View Full Version : MS Breastplate Data

08-08-2007, 09:26 PM
MS Breastplate - Part One

Several years ago, Vernon Jenkins and I collaborated on a series of pages that are to be found at his website under the title Jacob's Family. The data in these pages came about as a response to an earlier page at Vernon's website, An Oracle Restored, in which it was contended that the names of Manasseh and Ephraim formed part of the breastplate at the expense of Levi and Joseph. Knowing this to be an error, I decided to investigate the correct twelve names, to see if they might have any numerical data to challenge the incorrect assumptions on which the Oracle breastplate matrix was based. I very quickly found that the names on the true breastplate, when rearranged to reflect a matriarchal birth order, produced numerical data that far surpassed the revelations found within the Oracle page.

The series titled Jacob's Family is my refutation of the Oracle assumptions. At present, Vernon has only been able to publish two pages of this series. There are another three pages in the series yet to go, such is the profusion of meaningful numerical data to emerge from this object that I have termed the MS breastplate. It is important to state that while my work served as my refutation of data and assumptions from the Oracle page that I knew to be in error, this does not detract from the merits of the latter paper. In spite of the MS breastplate proving far more potent revelatorily, the features of the Oracle breastplate remain both meritorious and provocative.

The relevant links to the Jacob's Family series are:


In the months to come, it will be shown that the MS breastplate arrangement harmonises with other meaningful arrangements of the twelve tribes taken from other parts of Scripture. But for now, I would simply like to lay out some of the MS breastplate statistics.

As with any set of 12 numbers, there are exactly 2^12, or 4096, possible combinations of numbers, including the empty set.
From the breastplate, it may be observed that, of the 4096 possible combinations available, a total of 2143 different integers are recorded, including the zero value of the empty set.
It may be further observed that a total of 1953 values are duplicates of other values, a fact easily verified in that the sum of the different integers - 2143 - and the duplicated values - 1953 - comes to 4096.
All 4096 possible combinations fall within the range 0 to 3182, the latter being the sum of all 12 numbers, and the former being the absence of all 12 numbers. This feature results in there being 3183 possible integers available from combination, being the range from 0 to 3182. As a decimal, 3183 very closely approximates the inverse of pi.
The sum of all 4096 possible combinations of numbers is 6,516,736; being 3182 x (4096/2). This number has the prime factorisation of 2^12 x 37 x 43. It further factorises as 2368 x 86 x 32, where 2368 = Iesous Christos, and 86 = Elohim. Another point of this factorisation is that it is digitally palindromic, as is evident when we remove the multiplication sign: 2368 86 32.
The breastplate sum is 3182 = 37 x 86. The factor 37 is peculiarly important in biblical gematria, while 86 is the gematria of Elohim, meaning 'God', the third word of Scripture and the first name of God in the Bible.
There are 131 multiples of 37 to be found from the 4096 possible combinations of the breastplate values. This is slightly more than the expected number of 111 (4096/37 = 110.702...).
These 131 multiples of 37 sum to 210,012 = 3182 x 66.
In relation to multiples of 37, three palindromic numbers are seen to feature above in 131, its midpoint of 66, and 210,012.
In addition, several palindromes appear from combinations that are multiples of 37. These are: 333; 444; 555; 777; 888; 999; 1221; and 2442. Of these, 888 appears four times in combination, and 999 appears twice. Thus there are a total of 12 palindromes that are multiples of 37.
Of the 131 multiples of 37, 24 of them may be said to be 'prime' in that they are unable to be broken into smaller sets of multiples of 37.
The two smallest values - 7 and 30 - sum to 37. The four smallest values - 7, 30, 46 and 54 - sum to 137.That's all the statistical data for now.


