View Full Version : OT Marital Laws (oral)

02-16-2010, 08:46 AM
Mishnah Tractate Ketuvot 5:5
These are the duties which a wife must perform for her husband: grinding flour and baking bread, washing clothes and cooking food, nursing her child, making his bed and working in wool. If she brings one servant with her, she need not grind or bake or wash; if two, she need not cook or nurse her child; if three, she need not make his bed or work in wool; if four, she may sit all day in an easy chair.

Mishnah Tractate Ketuvot 5:6
If a man takes a vow not to have intercourse with his wife, the school of Shammai says: she may consent for two weeks. The school of Hillel says: for one week only. Students may remain away for 30 days without the permission of their wives while they study Torah; laborers, for one week.

'The marital duty' (Exodus 21:10) required by the Torah is: every day for the unoccupied; twice a week for laborers, once a week for donkey drivers, once every thirty days for camel drivers, and once every six months for sailors. ( The foregoing are according to R. Eliezer)

Commentary: The Hebrew word here, each time a week is mentioned, is Shabbot, both because it meant the end of a week and also because intercourse is a Mitzvah on Friday night in order to make the Sabbath joy complete.

It is interesting to note that if a man wished to change his work to one which brought him home less frequently, his wife could prevent him from doing so - unless he elected to become a scholar.

Codger: It seems like they had a rule for everything back then. Actually there were 613 Mitzvah's (Commandments) given in the Torah. Glad we live in the New Covenant day.