Richard Amiel McGough
05-06-2010, 07:58 AM
A recent post ( on my blog has received some attention by Muslims who publicly speak strongly against violence. For example, one Muslim said "By Allah no Muslim who has ill intentions towards Christians will do so while I am around." Note how serious he is - he swore by Allah! He means what he says. I went to his site and found this article where he defends Christians:
A Call Upon Fellow Muslims to Boycott Malaysia! (
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem,
As salamu 'alikum wr wb (May the Peace, Mercy of Allah and Blessings be upon you).
I Call Upon All Muslims Every Where To Boycott Malaysia and Malaysian Products Until The Government Can Bring To Justice Those Destroying Churches!
I call upon the same Muslims who would boycott Denmark because of a cartoon. If you have any courage, humanity and justice in your bones or soul, than speak out against the injustice against Christian churches in Malaysia. It's odd enough that these so called Muslims are using cocktail's (what are Muslims doing with alcohol any way) not that it's a suprise.
The Christians have been using the word Allah for a very long time in Malaysia. They have used the word Allah in the middle east long before Muslims were on the scene. What is happening to the Christian churches is disgusting.Let us remember what Jesus told us about such people:
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
In a world being torn apart by religious sectarianism, this Muslim brother is a welcome ally in our Christian calling to be Peacemakers. Let us remember what Christ said concerning those who help others:
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
A Call Upon Fellow Muslims to Boycott Malaysia! (
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem,
As salamu 'alikum wr wb (May the Peace, Mercy of Allah and Blessings be upon you).
I Call Upon All Muslims Every Where To Boycott Malaysia and Malaysian Products Until The Government Can Bring To Justice Those Destroying Churches!
I call upon the same Muslims who would boycott Denmark because of a cartoon. If you have any courage, humanity and justice in your bones or soul, than speak out against the injustice against Christian churches in Malaysia. It's odd enough that these so called Muslims are using cocktail's (what are Muslims doing with alcohol any way) not that it's a suprise.
The Christians have been using the word Allah for a very long time in Malaysia. They have used the word Allah in the middle east long before Muslims were on the scene. What is happening to the Christian churches is disgusting.Let us remember what Jesus told us about such people:
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
In a world being torn apart by religious sectarianism, this Muslim brother is a welcome ally in our Christian calling to be Peacemakers. Let us remember what Christ said concerning those who help others:
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.