View Full Version : The number 232 ?

04-23-2010, 09:08 AM
The Pentagrammaton - The letter Shin -The value 232 & 300 & 532.

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/schin_10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=221&u=15115755)

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/yod-he10.gif (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=240&u=15115755)

There is a strong connection with the Pentagrammaton and the value 232...(the sum of the four ways of completing the spelling
of YHVH)

The letter shin value 300 mean:The Spirit of God Ruach Elohim & The Lion of the Tribe of Judah...

The letter Shin in the center of the Tetragrammaton = 300+232=532

The value 532 mean: Alpha & This is my name forever.

Best regards.


532 =

The four forms of the Name Havayah cited above are considered to be the most essential forms and each correspond to a different letter of God's name, as above. When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.




The Tetragrammaton :

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/p1230412.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=236&u=15115755)

Jesus' name, Yahshua, is spelled Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H)

The letter Shin value 300 integrated in the Tetragrammaton

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/schin_10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=221&u=15115755)

Those are the Hebrew letters we spell Y-H-S-W-H.

Those letters are called Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H).

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/yod-he10.gif (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=240&u=15115755)

Shin 300 + 232 (Four ways Tetragrammaton)= 532 PASCHAL CYCLE & Alpha & This is my name forever!

PASCHAL CYCLES The 19- and 28- year cycles combine to form a 532-year
sequence, devised by Annianus in the early fifth century and stumbled
into a few decades later by Victorius of Aquitaine, variously known as
a 'Great Cycle', a 'Great Year', a 'Paschal cycle', alpha (because in
Greek the numerical value of the constituent letters is 532), and in
Russian as a 'Great Indiction'. In the Julian calendar, though not the
Gregorian, Easter in any year falls on the same date as it did 532 years previously.

This is the Jakob Böhme heart,The Pentagrammaton inside.

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/jpg_bo11.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=244&u=15115755)


Richard Amiel McGough
04-23-2010, 09:24 AM
Hello i have some questions about the number 232:

Why all this documents about this number?

Can i have an answer please?

Best regards!

Greetings France232,

Welcome to our forum!


I am guessing you have a pretty good idea about the significance of the Number 232 given that you have it in your user name and have provided many links (thanks!).

Do you have a specific question, or are you just trying to start a conversation?

The primary significance of the Number 232 that I see is based on identities I have found in Scripture. Here are a few of the most significant from my page on the Number 232 (http://biblewheel.com/gr/gr_232.asp):

The Word of YHVH (DBR YHVH) = 232

Let there be light (YHY AVR) = 232

The Blessing (HBRKH) = 232

There are deep connections here. God's Word is numerically associated with the creation of light and the idea of a blessing. This makes a lot of sense to me, especially in light of John 1:1-5.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
This is the Light of God's Word.

All the best,


04-23-2010, 09:40 AM


04-23-2010, 09:49 AM

Richard Amiel McGough
04-23-2010, 09:51 AM
Hello thanks a lot for your quick answer !

I had a long "story" with this number 10 years ago.

Thanks a lot for your web site ! it is very instructive.

Alex from Nice.

The connection with the menorah is very interesting. It seems to be a never-ending wonder, which is not too surprising given that it was designed by God Himself:

Numbers 8:4 And this work of the candlestick was of beaten gold, unto the shaft thereof, unto the flowers thereof, was beaten work: according unto the pattern which the LORD had shewed Moses, so he made the candlestick.
Have you seen the connection between the Menorah, the Seven Days of Creation, and the Bible Wheel?


The Seven Divisions follow the same pattern as the Seven Days of Creation - 3 paired branches and one set apart:


I discuss this in Chapter 3 of the Bible Wheel book, called Sevenfold Symmetric Perfection (http://biblewheel.com/book/Chapters/Chapt03.asp).

It is also interesting that the Menorah has 22 bowls, corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. This amplifies its connection with the idea of the "Word" of God (see The Bible as Menorah (http://biblewheel.com/Topics/menorah.asp)).


Richard Amiel McGough
04-23-2010, 10:02 AM

232 is “Ad Adi Ad” (AD ADY AD) or “eternity of eternities” as expressed in the Sefer Yetzirah 1:5

I checked the quote from the Sefer Yetzirah and it is correct. Very interesting indeed, especially since the author of that book was aware of the numerical values of the words.

Have you looked at Sefer Yetzirah 2:2?
Twenty-two Foundation letters: He engraved them, He carved them, He permuted them, He weighed them, He transformed them, and with them He depicted all that was formed and all that would be formed.

Twenty-two Foundation letters: He placed them in a circle [galgal] like a wall with 231 gates (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/../wheel/231Gates.asp). The circle oscillates back and forth. A sign for this is: There is nothing in good higher than Delight (Oneg – http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/../images/Oneg.gif ); There is nothing in evil lower than Plague (Nega – http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/../images/Nega.gif )
The word galgal (wheel) = 3 + 30 + 3 + 30 = 66 = the Number of Books in the Bible Wheel. I've always found that to be quite compelling (see An Ancient Witness (http://www.biblewheel.com/wheel/ancientwitness.asp)).

And 66 = 22 x 3 is a variation on the theme of 232.

Great chatting,


04-24-2010, 02:53 AM
Bonjour France232 and RAM (your websites is wonder-full), about the pyramid, in the Bible this is connected with the flood (mabul has more to do with confusion then water), I have written something about it here http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=404
The 365 days France232 mentions are the days from the 17th of the 2nd month (that's today over 7 days (coïncidentally also according Gen 7:4), we are in the 2nd month now) and ends a year later at the 27th of the 2nd month. So the sun has to do with it. The Sun in the N.T. refers to Noah too. And the pyramids on earth are in sunny weather by the way, in fact, it can be quite hot over there, so hot, that you need much water. And it is a hot topic. In the summery of the many time points there is also a period of 40 days 'waiting', 40 means water and time itself (as you might know too, this is wellknown in Jewish sources). Like the Bibe their mysteries face the test of time. See also the belt of Orion connection to the Pyramids http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1593&page=3

04-24-2010, 06:39 AM

Richard Amiel McGough
04-24-2010, 07:40 AM
Hello !

Richard do you think there is a symbolic connection between the height of the Pyramid: 232 sacred cubit and God name: the total value of these 4 names that represent the totality of the 10 sefirot spelled out in 39 letters is 232 ?
Thanks !
The dimensions of the pyramids have never caught my attention. It seems pretty unlikely that the Egyptians built them to express a numerical identity based on Hebrew Scriptures.

04-24-2010, 07:55 AM
Ok thanks !

04-24-2010, 07:59 AM
In my information the 'ark', tebah, of Noah, on it's heighest point of the 'flood', mabul, with a flattened top, from the flattened top to the bottom of the mountain, to the earth, measures 49 el. The 49 means that it fullfilles the 7. The tebah connects with the 50 but does not stick into it. Gen. 7:19 gives it's highest point. (I think you translate the hebrew word emah with cubit)

The Tehah measures 30 el, it is 11 el in the water, so 19 el above the water. The highest water is 15 el above the top of the mountains and the mountains are 15 el high. Now anyone can draw this point if he/she likes. Who knows maybe there are more connecting points to the pyramids.

I wondered why nobody asked me why the tebah looks like a pyramid. In fact, I took it also for granted because I saw the drawings of it, but could not recall this fact. So I looked it up in the book in the text before the drawings and here it is:
Gen. 6:16 "...., and to a cubit shalt thou finish it upward,...". This expression is - especially in a translation - not clear. But it means - also in tradition - that the tebah upward peak rises. (I don't know if this is right English, Google translation did not do the job properly I think, but it means like having the shape of a pyramid) and that the upper surface measures one cubit in length and width. So this means that the tebah has the form of a truncated, knotted pyramid. The upper 'stone' is 'deliberately' omitted.

