View Full Version : Young Earth Creationism

Richard Amiel McGough
05-10-2010, 09:38 PM
On another thread John wrote:


Do I detect in your statement that you have an "Old Earth" theology? If so, I will consider myself to be in good company. I have read most of Hugh Ross' books and find him rather convincing in his arguments, along with evidences presented by other Brothers in the Faith, who have educated themselves in the sciences and are persuaded that the earth is indeed, much older than the Young Earth Converts postulate. I am most intrigued by the Genesis 1 "Gap Theory" when it comes to understanding the initial creation of heaven and earth to be somewhere in (here I like Scofield's choice of words) "the dateless past".

I too would like to see a science partition. It could attract much attention, and who knows, maybe even convert some YECs. After all, you really don't have much on your plate and assuming of course that you are not one of them.

Blessings to you.


Hi John,

Yes, I am an old earth creationist. I think the evidence leaves no room for doubt. And I don't see any problem with the Bible - the only challenge is that it contradicts the interpretation of Scripture that some folks have held. But that's nothing new. The Roman Catholic Church had a similar challenge when it was shown that the earth is not the center of the universe. At first, they rejected that view as heretical and then after much study, they realized that it was their interpretation that was in error, not Science or Scripture.

I also recall that Augustine (or some other early church father) rejected YEC in no uncertain terms, but I don't recall where I found it.

As for the "Gap Theory" - I reject that view completely. But since you think there might be something to it, perhaps we should discuss it. My reason for rejecting it is that I avoid speculation. I would have no confidence in a theory that has no clear and unambiguous support from at least two or three passages. I just hate it when folks make up stuff. Yuck. :thumbsdown:

Also, I think Scofield's Study Bible is an abomination. We might have some interesting conversations on that point.

Hope you don't mind me speaking my mind plainly! I trust that we have gotten to know each other well enough to understand there is never any ill-will in any of our opinions. And when they are stated plainly, the conversation is much sharper and we make much better progress.

Many blessings to you my friend,


Anita Meyer
05-11-2010, 08:07 PM
The Hebrew word for 'day' is 'Yom'. This word distinctively indicates a 24 hour period of time. It is used exactly 2301 times throughout the entire Old Testament Bible and in every instance it is always used in a singular way. Note… that the 6 days of creation was reiterated six times! it was purposely written this way because G-d firmly wanted to get His point across.

Genesis 1:5, 8,13,19,23,31 - And G-d called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 8 - And G-d called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 13 - And the evening and the morning were the third day.19 - And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. 23 - And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 31 - And G-d saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Genesis 2:2-3 - And on the seventh day G-d ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 - And G-d blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which G-d created and made. Additionally, it is also noticed that each one of the creation days has a numerical number attached to it, namely day 1, the second day, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, and lastly 7th day. And every time a 'day' is associated to in Genesis it means a 24 hour period that is noted by 'evening and morning', which is one cycle of the earths rotation on its access in reference to a fixed astronomical light (our sun). All of this is to show us that G-d was not just talking about a prolonged (long-drawn-out) time period, but about one cycle of the earths rotation on its access in reference to a fixed astronomical light (our sun).

G-d is going out of His way to emphasize that each day is a single 24 day. Even more significant to a single day… G-d Goes one step further in reaffirming this for us when He refers to 'one full week' as a period of 'seven days'. In Hebrew this word is called 'shabuw'. This is found in Genesis 2 as well as Leviticus 12:5.

So again, not only does G-d tell us that one day is equal to 24 hours as evening and morning which are fixed references that indicate planetary rotation of the sun and moon. But He also reaffirms this for us when He refers to one full week as a period of seven days. So it’s not merely that the word 'yom' is used six different times in Genesis, but it is also the word 'shabuw' that defines a seven day period.

So as we can see these are literal days! Exodus 20:11 - For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. So important was the confirmation of this message that G-d included it in the first set of laws (the 10 commandments) that He gave to Moses on Mount Sinai - to remember and keep the 7th day. Exodus 20:8 - Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Deuteronomy 5:12 - Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy G-d hath commanded thee.

We also have to question… If a day isn’t a literal 24 hour day, then what’s a year? We all know that it’s one cycle of the earth orbiting around the sun (365 days). The message here is, G-d is not exaggerating about the chronological time limit. He laid this message on thick and is quite serious about it! Genesis 1:14 - And G-d said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.

BTW, All this info can be found in my book.

05-12-2010, 07:19 AM
[QUOTE=Anita Meyer;20994]The Hebrew word for 'day' is 'Yom'.

Hi Anita. Good post.

The Hebrew word "Yom" of course has been employed in Genesis to express a greater duration of time as in...

Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens"

This is a "rare" example, but still begs the question... "Why was not a plural "yom" inserted here?". There are other reasonable conclusions which can be drawn from the Genesis One text that indict the "strict" interpretation of "yom" to a 24 hr period, however, since there are creative events which occur prior to the introduction of yom in Genesis One, let's leave it rest for a while and start "In the beginning".

I now yield to you to define one Hebrew word found in Genesis 1:1; "Bara"

Please define for us and then we can proceed.



05-12-2010, 10:47 AM
The Hebrew word for 'day' is 'Yom'. This word distinctively indicates a 24 hour period of time. It is used exactly 2301 times throughout the entire Old Testament Bible and in every instance it is always used in a singular way. Note… that the 6 days of creation was reiterated six times! it was purposely written this way because G-d firmly wanted to get His point across.

Genesis 1:5, 8,13,19,23,31 - And G-d called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 8 - And G-d called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 13 - And the evening and the morning were the third day.19 - And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. 23 - And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 31 - And G-d saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Genesis 2:2-3 - And on the seventh day G-d ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 - And G-d blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which G-d created and made. Additionally, it is also noticed that each one of the creation days has a numerical number attached to it, namely day 1, the second day, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, and lastly 7th day. And every time a 'day' is associated to in Genesis it means a 24 hour period that is noted by 'evening and morning', which is one cycle of the earths rotation on its access in reference to a fixed astronomical light (our sun). All of this is to show us that G-d was not just talking about a prolonged (long-drawn-out) time period, but about one cycle of the earths rotation on its access in reference to a fixed astronomical light (our sun).

G-d is going out of His way to emphasize that each day is a single 24 day. Even more significant to a single day… G-d Goes one step further in reaffirming this for us when He refers to 'one full week' as a period of 'seven days'. In Hebrew this word is called 'shabuw'. This is found in Genesis 2 as well as Leviticus 12:5.

