08-08-2007, 09:26 PM
MS Breastplate - Part One
Several years ago, Vernon Jenkins and I collaborated on a series of pages that are to be found at his website under the title Jacob's Family. The data in these pages came about as a response to an earlier page at Vernon's website, An Oracle Restored, in which it was contended that the names of Manasseh and Ephraim formed part of the breastplate at the expense of Levi and Joseph. Knowing this to be an error, I decided to investigate the correct twelve names, to see if they might have any numerical data to challenge the incorrect assumptions on which the Oracle breastplate matrix was based. I very quickly found that the names on the true breastplate, when rearranged to reflect a matriarchal birth order, produced numerical data that far surpassed the revelations found within the Oracle page.
The series titled Jacob's Family is my refutation of the Oracle assumptions. At present, Vernon has only been able to publish two pages of this series. There are another three pages in the series yet to go, such is the profusion of meaningful numerical data to emerge from this object that I have termed the MS breastplate. It is important to state that while my work served as my refutation of data and assumptions from the Oracle page that I knew to be in error, this does not detract from the merits of the latter paper. In spite of the MS breastplate proving far more potent revelatorily, the features of the Oracle breastplate remain both meritorious and provocative.
The relevant links to the Jacob's Family series are:
In the months to come, it will be shown that the MS breastplate arrangement harmonises with other meaningful arrangements of the twelve tribes taken from other parts of Scripture. But for now, I would simply like to lay out some of the MS breastplate statistics.
As with any set of 12 numbers, there are exactly 2^12, or 4096, possible combinations of numbers, including the empty set.
From the breastplate, it may be observed that, of the 4096 possible combinations available, a total of 2143 different integers are recorded, including the zero value of the empty set.
It may be further observed that a total of 1953 values are duplicates of other values, a fact easily verified in that the sum of the different integers - 2143 - and the duplicated values - 1953 - comes to 4096.
All 4096 possible combinations fall within the range 0 to 3182, the latter being the sum of all 12 numbers, and the former being the absence of all 12 numbers. This feature results in there being 3183 possible integers available from combination, being the range from 0 to 3182. As a decimal, 3183 very closely approximates the inverse of pi.
The sum of all 4096 possible combinations of numbers is 6,516,736; being 3182 x (4096/2). This number has the prime factorisation of 2^12 x 37 x 43. It further factorises as 2368 x 86 x 32, where 2368 = Iesous Christos, and 86 = Elohim. Another point of this factorisation is that it is digitally palindromic, as is evident when we remove the multiplication sign: 2368 86 32.
The breastplate sum is 3182 = 37 x 86. The factor 37 is peculiarly important in biblical gematria, while 86 is the gematria of Elohim, meaning 'God', the third word of Scripture and the first name of God in the Bible.
There are 131 multiples of 37 to be found from the 4096 possible combinations of the breastplate values. This is slightly more than the expected number of 111 (4096/37 = 110.702...).
These 131 multiples of 37 sum to 210,012 = 3182 x 66.
In relation to multiples of 37, three palindromic numbers are seen to feature above in 131, its midpoint of 66, and 210,012.
In addition, several palindromes appear from combinations that are multiples of 37. These are: 333; 444; 555; 777; 888; 999; 1221; and 2442. Of these, 888 appears four times in combination, and 999 appears twice. Thus there are a total of 12 palindromes that are multiples of 37.
Of the 131 multiples of 37, 24 of them may be said to be 'prime' in that they are unable to be broken into smaller sets of multiples of 37.
The two smallest values - 7 and 30 - sum to 37. The four smallest values - 7, 30, 46 and 54 - sum to 137.That's all the statistical data for now.
Several years ago, Vernon Jenkins and I collaborated on a series of pages that are to be found at his website under the title Jacob's Family. The data in these pages came about as a response to an earlier page at Vernon's website, An Oracle Restored, in which it was contended that the names of Manasseh and Ephraim formed part of the breastplate at the expense of Levi and Joseph. Knowing this to be an error, I decided to investigate the correct twelve names, to see if they might have any numerical data to challenge the incorrect assumptions on which the Oracle breastplate matrix was based. I very quickly found that the names on the true breastplate, when rearranged to reflect a matriarchal birth order, produced numerical data that far surpassed the revelations found within the Oracle page.
The series titled Jacob's Family is my refutation of the Oracle assumptions. At present, Vernon has only been able to publish two pages of this series. There are another three pages in the series yet to go, such is the profusion of meaningful numerical data to emerge from this object that I have termed the MS breastplate. It is important to state that while my work served as my refutation of data and assumptions from the Oracle page that I knew to be in error, this does not detract from the merits of the latter paper. In spite of the MS breastplate proving far more potent revelatorily, the features of the Oracle breastplate remain both meritorious and provocative.
The relevant links to the Jacob's Family series are:
In the months to come, it will be shown that the MS breastplate arrangement harmonises with other meaningful arrangements of the twelve tribes taken from other parts of Scripture. But for now, I would simply like to lay out some of the MS breastplate statistics.
As with any set of 12 numbers, there are exactly 2^12, or 4096, possible combinations of numbers, including the empty set.
From the breastplate, it may be observed that, of the 4096 possible combinations available, a total of 2143 different integers are recorded, including the zero value of the empty set.
It may be further observed that a total of 1953 values are duplicates of other values, a fact easily verified in that the sum of the different integers - 2143 - and the duplicated values - 1953 - comes to 4096.
All 4096 possible combinations fall within the range 0 to 3182, the latter being the sum of all 12 numbers, and the former being the absence of all 12 numbers. This feature results in there being 3183 possible integers available from combination, being the range from 0 to 3182. As a decimal, 3183 very closely approximates the inverse of pi.
The sum of all 4096 possible combinations of numbers is 6,516,736; being 3182 x (4096/2). This number has the prime factorisation of 2^12 x 37 x 43. It further factorises as 2368 x 86 x 32, where 2368 = Iesous Christos, and 86 = Elohim. Another point of this factorisation is that it is digitally palindromic, as is evident when we remove the multiplication sign: 2368 86 32.
The breastplate sum is 3182 = 37 x 86. The factor 37 is peculiarly important in biblical gematria, while 86 is the gematria of Elohim, meaning 'God', the third word of Scripture and the first name of God in the Bible.
There are 131 multiples of 37 to be found from the 4096 possible combinations of the breastplate values. This is slightly more than the expected number of 111 (4096/37 = 110.702...).
These 131 multiples of 37 sum to 210,012 = 3182 x 66.
In relation to multiples of 37, three palindromic numbers are seen to feature above in 131, its midpoint of 66, and 210,012.
In addition, several palindromes appear from combinations that are multiples of 37. These are: 333; 444; 555; 777; 888; 999; 1221; and 2442. Of these, 888 appears four times in combination, and 999 appears twice. Thus there are a total of 12 palindromes that are multiples of 37.
Of the 131 multiples of 37, 24 of them may be said to be 'prime' in that they are unable to be broken into smaller sets of multiples of 37.
The two smallest values - 7 and 30 - sum to 37. The four smallest values - 7, 30, 46 and 54 - sum to 137.That's all the statistical data for now.