Like the tebah in the Bible has the form in which life passages from one world to another, also the pyramids in Egypt were meant for very special persons for a passage from one world to another. Also the ship was used in Egyptian expressions for this purpose. And also the tebah (Word, ark) with it's many highly wonder-full intelligences expressed in numbers and measurements is like a pyramid like in Egypt. The story of Noah and the mabul is for the reader also a rather confusing story with it's lots of data, water levels etc. In Egypt they are also confused about data and water levels. And some say the story of the mabul (flood) took place above the old Babel, they might well have connected the word mabul with babel which is correct babel means confusion. I hope the information does not confuse you dear reader :) And there are many more similarities, like the position of the pyramids in the center of earth's continents, impossible to reproduce and you can think about more of yourself. I even read about drawing a line* goes through Bethlehem. But think it's more fun to investigate what words of The Word have to say.
* Drawing corners of passages of the great pyramid on a map

The words of The Word lead us into another world and that should be not the one which is called religion about what to eat and drink and wear etc.
RAM with his website (also) shows us the magical and ultimately intellectual world of The Word in the words of The Word. The love of researching the words of The Word of God is like loving God, because Joh. 1:1 says the Word was God (don't know in Greek, might also be God was or is The Word).

11-13-2010, 08:43 AM

The four forms of the Name Havayah cited above are considered to be the most essential forms and each correspond to a different letter of God's name, as above. When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.


The Ramchal explains that the four expansions of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) have such “great holiness [that] their power is limitless. All existence is bound to them from beginning to end.”

Av YVD HY VYV HY of numerical value 72

Sag YVD HY VEV HY of numerical value 63

Mah YVD HE VEV HE of numerical value 45

Ban YVD HH VV HH of numerical value 52

The total value of these 4 names that represent the totality of the 10 sefirot spelled out in 39 letters is 232

232 is “Ad Adi Ad” (AD ADY AD) or “eternity of eternities” as expressed in the Sefer Yetzirah 1:5




11-13-2010, 10:01 AM
(...) When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. (..)

That's the word value of Noach (50-8) and the tebah (translation is in the first place 'word' and also 'arc') who has the pyramide form (see my post above). And chen (8-50) is also 58. Noah is the tenth in line from Adam. Ten has to do with four because it's the four that creates ten different situations, as 1+2+3+4=10. This makes the four the base of the whole system that goes through the creation of the world and our thought. Four seasons etc. The four is the door. Gen. 1 has therefore 10 times "And God says", four in the first three days. The first three days are 1+2+3=6 who are the base of the next three days. The six days of creation. So the three and four are joined together here as a base structure.

Anyhow, in Egypt is something build, buildings that can't be rebuild. They say it's made with the help of Gods. Yeah who knows.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-13-2010, 12:32 PM
Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.

This has long been one of my favorite identities because it also is the value of "The Word of the Lord" = Davar YHVH = 232. Thus, the numerical value of God's first words "Yahi Aur" (Let there be light) = 232 = The Word of the Lord. And this coheres nicely with the Menorah as the symbol of of the light of God's Word (http://biblewheel.com/book/Chapters/Chapt03.asp#Days):


11-14-2010, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the answers...

What do you think about:

1 Kings 20

20:15 Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

01-09-2011, 04:46 PM
Hello,some news about the number 232.

The relationship between the Light and returning light of the sun and Earth is 5778/248.573 = 23.2447 and
232 is the numerical value of the fully expanded Name of G-d, Tetragrammaton (YHVH: Av, Sag, Mah, Ban) and
2447 are both the years preceding the giving of the Torah at Sinai in 2448, and the total number of years of
the 4 exiles when the last one ends in 5778

The photosphere of the Sun, for instance, has an effective temperature of 5778 K.

I did the computation in the formula several times and I kept getting 246.78 which is ~2 K lower than the 248.573 shown on the page.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-09-2011, 05:17 PM
Hello,some news about the number 232.

The relationship between the Light and returning light of the sun and Earth is 5778/248.573 = 23.2447 and
232 is the numerical value of the fully expanded Name of G-d, Tetragrammaton (YHVH: Av, Sag, Mah, Ban) and
2447 are both the years preceding the giving of the Torah at Sinai in 2448, and the total number of years of
the 4 exiles when the last one ends in 5778

The photosphere of the Sun, for instance, has an effective temperature of 5778 K.

I did the computation in the formula several times and I kept getting 246.78 which is ~2 K lower than the 248.573 shown on the page.
I don't understand why those calculations would have any meaning.

Why should we think there should be any significance found in the ratio of the effective temp of the sun to the effective temp of the earth?

01-09-2011, 05:52 PM
Hello Ram,

Let there be light = 232
There is a link between the sunlight and the life on Earth.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-09-2011, 06:05 PM
Hello Ram,

Let there be light = 232
There is a link between the sunlight and the life on Earth.
Yes indeed, I have long believed that the identity Yahi Aur (Let there be light) = 232 was very significant, primarily because it is the same value as Davir YHWH (The Word of the Lord). I felt it was amazing to see that the first words spoken by the Lord have the same value as the phrase "The Word of the Lord" and that this fits wonderfully with the idea that the Word of the Lord is light, as stated in Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." It has always seemed like a very tight set of connections that beautifully reflected a fundamental biblical teaching.

Unfortunately, I can not say the same for the ratio of the effective temps of the sun and the earth. Making random connections between things like that obscures the real patterns and makes the study of gematria look foolish.

All the best,


01-09-2011, 09:20 PM
Hi Ram,
i am agree,anyway thanks for your wonderful job.

God bless you !

01-15-2011, 10:25 AM

01-15-2011, 10:30 AM

The Tetragrammaton :

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/p1230412.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=236&u=15115755)

Jesus' name, Yahshua, is spelled Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H)

The letter Shin value 300 integrated in the Tetragrammaton

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/schin_10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=221&u=15115755)

Those are the Hebrew letters we spell Y-H-S-W-H.

Those letters are called Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H).

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/yod-he10.gif (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=240&u=15115755)

Shin 300 + 232 (Four ways Tetragrammaton)= 532 PASCHAL CYCLES !

PASCHAL CYCLES The 19- and 28- year cycles combine to form a 532-year
sequence, devised by Annianus in the early fifth century and stumbled
into a few decades later by Victorius of Aquitaine, variously known as
a 'Great Cycle', a 'Great Year', a 'Paschal cycle', alpha (because in
Greek the numerical value of the constituent letters is 532), and in
Russian as a 'Great Indiction'. In the Julian calendar, though not the
Gregorian, Easter in any year falls on the same date as it did 532 years previously.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-15-2011, 11:40 AM
Jesus' name, Yahshua, is spelled Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H)

The letter Shin value 300 integrated in the Tetragrammaton

Those are the Hebrew letters we spell Y-H-S-W-H.

Those letters are called Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H).

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/yod-he10.gif (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=240&u=15115755)

Shin 300 + 232 (Four ways Tetragrammaton)= 532 PASCHAL CYCLES !

PASCHAL CYCLES The 19- and 28- year cycles combine to form a 532-year
sequence, devised by Annianus in the early fifth century and stumbled
into a few decades later by Victorius of Aquitaine, variously known as
a 'Great Cycle', a 'Great Year', a 'Paschal cycle', alpha (because in
Greek the numerical value of the constituent letters is 532), and in
Russian as a 'Great Indiction'. In the Julian calendar, though not the
Gregorian, Easter in any year falls on the same date as it did 532 years previously.
Where did you get the idea that the Hebrew name of Jesus is spelled that way? That's not how it is spelled in the Bible. In the Bible it is spelled Yod Hey Vav Shin Ayin.


Note that the name begins with Yod Hey Vav, the first three letters of the Tetragrammaton.

