View Full Version : Connections between The Word and Matter
04-04-2010, 06:01 AM
Hello to all
What I like to discuss is the connection between our language, the Word, and matter. As a base we take the Hebrew words in The Bible of course, in which we see the many structures, but which correlate to matter? Feel free to add more.
Our words:
(I am Dutch and English is my second language)
In English, French, German, Dutch and maybe more I don’t (yet) know of, we are using words that gives us knowledge of a basic numerologic structure.
In English: We TELL a story on which you can COUNT upon
In German: Wir erZAHLEN und Sie können darauf RECHNEN
In Dutch: We verTELLEN en u kunt er op REKENEN.
The Word as base:
The well known hebrew alphabet with the corresponding numbers (on the Dutch Wikipedia page easy to see):
The building stones of matter:
They are ordened at atomic number in the Periodic System of Elements
Also look at the weight, from lightest to heaviest:
There are two creation stories in Genesis and I like to pay attention to the second one, with the word forming in it, because in the Periodic System are the building stones of matter also already present, to form with.
Could there be any correlation?
The story starts with the fog rising from the earth. Not a normal fog, a normal fog does not rise from the earth. Fog in Hebrew is ‘d, the letters a-d, or 1-4. So 1-4 rises from the earth. In fact the 1-4 is in the whole formation story present. The second deed is the formation of Adam, which is written ADaM and is 1-4-40. The third is the garden of Eden and placing 1-4-40 in it. The fourth is Three of Knowledge and Three of Life. These trees, written in Hebrew, these sentences, are like 1:4 to each other. Then as fifth there is the 1 river who becomes 4 rivers. Etc.
So the base of the story is the fog as 1:4. Now what do we see in the Periodic System? It starts in the first row with Hydrogen and Helium with the weight of 1 and 4, so the first row is also 1:4. THE BASE IS THE SAME! When one reads the story on the surface, one can not tell you this.
And now let’s look at the living matter, look at an important part of creation, your hand. Our hands have also the 1:4 in it, that’s why we can easily work with them. They have one thumb opposite of four fingers. Then take your whole self when you stand up from top to toe, then you are also like 1:4 to the earth. We have one head who controls the whole, then take you hinges? pivots? (don’t know the english word), your parts between your neck and waist, waist and knees, knees and ankles, ankles and earth.
04-05-2010, 02:30 AM
The word for carrying pregnancy is haraajon is 5-200-10-6-50 = 271 (from left to right but should be right to left). After 271 days there is a birth. The nine months, the teth = 9 and the teth looks like a womb. Get yourself pregnant and connect with The Word :-)
Ruach = wind. We don't know where it comes from and goes to. We don't see it, only what it did/does. And Ruach means spirit, breath too. Go outside and feel the wind :-)
Three and time. In the Hebrew pronounced the same: etz. Here we have time growing while mem (40) MaJiM MeM m shows time flowing as water. Egypt lives of the flowing of water. We don't know the root of time, where it started (tree: underground), we see the time pass (above ground, trunk growing (with hidden time rings)) and we see time split in a diversity of specialisms (the branches). Look again at a tree outside.
Feel free to add more.
04-19-2010, 11:12 AM
Is there nobody who can add anything? There really is very much to add.
Just thought that I maybe should have named the topic "Like it is in heaven, it is on earth". Like the Bible is made in heaven, like it's words come from heaven, they are materialized on earth. Like in the hebrew writing you can draw a line above where the signs from aleph to tav are hanging on (and lamed comes even more from above). Other alfabets have a line at the bottom, an earthly character. Maybe we can say they have the expressions which are not earthly, like: s(he) has a heart of stone?
Is there nobody who can add anything? There really is very much to add.
Just thought that I maybe should have named the topic "Like it is in heaven, it is on earth". Like the Bible is made in heaven, like it's words come from heaven, they are materialized on earth. Like in the hebrew writing you can draw a line above where the signs from aleph to tav are hanging on (and lamed comes even more from above). Other alfabets have a line at the bottom, an earthly character. Maybe we can say they have the expressions which are not earthly, like: s(he) has a heart of stone?