08-09-2007, 05:27 PM
MS Breastplate - Part Two

For reference, the names of the tribes, their abbreviations, and their gematrical values from the MS breastplate are:

Reuben (R) - 259
Simeon (S) - 466
Levi (L) - 46
Judah (Ju) - 30
Issachar (I) - 830
Zebulun (Z) - 101
Gad (G) - 7
Asher (A) - 501
Dan (D) - 54
Naphtali (N) - 570
Joseph (Jo) - 156
Benjamin (B) - 162There are 131 multiples of 37 to be found from combinations of the names and their numbers, above. These are:

37 [Ju,G]
185 [Ju,D,Z]
259 [R]
296 [R,Ju,G]
333 [L,Ju,Z,Jo]
370 [L,D,G,Z,B]
444 [R,Ju,D,Z]
555 [D,A]
592 [R,L,Ju,Z,Jo] [Ju,D,G,A]
629 [R,L,D,G,Z,B] [S,G,Jo]
703 [L,A,Jo]
740 [L,Ju,G,A,Jo]
777 [S,D,Z,Jo]
814 [R,D,A] [S,Ju,D,G,Z,Jo] [S,Ju,Jo,B]
851 [R,Ju,D,G,A]
888 [R,S,G,Jo] [L,Ju,D,A,Z,Jo] [D,N,G,Z,Jo] [N,Jo,B]
925 [Ju,N,G,Jo,B]
962 [R,L,A,Jo]
999 [R,L,Ju,G,A,Jo] [G,I,B]
1036 [R,S,D,Z,Jo] [S,N]
1073 [R,S,Ju,D,G,Z,Jo] [R,S,Ju,Jo,B] [S,Ju,N,G] [Ju,D,N,Z,Jo,B]
1147 [R,L,Ju,D,A,Z,Jo] [R,D,N,G,Z,Jo] [R,N,Jo,B] [L,Ju,N,A] [D,I,Z,B]
1184 [R,Ju,N,G,Jo,B] [S,D,G,A,Jo] [Ju,D,G,I,Z,B]
1221 [S,Ju,D,N,Z]
1258 [R,G,I,B]
1295 [R,S,N] [L,I,Z,Jo,B]
1332 [R,S,Ju,N,G] [R,Ju,D,N,Z,Jo,B] [L,Ju,G,I,Z,Jo,B]
1369 [S,L,Ju,N,Z,Jo] [S,Ju,D,A,Jo,B]
1406 [R,L,Ju,N,A] [R,D,I,Z,B] [S,L,D,N,G,Z,B]
1443 [R,S,D,G,A,Jo] [R,Ju,D,G,I,Z,B] [S,L,I,Z] [D,N,A,Jo,B]
1480 [R,S,Ju,D,N,Z] [S,L,Ju,G,I,Z] [Ju,D,N,G,A,Jo,B]
1517 [Ju,A,I,Jo]
1554 [R,L,I,Z,Jo,B] [L,N,G,I,Z] [D,G,A,I,B]
1591 [R,L,Ju,G,I,Z,Jo,B] [S,D,N,A]
1628 [R,S,L,Ju,N,Z,Jo] [R,S,Ju,D,A,Jo,B] [S,Ju,D,N,G,A]
1665 [R,S,L,D,N,G,Z,B]
1702 [R,S,L,I,Z] [R,D,N,A,Jo,B] [L,G,A,I,Jo,B]
1739 [R,S,L,Ju,G,I,Z] [R,Ju,D,N,G,A,Jo,B] [S,L,N,A,Jo] [L,Ju,N,I,Z,B]
1776 [R,Ju,A,I,Jo] [S,L,Ju,N,G,A,Jo] [S,D,G,I,Z,Jo,B]
1813 [R,L,N,G,I,Z] [R,D,G,A,I,B]
1850 [R,S,D,N,A] [S,L,G,A,I] [L,D,A,I,Z,Jo,B]
1887 [R,S,Ju,D,N,G,A] [L,Ju,D,G,A,I,Z,Jo,B]
1924 [S,L,Ju,D,N,A,Z,Jo]
1961 [R,L,G,A,I,Jo,B]
1998 [R,S,L,N,A,Jo] [R,L,Ju,N,I,Z,B] [S,L,D,A,I,Z]
2035 [R,S,L,Ju,N,G,A,Jo] [R,S,D,G,I,Z,Jo,B] [S,L,Ju,D,G,A,I,Z] [S,L,Ju,A,I,B] [S,N,G,I,B]
2109 [R,S,L,G,A,I] [R,L,D,A,I,Z,Jo,B] [L,D,N,G,A,I,Z] [L,N,A,I,B]
2146 [R,L,Ju,D,G,A,I,Z,Jo,B] [L,Ju,N,G,A,I,B]
2183 [R,S,L,Ju,D,N,A,Z,Jo] [S,D,N,I,Z,B]
2220 [S,Ju,D,N,G,I,Z,B]
2257 [R,S,L,D,A,I,Z]
2294 [R,S,L,Ju,D,G,A,I,Z] [R,S,L,Ju,A,I,B] [R,S,N,G,I,B] [L,Ju,D,N,A,I,Z,B]
2331 [S,L,N,I,Z,Jo,B]
2368 [R,L,D,N,G,A,I,Z] [R,L,N,A,I,B] [S,L,Ju,N,G,I,Z,Jo,B]
2405 [R,L,Ju,N,G,A,I,B]
2442 [R,S,D,N,I,Z,B]
2479 [R,S,Ju,D,N,G,I,Z,B]
2553 [R,L,Ju,D,N,A,I,Z,B] [S,Ju,N,A,I,Jo]
2590 [R,S,L,N,I,Z,Jo,B] [S,D,N,G,A,I,B]
2627 [R,S,L,Ju,N,G,I,Z,Jo,B]
2738 [S,L,N,G,A,I,Jo,B]
2812 [R,S,Ju,N,A,I,Jo]
2849 [R,S,D,N,G,A,I,B]
2886 [S,L,D,N,A,I,Z,Jo,B]
2923 [S,L,Ju,D,N,G,A,I,Z,Jo,B]
2997 [R,S,L,N,G,A,I,Jo,B]
3145 [R,S,L,D,N,A,I,Z,Jo,B]
3182 [R,S,L,Ju,D,N,G,A,I,Z,Jo,B]It will be observed that there are 24 groups of names that are written in red. These are the 24 'prime', or indivisible, sets of multiples of 37 that appear from combinations of the names and their numbers. They are unable to be broken into smaller groups that are multiples of 37. All other of the 131 multiples of 37 to be found, above, are combinations of the 24 'prime' sets in red.
The sum of the 24 'prime' sets in red is 24309. This factorises palindromically as 3 x 73 x 37 x 3. It also factorises as 3 x 3 x 2701, where 2701 is the value of Genesis 1:1.