01-15-2011, 12:33 PM
Hello Ram,

Here in France and Italy we know the Pentagrammaton.

do you know Pico della Mirandola & Johann Reuchlin.

01-15-2011, 12:40 PM
A link (i don't know this book but i saw some informations quickly in english for you)


Richard Amiel McGough
01-15-2011, 01:02 PM
Hello Ram,

Here in France and Italy we know the Pentagrammaton.

do you know Pico della Mirandola & Johann Reuchlin.
Yes, I own a copy of On the Art of Kabbalah by Reuchlin in which he expounds upon the Pentagrammaton. I thought of mentioning it but then decided to see what your answer would be first. Personally, I think Reuchlin, or someone he drew from, simply "made up" the Pentragrammaton because they thought it was "cool" and revealed a "secret" and felt free to make up whatever they wanted. I don't see any validity to it, especially since it is not biblical and does not "fit" with the nature of the Hebrew language. The Tetragrammaton has deep meaning based on the three forms of "to be" Hayah, Havah, and Yahi. It seems the insertion of the Shin into the center of the name destroys (or obscures) these meanings, and does not add any new meaning since there are no cognates to YHShVH. And besides all that, the correct name is Yehoshua, and that word has real meaning (the Lord is Salvation).

And finally, I have a deep aversion to the practice of inventing "secret meanings" for religious concepts. There is too much falsehood in the world already.

01-16-2011, 04:09 PM
Hello Ram,

Thanks for your answer,maybe you know Jakob Böhme:

Jakob Böhme was a German Christian mystic and theologian. He is considered an original thinker within the Lutheran tradition.


This is the Jakob Böhme heart with the Pentagrammaton inside.

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/jpg_bo11.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=244&u=15115755)

Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 06:10 PM
Hello Ram,

Thanks for your answer,maybe you know Jakob Böhme:

Jakob Böhme was a German Christian mystic and theologian. He is considered an original thinker within the Lutheran tradition.


This is the Jakob Böhme heart with the Pentagrammaton inside.

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/15/11/57/55/jpg_bo11.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=244&u=15115755)
Hey there France232,

Jacob Boehme was born in 1575, about 120 years after Reuchlin (1455), so I would guess he learned about the Pentagrammaton from his predecessors in the Christian Kabbalah.

I hope you don't misunderstand me. I don't think there is anything "wrong" with making up things like the Pentagrammaton ... it's like art or poetry. Folks can paint whatever pictures they think are beautiful or whatever. I just don't personally think that there is any real meaning to it. I certainly have no reason to think it is really the "secret name of Jesus" or something like that. But perhaps it has important value as a meditative icon to direct the mind to the relation between Jesus and the Tetragrammaton. I don't know ... but it looks like the art of Jacob Boehme was intended as an aid in meditation.

When you introduced it, you were interested in how it could be used to generate the number 532 and how this related to "Paschal cycles." I don't really follow what you were getting at there. What is the significance of 532 Paschal cycles? Are you predicting something? Explaining something? I don't get it yet.

All the very best,


PS: I really hope you don't get discouraged by my "skeptical" approach to these things. It's just how I am.

01-16-2011, 06:38 PM
Hello Richard,

I am not predicting something...
I am just saying there is a strong connection with the pentagrammaton and the value 232...(the sum of the four ways of completing the spelling
of YHVH)

The letter shin value 300 mean:The Spirit of God Ruach Elohim & The Lion of the Tribe of Judah...

The letter Shin in the center of the Tetragrammaton = 300+232=532

The value 532 mean: Alpha & This is my name forever.

Best regards.


532 =http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_532.asp

232=The four forms of the Name Havayah cited above are considered to be the most essential forms and each correspond to a different letter of God's name, as above. When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.


The Ramchal explains that the four expansions of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) have such “great holiness [that] their power is limitless. All existence is bound to them from beginning to end.”

Av YVD HY VYV HY of numerical value 72

Sag YVD HY VEV HY of numerical value 63

Mah YVD HE VEV HE of numerical value 45

Ban YVD HH VV HH of numerical value 52

The total value of these 4 names that represent the totality of the 10 sefirot spelled out in 39 letters is 232

232 is “Ad Adi Ad” (AD ADY AD) or “eternity of eternities” as expressed in the Sefer Yetzirah 1:5

Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 06:48 PM
532 =http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_532.asp

232=The four forms of the Name Havayah cited above are considered to be the most essential forms and each correspond to a different letter of God's name, as above. When their sum, 232, is divided by four, the number 58 (= chen) is again reached. Similarly, 232 is numerically equivalent to yehi or ("Let there be light"), the first of the utterances of Creation.


The Ramchal explains that the four expansions of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) have such “great holiness [that] their power is limitless. All existence is bound to them from beginning to end.”

Av YVD HY VYV HY of numerical value 72

Sag YVD HY VEV HY of numerical value 63

Mah YVD HE VEV HE of numerical value 45

Ban YVD HH VV HH of numerical value 52

The total value of these 4 names that represent the totality of the 10 sefirot spelled out in 39 letters is 232

232 is “Ad Adi Ad” (AD ADY AD) or “eternity of eternities” as expressed in the Sefer Yetzirah 1:5
But they missed the value that seems (to me) the most important of all:


This spelling uses the standard spellings of the letters that I have used in all my studies of the "Full" spellings of Hebrew words. Why would this one be missing? And if it is missing, why is the value 232 important if it does not include this important spelling? It is things like this that make me feel the connection with 232 is arbitrary and therefore meaningless.

All the best,


01-16-2011, 07:11 PM
Hello Richard,

If you want you can have a look to this Louis Jacobs book,the value 232 is the total of the four name.





Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 09:22 PM
Hello Richard,

If you want you can have a look to this Louis Jacobs book,the value 232 is the total of the four name.




Hey there Alex,

Thanks for the links. They are very helpful, but I was already familiar with that information. I know that the Jewish tradition uses those four spellings, but they make no sense to me because most of the spellings are not even Hebrew words. E.g. VAV, VYV, HY. And for some mysterious reason, they ignore the primary spelling of the fifth letter HA which is a normal Hebrew word meaning "behold" and which signifies one of the primary meanings of that letter (as explained here (http://biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Hey.asp)). Why is that spelling ignored? This is the problem with following "traditions." Someone makes up something and it gets incorporated into the "tradition" and so the tradition becomes corrupted and can never be corrected.

Great chatting!


01-16-2011, 09:46 PM
Hi Richard,

Anyway you can also have a look to Innerpedia : is an online encyclopedia for Torah and Judaism, focusing on Kabbalah and Chassidut.

Check The last phrase of:

Relationship with Havayah


Have a nice day :)

01-16-2011, 09:49 PM
Here too:


Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 09:55 PM
Hi Richard,

Anyway you can also have a look to Innerpedia : is an online encyclopedia for Torah and Judaism, focusing on Kabbalah and Chassidut.

Check The last phrase of:

Relationship with Havayah


Have a nice day :)
Very interesting site! Thanks. I had not seen it before. I like the advanced numerical analysis.

When you said "Check the last phrase" were you talking about the comment about 26 and 65 being "square + 1" numbers?

02-09-2011, 05:02 PM

Hebrew gematria of Erel is 232:

http://i71.servimg.com/u/f71/15/11/57/55/tetrag10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=253&u=15115755)


Richard Amiel McGough
02-09-2011, 05:27 PM

Hebrew gematria of Erel is 232:

http://i71.servimg.com/u/f71/15/11/57/55/tetrag10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=253&u=15115755)

That name is curious. It appears (as written) in only one verse, where it is translated as "lionlike":

2 Samuel 23:20 ¶ And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lionlike (erel) men of Moab: he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow:
And it is found in one other place in the plural (erellam) where it is translated as "valient ones" -

Isaiah 33:7 Behold, their valiant ones (erellam) shall cry without: the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly.
It seems that the interpreters are linking it to Ari (lion) rather than the verb ereh (I will see). But it is possible it could mean "I will see God" if it is understood as a contraction of "ereh" (I will see) and "el" (dropping the Hey). It is interesting that the word אראה (ereh, I will see) = 207 = אור (aur, light).

