View Full Version : The meaning of Abraham

03-13-2010, 09:59 AM
The meaning of Abraham which was changed from Abram has profound meaning which people take for granted to mean "father of a multitude of nations". Was Israel or the Jews were to form a multitude of nations? I saw from a website which suggests that Abraham may not mean "father of a multitude of nations":


The verbal explanation of Genesis 17 is hard to trace etymologically, as the new element (rhm) does not exist in Hebrew. Perhaps God is suggesting that something unique is happening to Abram. There are some other words in Hebrew that are used only once, and are often highly significant.
The phrase "father (of) many nations" reads (ab-hamon-goyim), and that doesn't sound like "Abraham" at all (as mentioned, no R).

Whatever the name Abraham may mean, it certainly is not a compound of ab and hamon and certainly does not mean Father Of A Multitude. JewishEncyclopedia.com states, "The form 'Abraham' yields no sense in Hebrew," but that displays boldness of the other side of the spectrum. The change from Abram to Abraham is accompanied by the initiation of the covenant of which the Messiah is the final result. It's impossible to defend that God would link a sign of no sense to an event that profound...........Something similar occured when the name of patriarch Abram () was expanded with the heh into Abraham , and the name of matriarch Sarai () was expanded with the heh to Sarah ().
The only change from Abram to Abraham is the addition of the letter heh after the rosh, and, much to our amazement, we see the verb (brh 282; means to cut a covenant!) emerge in the heart of the new name. But, though certainly pleasing to a poetic eye, this may be a long shot. And to shoot even longer: Perhaps the new name is now a compilation of the words (abar 13b), meaning to fly, from the root (abr 13) that has to do with flying and the flight of birds, plus the word (hem 504), which is the third person plural independent nominative pronoun, or simply "they": Fly They Will! It's not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, but since God has wings (God has no body and thus also no wings, but He does have an attribute that anthropomorphized results in wings; Psalm 36:7) man made in His image should have wings too, or at least when we're done growing.

The word from the "many nations" part mentioned above, and which is favored by many, (hamon 505a) denotes a multitude in the sense of a large, specifically noisy crowd. This word comes from the verb (hama 505), cry aloud, make noise. If the segment comes indeed from , it denotes massive noise much rather than simply a multitude.
BDB concludes a troublesome paragraph by quoting J. Halévy's Revenue des Études Juives, which states that is in fact (abir 13c, abbir 13d), meaning strong one, denoting strength or leadership in a man. And comes from , but is never used anywhere in Scriptures. And it means multitude...(?)

If the name had been it would have meant Chief Of A Multitude. But now that the name is it means Flight 'n Noise, or Fly They Will, with at the heart of it the letter heh to claim Abraham as Hebrew arch father and forming the verb (to cut a covenant) which states the reason for the name Abraham.

Many Blessings.

03-13-2010, 10:36 AM
The name of Abraham seems to have some codes if break into anagrams:

Abraham = Abba, Arab, Ham

1) Abba means Father
2) He was the father of Isaac and Ishmael
3) Isaac is the father of the Jews and Ishmael is believed by the Arabs to be the founding father of the Arabs
4) God changed the name of Abram to Abraham the moment after Sarah gave birth to Isaac the father of the Jews, Hagar already gave birth to Ishmael, the said father of the Arabs.
5) Abraham means the multitude of nations which was promised to Isaac the father of the Jews. Isaac son, Jacob had 12 sons forming the 12 tribes of Israel. However on Ishmael side, Ishmael was also promised 12 sons who will also inherit a multitude of nations.
6) We know that Ham was one of the son of Noah who was the father of the Semite groups which includes the Jews and they occupy mostly the region of Ham in the Middle East.

Taking the word Abraham and breaking it down into anagrams, we have A(b)ba = father, Abra = Arab, ham = the region/son of Ham or the racial group which include Jews, We have Abraham = the father(Abba) of Arabs(Abra) and the Jews(Ham).

No wonder the name Abram "Exalted father" was changed to Abraham "Father of many nations". This is true to this present days, as we see many Arab nations and the Jews were the ones who helped established many nations in Europe and many Europeans have Jewish blood. Both Arabs and Jews have descendants spread all over the world like the sands of the sea. The Arabs formed the Arab League and the Europeans formed the European Union. The Arabs were the founder of Islam and the Jews were the founder of Judaism and Christianity. The Jews and the Arabs were almost always at loggerheads, I am afraid one day they will have a big clash.

There are many similarities between the sons of Abraham i.e. Ishmael and Isaac

1) Ishmael was from Hagar whereas Isaac was from Sarah
2) Ishmael was claimed to be the father of the Arabs and Isaac was the father of the Jews
3) The Arabs founded Islam and the Jews founded Judiaism and Christianity. Both religions spread across the world. Both religions believe in One God.
4) Ishmael have 12 sons whereas Isaac's son Jacob also have 12 sons.
5) Ishmael 12 sons were to form the Arab nations of today whereas Jacob's 12 sons were to form the 12 tribes of Israel which were dispersed throughout Europe and later helped to form many countries of Europe and the Middle East. Both Arabs and Jews spread throughout the world
6) The Arabs conquered Israel, later the European nations conquered back israel and even colonized many Arab nations.
7) The Arabs formed the Arab League whereas the Europeans formed the European Union.
8) Both Jews and Arabs (including all Muslim males) are required to be circumcised.

Many Blessings.

03-22-2010, 04:07 PM
What an awesome word study you have detailed.

I have long studied and linked several scriptures to the Abram-Abraham study.
First, it is important to know that the name was changed in relation to covenant name exchange ceremony. After God cut covenent with Abram in Gen. 14, God's name was known as "God of Abraham" and Abram became Abraham. The "ham" was the added name essence of God.

What I have noticed is the breathyness sound of the letter "h," the "hah." It is found back in Gen. 4 where the "voice" was "walking" in the garden. I believe it was a "wind" that was the manifest prescence. It was the Shekinah. The wind (Ruach=spirit, wind, breath). God "breathed" or wind, spirit into Adam he and became a living soul. Jesus said the "Spirit" is likened unto the wind. He "breathed" on his disciples and said "receive ye the Ruach HaKodesh." The HG "blew" into the upper room as a "rushing mighty wind."

I'm sure there are many more verses.

So now when I feel the "wind" blowing I also know it is a testimony to the name-essence of God, he is "wind," "Spirit," and "breath."