View Full Version : Method of gematria which reveals hidden truth

05-28-2010, 08:54 PM
I believe that I have received a revelation from the Holy Spirit as to a method of gematria which can reveal hidden truth. This method uses root word spellings in complete sentences with the total gematria value then confirming the truth of the sentence. This method confirms what is written concerning Jesus, and it has revealed truth regarding other matters. It has shown the ability to identify the specific time of an event. (Each example listed below identifies the root words used by their Strong's number.)

The nation of Israel was re-established in the year 1948.

The nation (H1471) of Israel (H3478) shall be established (H539) again (H3254) and the people (H5971) shall return (H7725) again (H3254) to the land. (H776)
גוִי ישׁראל כּוּן יסף עם שׁוּב יסף ארץ
291 + 150 + 308 + 110 + 150 + 76 + 541 + 19 = 1645

The year (H8141) God (H430) shall establish (H539) the nation (H1471) of Israel (H3478) again (H3254) and the people (H5971) shall return. (H7725)
שׁנה אלהִים כּוּן גוִי ישׁראל יסף עם שׁוּב
308 + 110 + 150 + 541 + 19 + 76 + 86 + 355 = 1645

There shall be (H1961) a nation (H1471) of Israel (H3478) again (H3254) and the people (H5971) shall return (H7725) to the Promised (H1696) Land. (H776)
הִיה גּוִי ישׁראל יסף עם שׁוּב דּבר ארץ
291 + 206 + 308 + 110 + 150 + 541 + 19 + 20 = 1645

What does the number 1645 have to do with the year 1948? Observe the following.

One thousand (H505) nine (H8672) hundred (H3967) forty (H705) eight (H8083)
אלף תשׁע מאה ארבּעִים שׁמנה
395 + 323 + 46 + 770 + 111 = 1645

The year the nation was re-established is also confirmed by the actual number.

The nation (H1471) of Israel (H3478) shall be established (H539) and the Hebrew (H5680) people (H5971) shall return (H7725) again (H5750) to the Promised (H1696) Land (H776) of the Jews. (H3064)
גּוִי ישׁראל כּוּן עברִי עם שׁוּב עוד דּבר ארץ יהוּדִי
35 + 291 + 206 + 80 + 308 + 110 + 282 + 76 + 541 + 19 = 1948

The year (H8141) the chosen (H977) of God, (H4390) the Hebrews (H5680) will be able (H3201) return (H7725) again (H3254) to the Promised (H1696) Land. (H776)
שׁנה בּחר אלהִים עברִי יכל שׁוּב יסף דּבר ארץ
291 + 206 + 150 + 308 + 60 + 282 + 86 + 210 + 355 = 1948

The appointed time (H4150) that (H3588) the Hebrew (H5680) people (H5971) will be able (H3201) to return (H7725) to the Promised (H1696) land (H776) of Israel. (H3478)
מוֹעד כִּי עברִי עם יכל שׁוּב דּבר ארץ ישׁראל
541 + 291 + 206 + 308 + 60 + 110 + 282 + 30 + 120 = 1948

Not only is the year that the nation of Israel was re-established confirmed by this method of gematria, it also confirms the year of the Six Day War.

The nation (H1471) of God's (H430) chosen (H977) people (H5971) shall defeat (H6565) the foreign (H5236) enemy (H341) in a six (H8337) day (H3117) war. (H4421)
גּוִי אלהִים בּחר עם פרר נכר אִיב שׁשׁ יוֹם מלחמה
123 + 56 + 600 + 13 + 270 + 480 + 110 + 210 + 86 + 19 = 1967

The year (H8141) the Jews (H3064) will defeat (H6565) the foreign (H5236) enemy (H341) of the Jews (H3064) in a six (H8337) day (H3117) war. (H4421)
שׁנה יהוּדִי פרר נכר אִיב יהוּדִי שׁשׁ יוֹם מלחמה
123 + 56 + 600 + 35 + 13 + 270 + 480 + 35 + 355 = 1967

After the Six Day War the Jews took control of all of Jerusalem.

The Jews (H3064) will take back (H7725) all (H3605) of Jerusalem (H3389) after (H310) a six (H8337) day (H3117) war. (H4421)
יהוּדִי שׁוּב כּל ירוּשלם אחר שׁשׁ יוֹם מלחמה
123 + 56 + 600 + 209 + 586 + 50 + 308 + 35 = 1967

How is it possible that the confirmation of actual events related to the nation of Israel would be confirmed by the method of gematria to which I have been led? It is only by the inspiration of God. To see other gematria findings, go to my website: http://www.thepurelanguageofgod.com


05-28-2010, 11:54 PM
Hi 760f86,

That is indeed very interesting on your gematria revelation on Israel's independence in 1948 and the 6 Day war in 1967. Well done. :thumb: You know I have been interested in events in modern Israel.

Looks like it will keep me awake for the next few nights exploring your websites.

Thanks very much and God Bless You.