Of the 86 possible integers that could have combined by multiplication with 37, a total of 68 produced hits. These covered the full range from 1 - Ju,G = 37 - to 86 - the sum of all names being 3182 = 37 x 86.


08-18-2007, 07:50 PM
MS Breastplate - Addendum to Part Two

The 12 names and numbers of the MS breastplate sum to 3182 = 37 x 86. There is an interesting analogy of these two factors which I found at Frank Colijn's website.

Frank notes that the number 496 is the 3rd perfect number. He then shows that the 496th word of Scripture is the Hebrew word Elohim, meaning 'God', occurring at Genesis 2:5. The name Elohim has a value of 86. Interestingly, Frank then notes that this particular occurrence of the word Elohim - as found at Genesis 2:5 - is the 37th in the biblical record. Therefore we have the 37th appearance of the name Elohim (= 86) occurring at word number 496 (3rd perfect number) of the Bible.

It is perhaps worth noting that the first occurrence of the name Elohim is as the 3rd word of the Bible.


08-30-2007, 03:50 AM
MS Breastplate - Part Three (1)

Up to this point, I have given a statistical overview of the MS breastplate data. Now is a good time to look at it in its details.

First Column

At this stage, it is necessary to take another look at the MS breastplate matrix to remind ourselves of its details:


It will be observed that the first column lines up as:

570To fully appreciate the numerical wonders that follow, some foundational principles need to be laid. The most important of these is the midpoint principle, which is explicated at this link:


Every odd number greater than 1 has a midpoint, a central element. For example, if we have 7 coins lined up on a table, the middle coin will be the 4th coin. This is because 4 is the midpoint of 7. Every midpoint set terminates at its even number root. Thus, the set in question here would increment as: [4 - 7 - 13 - 25 - 49 etc.]. The set goes on indefinitely.

For our purposes, the midpoint set we wish to investigate is that beginning at 10, the base of our numbering system. This set increments accordingly:

[10 - 19 - 37 - 73 - 145 - 289 - 577 etc.]