Do you believe in Angelology? It seems made up to me. I could see how folks might want to think of "powers of the mind" rather like "angels" and then organize and categorize said powers under various names with Kabbalistic meanings and numerical values. That could make sense as a human endeavor, but I find it impossible to believe that anyone has any real knowledge about angels with all those names.

03-04-2011, 08:42 AM
Hey there Alex,

Thanks for the links. They are very helpful, but I was already familiar with that information. I know that the Jewish tradition uses those four spellings, but they make no sense to me because most of the spellings are not even Hebrew words. E.g. VAV, VYV, HY. And for some mysterious reason, they ignore the primary spelling of the fifth letter HA which is a normal Hebrew word meaning "behold" and which signifies one of the primary meanings of that letter (as explained here (http://biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Hey.asp)). Why is that spelling ignored? This is the problem with following "traditions." Someone makes up something and it gets incorporated into the "tradition" and so the tradition becomes corrupted and can never be corrected.

Great chatting!


Hello Richard !

This tradition come from the Great Isaac Luria considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah.

The Academy of Jerusalem – Torah from Zion Project

About the Gematric-Geometric Meaning of the Name of YHWH
The Mekubalim have persistently dealt with the numerical meaning of the gematrical value of the name of YHWH, which is 26. In the late Kabbalah of the Holy ARI (the great15th century master of the Kabbalah 'The Divine Rabbi Yitzhak Lutia Ashkenazi' and his disciple Rabbi Hayim Vital, there are employed much the gematrias of the name of YHWH with the 'fillings' of its letter combinations (the names of AV (72), SaG (63), BeN (52) and MaH (45). It is possible that this excessive dealing with the name is a certain compensation for the Jewish avoidance of using the name as it is spelled and pronounced, but still the question remains – are these numbers meaningful within the Biblical text?


03-04-2011, 09:56 AM
A connection between Isaac Luria & Pico Della Mirandola the tetragrammaton and the pentragrammaton...

Some links in english,i have the full books only in french:

Teaching of Isaac Luria:

There spread from Safed, a town in northern Galilee, audacious new doctrines such as the cabbala of Isaac Luria (d. ... Divine Name was shattered (the new cabbala speaks of the letters YH being torn away from WH in the name YHWH)

Teaching of Pico:(Johann Reuchlin)

The Hebrew name of Jesus by adding the Hebrew letter shin ש into the middle of the Tetragrammaton divine name yod-he-waw-he יהוה to produce the form yod-he-shin-waw-he יהשוה.

The divine name was shattered (Isaac Louria)...the letter Shin reassemble the Divine Name (Johann Reuchlin)


Richard Amiel McGough
03-04-2011, 09:58 AM
Hey there Alex,

Thanks for the links. They are very helpful, but I was already familiar with that information. I know that the Jewish tradition uses those four spellings, but they make no sense to me because most of the spellings are not even Hebrew words. E.g. VAV, VYV, HY. And for some mysterious reason, they ignore the primary spelling of the fifth letter HA which is a normal Hebrew word meaning "behold" and which signifies one of the primary meanings of that letter (as explained here (http://biblewheel.com/forum/../Wheel/Spokes/Hey.asp)). Why is that spelling ignored? This is the problem with following "traditions." Someone makes up something and it gets incorporated into the "tradition" and so the tradition becomes corrupted and can never be corrected.

Great chatting!

Hello Richard !

This tradition come from the Great Isaac Luria considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah.

The Academy of Jerusalem – Torah from Zion Project

About the Gematric-Geometric Meaning of the Name of YHWH
The Mekubalim have persistently dealt with the numerical meaning of the gematrical value of the name of YHWH, which is 26. In the late Kabbalah of the Holy ARI (the great15th century master of the Kabbalah 'The Divine Rabbi Yitzhak Lutia Ashkenazi' and his disciple Rabbi Hayim Vital, there are employed much the gematrias of the name of YHWH with the 'fillings' of its letter combinations (the names of AV (72), SaG (63), BeN (52) and MaH (45). It is possible that this excessive dealing with the name is a certain compensation for the Jewish avoidance of using the name as it is spelled and pronounced, but still the question remains – are these numbers meaningful within the Biblical text?

Hey there Alex,

Yes, I knew that. But the problem remains - who is the "judge" of the traditions invented by those guys? Why are their "insights" more important or valid than any others? Calling them "holy" and "divine Rabbis" seems like a kind of ancestor worship which is pretty big in Judaism. Indeed, it is the basis of the original ELS Bible Code research which looked for the names and birth/death dates of famous "Rabbis" encoded in Scripture as if they were somehow more important than other folks. It seems rather like the Catholic habit of canonizing old popes as "saints" and so elevating them above everyone else. The problem is that folks then think their particular ideas were somehow more important than others, and sometimes elevate them to some sort of divine revelation. Case in point: The four values of the Tetragrammaton miss the most important value of DM = 44 which also is the most obvious value since it is spelled with the normal values of the names of the letters:


Bottom line: Tradition as a "source" of truth is extremely unreliable because it can be so quickly corrupted. It has no method of correction. False ideas can enter in, and once they are in, there is no way to get them out. And then error begets error until it snowballs into a mass of falsehood. Therefore, we must have some other standard for truth. We should apply the same standards we use in all other human endeavors ~ the methods of science (testability) and logic. Inspiration and tradition are great sources of new hypotheses, but those hypotheses must be tested by science (experience) and reason. Those should be our only standards for truth. Do you agree? Or is there another way?

Great chatting!


03-04-2011, 10:17 AM
Hey there Alex,

Yes, I knew that. But the problem remains - who is the "judge" of the traditions invented by those guys? Why are their "insights" more important or valid than any others? Calling them "holy" and "divine Rabbis" seems like a kind of ancestor worship which is pretty big in Judaism. Indeed, it is the basis of the original ELS Bible Code research which looked for the names and birth/death dates of famous "Rabbis" encoded in Scripture as if they were somehow more important than other folks. It seems rather like the Catholic habit of canonizing old popes as "saints" and so elevating them above everyone else. The problem is that folks then think their particular ideas were somehow more important than others, and sometimes elevate them to some sort of divine revelation. Case in point: The four values of the Tetragrammaton miss the most important value of DM = 44 which also is the most obvious value since it is spelled with the normal values of the names of the letters:


Bottom line: Tradition as a "source" of truth is extremely unreliable because it can be so quickly corrupted. It has no method of correction. False ideas can enter in, and once they are in, there is no way to get them out. And then error begets error until it snowballs into a mass of falsehood. Therefore, we must have some other standard for truth. We should apply the same standards we use in all other human endeavors ~ the methods of science (testability) and logic. Inspiration and tradition are great sources of new hypotheses, but those hypotheses must be tested by science (experience) and reason. Those should be our only standards for truth. Do you agree? Or is there another way?

Great chatting!


Hi Richard,

Well Isaac Luria (1534– July 25, 1572) "discovered" the big-bang:winking0071:

The big bang might be the physical counterpart of the tzimtzum.

Tzimtzum (Hebrew צמצום ṣimṣūm "contraction" or "constriction") is a term used in the kabbalistic teaching of Isaac Luria, explaining his concept that God began the process of creation by "contracting" his infinite light in order to allow for a "conceptual space" in which a finite and seemingly independent world could exist. This contraction, forming an "empty space" (חלל הפנוי) in which creation could begin, is known as the Tzimtzum.