I am learning that man's mathematics is one thing.....God's is yet another.
To us, as humans, 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
God says, me + you + Christ = 1
I have been seeking some insight into the number 153 and have asked around......waiting on a reply.
This is the number of fish caught by Peter and fellows in the boat after Jesus from the shore instructed them to cast their net on the other side. The number that they caught before the instructions = 0, the number after = 153.
When you add, by human counting, 1 + 5 + 3 = 9.
Your analogy of 9 = term of months for typical human birth development.
When applied to the number of fish, and since they were called "fishers of men", does this speak of the fullness of the term of growth of the body of Christ?
04-19-2010, 02:24 PM
Joel, about the 153 big fishes I can tell you something you can count upon concerning growth: 1+2+3+.. +17 = 153. There are many references in the Bible to the number 17, again and again concerning the end of a phase. When Joseph was sold by his brothers he was in his 17th year (Gen 37:2). Again it was good 'tov' 9-6-2=17 like in the six days of creation in Gen. 1 (except day 2 no tov so here no 'the end of this period is good'). When the flood makes an end at a world it is in the Biblical year 1656 which is the 17th century (calculated at the ages of the first ten generations). The 17th of the 4th month etc. and show relations too.
So when is it good, tov? When all the phases are present: phase 16, 15, until 2 and 1.
That this big fish catching contains 153 fishes, is like Jesus after his resurrection all his life phases, life moments, catches out of the water, out of the time. And then the meal follows. Everything is prepared: the coal fire, the bread. And then lets Jesus bring the fishes for the meal, his whole life is there present, nothing is forgotten, nothing is missing. It is staggering when Jesus sees that not only the ending was good (tov, 17, 153) but also that everything on the way (1, 2, 3.. 17) was good all the time.
Now the nine has a life of it's own: The nine stays nine this way: 9x1=9 9x2=18=1+8=9 9x3=27=2+7=9 etc.
And the nine is a transition number, the last of the units, when the time is ripe the yod 'is born'. It is not only that we say a child is born, we can also say a new age is born. Noah also is the tenth.
So we saw the 17 fullfill itself in 153 fishes coming out of the water.
Now let's look at the birds
When the 17 fullfilles itself this way - 17x17 - we have 289. And the new life what comes out of an egg is called a little chicken, a young bird also, an 'Efroch' with wordvalue 1-80-200-8 = 289.
Fishes and birds both connect with eggs and fishes fly through the water and birds fly through the air with resp. fins and wings. You may see the similarity between the fish and the birds, they both go up and down in their own world, from earth to heaven.
A fish without wings connect through scales to the snake, while birds have their feathers. The snake knows only this world and does not raise up. There are some exeptions like not all fish lay eggs (although with the other kinds, like whales, there are eggs involved too, fertilized eggs, invisible eggs). And a sea snake rises up in water.
Now the human has these bird-attributes in his eagle-attribute, the creature that stands before the throne of God, next to the other three creatures. So the human has also the ability to move between heaven and earth with what is created in him. In the Jesus era the human is like a fish going up and down in the water and getting fished out of the water. The bird can get into the water a little bit and sees that there is another world and thinks huh? When the fish is fished out of the water he thinks huh? And most men like to go up and down too to connect with an egg but that's more like uhh :)
04-19-2010, 03:21 PM
Your hair:
sa-ar 300-70-200 and this word is pronounced a little bit different but writen the same as sha-ar 300-70-200 what means
1. gate
2. gateway
3. water gate
4. archway
5. arch
6. port
7. portal
8. pylon
9. gap
There is something about the s and sh pronounciation of the shin, see Judges 12:6.
Hair is like the gate through which God is let in (hair on your head), where the direct connection can take place between eternity and temporality (Psalm 24:7-9), the hair points out the many encounters in time. The older we get the less hair on our head. And there is the covering up of hair in religions.