Comparing this midpoint set to the four values in the first column, we find that the contiguous pairs of numbers in this column sum as:

(a) 259 + 30 = 289 = the 6th term in the midpoint set starting at 10
(b) 30 + 7 = 37 = the 3rd term in the midpoint set starting at 10
(c) 7 + 570 = 577 = the 7th term in the midpoint set starting at 10

Clearly, all three contiguous pairs of numbers in the first column sum to members of the midpoint set starting at 10. This extremely unlikely result is found to be even less a matter of chance when we consider further properties of the numbers in the first column.

The digital sums of the numbers at (a), (b) and (c) are of further interest, supported as they are by a fourth example, wherein the first number and the last number are summed. Here are the details:

(a) 259 + 30 = 289 = 2 + 8 + 9 = 19
(b) 30 + 7 = 37 = 3 + 7 = 10
(c) 7 + 570 = 577 = 5 + 7 + 7 = 19
(d) 259 + 570 = 829 = 8 + 2 + 9 = 19

Again, the contiguous pairs + the additional pair of first and last numbers have digital sums that are part of the midpoint set starting at 10. This is then accentuated by the related nature of these numbers - again as pairs - where the divisors between them are most revealing:

(1) 259 / 7 = 37
(2) 570 / 30 = 19

It seems to be labouring the point somewhat, but yet again members of the midpoint set starting at 10 are revealed through pairing the numbers in the first column. This phenomenon continues as we look at the factorisation of various sums of the four numbers:

(o) 30 + 7 = 37
(p) 259 = 7 x 37
(q) 259 + 30 + 7 = 296 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 37
(r) 259 + 7 = 266 = 2 x 7 x 19
(s) 259 + 7 + 570 = 836 = 2 x 2 x 11 x 19
(t) 570 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 19

The numbers 19 and 37 appear to proliferate from within the four numbers of the first column. This feature finds its fullest expression in the NJ cube, where further mathematical properties relating to these four numbers will be seen to converge. For now, let us explore the reason why the number 10 was chosen as the root number of our midpoint set. The relevant gematrical links are:

Naphtali = 570 = eser = "ten" in Biblical Hebrew
Judah = 30 = deka = "ten" in Biblical Greek

Amazingly, the word for ten in the two original languages in which Scripture was written appears from gematrical cross-referencing of the numbers in the first column. This link verifies this fact:


A review of the data reveals a convergence of numerical phenomena from the first column around the members of the midpoint set starting at 10. This interconnectedness will be seen to find its ultimate expression in the NJ cube. But for now, the following feature from the first column should serve as an appetiser, founded as it is on cubic principles:

(x) 259 + 30 + 7 = 296 = shell of the 8th cube [8^3 - 6^3 = 512 - 216 = 296]
(y) 259 + 30 + 7 + 570 = 866 = shell of the 13th cube [13^3 - 11^3 = 2197 - 1331 = 866]


08-31-2007, 04:35 AM
MS Breastplate - Part Three (2)

In the previous post it was observed that the four numbers of the first column of the MS breastplate ordered themselves around the midpoint set starting at 10. Here, once more, is that first column:

570Let us observe further properties of these numbers.

The numbers 30 and 570 were seen to connect through the divisor 19. They were also observed to be the gematria of the word ten in both Greek - 30 - and Hebrew - 570. Another interesting property of these numbers follows:

tan30 = 0.5773502... and cos30 = 0.8660254...
tan570 = 0.5773502... and cos570 = -0.8660254...

The significant decimals, when amplified by 10^3, reveal the numbers 577 and 866. These are both found contiguously in the first column of the MS breastplate matrix:

7 + 570 = 577
259 + 30 + 7 + 570 = 866

The tangent and cosine values of 30 and 570 relate to the square root of 3. The inverse of the square root of 3 = 0.5773502... , and half the square root of 3 = 0.8660254...