Richard Amiel McGough
03-04-2011, 10:30 AM
Hi Richard,

Well Isaac Luria (1534– July 25, 1572) "discovered" the big-bang:winking0071:

The big bang might be the physical counterpart of the tzimtzum.

Tzimtzum (Hebrew צמצום ṣimṣūm "contraction" or "constriction") is a term used in the kabbalistic teaching of Isaac Luria, explaining his concept that God began the process of creation by "contracting" his infinite light in order to allow for a "conceptual space" in which a finite and seemingly independent world could exist. This contraction, forming an "empty space" (חלל הפנוי) in which creation could begin, is known as the Tzimtzum.
Oh yeah ... I'm not dismissing Isaac Luria. He could have had profound insights. Or perhaps the tzimtzum was just a figment of his imagination that has absolutely nothing to do with the Big Bang and the literal history of the physical universe and we are just reading our modern understanding into his writings. I really can't say. But in any case, we probably should remember that we wouldn't have any "theory of the Big Bang" to attribute to Isaac Luria if it were not for the hard science that produced it after much serious labor hundreds of years later.

07-05-2011, 09:36 AM
Hello ! some new ducuments about the fabulous value 232 and the great pyramid:

From the book of Clarence Larkin :



Vertical height of great pyramid:


One sacred cubit = 63,5 cm - 25 inch Isaac Newton.


Why the scred cubit = 25 inch.


07-20-2011, 07:53 AM
Hello everybody this is the french web site about the number 232:



Richard Amiel McGough
07-20-2011, 12:25 PM
Hello everybody this is the french web site about the number 232:


Hey there my friend,

I wish I new French. But Google translator works well enough to get the main ideas.

Thanks for the links to the info about the pyramid. I have another friend who was telling about the dimensions just yesterday and I intended to study it more.

I see you have made an interesting ankh/cross/heart with the numbers 2,3,2. Very creative! My wife likes making symbolic art like that.

07-26-2011, 05:09 PM
Hey there my friend,

I wish I new French. But Google translator works well enough to get the main ideas.

Thanks for the links to the info about the pyramid. I have another friend who was telling about the dimensions just yesterday and I intended to study it more.

I see you have made an interesting ankh/cross/heart with the numbers 2,3,2. Very creative! My wife likes making symbolic art like that.


I have many document (only) in french about the dimensions of the great pyramid...

This one is in english,gematria & the pyramid from :

Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid: Window on the Universe Par Bonnie Gaunt

http://www.lustres-a-pampilles.fr/Kheops gematria

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2011, 08:05 PM

I have many document (only) in french about the dimensions of the great pyramid...

This one is in english,gematria & the pyramid from :

Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid: Window on the Universe Par Bonnie Gaunt

Using my database [link (http://biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.asp?bnum=60&cnum=2&vnum=7&SourceTxt=NA27&getverse=Go)], I find those words sum to 2319, not 2320. I am guessing that Bonnie must have used the "colel" rule. Personally, I don't accept that rule for two reasons. First, the most precise patterns like the holographs are destroyed if we start adding or subtracting units. Second, because the prime factors play a large role in the gematria and the colel rule allows for random factors since the distribution of the prime factors are random relative to an arithmetic sequence like n - 1, n, n + 1. For example, consider n = 36:

35 = 5 x 7
36 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
37 = prime

Also, I find the idea that there is a supernatural design in the pyramids that integrates with the gematria of Christ somewhat unlikely and very difficult to determine with any certainty. It would be very difficult to discern between chance and design in such a case.

07-27-2011, 08:42 AM
Hello Richard,if you are interested by the Pyramid you can read if you want:
A Miracle in Stone: The Great Pyramid, by Joesph A. Seiss, [1877]

Joseph Seiss

Joseph Augustus Seiss (March 18, 1823–June 20, 1904) was an American theologian and Lutheran minister known for his religion writings on pyramidology and dispensationalism.


Seiss was born in Graceham, Frederick County, Maryland, to an agricultural family; his interest in religious studies reportedly began in childhood. Seiss was confirmed at age 15 as a member of the Moravian Church, and determined to pursue the ministry. Beginning in 1839, Seiss enrolled at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania for a year or two of studies, but completed his theological courses by private study. He was licensed to preach in 1842 by the synod of Virginia, and ordained to a Lutheran ministry in 1844. Seiss held pastorates in Virginia and Maryland until 1858, when he accepted a position at St. John's English Lutheran church in Philadelphia. In 1875, Seiss was elected pastor of the newly established Church of the Holy Communion in western Philadelphia. His contemporaries described him as "an eloquent pulpit orator" and said his "style is clear, ornate, attractive, and forcible". Periodicals of the day mention his speeches at New York's Steinway Hall and other prominent venues. Seiss was first published when he was 22 years old, and his works were often reviewed in literary and theological journals.[3] A 1904 New York Times abstract describes Seiss as "one of the foremost men of the Church" and as "one of the founders of the General Council in 1867"

Writings and legacy

Seiss eventually published more than a hundred works. Perhaps his most well-known work is The Great Pyramid of Egypt, Miracle in Stone: Secrets and Advanced Knowledge (1877); it is considered a primary text of pyramidology. Seiss explicitly hoped that his writings on pyramidology would contribute "something toward the furtherance of correct science, true philosophy, and a proper Christianity". The new forward to the 2007 reprint of the work states:
In addition to pyramidology, Joseph Seiss was a Christian dispensationalist, a 19th century millenialist school of thought. The dispensationalists viewed human history as a series of covenants with God. They were certain that the end of days could be pinpointed using Biblical prophecy. This was the origin of a set of beliefs widely accepted by contemporary evangelical Christians.
Seiss is typically cited among less than a dozen theologians who influenced Charles Taze Russell, the founding editor of the magazine now known as The Watchtower. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses' Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the religious magazine and organization abandoned its teachings on pyramidology by the late 1920s.


Joseph Seiss was an American theologian and Lutheran minister not Jehovah's Witnesses

P.S.Personnaly i'm catholic.

A Miracle in Stone: The Great Pyramid, by Joesph A. Seiss, [1877]



Richard Amiel McGough
07-27-2011, 10:55 AM
Hello Richard,if you are interested by the Pyramid you can read if you want:
A Miracle in Stone: The Great Pyramid, by Joesph A. Seiss, [1877]

Joseph Seiss

Joseph Augustus Seiss (March 18, 1823–June 20, 1904) was an American theologian and Lutheran minister known for his religion writings on pyramidology and dispensationalism.

Thanks for the info. I found an English copy of his entire book here:


But history has proven his work false. Here are his predictions (http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/ams/ams06.htm) about the "end of the age" happening within a few years of 1877 when his book was published:

And that solemn time is also everywhere represented as now close at hand. As far as theologians have been able to ascertain, all the prophetic dates are about run out. The Scriptural signs of the end have appeared. Every method of computation points to the solemn conclusion that we are now on the margin of the end of this age and dispensation. Nor does the Great Pyramid fail to tell us the same thing. Measuring off one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven inches from the beginning of the Grand Gallery for the one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years since the birth of Christ, there remain but a few inches more to bring us to its end. So likewise when we go forward on the dial of the precessional cycle to observe the condition of the heavens when the last of these inches is counted off, the astronomical indications are correspondingly remarkable.
Just look at the certainty with which he spoke! The "time" was "now close at hand" and "all the prophetic dates are about run out" and the "Scriptural signs of the end have appeared" - all in the year 1877! One hundred and thirty four years ago, he confidently proclaimed in no uncertain terms that "every method of computation points to the solemn conclusion that we are now on the margin of the end of this age and dispensation." Obviously, he was totally and absolutely wrong just like every other date-setter that ever walked this earth. He was a Dispensational Futurist who thought the end would happen "in just a few years" in his own life like almost all Dispensational Futurists.