So again, not only does G-d tell us that one day is equal to 24 hours as evening and morning which are fixed references that indicate planetary rotation of the sun and moon. But He also reaffirms this for us when He refers to one full week as a period of seven days. So it’s not merely that the word 'yom' is used six different times in Genesis, but it is also the word 'shabuw' that defines a seven day period.

So as we can see these are literal days! Exodus 20:11 - For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. So important was the confirmation of this message that G-d included it in the first set of laws (the 10 commandments) that He gave to Moses on Mount Sinai - to remember and keep the 7th day. Exodus 20:8 - Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Deuteronomy 5:12 - Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy G-d hath commanded thee.

We also have to question… If a day isn’t a literal 24 hour day, then what’s a year? We all know that it’s one cycle of the earth orbiting around the sun (365 days). The message here is, G-d is not exaggerating about the chronological time limit. He laid this message on thick and is quite serious about it! Genesis 1:14 - And G-d said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.

BTW, All this info can be found in my book.

Hi Anita,

welcome to the forum.:welcome::welcome:

Thanks for your excellent explanation on the creation day = 24 hour. I totally agree with you.:thumb: I am a Young Earth Creationist because I believe what the Bible actually said. A day is a day and it cannot mean millions of years. In the OT, one of the ten commandments was to keep the sabbath day holy as it represented the 7th day of creation in which God rested. If one day were to mean one year, then the sabbath will be observed for one year in every 7 years. Of course, we know clearly in the Bible that this is not what God meant. He meant clearly to keep one day per week as a day of sabbath and to keep it holy.

However, I also believe that prior to the 1st day of creation, there was a period of time of unknown duration of perhaps thousands or millions of years in which the earth was void and formless:

Genesis 1:1 " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."

The verse probably meant the earth was formed from a mass of cloud of dust and hydrogen gas ("formless"= gas is formless) in the darkness of space ("darkness over the surface of the deep" = darkness of space). "Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" probably mean God was forming something liquid like water out of the formless mass of dust and hydrogen gas.

Many Blessings to you.

Anita Meyer
05-12-2010, 11:00 AM
Hello John,

Hmmm well what’s interesting about the wording of Genesis 2:4 is that the King James version uses the word “generations”, but in most of these cases I tend to go straight to the Hebrew for a better explanation. Genesis 2:4 - These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

Here is the Hebrew:


Now notice how the word for “generations” in the box is separated (BTW, this is how is appears in the Torah). It is separated into two different words which are Aleph and Tov. This is clearly visible as Aleph (beginning) and Tov (end) as in Alpha and Omega (first and the last). It is also representative as meaning that G-d created “everything” from all the 22 Hebrew letters. This may also represent 7 (days) and 22 (Hebrew letters)… divide 22 into 7 and you have Pi (3.14) which clearly symbolizes “creation”. If it were any other numbers this would not equate to Pi which is of great importance regarding “creation”. Not only do we find Pi here, but we also find Pi in the very first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 which is also comprised of 7 words, but when you add the gamatria values up surprisingly Pi is also the outcome.

Now as to the word Barah (BRA) this means “created”, it is also symbolic (each Hebrew letter) for the “Trinity”.

Richard had explained it here:


Anita Meyer
05-12-2010, 11:50 AM
Hello Cheow Wee Hock, I’m glad you enjoyed my posting. :)

However, I also believe that prior to the 1st day of creation, there was a period of time of unknown duration of perhaps thousands or millions of years in which the earth was void and formless:

To further my claim of a young Earth and believing EXACTLY what the Bible says, you might want to read how I’ve connected G-d’s word to Nature.


Logically it follows that if G-d has put order into all of His creation, (as you have witnessed with the Hebrew letters) how much more would He have put order into His Word - the Bible. There is indeed order and that is why “I” believe every literal word! :)

05-14-2010, 07:18 PM
As someone with an unwavering faith in God as my Creator, and Jesus as my Savior, but also someone who has significant education in science, I have had a burden on my heart for many years concerning the ongoing conflict between faith and science. There can be no doubt based upon scientific knowledge that the Genesis story cannot be taken literally to mean that God created the universe in six 24 hour day periods. When God created the universe, all of the laws of nature were established according to His plan which resulted in the amazing world we live in. St. Augustine, 1600 years ago cautioned against using words of Scripture to explain nature:
Usually even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars, and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and the moon, the cycles of the years and seasons, about the kinds of animals, and shrubs, and stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian presuming to give the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn... Reckless and imcompetent expounders of the Holy Scripture bring untold sorrow on their wiser brethren when they... are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion.
St. Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, translated and annotated by John Hammond Taylor, New York, Newman Press, 1982, Vol 1 pp 42-43

After losing my 26 y/o son to suicide caused by depression in 2006, and then receiving a miraculous answer to my prayer for assurance of his salvation, my desire to find a solution to the faith vs. science debate became even stronger, so that I might be able to bring my older son back to his Christian roots. In part, he has turned away from the faith because of the insistence of many believers to reject scientific evidence. After > one year of praying for guidance and direction, and enlightenment regarding Scripture, I was overcome with an unexplained inspiration to use gematria to evaluate the Bible in early 2008. This came about even though I am illiterate in the languages of the Bible.

I was guided to a method of gematria rejected by others, in which I have used root word spellings in Hebrew and less often in Greek to confirm the truth of Scripture. Initiallly this was only in regard to what is written regarding Jesus. Then I was led to truth regarding the creation of man and interpretation of end time prophecy. The gematria findings are too numerous to include on this post. For anyone interested in what was revealed regarding creation please view my webpage on that topic @: http://www.thepurelanguageofgod.com/gematria_and_creation.html

On that webpage are listed >50 gematria correlation out of >200 which came to me in only 2-3 weeks. Decide for yourself if it is valid.

76 of 86

Anita Meyer
05-15-2010, 07:28 AM
Hello 76of86, the beauty of gamatria and the Hebrew letters can be taken to a whole new and higher level of Quantum Mechanics (this even includes the Bible Codes).

Quantum Mechanics simply put, is the study of matter and radiation (energy) at an atomic level. It is also a calculating and statistical machine for determining or estimating the actions and behaviors of microscopic particles. Further study on Quantum Mechanics has suggested that the observer has influence over the particles which seems to dictate different outcomes. In other words whats happening here is that the particles have become AWARE! Thus Quantum Mechanics seems to be the ultimate voter between the corporeal and noncorporeal world.