Hair under your armpits: we have to do many actings and don't know or or how the result of them will be. And about the other places of hair growth is also something to tell.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 12:12 PM
Hello to all
What I like to discuss is the connection between our language, the Word, and matter. As a base we take the Hebrew words in The Bible of course, in which we see the many structures, but which correlate to matter? Feel free to add more.
Our words:
(I am Dutch and English is my second language)
In English, French, German, Dutch and maybe more I don’t (yet) know of, we are using words that gives us knowledge of a basic numerologic structure.
In English: We TELL a story on which you can COUNT upon
In German: Wir erZAHLEN und Sie können darauf RECHNEN
In Dutch: We verTELLEN en u kunt er op REKENEN.
This is a well-known connection. I agree it is very significant that our word for "tell" is related to "count" - when we "tell" a story, we "recount" the events.
The Word as base:
The well known hebrew alphabet with the corresponding numbers (on the Dutch Wikipedia page easy to see):
The building stones of matter:
They are ordened at atomic number in the Periodic System of Elements
Also look at the weight, from lightest to heaviest:
There are two creation stories in Genesis and I like to pay attention to the second one, with the word forming in it, because in the Periodic System are the building stones of matter also already present, to form with.
Could there be any correlation?
The story starts with the fog rising from the earth. Not a normal fog, a normal fog does not rise from the earth. Fog in Hebrew is ‘d, the letters a-d, or 1-4. So 1-4 rises from the earth. In fact the 1-4 is in the whole formation story present. The second deed is the formation of Adam, which is written ADaM and is 1-4-40. The third is the garden of Eden and placing 1-4-40 in it. The fourth is Three of Knowledge and Three of Life. These trees, written in Hebrew, these sentences, are like 1:4 to each other. Then as fifth there is the 1 river who becomes 4 rivers. Etc.
So the base of the story is the fog as 1:4. Now what do we see in the Periodic System? It starts in the first row with Hydrogen and Helium with the weight of 1 and 4, so the first row is also 1:4. THE BASE IS THE SAME! When one reads the story on the surface, one can not tell you this.
And now let’s look at the living matter, look at an important part of creation, your hand. Our hands have also the 1:4 in it, that’s why we can easily work with them. They have one thumb opposite of four fingers. Then take your whole self when you stand up from top to toe, then you are also like 1:4 to the earth. We have one head who controls the whole, then take you hinges? pivots? (don’t know the english word), your parts between your neck and waist, waist and knees, knees and ankles, ankles and earth.
I agree completely that the 1:4 ratio of the two Trees in the Garden is very significant because the Number Four relates to Birth and Death.
But I've never understood the meaning of the "mist" (Aleph Dalet) in Gen 2. It seems so strange to talk about it "watering" the Garden with a mist that rises.
I'll write more (and answer your question you PMed) after reading the rest of the posts in this thread.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 12:22 PM
The word for carrying pregnancy is haraajon is 5-200-10-6-50 = 271 (from left to right but should be right to left). After 271 days there is a birth. The nine months, the teth = 9 and the teth looks like a womb. Get yourself pregnant and connect with The Word :-)
Where did you get the number 271? Wiki says that "the World Health Organization defines normal term for delivery as between 37 weeks and 42 weeks." It seems that there's way to much "wiggle room" to say it takes exactly 271 days.
But I agree that there are some (rather vague) connection between Tet = 9 and pregnancy. This is found in Rabbinic tradition too.
Ruach = wind. We don't know where it comes from and goes to. We don't see it, only what it did/does. And Ruach means spirit, breath too. Go outside and feel the wind :-)
Three and time. In the Hebrew pronounced the same: etz. Here we have time growing while mem (40) MaJiM MeM m shows time flowing as water. Egypt lives of the flowing of water. We don't know the root of time, where it started (tree: underground), we see the time pass (above ground, trunk growing (with hidden time rings)) and we see time split in a diversity of specialisms (the branches). Look again at a tree outside.
Feel free to add more.