I trust you will understand why I cannot take his work seriously. His method of calculating years by correlating them with "pyramid inches" failed quite spectacularly.

All the best,


07-28-2011, 05:06 AM
Hello Richard,
His work is interesting because it highlights the importance of Cheops and its probable connection with the Bible, yet it is certain that all the speculations of dates should be avoided.
There are many Christian authors who have written about cheops often they write interesting things, but at the same time they go too far in some wacky theories ...
Personally I am interested only in external dimensions: height width perimeter.
I think the subject is very interesting because Surprisingly always found that number of 232,(Why?)I includes a maximum of paper and I make analogies with sacred architecture,Jewish Kabbalah and gematria.

What do you think about Esaïe 19:19 / Esaïe 19:20 ?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2011, 07:47 AM
Hello Richard,
His work is interesting because it highlights the importance of Cheops and its probable connection with the Bible, yet it is certain that all the speculations of dates should be avoided.
There are many Christian authors who have written about cheops often they write interesting things, but at the same time they go too far in some wacky theories ...
Personally I am interested only in external dimensions: height width perimeter.
I think the subject is very interesting because Surprisingly always found that number of 232,(Why?)I includes a maximum of paper and I make analogies with sacred architecture,Jewish Kabbalah and gematria.

What do you think about Esaïe 19:19 / Esaïe 19:20 ?
Yes, it's very good to stay away from any date setting, especially since it's always wrong! :p It's particularly striking to me when I see someone speak so forcefully about the end of the age happening near 1877.

But given his errors around date setting, I wonder how much "sifting" of the wheat from the chaff would be required to make a single loaf of bread from his work. Did he make similar errors in his analysis of the other dimensions as he did when he was date setting? I have too many books on my reading list that don't have such obvious errors, so I probably won't ever take time to seriously analyze the rest of his work.

As for Isaiah 19:19-20:

Isaiah 19:19-20 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD. 20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
I know that the Hebrew gematria of these two verses sums to 5449, and some folks say this is the "exact height" of the Great Pyramid using "pyramid inches." I confirmed the gematria of the verse, but I have no idea about the validity of either the unit "pyramid inch" or the actual height of the pyramid, and am not inclined to spend a lot of time searching it out because there are too many kooks who have written on this topic. If you have a link to a page that provides the information with reputable sources, that would be very helpful.

Great chatting!

08-01-2011, 07:41 AM
Hello Richard,here some seroius refernces.

-The polar radius of earth = 6356.755 km: the Egyptian cubit of 63.5 cm. Reference: Isaac Newton.

-The distance between the Earth / Sun is 147,103,311 km: the height of the Great Pyramid is 147 meters. (232 sacred cubit)

-The degree of tilt of the Earth: 23 ° 27 from the celestial equator.

About the sacred cubit:

'That the sacred Cubit was very large, appears from the Jewish Calamus or Reed, which contained but six of these Cubits; and from the antiquity of this Cubit, since Noah measured the Ark with it;' –Sir Isaac Newton [1]

'It is agreeable to reason to suppose, that the Jews, when they passed out of Chaldea, carried with them into Syria the Cubit which they had received from their ancestors. This is confirmed both by the dimensions of Noah’s ark preserv’d by tradition in this Cubit, and by the agreement of this Cubit with the two Cubits, which the Talmudists say were engrav’d on the sides of the city Susan during the empire of the Persians, and that one of them exceeded the sacred Cubit half a Digit, the other a whole Digit … The Roman Cubit therefore consists of 18 Unciæ, and the sacred Cubit of 25 3/5 Unciæ of the Roman Foot' –Sir Isaac Newton [2]

'The 25 inch cubit is found in ancient Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Syria, and probably in Greece, varying from 25.1 to 25.4. In modern Persia, Arabia, Greece, Candia, Algiers, and Italy, a pic or braccio of the same length is found, varying from 25.0 to 25.3. The possibility of this widespread unit having some connection with the Chinese foot (the double of which is 25.18 +/- .04) and with the North American mound builders’ foot (1/2 of 25.20 +/- .04) should not be disregarded; though farther evidence, beyond these very close resemblances, is needed to prove a connection. Don Quiepo also connects with it the Japanese inc 75.21–i.e., 3 x 25.07. … The Egyptian form of this cubit is probably nearest to the original, as being the oldest that we have, and this gives 25.10. This is well known as the sacred Hebrew, Royal Persian, and Chaldean cubit, mentioned by Newton, Golius, Kelly, Quiepo and Oppert.' –Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie [3]


Pyramid height: 232 sacred cubit. (147 meters)

Pyramid side: 232 meters (365 sacred cubit)


P.S. My question about Isaiah 19:19-20 was: do you think is an allusion of the great pyramid?


Mad Mick
08-04-2011, 06:26 AM
you quoted the gematria for Isaiah 19:19-20 calculated to 5449.
I thought you may be interested to know that 5449 is the 722nd prime when including 1. Which is 19² (361) x 2.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be the infamous "Watchman 232" by any chance would you?

Anyhow I felt your mind may have been poisoned by the whole lure of Cabala and Zohar occultism and that you don't realise what squaring the circle is all about.
You quoted Clarence Larkin, who was somewhat wrong.
Squaring the circle requires compass and square and no calculations.
The Great Pyramid is not a perfect pyramid with 45° slopes. When you do the math 365.242 sides gives a height 258.27... not 232.52. Therefore the Egyptians had to alter the angle to get the ratio of the octahedron it represents (thus twice the height) to the circumference to add up to Pi.

This required more than a square and compass. So that part of the article was way off cause as we all know Pi is transcendental, ie. its both irrational and whole integers don't divide into it; right?

Apart from that one point, what was brought up was still most profound.

Previously I spoke about torsion fields or zones. Well when you recreate an octahedron according to the Cheops dimension and place a crystal of a certain array within the same dimensions of the shaft within that pyramid and charge it with a Tesla coil it will open a door to another dimension.

It has been done before and freaky shit has happened. Like animals disappearing from the test site and reappearing minus their heads. Cut surgically clean off. Items on benches would disappear only to reappear minutes later at the same height off the floor but displaced a few meters away and would fall to the floor in full view of the experimenters.
No shit. These things are easy to make!

Isaiah claimed to be quoting God himself, Verbatim, when he called the pyramid an
1. Altar
2. Pillar
3. Sign
4. Witness

after working out the Gematria to be 5449, do you think that it's a coincidence that it happens to be the 722nd prime (numeralizes to 11, remember: number of the prophet, Rev 11 the 2 prophets, the two pillars at the temple) of which equals 19² +19² which just so happens to be perfectly revealed by the reference Isaiah 19:19 when the term of the semicolon is interpreted as multiplied and duplicated.

It might be interesting to see where this thread goes.
I feel your uncovering of 5449 was no accident.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2011, 12:42 PM
you quoted the gematria for Isaiah 19:19-20 calculated to 5449.
I thought you may be interested to know that 5449 is the 722nd prime when including 1. Which is 19² (361) x 2.

That's interesting. There is a very strong manifestation of the meaning of Quph (the nineteenth letter) and the Number 19 itself in Isaiah 19. The pyramids are an archetype of "physical manifestation" which is a primary aspect of the symbolic meaning related to Quph and the Number 19. See my articles here (http://biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Quph_Needle.asp) and here (http://biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Quph_Place.asp).

But I'm not so sure about a connection between the primes and their indexes. A few years ago I compared the list of primes with their index starting with 1 as the first prime or with 2 as the first prime to see if there were any patterns that favored one over the other. I did not find anything sufficiently striking to justify starting with 1 as opposed to the mathematical standard of starting with 2.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be the infamous "Watchman 232" by any chance would you?

