View Full Version : Did Paul go to Mount Sinai?

05-02-2010, 08:47 PM
Paul went to Arabia:

Galatians 1
17Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.

Galatians 4
24Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

25For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.
So I wonder if Paul went to see God on Mount Sinai?

It seems like he did like Elijah in 1Kings 19. Then both Paul and Elijah went or were told to go to Damascus.

05-03-2010, 04:26 AM
Paul went to Arabia:

So I wonder if Paul went to see God on Mount Sinai?

It seems like he did like Elijah in 1Kings 19. Then both Paul and Elijah went or were told to go to Damascus.

It makes a lot of sense!

You posted an excellent article by N.T. Wright! (Paul, Arabia and Elijah) I've always seen this period in Arabia as a time for meditation, maturity and preparation for Paul's upcoming ministry. I even linked this episode with Numbers, thus connecting Numbers and Galatians on the Bible Wheel. The Hebrew name of Numbers is "In the Wilderness" and in Galatians we find a lone reference to an apostle going alone to "the wilderness" (Arabia).

Now, with the clue that you bring up, the connection seems even stronger. Galatians links Arabia to Sinai. And according to Wright, Paul was like Phinehas and Elijah in reverse. Phinehas' story is recorded in Numbers, and Elijah's journey to Sinai is recorded in 1 Kings 19. The first links to Galatians because they share the same Spoke on the Wheel. As for 1 Kings 19, we know that Spokes 4 and 19 are atbash. Therefore, all the three "zealous" men are connected in the structure of Scripture.

05-03-2010, 01:22 PM
It makes a lot of sense!

You posted an excellent article by N.T. Wright! (Paul, Arabia and Elijah) I've always seen this period in Arabia as a time for meditation, maturity and preparation for Paul's upcoming ministry. I even linked this episode with Numbers, thus connecting Numbers and Galatians on the Bible Wheel. The Hebrew name of Numbers is "In the Wilderness" and in Galatians we find a lone reference to an apostle going alone to "the wilderness" (Arabia).

Now, with the clue that you bring up, the connection seems even stronger. Galatians links Arabia to Sinai. And according to Wright, Paul was like Phinehas and Elijah in reverse. Phinehas' story is recorded in Numbers, and Elijah's journey to Sinai is recorded in 1 Kings 19. The first links to Galatians because they share the same Spoke on the Wheel. As for 1 Kings 19, we know that Spokes 4 and 19 are atbash. Therefore, all the three "zealous" men are connected in the structure of Scripture.
I wonder what the meaning of Arabia is. The word Arba means 4 right? I was looking in Acts to understand when Paul went to Arabia but I didn't find anything. It seems to me that he went there before (correct me if I'm wrong) he met the apostles. Because it makes me wonder, "Howcome Paul has more knowledge, more insight than any other Apostle who had spent their time with Jesus side-by-side?"

Are there any stronger evidence on the subject? Moses also went to Sinai before showing himself to Pharaoh.

One thing, both Paul and Elijah were told to go to Damascus in 1kings 19 and Acts 9. I know Paul did but did Elijah do that? Because I think it was Elishah who did that to Hazael:

2 Kings 8:8
And the king said unto Hazael, Take a present in thine hand, and go, meet the man of God, and enquire of the LORD by him, saying, Shall I recover of this disease?

05-04-2010, 06:45 AM
I wonder what the meaning of Arabia is.

I think it is probably related to barrenness, sterelity. It is an association between wilderness (Arabia) and fruitless ground. Thus another Spoke 4 link. Arabia => Wilderness => Numbers. Fertility and sterility also seem to be associated with Four since Four is a symbol of Birth, as we find in Genesis 4 and Ezekiel (fourth book of the prophets).

But your curiosity is bearing fruit. The meaning of Arabia gives an interesting twist to the allegory of Sinai and Zion in Galatians. Hagar was fertile, but she was compared to Sinai in Arabia. Sarah was barren but she produced the children of the Spirit. So the actual "sterile woman" according to the Spirit was Hagar/Arabia.

The word Arba means 4 right?

That's striking because it is yet another "coincidence" between Arabia and the Number 4. Arabia does not mean "four" but it is phonetically similar.

The word "Arabia" is maximized on Spoke 4! One hit in Ezekiel and two in Galatians.

I was looking in Acts to understand when Paul went to Arabia but I didn't find anything. It seems to me that he went there before (correct me if I'm wrong) he met the apostles.

I forgot the details but that's what it seems. Acts doesn't mention Paul going to Arabia so Galatians is giving us supplementary information.

Because it makes me wonder, "Howcome Paul has more knowledge, more insight than any other Apostle who had spent their time with Jesus side-by-side?"

We don't know for sure if he was the one "with more knowledge, more insight," because Scripture may have been silent on another apostle being more knowledgeable than him. But it seems that he was the one with more insight since he penned much of the NT Testament and occupies a prominent role in early Church history. He was certainly one who labored a lot.

Paul was the best student of the best Rabbi. The Lord chose Paul and sent him to the Gentiles because he wanted to incite the Jews to jealousy. He didn't spent time with Jesus but had vision(s) of Him - a very striking experience -, studied the Scriptures, meditated a lot and spent time with the apostles.

Are there any stronger evidence on the subject? Moses also went to Sinai before showing himself to Pharaoh.

The best evidence on this theme of Paul/Arabia/Sinai seems to be the very article you quote. Have you read it?

There is a parallel between Moses and Paul too. We know the link between Exodus and 1 Corinthians about not feeling qualified to speak.

Sinai and Moses' comission also appear in Exodus 4.

One thing, both Paul and Elijah were told to go to Damascus in 1kings 19 and Acts 9. I know Paul did but did Elijah do that? Because I think it was Elishah who did that to Hazael:

I don't remember off the top of my head about Elijah going to Damascus. But the thematic connection between Elijah and Paul (joint mention of Arabia and Damascus) is present and thus the link is valid.

Damascus is also related to Spoke 4: it begins with Dalet, is related to blood/birth (Dam) and its gematria is 444.

05-04-2010, 10:02 AM
The best evidence on this theme of Paul/Arabia/Sinai seems to be the very article you quote. Have you read it?

Yes I've read it. But my suspicion came before finding this article when I was attending a bible study. And when I had googled on the subject I found this article.