I have always felt a connection between 3 and cycles, circles (pi = 3.141 ...) and things with beginning, middle, and end. Three certainly connects with time, but the Measure of Time is connected with the Number 4 and the Fourth Day with the creation of sun, moon, and stars for "signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years" (4 elements). And the 12 months are the measure (4) of the cycle (3) of seasons (3 x 4 = 12). I talk about time and the Number 4 here (
Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2010, 12:35 PM
Hmm Joel, not exactly what I meant by this subject, but oke. About the 153 big fishes I can tell you something you can count upon concerning growth: 1+2+3+.. +17 = 153. There are many references in the Bible to the number 17, again and again concerning the end of a phase. When Joseph was sold by his brothers he was in his 17th year (Gen 37:2). Again it was good 'tov' 9-6-2=17 like at the ends of a day of the 6 days of creation in Gen. 1 (except day 2 no tov and so no ending). When the flood makes an end at a world it is in the Biblical year 1656 which is the 17th century (calculated at the ages of the first ten generations). The 17th of the 4th month etc. and show relations too.
So when is it good, tov? When all the phases are present: phase 16, 15, until 2 and 1.
That this big fish catching contains 153 fishes, is like Jesus after his resurrection all his life phases, life moments, catches out of the water, out of the time. And then the meal follows Everything is prepared: the coal fire, the bread. And then lets Jesus bring the fishes for the meal, his whole life is there present, nothing is forgotten, nothing is missing. It is staggering when Jesus sees that not only the ending was good (tov, 17, 153) but also that everything on the way (1, 2, 3.. 17) was good all the time.
Rabbinic tradition says that the tov is missing from Day 2 because the number 2 represents division, and division is not good in and of itself. This pattern is then repeated in Genesis 2 where God declares (for the first time) that something is not good (tov) - namely, that Adam is alone - and so God creates his helper by dividing Adam into two. I find it very interesting that this happens in Gen 2, and the the "two" corrects for the lack of goodness of the "one." There's a lot going on here.
As for the "17 phases" idea - where did you learn that? Is it your own insight? I have not encountered that idea before.
Now the nine has a life of it's own: The nine stays nine this way: 9x1=9 9x2=18=1+8=9 9x3=27=2+7=9 etc.
And the nine is a transition number, the last of the units, when the time is ripe the yod 'is born'. It is not only that we say a child is born, we can also say a new age is born. Noah also is the tenth.
Yes, the mathematical properties of b-1 (where b is the base number) are always very interesting.
I think there is a lot of evidence that Base 10 is special, and that's why the Bible is Base 10.
I agree completely that the 1:4 ratio of the two Trees in the Garden is very significant because the Number Four relates to Birth and Death.
But I've never understood the meaning of the "mist" (Aleph Dalet) in Gen 2. It seems so strange to talk about it "watering" the Garden with a mist that rises.
Hi Richard, it seems to me that when the earth was first formed, it never rained but there were mists that watered the earth. It was a misty world. Mists are water vapor like clouds which are formed when cool moistened air meets warm air that rises from the warm ground from the newly formed Earth. The trees and plants got their water from the dew that formed when the mists turned into dew on contact with the leaves of the trees and plants and drops to the ground as water droplets.
Many Blessings.
06-05-2010, 07:27 AM
But I've never understood the meaning of the "mist" (Aleph Dalet) in Gen 2. It seems so strange to talk about it "watering" the Garden with a mist that rises.
Hey there my friend,
I found that this word is translated as "fountain" in the Greek text (LXX).
The NET Bible translates it as "springs" and comments:
The Hebrew word 'ed was traditionally translated "mist" because of its use in Job 36:27. However, an Akkadian cognate edu in Babylonian texts refers to subterranean springs or waterways. Such a spring would fit the description in this context, since this water "goes up" and waters the ground.