This my friend is the beauty of “Free Will”! Remember, who is the author of “free will” - G-D! :)

Prayer my dear friend - the power of PRAYER!

Keep up the good study!

05-15-2010, 09:47 PM
Hi Anita,

Hello John,

Hmmm well what’s interesting about the wording of Genesis 2:4 is that the King James version uses the word 'generations', but in most of these cases I tend to go straight to the Hebrew for a better explanation. Genesis 2:4 - These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

Sometimes it's good to take a break from things that stretch your mind. I am now pondering the true meaning of Gen 2:4. It had not occurred to me before, but the fact that "yom" is not rendered in plural might imply that Gen 1:1 was completed in a single day (Hawking, I suppose, would prefer the word "singular"). "In the yom that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens". Could this mean that there was actually an 8th "creation day". Even though 7 days represent "perfection", there is a sense of it being "incomplete" apart from the "resurrection" signified by the number 8 (7+1), as in Leviticus 23:39;

"So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the LORD for seven days; the first day is a day of rest and the eighth day also is a day of rest".


Numbers 29:35; " On the eighth day hold an assembly and do no regular work".

We too are incomplete until we become a "new creation" in Christ when we are resurrected from our state of being "dead in trespasses and sins". This "extra" day could symbolize both the original creation of heavens and earth and also the "new heavens and new earth". Perhaps the number 8 could also represent a "recycling system" and if so, Gen 1:1 could repeat, beginning a new cycle of God's creative works. I'm just thinking out loud here with very little to substantiate all of this.

With this idea now in my head, more study is incumbent upon me. Will check back later to pick up where we left off.

Blessings to you again Anita.


PS: Here is a link to an interesting scriptural exposition of the number 8; http://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/8.html

Mad Mick
05-16-2010, 12:43 AM
G'day jce, you wrote,


Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens"

This is a "rare" example, but still begs the question... "Why was not a plural "yom" inserted here?".

I believe your reading out of context, 2:4 starts a new paragraph and backtracks to a time during the creation on the 3rd day when he created the Man Adam. He is talking about a specific day. Therefore we need to read it, and read it again from a different perspective. It's easy to miss the message in context, especially when your looking for a different answer.

This is called biased. Not scientific at all. Don't worry the best of us here make this mistake daily. Reading the KJ alone can do that to you, as much as I dislike the NIV I still use it for extra clarification to help me understand the text. The beauty is this site is full of pretty sharp people, who will not only sharpen your own act but enable you to fire on all cylinders!

I'm a Young Creation believer, why(?), cause around 1890AD the amplifying electron valve was created by a bloody monkey. This enabled stupider yet craftier monkeys to manipulate time in a box.

(This was Relatively verified by a Using SOB monkey smoking his big fat cigar round the 1920's with his wife's theory of which he was responsible for about 30% yet took 100% of everything, dropped her like like a hot spud for a younger version and was never known to write anything of the like again.)

Getting back to the story by the mid to late 1920's they managed to succeed in both slowing down and speeding up time within an enclosed environment. This means that anyone today, if they knew what they were doing, could say for about $200USD place a seedling in a shoe box with enough water and a light globe and battery, increase the container time rate by say X50,000 for 2 minutes then open your box and pick a fresh ripe tomato! Serious.

Now if a bunch of monkeys can do that after 2,000 years of Christ taught civilization in a Demonic driven environment,

What makes you think for one second God can't do any better?!!

I'll tell you the reason. You really still don't totally believe in God, Period!

It's the problem with our generation, "We can't see the forest for the tree's." We allow some idiots theory to get in the way of our better judgment. These same people are only interested in one thing, "Total control over you." (Martha Davis sang it well.)

Now the only way anyone should approach the bible is without blinkers. This means that as you may already know, the bible is an historic book as well as an instructional book and believed to be the inspired word of God written by men. This instruction is in two parts, the moral laws and the prophecies of future accounts (according to the time the author wrote them).

Now the problem is that the history, law and prophecy overlay one another, now I don't just mean mixed in together but literally the very same text can refer to all three parts at once, yet it doesn't end there. Every prophesy occurs in history more than once, the language used is both literal and figurative, the letters follow infinitely layered numerical codes where both the linguistic and numerical meanings are intertwined; they also identify biological and universal laws both directly and indirectly. There is no other book in the history of mankind that comes within a sniff of the bible.

Anyone who claims that the bible is anything less that what I've just mentioned are both ignorant and foolish.

Anyone who claims that they fully understand a single sentence in the bible are a liar, a fool and an even greater threat to you and humanity than the sceptic.

People willfully follow a good speaker, just look at Jim Jones. The problem is when you've been brought up to think partially, your ability to think laterally has gone straight out the door, along with the truth.

Here's the litmus test, ready?
When you sow a seed you should get some fruit, right?
When John the Baptist asked whether Jesus was the one, Jesus' reply was Matt. 11:5 "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the good news is being preached to the poor."
Sound familiar?
The question is, "Is THIS happening in YOUR life?" If miracles are not happening for the people your praying for, then you need to get out into the wilderness and have an Elijah moment, just the three of you. God, you and your Bible.

Now I'm not saying every prayer gets answered, but at least half of them should. If you pray for one person for 5 minutes a week what do you expect. You have to EXERCISE your prayer time. The more you do it the more you will believe and most importantly succeed.

Now look at verse 6 this is most important Jesus says, "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."

Wow, what a soul exposing statement that was! Who here can say they've never turned someone away?

When PRIDE enters in and you start to bum chum with people here regarding your particular belief, you create a sub culture of division amongst the community.

Now I picked up on it straight away, I'll explain.

1. You advocate a long Earth history which tells me that you are more inclined to believe Darwin.
2. This therefore opens the door for you to pick and choose which scripture suits you.

These 2 things which the average person would not give two hoots about, tells a person like me a great deal.
You see I had a natural talent for astrology while still very young. I've picked up repetitive characteristics regarding peoples responses regarding certain biblical beliefs. Basically the more people you talk to the better you get at psychoanalysis. What makes a person exceptional at this is their ability to recall this information.

Now I used to be real good until I hooked up with dope, never the less I didn't over do it and I don't smoke any more, so at the age of 45 the old forte is coming back, so to speak.