I don't see any connection between France232 and Watchman232 (aka BenYisrael aka 144). He was a "doomsday date-setter extraordinaire" obsessed with English gematria. Of course, if France232 really was Watchman232 it wouldn't help to ask since that guy lied about his identity even after being caught with incontrovertible evidence (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28015#post28015). But like I said, I don't see any connection between those two.

Anyhow I felt your mind may have been poisoned by the whole lure of Cabala and Zohar occultism and that you don't realise what squaring the circle is all about.

That's interesting. I didn't know you were "anti-Cabala" and anti-Zohar. I very much agree that both Jewish mysticism is filled with crazy made-up crap, but it also contains a lot of insight. The important thing is to remember that it's all "tradition" and none of it is "authoritative." Then it can be studied as a very rich source of ideas yielding many insights into human psychology like any other mythology.

Squaring the circle requires compass and square and no calculations.

Exactly correct! Folks have morphed that old unsolvable mathematical challenge into a metaphor not unlike finding the "Philosopher's Stone." Uniting heaven and earth - attaining mystic insight. That kind of stuff ... but really, they don't even know what they are talking about! :doh:

The Great Pyramid is not a perfect pyramid with 45° slopes. When you do the math 365.242 sides gives a height 258.27... not 232.52. Therefore the Egyptians had to alter the angle to get the ratio of the octahedron it represents (thus twice the height) to the circumference to add up to Pi.

Very interesting point. I don't trust any of the "math" done by pyramidologists, and can't find sufficient motivation to bother debunking their errors. The most famous one quoted above pontificated :prophet: in the most emphatic terms possible that the pyramid predicted the return of Christ within a few years of 1877! :p Nuff said in my book! :aim14:

This required more than a square and compass. So that part of the article was way off cause as we all know Pi is transcendental, ie. its both irrational and whole integers don't divide into it; right?

You are correct that Pi is a transcendental number (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TranscendentalNumber.html), which means it cannot be expressed as the root of any finite polynomial. E.g. x^2 - .25 = 0 implies x = +/-0.5. There is no such equation for Pi.

You are also correct that Pi is an irrational number (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IrrationalNumber.html), because transcendental numbers are a subclass of them. Irrational numbers are defined as numbers that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.

Previously I spoke about torsion fields or zones. Well when you recreate an octahedron according to the Cheops dimension and place a crystal of a certain array within the same dimensions of the shaft within that pyramid and charge it with a Tesla coil it will open a door to another dimension.

It has been done before and freaky shit has happened. Like animals disappearing from the test site and reappearing minus their heads. Cut surgically clean off. Items on benches would disappear only to reappear minutes later at the same height off the floor but displaced a few meters away and would fall to the floor in full view of the experimenters.
No shit. These things are easy to make!
Oh really? You state that as fact. That means that it could be tested and proven true or false. So why haven't the results been recorded in any scientific journals?

Isaiah claimed to be quoting God himself, Verbatim, when he called the pyramid an
1. Altar
2. Pillar
3. Sign
4. Witness

I agree that the four words you list are found in Isaiah as a direct quote from God, but God never said that he was talking about any "pyramid" let alone the Great Pyramid. Gotta watch out for hidden assumptions, eh? The Great Pyramid existed at the time Isaiah wrote, but he wrote in the future tense ... "In that day there shall be [in the future] an altar to the Lord ..." Why then should we think he was talking about an existing structure?

after working out the Gematria to be 5449, do you think that it's a coincidence that it happens to be the 722nd prime (numeralizes to 11, remember: number of the prophet, Rev 11 the 2 prophets, the two pillars at the temple) of which equals 19² +19² which just so happens to be perfectly revealed by the reference Isaiah 19:19 when the term of the semicolon is interpreted as multiplied and duplicated.

It might be interesting to see where this thread goes.
I feel your uncovering of 5449 was no accident.

I'll reflect on this question more before answering.

Very nice chatting again with you Mick.


08-24-2011, 05:32 PM
you quoted the gematria for Isaiah 19:19-20 calculated to 5449.
I thought you may be interested to know that 5449 is the 722nd prime when including 1. Which is 19² (361) x 2.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be the infamous "Watchman 232" by any chance would you?

Anyhow I felt your mind may have been poisoned by the whole lure of Cabala and Zohar occultism and that you don't realise what squaring the circle is all about.
You quoted Clarence Larkin, who was somewhat wrong.
Squaring the circle requires compass and square and no calculations.
The Great Pyramid is not a perfect pyramid with 45° slopes. When you do the math 365.242 sides gives a height 258.27... not 232.52. Therefore the Egyptians had to alter the angle to get the ratio of the octahedron it represents (thus twice the height) to the circumference to add up to Pi.

This required more than a square and compass. So that part of the article was way off cause as we all know Pi is transcendental, ie. its both irrational and whole integers don't divide into it; right?

Apart from that one point, what was brought up was still most profound.

Previously I spoke about torsion fields or zones. Well when you recreate an octahedron according to the Cheops dimension and place a crystal of a certain array within the same dimensions of the shaft within that pyramid and charge it with a Tesla coil it will open a door to another dimension.

It has been done before and freaky shit has happened. Like animals disappearing from the test site and reappearing minus their heads. Cut surgically clean off. Items on benches would disappear only to reappear minutes later at the same height off the floor but displaced a few meters away and would fall to the floor in full view of the experimenters.
No shit. These things are easy to make!

Isaiah claimed to be quoting God himself, Verbatim, when he called the pyramid an
1. Altar
2. Pillar
3. Sign
4. Witness

after working out the Gematria to be 5449, do you think that it's a coincidence that it happens to be the 722nd prime (numeralizes to 11, remember: number of the prophet, Rev 11 the 2 prophets, the two pillars at the temple) of which equals 19² +19² which just so happens to be perfectly revealed by the reference Isaiah 19:19 when the term of the semicolon is interpreted as multiplied and duplicated.

It might be interesting to see where this thread goes.
I feel your uncovering of 5449 was no accident.



I'm not "Watchman 232",what is the problem with this person and do you know why he used the number 232?
For me the Kabbalah is not a passion (never been) my religion is catholic...the kabbalah is just interesting to me because it can be a good way for some Jews to hunderstand our truth in christ.

P.S. the height of the great pyramid is 232 sacred cubit and the side 232 meters you can check i'm sure.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-24-2011, 07:22 PM

I'm not "Watchman 232",what is the problem with this person and do you know why he used the number 232?

Hi Alex,

I can confirm you are not "Watchman232." I don't recall why he used that number, but he was a number guy and most number guys like that number (or should if they know much anyway).

The problem with him was that he was a liar who used English Gematria to make a bunch of false predictions about a catastrophe that was supposed to wipe out San Diego in 2008. When it didn't happen, he disappeared and then came back under a new name BenYisrael. I recognized his style of writing and checked his email and found he was the same guy but he LIED to me and said he wasn't that guy. So I banned him. Then a year later he shows up again with a new email and new user name "144." I didn't recognize him at first, but then he began raving with his same English Gematria bullshit and I pegged him and he lied again. So I banned him again. You can read a bit about this sad saga here (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28015#post28015) if you are so inclined.

I'm glad you aren't him!

It's so outrageously weird when Christians who think they are "prophets of God" are exposed as blatant bald-faced liars.

All the best,


09-07-2011, 05:03 AM
A stroke of luck the number 232 is the referce CHRIST in the Universal Decimal Classification & Dewey Decimal Classification...