We might therefore use the square root of 3 - sqrt(3) - to divide up the first column:

(a) 259 + 30 = 289, which approx. = sqrt(3) / 6 = 0.2886751... x 10^3
(b) 7 + 570 = 577, which approx. = sqrt(3) / 3 = 0.5773502... x 10^3
(c) 259 + 30 + 7 + 570 = 866, which approx. = sqrt(3) / 2 = 0.8660254... x 10^3

Rounding (a) produces 289, rounding (b) produces 577, and rounding (c) produces 866. These aspects receive their fullest expression in the NJ cube.

A final aspect worth mentioning concerns the sum of the pair 30 and 570 = 600:

tan600 = 1.7320508... = sqrt(3)
30 + 570 = 600 = dekatos, the Greek word for "tenth"

The first column of the MS breastplate contains some extraordinary numerical phenomena. These are highly unlikely to be a matter of chance occurrence, as a deeper look into the MS breastplate will reveal.


09-01-2007, 05:46 PM
MS Breastplate - Part Four

The first column of the MS breastplate was seen to contain features relating to the square root of 3, hereinafter sqrt(3). It transpires that the MS breastplate matrix has several arresting features relating to the sqrt(3), whose value is the infinite string 1.7320508...

House of Leah

The House of Leah consisted of eight sons. Six sons were birth sons, and two sons were surrogates through Leah's handmaiden, Zilpah. Here are the details of their birth order, with Leah's own six sons listed first, followed by the two surrogates:

Reuben [R] = 259
Simeon [S] = 466
Levi [L] = 46
Judah [Ju] = 30
Issachar [i] = 830
Zebulun [Z] = 101
Gad [G] = 7
Asher [A] = 501Summing the numbers of the six natural sons, and then the two surrogates, we get:

259 + 466 + 46 + 30 + 830 + 101 = 1732
7 + 501 = 508

Concatenating these two sums of 1732 and 508, with a 0 digit between them as a breaker, we get the significant eight-digit string:

17320508 = sqrt(3) x 10^7

The first eight digits of the infinite string for the sqrt(3) appear from Leah's house.

Breastplate Symmetry

The MS breastplate grid produces an incrementation of the sqrt(3) by values of one-sixth. This incrementation covers the range from one-sixth up to eleven-sixths. In so doing, a certain symmetry and order is generally maintained visually as the values increment. All values are attained by rounding the sqrt(3) fractions, and then multiplying them by 10^3. In order to follow developments, prior familiarisation with the MS breastplate grid would be helpful:


The sqrt(3) fractions, when rounded, increment as:

1/6 sqrt(3) = 0.2886... = 0.289 = [R,Ju] = 289
2/6 sqrt(3) = 0.5773... = 0.577 = [G,N] = 577
3/6 sqrt(3) = 0.8660... = 0.866 = [R,Ju,G,N] = 866
4/6 sqrt(3) = 1.1547... = 1.155 = [Ju,A,D,N] = 1155
5/6 sqrt(3) = 1.4433... = 1.443 = [S,L,I,Z] = 1443
6/6 sqrt(3) = 1.7320... = 1.732 = [R,S,L,Ju,I,Z] = 1732
7/6 sqrt(3) = 2.0207... = 2.020 = [S,L,I,Z,G,N] = 2020
8/6 sqrt(3) = 2.3094... = 2.309 = [R,S,L,Ju,I,Z,G,N] = 2309
9/6 sqrt(3) = 2.5980... = 2.598 = [S,L,Ju,I,Z,A,D,N] = 2598
10/6 sqrt(3) = 2.886... = 2.886 = [S,L,I,Z,A,D,N,Jo,B] = 2886
11/6 sqrt(3) = 3.175... = 3.175 = [R,S,L,Ju,I,Z,A,D,N,Jo,B] = 3175While these phenomena might not necessarily be intentional, the way in which they figure on the MS breastplate matrix is compelling. They also follow an incrementation process that is seen to be reflective, and which increments as:

289 + 288 + 289 + 289 + 288 + 289 + 288 + 289 + 289 + 288 + 289

289 : 577 : 866 : 1155 : 1443 : 1732 : 2020 : 2309 : 2598 : 2886 : 3175

The sqrt(3) is vital to cubic geometry, being the ratio of a surface edge to the length of the diagonal passing through the nucleus connecting opposing vertices. More of this will be seen when it comes to the analysis of the NJ cube.