Now without even knowing you, I know the scripture and Jesus taught me there are specific Demons that affect people in different ways ie. Charles Darwin (Agnostic) lived his life according to what he believed which was natural selection. He ended up marrying his cousin and reared mentally disabled children. This denial of God in the slightest, opens the door for hereditary sickness. It opens the door to homosexuality expressed clearly in the Torah. But most dangerously a person who does not adhere to the Bible as much, fears less of the consequences and is a Prime target for witchcraft!

Rebellion is Witchcraft! Believe it or not. The US formed under rebellion and has been a slave to witchcraft ever since. Haiti, same problem.

So lets get back to you, your neither where you want to be in your life nor do you see miracles happening around you, because you believe but don't follow whole heartedly and the Demons are having a field day with you, and I know for a fact you are being robbed ridiculously. As much as you would love to be in control you most definitely have not got this Bull by the horns!

The spirit behind Darwin leeds to racism, low tolerance towards other beliefs, customs, appearances, states, territories any boundary whatsoever, jobs, social status, position, role, anything. Elitism, nationalism, it legitimized Nazism and the Holocaust in Germany and Europe, Russia, Asia, North and South America, Australia, even more so in Africa and the Middle East time and time again repeatedly. It's "Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes," have you seen the program? If your not looking down, your looking straight back up with attitude!

I know it, I was dragged up in that crap!
But I tell you now, you know when you've met a person who's hot for God. There's always hope and OPTIMISM in their speech, the Number One Key!
Pessimism is important, it keeps us level headed, but no more than 33.3% the other 66.6% belongs to Optimism. Think of it like this Satan took 1/3rd of the angels with him. 2/3rd's stayed in heaven.

Yes this universe is Asymmetric as our unconventional brother Raphael most passionately expressed. If it wasn't so nothing would exist, it is also the drive mechanism for the universe, without over unity everything would decay instantly, the entire universe at once!

I've said enough for now I saw the beginnings of another Steamrolling Mechanism for the sake of mindless conversion. It's not fair to the rest of the community that you should be so PROUD and brazen like a prostitute thinking you know better than people you don't even know.

There is a section in the Central Hub > Eschatology for the converters!

I suggested Richard provide a place at the bottom of the forum where people can spread as much mindless propaganda as they like, it would also double as a dumping ground for threads that turn into slanging matches.

Now since this place does not exist I've left an open invitation, go to my Avatar and read my message to Joel. But please the connotation you made to conversion ABSOLUTELY INFURIATED ME! We come here to learn and share, NOT PREACH AND CONVERT.

Non believers don't come here fool, the majority are already converted. What your doing is SCALPING!
Now I know where you come from is the same as in Australia, scalpers are considered the scum of the Earth.

Now you let that slip and I forgive you. But you let the cat out of the bag, so if your serious about what you believe since you classify yourself as a so called CONVERTER, I invite you to go to my messages as I instructed,
or be still,
stay quiet,
and you just might learn something.

God Bless you Brother
May all your future decisions be wise and well thought out. May you succeed for the Church of God in the name of Christ Jesus his son, Amen.


Mad Mick
05-16-2010, 12:43 AM
G'day jce, you wrote,


Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens"

This is a "rare" example, but still begs the question... "Why was not a plural "yom" inserted here?".

I believe your reading out of context, 2:4 starts a new paragraph and backtracks to a time during the creation on the 3rd day when he created the Man Adam. He is talking about a specific day. Therefore we need to read it, and read it again from a different perspective. It's easy to miss the message in context, especially when your looking for a different answer.

This is called biased. Not scientific at all. Don't worry the best of us here make this mistake daily. Reading the KJ alone can do that to you, as much as I dislike the NIV I still use it for extra clarification to help me understand the text. The beauty is this site is full of pretty sharp people, who will not only sharpen your own act but enable you to fire on all cylinders!

I'm a Young Creation believer, why(?), cause around 1890AD the amplifying electron valve was created by a bloody monkey. This enabled stupider yet craftier monkeys to manipulate time in a box.

(This was Relatively verified by a Using SOB monkey smoking his big fat cigar round the 1920's with his wife's theory of which he was responsible for about 30% yet took 100% of everything, dropped her like like a hot spud for a younger version and was never known to write anything of the like again.)

Getting back to the story by the mid to late 1920's they managed to succeed in both slowing down and speeding up time within an enclosed environment. This means that anyone today, if they knew what they were doing could say for about a $200USD place a seedling in a shoe box with enough water and a light globe and battery, increase the container time rate by say X50,000 for 2 minutes then open your box and pick a fresh ripe tomato! Serious.

Now if a bunch of monkeys can do that after 2,000 years of Christ taught civilization in a Demonic driven environment,

What makes you think for one second God can't do any better?!!

I'll tell you the reason. You still really don't believe in God, Period!

It's the problem with our generation, "We can't see the forest for the tree's." We allow some idiots theory to get in the way of our better judgment. These same people are only interested in one thing, "Total control over you." (Martha Davis sang it well.)

Now the only way anyone should approach the bible is without blinkers. This means that as you may already know, the bible is an historic book as well as an instructional book and believed to be the inspired word of God written by men. This instruction is in two parts, the moral laws and the prophecies of future accounts (according to the time the author wrote them).

Now the problem is that the history, law and prophecy overlay one another, now I don't just mean mixed in together but literally the very same text can refer to all three parts at once, yet it doesn't end there. Every prophesy occurs in history more than once, the language used is both literal and figurative, the letters follow infinitely layered numerical codes where both the linguistic and numerical meanings are intertwined; they also identify biological and universal laws both directly and indirectly. There is no other book in the history of mankind that comes within a sniff of the bible.

Anyone who claims that the bible is anything less that what I've just mentioned are both ignorant and foolish.

Anyone who claims that they fully understand a single sentence in the bible are a liar, a fool and an even greater threat to you and humanity than the sceptic.

People willfully follow a good speaker, just look at Jim Jones. The problem is when you've been brought up to think partially, your ability to think laterally has gone straight out the door, along with the truth.

Here's the litmus test, ready?
When you sow a seed you should get some fruit, right?
When John the Baptist asked whether Jesus was the one, Jesus' reply was Matt. 11:5 "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the good news is being preached to the poor."
Sound familiar?
The question is, "Is THIS happening in YOUR life?" If miracles are not happening for the people your praying for, then you need to get out into the wilderness and have an Elijah moment, just the three of you. God, you and your Bible.

Now I'm not saying every prayer gets answered, but at least half of them should. If you pray for one person for 5 minutes a week what do you expect. You have to EXERCISE your prayer time. The more you do it the more you will believe and most importantly succeed.