This word formed by Aleph + Dalet is in turn very interesting because it reveals the primary force of the letter Dalet. As we see, it is associated with fountains of waters. It thus seems to relate to Mem, since Dalet = 4, Mem = 40 and Mem means Waters. Similarly, Letter 16 is Ayin (= Fountain), and 16 is 4 x 4.
We therefore find the four rivers springing from Eden. The Garden of God is a temple, and the fountain of Genesis 2:6 links to the escathological temple in Book 26:
Eze 47:1 Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
This relates to the Fourth Gospel, which is the one Gospel most intimately linked to the image of fountains of living waters. More than that, John 4 holds a classic reference to springs of waters:
John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-05-2010, 09:07 AM
Hey there my friend,
I found that this word is translated as "fountain" in the Greek text (LXX).
The NET Bible translates it as "springs" and comments:
The Hebrew word 'ed was traditionally translated "mist" because of its use in Job 36:27. However, an Akkadian cognate edu in Babylonian texts refers to subterranean springs or waterways. Such a spring would fit the description in this context, since this water "goes up" and waters the ground.
This word formed by Aleph + Dalet is in turn very interesting because it reveals the primary force of the letter Dalet. As we see, it is associated with fountains of waters. It thus seems to relate to Mem, since Dalet = 4, Mem = 40 and Mem means Waters. Similarly, Letter 16 is Ayin (= Fountain), and 16 is 4 x 4.
We therefore find the four rivers springing from Eden. The Garden of God is a temple, and the fountain of Genesis 2:6 links to the escathological temple in Book 26:
Eze 47:1 Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
This relates to the Fourth Gospel, which is the one Gospel most intimately linked to the image of fountains of living waters. More than that, John 4 holds a classic reference to springs of waters:
John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Excellent insights. Thanks Victor! :thumb:
And for folks who might be wondering why Victor linked the Number 26 with the Number 4, it is because Ezekiel is Book 26 and it is found on Spoke 4 because 26 = 4 + 22.
The Fourth Letter Dalet also connects to the idea of "wetness" through a couple Dalet KeyWords DM (blood) and DMO (Dalet Mem Ayin) = Weap, Tears, Juice - both of which contain Mem = Water. (Blood can be interpreted as the "Death" (Dalet) "Water" (Mem) - that is, the liquid that typically indicates death.
06-05-2010, 03:01 PM
Excellent insights. Thanks Victor! :thumb:
And for folks who might be wondering why Victor linked the Number 26 with the Number 4, it is because Ezekiel is Book 26 and it is found on Spoke 4 because 26 = 4 + 22.
The Fourth Letter Dalet also connects to the idea of "wetness" through a couple Dalet KeyWords DM (blood) and DMO (Dalet Mem Ayin) = Weap, Tears, Juice - both of which contain Mem = Water. (Blood can be interpreted as the "Death" (Dalet) "Water" (Mem) - that is, the liquid that typically indicates death.
Beautiful comments! It reminds me of what seems obvious: Dalet is the Door! A spring is like a door through which waters come out.
I didn't know about dema (weap, tear). It has three letters related to water!
We have:
Dalet: Door
Mem: Water
Ayin: Eye, fountain
And what is a tear, if not water that comes out from the "door" of the eye? :winking0071:
Beautiful comments! It reminds me of what seems obvious: Dalet is the Door! A spring is like a door through which waters come out.
I didn't know about dema (weap, tear). It has three letters related to water!
We have:
Dalet: Door
Mem: Water
Ayin: Eye, fountain
And what is a tear, if not water that comes out from the "door" of the eye? :winking0071:
That is toooo good. I love it! :woohoo:
Richard Amiel McGough
06-05-2010, 04:03 PM
Beautiful comments! It reminds me of what seems obvious: Dalet is the Door! A spring is like a door through which waters come out.
I didn't know about dema (weap, tear). It has three letters related to water!