09-19-2011, 05:42 AM
Temple of the Book & Key 1906 The Temple of the Book & Key was the home to Swarthmore's only secret society. It was originally organized by alumni in the early 1900's who felt that Swarthmore, like other prestigious colleges, needed its own secret society. Only seven senior men were active members of the society at any given time; the induction of new members took place in May of a student's junior year. Over time the secrecy of the organization vanished, and the college community grew tired of the notion of a 'secret society'. Book & Key remained in existence until 1957, when its members decided not to induct any new members for that year. The temple itself was demolished in 1967.1

Articles on Book & Key can be found on Elizabeth Weber's Swarthmore history page and in the December 1999 Alumni Bulletin. (http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/98/elizw/Swat.history/Book.and.Key.html)

"While Book and Key was active, only its members ever saw the inside of the windowless temple. Its four stained glass windows (a book, a key, the scales of justice, and the number 232) were illuminated from behind. The first floor contained a meeting room, with a lectern holding a large copy of the Bible (which is currently stored in Friends' Library). The benches just outside the Admissions office are also from the temple."

"The Temple Trust Association met yearly, and invitations were issued to all members, signed with the phrase"Yours in 232".

The Temple image






09-19-2011, 07:29 AM



Richard Amiel McGough
09-19-2011, 07:38 AM
Temple of the Book & Key 1906 The Temple of the Book & Key was the home to Swarthmore's only secret society. It was originally organized by alumni in the early 1900's who felt that Swarthmore, like other prestigious colleges, needed its own secret society. Only seven senior men were active members of the society at any given time; the induction of new members took place in May of a student's junior year. Over time the secrecy of the organization vanished, and the college community grew tired of the notion of a 'secret society'. Book & Key remained in existence until 1957, when its members decided not to induct any new members for that year. The temple itself was demolished in 1967.1

Articles on Book & Key can be found on Elizabeth Weber's Swarthmore history page and in the December 1999 Alumni Bulletin. (http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/98/elizw/Swat.history/Book.and.Key.html)

"While Book and Key was active, only its members ever saw the inside of the windowless temple. Its four stained glass windows (a book, a key, the scales of justice, and the number 232) were illuminated from behind. The first floor contained a meeting room, with a lectern holding a large copy of the Bible (which is currently stored in Friends' Library). The benches just outside the Admissions office are also from the temple."

"The Temple Trust Association met yearly, and invitations were issued to all members, signed with the phrase"Yours in 232".

The Temple image





Very interesting indeed. I've never heard of this group before. I can see why folks who are into gematria would like the number 232, since it is the value of the first recorded words of the Lord, and is itself the value of the Word of the Lord!

Let there be light (Yahi Aur) = 232 = The Word of the Lord (Davar YHWH)

I was always very impressed with those identities.

04-17-2014, 01:42 PM
Bonjour ;)

Yeshua= 386 (Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin =10+300+6+70=386)

Yeshua= 532 ( full value of: Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin = 20+360+22+130 = 532 )

N.B. Yeshua is Jesus (Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin)


YHWH= 26

YHWH = 232 (the four expansions of YHWH – Zohar, Isaac Louria )

N.B. YHWH the Tetragrammaton


YHShWH= 386 { 26 + 360 = 386 ( YHWH 26 + full value of SHIN 360 )}

YHShWH= 532 { 232 + 300 = 532 ( the four expansions of YHWH 232 + SHIN 300)}

N.B. YHShWH is the Pentagrammaton

532: Every 532 years the Great Paschal period


Best regrads.

04-20-2014, 08:40 AM

When the letters of the Tetragrammaton are arranged in a kabbalistic tetractys formation, the sum of all the letters is 72 by Gematria



Letter shin is spelled out, שין, its gematria is 360: shin = 300, yud = 10, nun = 50.

Kabbalistic tetractys 72 x SHIN full 360 = 25920 (Great Year or Platonic Year)

(360+72= 432 )
Best regards.

Richard Amiel McGough
04-20-2014, 03:11 PM
Bonjour ;)

Yeshua= 386 (Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin =10+300+6+70=386)

Yeshua= 532 ( full value of: Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin = 20+360+22+130 = 532 )

N.B. Yeshua is Jesus (Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin)


YHWH= 26

YHWH = 232 (the four expansions of YHWH – Zohar, Isaac Louria )

N.B. YHWH the Tetragrammaton


YHShWH= 386 { 26 + 360 = 386 ( YHWH 26 + full value of SHIN 360 )}

YHShWH= 532 { 232 + 300 = 532 ( the four expansions of YHWH 232 + SHIN 300)}

N.B. YHShWH is the Pentagrammaton

532: Every 532 years the Great Paschal period


Best regrads.
When I was a Christian studying gematria, I was never impressed by the abbreviated name Yeshua or its value of 386. After much study, I concluded that the correct spelling is Yehoshua = 391 (which is how the name is usually spelled in the OT). The abbreviated form came latter and is found only in the last books added to the canon (Chronicles and Ezra/Nehemiah). I have no idea why modern Christians like to think that his name was abbreviated to Yeshua. It is interesting that Rabbinic tradition says that a missing letter indicates the judgment of God. That's why they abbreviate his name even further, so it is spelled with only three letters Yeshu = Yod Shin Vav (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeshu). It's a way of insulting him.

There also is a lot of ambiguity in the "full" spellings because the names of the letters can be spelled different ways. For example, the fifth letter Hey can be spelled Hey Aleph = 6 or Hey Hey = 10 or even Hey Yod = 15 and the sixth letter can be spelled Vav Vav = 12 or Vav Aleph Vav = 13 or Vav Yod Vav = 22. Thus, there are nine possible values that can be derived from "expanding" the Tetragrammaton. The "four expansions" of the Tetragrammaton are derived by using just four of the possible combinations of these variant spellings:

72 = Yod (20) + Hey (15) + Vav (22) + Hey (15)
63 = Yod (20) + Hey (15) + Vav (13) + Hey (15)
52 = Yod (20) + Hey (10) + Vav (12) + Hey (10)
45 = Yod (20) + Hey (6) + Vav (13) + Hey (6)

Sum = 232

Given all these possibilities, I knew it was important to try to determine the "correct" spelling of the names of the letters. I did this by looking for coherence in the relation between the meaning of the words and the numbers derived from their possible full spellings. For example, one of the first "full spellings" that caught my attention was the word "Messiah" spelled full using Mem = Mem Yod Mem = 90:

Messiah (Full) = Mem (90) + Shin (360) + Yod (20) + Chet (418) = 888 = Jesus (Greek)

I took that as a very strong reason to use Mem (Full) = Mem Yod Mem = 90 over the more common spelling of Mem Mem = 80.

Another test case was the full spelling of Yehoshua (Full) = 528 = The Key that we find in Isaiah 22:22:

Isaiah 22:22 And the key (maphte'ach = 528) of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.

I was very impressed when I discovered the value of this word in this verse because I had had a dream in which I heard the words "Are you looking for Dumbo? 12 x 44." The number 12 x 44 = 528, but I didn't know what that number might mean. It was about a year later that I found the word "key" in Isaiah 22:22 summed to that value. Thus, I felt a strong confirmation when I found that the name of Yehoshua spelled full sums to the same number:

Yahoshua (Full) = 528 = The Key

We get that value only if we use the simplest spellings of Hey (Full) = 6 and Vav (Full) = 12.

I felt this also confirmed the spelling of Mem (Full) as 90 because Key (Full) = 999, whereas if we use Mem (Full) = 80 we get only 989.

Furthermore, I felt that the "correct" spelling of YHVH was using the simplest values of Hey and Vav since then the sum is YHVH = 44, corresponding to the number I got in my dream.

And I felt that all of this was confirmed again when I discovered that the full title Lord Jesus Christ = 3168 = 6 x 528.

After many years of study, I never saw any significant relations based on the name Yeshua = 386.

Also, the name YHShWH is meaningless gibberish. It is not a Hebrew name.

04-23-2014, 10:39 AM
Thanks Richard for the answers, many thinks to say but in english is difficult to me... sorry.

Just have a look the "SECRETS OF THE FUTURE TEMPLE" by the RaMCHaL

The Book, traduction:





Best regards.