Now look at verse 6 this is most important Jesus says, "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."

Wow, what a soul exposing statement that was! Who here can say they've never turned someone away?

When PRIDE enters in and you start to bum chum with people here regarding your particular belief, you create a sub culture of division amongst the community.

Now I picked up on it straight away, I'll explain.

1. You advocate a long Earth history which tells me that you are more inclined to believe Darwin.
2. This therefore opens the door for you to pick and choose which scripture suits you.

These 2 things which the average person would not give two hoots about, tells a person like me a great deal.
You see I had a natural talent for astrology while still very young. I've picked up repetitive characteristics regarding peoples responses regarding certain biblical beliefs. Basically the more people you talk to the better you get at psychoanalysis. What makes a person exceptional at this is their ability to recall this information.

Now I used to be real good until I hooked up with dope, never the less I didn't over do it and I don't smoke any more, so at the age of 45 the old forte is coming back, so to speak.

Now without even knowing you, I know the scripture and Jesus taught me there are specific Demons that affect people in different ways ie. Charles Darwin (Agnostic) lived his life according to what he believed which was natural selection. He ended up marrying his cousin and reared mentally disabled children. This denial of God in the slightest, opens the door for hereditary sickness. It opens the door to homosexuality expressed clearly in the Torah. But most dangerously a person who does not adhere to the Bible as much, fears less of the consequences and is a Prime target for witchcraft!

Rebellion is Witchcraft! Believe it or not. The US formed under rebellion and has been a slave to witchcraft ever since. Haiti, same problem.

So lets get back to you, your neither where you want to be in your life nor do you see miracles happening around you, because you believe but don't follow whole heartedly and the Demons are having a field day with you, and I know for a fact you are being robbed ridiculously. As much as you would love to be in control you most definitely have not got this Bull by the horns!

The spirit behind Darwin leeds to racism, low tolerance towards other beliefs, customs, appearances, states, territories any boundary whatsoever, jobs, social status, position, role, anything. Elitism, nationalism, it legitimized Nazism and the Holocaust in Germany and Europe, Russia, Asia, North and South America, Australia, even more so in Africa and the Middle East time and time again repeatedly. It's "Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes," have you seen the program? If your not looking down, your looking straight back up with attitude!

I know it, I was dragged up in that crap!
But I tell you now, you know when you've met a person who's hot for God. There's always hope and OPTIMISM in their speech, the Number One Key!
Pessimism is important, it keeps us level headed, but no more than 33.3% the other 66.6% belongs to Optimism. Think of it like this Satan took 1/3rd of the angels with him. 2/3rd's stayed in heaven.

Yes this universe is Asymmetric as our unconventional brother Raphael most passionately expressed. If it wasn't so nothing would exist, it is also the drive mechanism for the universe, without over unity everything would decay instantly, the entire universe at once!

I've said enough for now I saw the beginnings of another Steamrolling Mechanism for the sake of mindless conversion. It's not fair to the rest of the community that you should be so PROUD and brazen like a prostitute thinking you know better than people you don't even know.

There is a section in the Central Hub > Eschatology for the converters!

I suggested Richard provide a place at the bottom of the forum where people can spread as much mindless propaganda as they like, it would also double as a dumping ground for threads that turn into slanging matches.

Now since this place does not exist I've left an open invitation, go to my Avatar and read my message to Joel. But please the connotation you made to conversion ABSOLUTELY INFURIATED ME! We come here to learn and share, NOT PREACH AND CONVERT.

Non believers don't come here fool, the majority are already converted. What your doing is SCALPING!
Now I know where you come from is the same as in Australia, scalpers are considered the scum of the Earth.

Now you let that slip and I forgive you. But you let the cat out of the bag, so if your serious about what you believe since you classify yourself as a so called CONVERTER, I invite you to go to my messages as I instructed,
or be still,
stay quiet,
and you just might learn something.

God Bless you Brother
May all your future decisions be wise and well thought out. May you succeed for the Church of God in the name of Christ Jesus his son, Amen.


05-16-2010, 03:39 AM
I am also a Young Earth Creationist also.

It is evident from astronomers that new planets and stars are born even today in the universe. Imagine if Earth was one of those planets that was borned yesterday, is the earth billions of years old because the light from the furthest star billions of light years away managed to reached us?

God can expand or condensed time. Just a thought, which although I am skeptical but this may be another perspective in what Perter meant in 2 Peter 3:8 :

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

Revolution round the sun is what defines a year.
A complete rotation of the earth round its own axis defines a day.

Can a day be like a thousand years? Yes, imagine if the Earth took 1,000 years to go round the sun and also took 1,000 years to rotate very slowly round its own axis. That means time of its revolution round the sun and the time that it completes its rotation took the same 1,000 years.

Can a thousand years be like a day? Yes, imagine if the Earth were to rovolve round the sun very fast(or even slow) at 1,000 times and at the same time it took the earth to complete one rotation on its axis. In fact, this is exactly what some astronomers believe how the galaxy with its stars and planets are formed with the centre of the galaxy revolving at tremendous speed and then slows down that it forms the spiral tails of the galaxy that contains the stars with the planets:


Although the idea may seems farfetch but there is a possibilty; to God everything is possible. I am not trying to confuse everybody but just sharing my thoughts.

Many Blessings.

05-16-2010, 09:33 AM
I am pleased to see discussion on creation/origins and Genesis one. I have been interested in this for some time.

I believe that the days of Genesis one are ordinary days of axis rotation. However I do not see that the heavens and the earth were created within the 6 days. The six days have to do with the making of the earth hospitable for man's habitation. The first day does not begin until God says 'let there be light' on the surface of the water-submerged planet. Before this time there already exists the heavens and the earth, darkness, surface of the deep (ocean), the deep (ocean), also called waters which are covering the earth.

In verse 2 the Spirit of God is hovering (brooding) over the face of the waters anticipating the preparation of a home for mankind. The first day does not begin until verse 3.

I believe that the first few verses of Genesis must be read very slowly and carefully so that the initial bits of information are not rushed into the first day which begins in verse 3.

Genesis 1:1,2 (ASV)
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Verse one gives us the information that God created 2 entities, the heavens and the earth. Verse two begins to give us more details about the second named entity, the earth.

The Bible does not tell us how old the universe is, nor the age of the mineral based earth. However what can be traced is the biosphere including mankind which is perhaps 6000 years.


Anita Meyer
05-17-2010, 02:19 PM
Hello Mad Mick,

You got one fine post there! :)

Great stuff on Darwin - you hit it right on the head!

