View Full Version : Major Synchronicity with the Author of Synchronicity

Richard Amiel McGough
03-05-2010, 01:15 AM
As everyone following the current discussions on this forum knows, we have recently (within the last couple weeks) had an explosion of insights in the meaning of Biblical Quaternities and the idea of Quintessence. Victor sparked this revolution with his post called The Four Gospels and Daniel's Four Beasts (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1506) (posted 2/17/10). This led to a number of insights that culminated in a table showing the unity of the Five NT History Books (Four Gospels and Acts), the Five Kingdoms of Daniel 2 & 7, the Five Living Beings of Ezekiel 1 (4 Cherubim around God's Throne). About the same time, I began reading a few books about Jungian Analytical Psychology that I have had on my shelf for a couple decades in which the concepts of the Quaternity and Mandalas play a central role. Jung also wrote about the quaternities following a 3 + 1 pattern which also characteristizes the quaternities in the Bible. This really sparked my interest, and now "avalanche" or "volcanic eruption" (to use opposing metaphors) are the only words adequate to describe the new insights that have ensued. (See threads Metamorphosis (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1541) and All of creation declares God (http://biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1539).)

Today I received several books I ordered from Amazon, including a few by Jung and and his followers. One is called "Synchronicity - Multiple Views on Meaningful Coincidence." Carl Jung coined the term "synchronicity" while working with Quantum Physicist Wolfgang Pauli. While ordering the books, I ran across Author I. Miller's "Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. (http://www.arthurimiller.com/books/deciphering-the-cosmic-number/)" I was extremely interested in this book in part because it has the Number 137 (the fine structure constant of which I have written (http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/GR_FineStructure.asp) much) on the cover. I don't know why, but I forgot to include it in my Amazon order.


So today I was having my glass of wine before bed and I noticed that there was an unusually large number of visitors on my forum. I got curious, and googled "biblewheel" to see if it was the topic of conversation on some other forum which could have caused the rise in traffic. I haven't googled my own site for some months.

While scrolling through the list, I found a link (http://books.google.com/books?id=KR2EtBnmcRYC&pg=PA259&lpg=PA259&dq=biblewheel&source=bl&ots=8Tl-4NKkLJ&sig=qsv4oK8ej5fTTeyDm4t0NL6J38o&hl=en&ei=c62QS5vpOoyysgPQmoz9Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CA4Q6AEwBDg8#v=onepage&q=&f=false) to an online preview of the book I forgot to buy - Deciphering the Cosmic Number. I opened the link and found a one paragraph description of my work on the Fine Structure Constant and the Holographic Generating Set! Unfortunately, it is obvious the Miller understood nothing of what I wrote, but at least he described things accurately. In any case, it is, as far as I know, the first reference to my work in a major published book.

Now this is an amazing synchronicity! Indeed, it is a meta-synchronicity because it is a synchronicity connected to the author of synchronicity itself who also happens to be the center of the cyclone of the current revelations we are receiving concerning a new level of universal archetypal meaning of the Bible Wheel. I am simply stunned at the implications. Like the holographs and the Bible Wheel and it's relation to Mandalas and the Quaternities within the text of Scripture, this is a self-reflective synchronicity - a wheel within a wheel!

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?


03-23-2010, 02:28 PM
Synchronicity indeed! It is very interesting that you casually find a reference to your work on the symbolic meaning of numbers in a book that you forgot to order! And all this in an area that speaks of the synchronicity phenomenon itself!

The online preview worked for you, but nothing of the book can be read. Don't you have an excerpt?