We have:
Dalet: Door
Mem: Water
Ayin: Eye, fountain
And what is a tear, if not water that comes out from the "door" of the eye? :winking0071:
Excellent analysis. :thumb: That is a beautifully constructed word.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2010, 09:40 AM
Hi Richard, it seems to me that when the earth was first formed, it never rained but there were mists that watered the earth. It was a misty world. Mists are water vapor like clouds which are formed when cool moistened air meets warm air that rises from the warm ground from the newly formed Earth. The trees and plants got their water from the dew that formed when the mists turned into dew on contact with the leaves of the trees and plants and drops to the ground as water droplets.
Many Blessings.
Hey there Cheow,
Yes, that seems to fit the description of Gen 2:6 - but I find it hard to believe because rain is caused by the drop in temperature with altitude, and we would have to imagine an entirely different world for that not to happen. And I am quite resistant to the idea of postulating an "entirely different world" on a single verse.
06-09-2010, 06:19 AM
Richard, the "Three and time" I wrote before has to be corrected to "Tree and time" :). Bad English sorry. (I won't correct it above because you replied to it that would make your reply rather strange).
The nine months pregnancy is about 266 days ( The gematira of the word haraajon is exact 271. In the physical world there are variations of what in gematria is exact.
Info about 17 phases comes from book no. 121 "The Life of Jesus" on this list ( (only in Dutch).
More info about no. 17 is written in this book ( hp%3Flocation%3Dbas&sl=nl&tl=en&swap=1). Only eight parts are published on the internet and about no. 17 is nothing published in these eight parts.
I can translate from page 380: "For Jacob Joseph is dead now. The blood of the little goat (gedi, 3-4-10), the 10th animal, with also the number 17 as we have seen before, on that what Joseph did appear in that world (Gen. 37:31-32), on his cloth, and the age of Joseph who also was 17 (Gen. 37:2), confirm that here an end is expressed, a death. This means in the historical story of Joseph, where God expresses this event, only a coming in a new life-phase. Therefore we should be able to read the Bible beyond the historical story, in the essential story, where the Bible gives us the standards of her system and her word."
06-11-2010, 11:10 AM
Concerning the connection between springs of water and Spoke 4, I found another link. Genesis 2:6 says that the fountain "went up" (alah). There is one more Bible verse that speaks of water springs 'going up' using the same Hebrew word:
Num 21:16 And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.
Num 21:17 Then Israel sang this song, Spring up (alah), O well; sing ye unto it.
Numbers resides on Spoke 4 of the Wheel and in it we find a reference about waters of a fountain going up, just like in Eden. Don't forget that there's also the reference to the waters of Ezekiel 47 (also on Spoke 4).
06-11-2010, 02:13 PM
Beautiful comments! It reminds me of what seems obvious: Dalet is the Door! A spring is like a door through which waters come out.
I didn't know about dema (weap, tear). It has three letters related to water!
We have:
Dalet: Door
Mem: Water
Ayin: Eye, fountain
And what is a tear, if not water that comes out from the "door" of the eye? :winking0071:
Gen. 2 is considered a water-story, also because it is full of 4, 40 and 70. It starts with the mist 'd 1-4 and then the 40 is added in Adam 1-4-40 and we consist of about 90% water and the 70-4-50 is the word eden and the 1:4 ratio in the trees and the 1 river with water giving 4 rivers with water etc.
It just gives me the lust to go swimming :)
Gen. 2 is considered a water-story, also because it is full of 4, 40 and 70. It starts with the mist 'd 1-4 and then the 40 is added in Adam 1-4-40 and we consist of about 90% water and the 70-4-50 is the word eden and the 1:4 ratio in the trees and the 1 river with water giving 4 rivers with water etc.
It just gives me the lust to go swimming :)
We humans are made of about 60 - 70% water not 90% unless humans are jelly fishes, get your facts right! If we are made of 90% water, we becomes so translucent that we could see through our internal organs! See wiki:
Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is approximately 40 liters, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body, sometimes to as low as 45 percent".[1][2] These figures are statistical averages, so are illustrative, and like all biostatistics, will vary with things like type of population, age and number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all people, for this or any other physiological measure. For example, Jackson's (1985) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses gives a figure of 60% for the proportion of body-weight attributable to water, which approximates Guyton's 57%.[3]
Regarding specific tissues: Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight. Blood contains almost 70% water, body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. Skin also contains much water. The human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females.