I don’t think I could have said it better… That people nowadays because of advances in technology, (which includes astronomy and the likes) opens the door for people to pick and choose which scripture suits them. Their mind goes astray and they start thinking long durations of time for creation to have occurred, and thus evolution, simply because science is pushing us in that direction.

An evolutionist told me just the other day that the “Evolution Theory” is now a FACT - simply because its been tried again and again. Even though they did not succeed at creating a new thing according to him, it was now a FACT because its been scientifically tried. Did you all get that, its now a FACT! Hilarious - what kind of sham is this?! :confused:

I just had someone email me the other day asking all about "abiogenesis". It seems that evolutionists always fall back on what’s called “abiogenesis” which means life coming from non life. They don’t focus on the “origin” of life, only the diversity of it - this is what they are taught and drilled on over and over again. My rebuttal on this was that abiogenesis violates the law of “biogenesis“ which means life originating from life - BTW biogenesis is a not a theory but a law of nature - IT IS A GIVEN FACT OF LIFE! Secondly abiogenesis is only a speculative hypothesis that has no evidence to back it up, and thirdly like I said, there is no credible mechanism for it like “biogenesis”. Basically what “abiogenesis” does it stop us from thinking logically and gear us into believing the evolution theory.

Anita Meyer
05-25-2010, 03:49 PM
Hi Mick, I wanted to follow up on Darwin and the threat of his whole ideology of "natural selection" which poses a great threat to all moralism and society...

Jeffrey Dahmer was a product of Darwinism! One of America’s most infamous serial killers who cannibalized more than 17 boys before being captured, gave a last interview with Dateline NBC nine months before his death, and he said the following about why he acted as he did: “If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we died, you know, that was it, there was nothing….” (Dateline NBC, The Final Interview, Nov. 29, 1994).

06-01-2010, 11:55 AM
Despite what the bible says the earth is not 6000-10000 years old. It is simply not possible unless God made it "look so" which would be a ridiculous claim to start with. Of course, it does not disprove the idea of God.

A respond to you (just because I love you so much :yo: )
The evolutionist guy you spoke with did probably not say that; he probably said something at the line :" evolution is BOTH a theory and a fact" which is the opinion of 99.99 per cent of the scientific community in all fields (even M. Behe accept the idea of common ancestor: http://www.arn.org/docs/behe/mb_dm11496.htm).
poll sources:
http://www.religioustolerance.org/ev_publi.htm (95 per cent of scientists - incl. those not related to the field of evolution such as computer science. Excl. those not related to earth and life science it is 99.85 per cent in the US).

Mad Mick
06-04-2010, 10:12 AM
Look Lolly Boy,
She isn't coming back to this forum, ok.
She told me so. Are you satisfied Student!
Are you Proud to have ganged up with Richard and beat up on a girl
Some kids mother!

Regardless of her material, your unrelenting attack on her was low, uncalled for and deplorable. The least you could do is apologize for your rudeness. Your sarcastic crass Love remark was another sign of your spiritual immaturity amongst fellow believers, which is not welcome here.

You may think some of our views are a Joke! Fine, why don't you just go then. For your supreme intellect is far too much for us stupid people to fathom!

On the other hand should you choose to repent and show some understanding you just might gain a LITTLE humility which seems to be lacking around Educational Institutions.

I invite you to go back and read over my post #11. In fact why don't you go to my avatar and read all my posts.
May God forgive your actions in the name of Christ Jesus, amen.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 11:01 AM
Look Lolly Boy,
She isn't coming back to this forum, ok.
She told me so. Are you satisfied Student!
Are you Proud to have ganged up with Richard and beet up on a girl
Some kids mother!

Hey Mick!

Are you being sexist here? Are you saying that women are intellectually weak and that we should treat them with "kid gloves" whereas it would be OK to speak to a man directly and with truth?

Regardless of her material, your unrelenting attack on her was low, uncalled for and deplorable. The least you could do is apologize for your rudeness. Your sarcastic crass Love remark was another sign of your spiritual immaturity amongst fellow believers, which is not welcome here.

I generally agree that we should "speak the truth in love" - but then again, I also get so sick of liars that I make an exception for them.

Anita knows that she got her info from the internet, yet she presents it as her own discovery and flat-out LIED about "not using the internet for research." That lie is as moronic as it is transparent. She presented NOTHING but a collection of junk she picked up off the internet! And beyond that, have you considered the claim she makes of "her" book? She said "There is nobody on the face of the Earth that has the full encompassing knowledge that this book contains." Anyone who makes an outrageously arrogant and false claim like that should be able to handle a little blowback (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowback_%28intelligence%29) from the internet. If not, then good riddance. I'm not interested in coddling self-inflated egos. I am a 50 year old man and have seen enough tripe and trash on the internet for a lifetime. I'm not going to propagate it here on my own forum.

So let's look at her primary claim, highlighted red above. I asked in the other thread if she has presented anything not already seen on the internet. No one has answered as yet. So my challenge to anyone supporting her is to answer that one question.

All the very best to you my friend. I trust you take no offense in my plain speech, since that is something you practice with great regularity. :p


Mad Mick
06-04-2010, 11:46 AM
Yeah I'm hearin ya.
It's your call, but for the rest of us it's not on.
We're guests and can't afford to give God a bad image, nor this site. You KNOW how many times I've taken the bait already. Should you slip up it's your own undoing, yet it's more acceptable for you to clean up this site than for lolly boy to chase and harass her around the net. There are places we just don't go.
Yes, Men are different to women. We have advantages over them in some areas and they have advantages over us in others and while Satan still roams this forsaken plot, "Never The Twain Shall Meet!"

And I thank God for that!

For I'm just not that narcissistic to want to be married to myself!

Let it be like water of a ducks back, well and truly under the bridge.
I still gave it to junior privately though,
I just couldn't help myself.

I still thought she had a potential, if guided correctly would have been an asset to the site.

Then again there's only so much you can take.
Oh well, win some lose some.
May God endow you with an even greater anointing for loving instruction.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 11:54 AM
Yeah I'm hearin ya.
It's your call, but for the rest of us it's not on.
We're guests and can't afford to give God a bad image, nor this site. You KNOW how many times I've taken the bait already. Should you slip up it's your own undoing, yet it's more acceptable for you to clean up this site than for lolly boy to chase and harass her around the net. There are places we just don't go.
Yes, Men are different to women. We have advantages over them in some areas and they have advantages over us in others and while Satan still roams this forsaken plot, "Never The Twain Shall Meet!"

