08-02-2007, 02:55 PM
Greetings everyone :yo:
After reading on the other thread, Richards mention of the scholastic confusion around parts of Romans, I thought I would share some insights I received the other day as I was listening to Romans on my MP3 "Go Bible".
Romans 8:28-30
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them that are called…. (invited; this word is 'kletos' <2822> it is the same word that is found in Matt 20:16 and Matt 22:14 'For many are 'called', but few are chosen. It means to invite, like invite to a wedding, which is the context its being used in)
according to His purpose,… (what God has set forth; this word is 'prothesis' <2822> it is used in Matt 12:4 referring to the showbread 'how he entered the house of God and ate the 'showbread'...)
for who he did foreknow,… ( has knowledge before hand ;this word is 'proginosko' <4267> it is used in Acts 26:5 'They 'knew' me from the first,…' meaning that from Paul’s youth they knew what manner of man he was )
He also did predestinate…. (determined before hand, this word is 'proorizo' <4309> it is used in Acts 4;28 'to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose 'determined before' to be done.')
to be conformed to the image of His Son,… ( the way He would fashion us; this word is 'summorphos' <4832> it is used once in Phil 3:21 ' who will transform our lowly body that it may be 'conformed' to His glorious body,' ) that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom he did predestinate,… ( determine before hand )
them he also called,… ( bid; this word is 'kaleo' <2564> it is the same word that is found in Matt 22:3 'and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come.' Both call and invited are the same words )
and whom He called, ( bid )
them He also justified,… ( to be made righteous; this word is 'dikaioo' <1344> it is the same word that is found in Rev 22:11 '…he who is 'righteous', let him be 'righteous' still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.' )
and whom he justified,… ( made righteous )
them he also glorified…. ( honored; the word is 'doxazo' <1392> this is the same word used in 1 Cor 12:26 '….if one member is 'honored', all the members rejoice with it.' ).
God invites those that love Him, to partake in the plan He has set forth, and because He has knowledge before hand of what we are going to do, He can determine ahead of time the way He will fashion us to be like the image of Jesus, so that Jesus might have many brethren, making Him the firstborn of us all.
So those who God knows before hand will respond to His invitation to be named brothers of Jesus, by accepting Him as our Savior, He has freed from sin, making us righteous, and those who are made righteous are glorified, which is to be honored by God.
The part that was clarified the most for me, was the understanding of the word call; meaning that God "bids us" or "invites us" to come. The parable of the wedding in Matt 22 is the perfect example of its full meaning.
P.S. thanks to Richards data base it made this a lot easier :thumb:
After reading on the other thread, Richards mention of the scholastic confusion around parts of Romans, I thought I would share some insights I received the other day as I was listening to Romans on my MP3 "Go Bible".
Romans 8:28-30
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them that are called…. (invited; this word is 'kletos' <2822> it is the same word that is found in Matt 20:16 and Matt 22:14 'For many are 'called', but few are chosen. It means to invite, like invite to a wedding, which is the context its being used in)
according to His purpose,… (what God has set forth; this word is 'prothesis' <2822> it is used in Matt 12:4 referring to the showbread 'how he entered the house of God and ate the 'showbread'...)
for who he did foreknow,… ( has knowledge before hand ;this word is 'proginosko' <4267> it is used in Acts 26:5 'They 'knew' me from the first,…' meaning that from Paul’s youth they knew what manner of man he was )
He also did predestinate…. (determined before hand, this word is 'proorizo' <4309> it is used in Acts 4;28 'to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose 'determined before' to be done.')
to be conformed to the image of His Son,… ( the way He would fashion us; this word is 'summorphos' <4832> it is used once in Phil 3:21 ' who will transform our lowly body that it may be 'conformed' to His glorious body,' ) that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom he did predestinate,… ( determine before hand )
them he also called,… ( bid; this word is 'kaleo' <2564> it is the same word that is found in Matt 22:3 'and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come.' Both call and invited are the same words )
and whom He called, ( bid )
them He also justified,… ( to be made righteous; this word is 'dikaioo' <1344> it is the same word that is found in Rev 22:11 '…he who is 'righteous', let him be 'righteous' still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.' )
and whom he justified,… ( made righteous )
them he also glorified…. ( honored; the word is 'doxazo' <1392> this is the same word used in 1 Cor 12:26 '….if one member is 'honored', all the members rejoice with it.' ).
God invites those that love Him, to partake in the plan He has set forth, and because He has knowledge before hand of what we are going to do, He can determine ahead of time the way He will fashion us to be like the image of Jesus, so that Jesus might have many brethren, making Him the firstborn of us all.
So those who God knows before hand will respond to His invitation to be named brothers of Jesus, by accepting Him as our Savior, He has freed from sin, making us righteous, and those who are made righteous are glorified, which is to be honored by God.
The part that was clarified the most for me, was the understanding of the word call; meaning that God "bids us" or "invites us" to come. The parable of the wedding in Matt 22 is the perfect example of its full meaning.
P.S. thanks to Richards data base it made this a lot easier :thumb: