View Full Version : The Gauss Algorithm and the Genetic Code

02-17-2010, 02:38 PM
Dear folks,

an extraordinary pattern has been discovered in the genetic code centred on the Gauss Algorithm.

Here are my first pages on this extra-ordinary discovery. Much more to follow....

When the 20 amino acids of the genetic code are arranged in a 4 x 5 table, it is found that the atomic sums for the rows and columns are part of the Gauss Algorithm. These numbers form perfect balances - adding to the same total.

This essay is far from complete. What is unravelling is a truely incredible pattern. I just wanted to give you this first installment.

See "The Gauss Algorithm" at http://www.craigdemo.co.uk/craig.htm



02-17-2010, 03:22 PM
Dear folks,

an extraordinary pattern has been discovered in the genetic code centred on the Gauss Algorithm.

Here are my first pages on this extra-ordinary discovery. Much more to follow....

When the 20 amino acids of the genetic code are arranged in a 4 x 5 table, it is found that the atomic sums for the rows and columns are part of the Gauss Algorithm. These numbers form perfect balances - adding to the same total.

This essay is far from complete. What is unravelling is a truely incredible pattern. I just wanted to give you this first installment.

See "The Gauss Algorithm" at http://www.craigdemo.co.uk/craig.htm



Thanks for the link Craig....:signthankspin:

I checked it out... good job on presenting the facts :thumb:

This just might be the tip of that huge iceberg...:D


03-24-2010, 09:42 PM
We have seen how the genetic code embodies the Gauss Algorithm. We can recall that the Gauss Algorithm is a way of summing all the numbers from 1 to x. In other words the Gauss Algorithm defines every TRIANGULAR NUMBER.

Vernon Jenkins found that Genesis 1 v 1 is structured around triangular numbers......

I agree, Rose, that this is most certainly a tip of an iceberg......or rather of a triangle.