And I thank God for that!

For I'm just not that narcissistic to want to be married to myself!

Let it be like water of a ducks back, well and truly under the bridge.
I still gave it to junior privately though,
I just couldn't help myself.

I still thought she had a potential, if guided correctly would have been an asset to the site.

Then again there's only so much you can take.
Oh well, win some lose some.
May God endow you with an even greater anointing for loving instruction.
Hey Mick,

I hear you too.

It's not always pleasant to interact with strangers on the internet. I've worked hard to make this a place where different ideas and points of view are welcomed and encouraged. And I agree that there really was not a need for bonbon's last post in this thread, and the sense of being "stalked" on the internet is not good for anyone.

But ... that said, I think Anita brought it all on herself. Honest, integrity, truthfulness are fundamental to any interaction to be worth our time and effort. The fact that she denied using the internet for research pretty much put her "over the top" of the garbage dump in my book. I have no patience for some who is willing to lie to my face like that. It only confirmed everything I had already concluded from the rest of the evidence.

Thanks for working with me on this,


06-04-2010, 11:56 AM
A negative attribute of RAM Richard is that he answered the first mail with a question (with an excuse that it took so long), and three other mails with a simple question like how come we can not change a post from several days ago (the edit button is gone), can you change that, I never got any reply on.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 12:00 PM
A negative attribute of RAM Richard is that he answered the first mail with a question (with an excuse that it took so long), and three other mails with a simple question like how come we can not change a post from several days ago (the edit button is gone), can you change that, I never got any reply on.
You are correct. My bad.

I remember you had asked a question but I didn't know which thread it was in. Then you told me and I never followed up. I'll get to it right now. It was the connection between word and matter (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=20394#post20394) thread.

06-04-2010, 12:58 PM
Yeah I'm hearin ya.
It's your call, but for the rest of us it's not on.
We're guests and can't afford to give God a bad image, nor this site. You KNOW how many times I've taken the bait already. Should you slip up it's your own undoing, yet it's more acceptable for you to clean up this site than for lolly boy to chase and harass her around the net. There are places we just don't go.
Yes, Men are different to women. We have advantages over them in some areas and they have advantages over us in others and while Satan still roams this forsaken plot, "Never The Twain Shall Meet!"

And I thank God for that!

For I'm just not that narcissistic to want to be married to myself!

Let it be like water of a ducks back, well and truly under the bridge.
I still gave it to junior privately though,
I just couldn't help myself.

I still thought she had a potential, if guided correctly would have been an asset to the site.

Then again there's only so much you can take.
Oh well, win some lose some.
May God endow you with an even greater anointing for loving instruction.

Hey Mad Mick,

Thanks for sticking up for women...:signthankspin: It's much appreciated by me. I would say in most areas men have the advantage over women merely because they are stronger and tend to dominate and overpower us. Men also tend to have less grace and are more judgmental (my experience) then women, maybe it partly is because women are more intimately involved in raising and taking care of children where much grace is needed.


06-04-2010, 01:50 PM
I apologize for my last post in this thread since some people thought it was inappropriate. However, I do not disclaim the core of my post.

By the way, Mad Mick, have you received my e-mail respond?

Mad Mick
06-05-2010, 01:24 PM
Yes, received and apology accepted, yet Anita is the person you need to apologize to.
WHAT?!!! You may be thinking. "How in anyones name can this most surely MAD MICK consider such a thing after all I've EXPOSED!"

It's simple.

A real Christian loves to correct yet hates to condemn!

Yes, I am not a Real Christian.

I hope I will be . . . . one day!
God I pray this WHOLE community learns something from this today, for I'm awfully tired and worn from this added BullSh!t. My wife gives me less trouble than this website and that says something! (for we are poles apart)

06-06-2010, 09:19 AM
You are correct. My bad.

I remember you had asked a question but I didn't know which thread it was in. Then you told me and I never followed up. I'll get to it right now. It was the connection between word and matter (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=20394#post20394) thread.

Yes it was a remark about the 'tov' being 17 and the 2nd day where it does not appear. I was going to and able to correct that post. This is nowadays not possible anymore. So you must have changed options so that someone can not correct his post anymore from days ago, the Edit button is then gone. Why did you do that? Don't you understand that someone wants to be able to correct a mistake? Change it back please.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2010, 09:24 AM
Yes it was a remark about the 'tov' being 17 and the 2nd day where it does not appear. I was going to and able to correct that post. Not any more. So nowadays you must have changed options so that anyone can not correct his post anymore, the Edit button is gone. Why did you do that? Change it back please.
I changed the settings so folks can edit their posts up to a week. After that, they become "historical records" that can not be altered.

06-06-2010, 10:05 AM
I changed the settings so folks can edit their posts up to a week. After that, they become "historical records" that can not be altered.

Why changing it from unlimited to one day to one week? One should be able to correct in his post without limit. Change it back to unlimited please. I like to correct something little more in that post.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2010, 10:26 AM
Why changing it from unlimited to one day to one week? One should be able to correct in his post without limit. Change it back to unlimited please. I like to correct something little more in that post.
I like the "solidity" of things archived on the net. It's like when something is printed on paper. If someone finds an error in yesterdays newspaper, they simple post a correction in today's edition.

This mimics reality - what is past is past:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it

-- Omar Khayyam

alec cotton
06-06-2010, 11:16 AM
Hello Cheow Wee Hock, I’m glad you enjoyed my posting. :)

To further my claim of a young Earth and believing EXACTLY what the Bible says, you might want to read how I’ve connected G-d’s word to Nature.


Logically it follows that if G-d has put order into all of His creation, (as you have witnessed with the Hebrew letters) how much more would He have put order into His Word - the Bible. There is indeed order and that is why 'I' believe every literal word! :)

Greetings Anita.
I focussed on your word 'logically'. I suggest that we apply a little bit of logic. I think that I might have remarked somewhere else that I have no quarrel with true science. True science is : Knowledge from enquiry. Modern science is theory from speculation. The notion that the earth was created about six thousand years ago just will not bear scrutiny.If we were to speculate on this theme ,then the dinasaurs were created on the fifth day and were extinct on the sixth. If you were to stretch your imagination and say that they were destroyed at the time of the flood it still would not add up . A thousand feet of sediment per year would have to fall in order to account for the depth at which they are buried. It is my observation that God never does anything without a reason . The fossil record shows that nothing evolved. Whenever a change can be seen ,it is sudden Thousands of species are wiped out and thousands of new species appear. Each new species is designed to serve a specific purpose. Adam was not the first man. He was a special creation and fits into the plan of Elohim: our creator . When I look through the microscoe at the tiny creatures whiich support my life then look to the heavens and say ,'Lord, how can can I best serve you. ?'

