaim the word of God that there would be death without an alternative (Jonah 3:4). He is the only one in this respect, others proclaim the word of God with an alternative. Even to Moses God tells him to say "if you listen to me then..." and "if you don't listen to me then...".
In his first prophecy his words were contradictionary in the sense of good and evil and in his second prophecy Jonah is shown that the word of God did not come true, because of the repentance God changed his prophetical words spoken by the prophet.
Jonah is special. Jonah is the son of Amitai (Jona 1:1) and Amitai comes from emeth and this means truth. Jonah is the son of truth, but especially in the second prophecy you wouldn't say that. This is why Jonah is also called a liar-prophet, he says things that don't come true.
If you like you can add BibleWheel references here, or maybe this info gives you inspiration to find new ones.
From another threads:
Gilgal wrote:
"You can associate jonah with noah's dove in genesis 8:8. noah was the10th from adam. and jonah is spoke 10".
I wrote:
Jona 1:1-3 in brief with translations of names:
Pigeon is the son of My Truth, Veracious and had to go to (probably) Home but he wanted to flee to Tarsis* and he was in He Shall be Beautiful.
Reading the Bible this way would be nice, but such a Bible does not exist. The Bible would be at least twice as thick :)
He Shall be Beautiful is a place in Judge with a port to the west to the sea, Pigeon wanted to sail away from Warrior of God. Pigeon is originally from Wine Press of Pit, Source (see 2 Kon. 14:25) and from there he descents to He Shall be Beautiful. ´My professor´ however calls it The winepress which is digged into the earth, so it is a place on earth that has been made ready to change grapes into wine. Grapes are the third fruit, the fruit of the third day.
Jonah is originally from Gath ha-chefer (2 Ki. 14:25) with value 360 (200-1 90-60-6-3) and the atbash value of both words is 696+360=1056. This is the year of the birth of Noach, the point where the 58 first appears.
* More then three translations possible I see in the book with names
Jonah's first prophecy was to Jerobeam (2 Ki. 14:25), Jerobeam did bad things in the eyes of the Lord (2 Ki. 14:24) and God spoke to him through Jonah that he would bring back an area of Israel. The words of the prophet Jonah should be that Israel would be punished, but without alternative an area was brought back.
In his second prophecy he had to proclaim the word of God that there would be death without an alternative (Jonah 3:4). He is the only one in this respect, others proclaim the word of God with an alternative. Even to Moses God tells him to say "if you listen to me then..." and "if you don't listen to me then...".
In his first prophecy his words were contradictionary in the sense of good and evil and in his second prophecy Jonah is shown that the word of God did not come true, because of the repentance God changed his prophetical words spoken by the prophet.
Jonah is special. Jonah is the son of Amitai (Jona 1:1) and Amitai comes from emeth and this means truth. Jonah is the son of truth, but especially in the second prophecy you wouldn't say that. This is why Jonah is also called a liar-prophet, he says things that don't come true.
If you like you can add BibleWheel references here, or maybe this info gives you inspiration to find new ones.
From another threads:
Gilgal wrote:
"You can associate jonah with noah's dove in genesis 8:8. noah was the10th from adam. and jonah is spoke 10".
I wrote:
Jona 1:1-3 in brief with translations of names:
Pigeon is the son of My Truth, Veracious and had to go to (probably) Home but he wanted to flee to Tarsis* and he was in He Shall be Beautiful.
Reading the Bible this way would be nice, but such a Bible does not exist. The Bible would be at least twice as thick :)
He Shall be Beautiful is a place in Judge with a port to the west to the sea, Pigeon wanted to sail away from Warrior of God. Pigeon is originally from Wine Press of Pit, Source (see 2 Kon. 14:25) and from there he descents to He Shall be Beautiful. ´My professor´ however calls it The winepress which is digged into the earth, so it is a place on earth that has been made ready to change grapes into wine. Grapes are the third fruit, the fruit of the third day.
Jonah is originally from Gath ha-chefer (2 Ki. 14:25) with value 360 (200-1 90-60-6-3) and the atbash value of both words is 696+360=1056. This is the year of the birth of Noach, the point where the 58 first appears.
* More then three translations possible I see in the book with names