Many Blessings.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-12-2010, 09:40 AM
We humans are made of about 60 - 70% water not 90% unless humans are jelly fishes, get your facts right! If we are made of 90% water, we becomes so translucent that we could see through our internal organs! See wiki:
Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is approximately 40 liters, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body, sometimes to as low as 45 percent".[1][2] These figures are statistical averages, so are illustrative, and like all biostatistics, will vary with things like type of population, age and number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all people, for this or any other physiological measure. For example, Jackson's (1985) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses gives a figure of 60% for the proportion of body-weight attributable to water, which approximates Guyton's 57%.[3]
Regarding specific tissues: Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight. Blood contains almost 70% water, body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. Skin also contains much water. The human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females.
Many Blessings.
Thanks for the info Cheow!
I've heard that "90%" figure most of my life but never took the time to check it out. Getting the facts right is very important.
06-19-2010, 02:37 PM
We humans are made of about 60 - 70% water not 90% unless humans are jelly fishes, get your facts right! If we are made of 90% water, we becomes so translucent that we could see through our internal organs! See wiki:
Thank you for your kind correction mr. Hock. As I googled it there were many who believed the 90% story.
Researchers who looked at individual parts of our body, found that our lungs consist of nearly 90% water, as is teached here (
Hi NumberX,
I am Mr. Cheow not Mr. Hock. Hock in Chinese means Luck; so rightly I am Mr. Luck. Cheow is my family name and is probably a place in ancient China from which my ancestors came from. My full name means Cheow(family) is Luck...for I brought luck to my family and I am lucky to be a Christian.
I have googled under "is the body 90% water" and the majority answers are NO except that the lungs and babies at birth are 90% water:
The body is 90% water? - Yahoo! Answers
8 Oct 2007 ... If the human body is 90% water, does that mean that I am 10% away ... No, you need a larger amount on chlorine in your body. lol ... You'd have ...
Percentage of water in the human body? - 5 May 2009
How much water is in the human body? - 31 Dec 2008
The human body contains nearly 90 percent of water. - True or ... - 30 Apr 2008
Whats your body made up of 90% water or 90% alochol or 90%candy ... - 15 Mar 2008
The QLog: Mythbusters, Part 1: Your Body is 90% Water
28 Jan 2008 ... Question: Your Body is 90% Water. True or False? Answer: False! Although I do have a background in biology, this is not needed to quickly ...
WikiAnswers - What percentage of the human body is water
Human body wter percentage? Is the human body 90 water? ... Human body water composition? How much of a human is water? 90 of the human body is water? ...
21 Jul 2006 ... The human body is 90% water at birth. The water content in the body of a grown-up person decreases to 70%. The water content drops to 50% ...
Your Body''s Many Cries for Water
Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transport nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; ...
Water properties: The water in you (Water Science for Schools)
5 May 2010 ... Up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water. Lean muscle tissue contains ...
Composition of the human body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The composition of the human body can be looked at from different points of view, as done in this article. By mass, human cells consist of 65–90% water ...
Water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For example, a cell of Escherichia coli contains 70% of water, a human body 60–70%, plant body up to 90% and the body of an adult jellyfish is made up of ...
Elements in the Human Body
Answer: Most of the human body is made up of water, H2O, with cells consisting of 65-90% water by weight. Therefore, it isn't surprising that most of a ...
Many Blessings.
06-24-2010, 02:46 AM
OK mr. Cheow. Now have your way on this watery planet as a - mathematically seen - ratio 1:4, with a percentage of water. When having your way on the planet you go like left-right-left-right etc.
Of course one would say isn't this is very normal? I do it every day. Yes you are right, it is very normal like this to have your way. And also to have your way in a car with 1 wheel controlling 4 wheels, turning left and right every now and then. It's all very normal. :)
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