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2010, 11:33 AM
Greetings Anita.
I focussed on your word 'logically'. I suggest that we apply a little bit of logic. I think that I might have remarked somewhere else that I have no quarrel with true science. True science is : Knowledge from enquiry. Modern science is theory from speculation. The notion that the earth was created about six thousand years ago just will not bear scrutiny.If we were to speculate on this theme ,then the dinasaurs were created on the fifth day and were extinct on the sixth. If you were to stretch your imagination and say that they were destroyed at the time of the flood it still would not add up . A thousand feet of sediment per year would have to fall in order to account for the depth at which they are buried.

Excellent argument Alec! I agree completely. To my mind, I see no difference between Flat Earth Geography and Young Earth Creationism.

Though I would take exception with your description of "modern science" as "theory from speculation." Modern science is "true" science - it is based on testable data and empirical facts.


06-06-2010, 01:20 PM
I like the "solidity" of things archived on the net. It's like when something is printed on paper. If someone finds an error in yesterdays newspaper, they simple post a correction in today's edition.

This mimics reality - what is past is past:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it

-- Omar Khayyam

Oh well, how am I suppose to understand this broken English mumble jumble? Don't hide behind it and just change the settings back to unlimited and that was before you started to like this mumble jumble garbage :)

In our first mail you called me friend. I found it a bit early because in Poverbs it says not so fast. Then no mails were answered any more and now this. Aren't friends suppose to do things for each other? Otherwise what does the word mean? I will throw some mumble jumble at you?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2010, 04:11 PM
Oh well, how am I suppose to understand this broken English mumble jumble? Don't hide behind it and just change the settings back to unlimited and that was before you started to like this mumble jumble garbage :)

In our first mail you called me friend. I found it a bit early because in Poverbs it says not so fast. Then no mails were answered any more and now this. Aren't friends suppose to do things for each other? Otherwise what does the word mean? I will throw some mumble jumble at you?

OK - there seems to be a popular demand for unlimited editing, so I have made it so.

As for the "broken English mumble jumble" - that's called "poetry" and should be understood as such. Don't you like the right side of your brain? Why do you call poetry garbage?

And don't accuse me of hiding or I will never let you edit your posts again! :stop:

Just kidding! :hippie:

I see you are still upset about my lack of communication. I apologized once, but let me do it again, sevenfold this time:

:sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry: :sEm_ImSorry:



Now where were we? What was it we were talking about?


06-07-2010, 01:00 AM
Oh :signthankspin: now I am happy again. I hereby ask the users of the forum to use this recovered freedom in a good way.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-07-2010, 07:43 AM
Oh :signthankspin: now I am happy again. I hereby ask the users of the forum to use this recovered freedom in a good way.
Your happiness is my happiness! :anim_32:

"Recovered freedom" - that's an elevated idea. I hope folks use this forum to recover more of their freedom in every way!

That would make me very happy.

Shine on Freedom Posters!



06-07-2010, 07:53 AM
Oh :signthankspin: now I am happy again. I hereby ask the users of the forum to use this recovered freedom in a good way.

This incident got me to thinking about all the freedoms that get taken away from us because of the few that abuse those freedoms. Is it really a good thing to punish the many because of the few? I don't think so, because it only leads to resentment on the part of the responsible ones. I realize everything can be abused and because of that laws must be made to protect the innocent, but whenever possible...let our freedom remain!


Mad Mick
06-11-2010, 11:44 AM
Rose I do see what is being stated, yet I have to conclude and side with Richard on this point.
When Anita came to this site she made certain remarks that were a bit outlandish. All said and done it's all water under the bridge. Now she hasn't as far as my knowledge gone back and covered over any of these so called regrettable comments she may have made. Being banned means she can't. Now to some people this may seem like a abuse of individuals rights, but for the sake of CONTINUITY if Richard were to allow gross mistakes to be overwritten and then vehemently denied later as to have ever taken place, would confuse the reader forcing them to question the TRUTH of the thread.

Yes there are many times I've gone back to edit what I've posted, simply because it was wrong, the syntax or spelling was out or I was just out right being a pig and swore like there was no tomorrow.
Only to wake up tomorrow, read that same post and regret every syllable!

Yet I still agree as embarrassing as it can be that editing should not be allowed. This will cause all of us to pick up our game and not rant at the top of our heads or speak for the sake of being heard. It also acts as an adjudicator which can haunt a person at times, and for that I thank God for in this age of coverups and squeaky clean images it's good to know that some people like myself, Richard and the like are here to reveal the skeletons and not hide them in some ones confused memory of a conversation they thought they had!

Though I've sided with Anita on some points, I still very much side with Richard on ceasing the ability to edit posts. It is crucial that people do not come here to willfully mislead the community which can easily be done if indefinite editing is to remain.

Thanks for listening, it would be great to see what the numbers FOR or AGAINST editing would be here at this forum, maybe a weekly poll could be arranged for the members as a good democratic view of where the Status Quo may lay on issues such as this.


04-26-2011, 04:14 AM
I have just finished looking at this thread. No, I didn't read it word for word, unless I saw something that got my attention, and that I can understand. I mean, when people begin talking about particles and atoms, I get lost in a hurry.

One thing I do understand is usage of English words. For the example, the word "day." That could mean one day, or many days, depending on the usage. If I were to talk about "the day of my birth," it is obvious, is it not, that I am speaking of one specific day. But if I would say, "back in the day when I was raised," the word "day" is obviously referring to more than one day as it took more than one specific day to raise me.

The same is true for the word "man." The word "man" could either mean one specific man, or mankind, depending on it's usage.

This concept became real to me as a young radio announcer. The first station manager I served under taught me about the word "you." I was told to use the word "you" because even though I was speaking to thousands of people, the word "you" made each one of them feel like I was speaking directly to an individual listener, making that individual listener feel special.

When Jesus was speaking to the disciples once he asked them, "who do you say that I am?" Who was he speaking to? He was speaking to all of the disciples. So, depending on the usage of the word "you," it could be referring to one or more than one person.

For those of you that have been discussing the word "day," in the beginning, does that make sense?
