View Full Version : Four corners of the earth
What is meant by Four corners of the earth? Obviously, it means the extreme ends of the earth. The Romans in the 1st century certainly knew about the existence of other countries such as India and China. That's where they got their silk, porcelain and elephants from. India and China probably meant to the Romans as the corners of the earth. I read an artical in the internet which clearly explains about the 4 corners of the earth:
Perhaps no phrase in Scripture has been so controversial as the phrase, "the four corners of the earth." The word translated 'corners,' as in the phrase above, is the Hebrew word, KANAPH. Kanaph is translated in a variety of ways. However, it generally means extremity.
It is translated 'borders' in Numbers 15:38. In Ezekiel 7:2 it is translated 'four corners' and again in Isaiah 11:12 'four corners.' Job 37:3 and 38:13 as 'ends.'
The Greek equivalent in Revelation 7:1 is gonia. The Greek meaning is perhaps more closely related to our modern divisions known as quadrants. Gonia literally means angles, or divisions. It is customary to divide a map into quadrants as shown by the four directions.
Some have tried to ridicule the Bible to say that it teaches that the earth is square. The Scripture makes it quite clear that the earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22).
Some have tried to say there are four knobs, or peaks on a round earth. Regardless of the various ways kanaph is translated, it makes reference to EXTREMITIES.
There are many ways in which God the Holy Spirit could have said corner. Any of the following Hebrew words could have been used:
Pinoh is used in reference to the cornerstone.
Paioh means 'a geometric corner'
Ziovyoh means 'right angle' or 'corner'
Krnouth refers to a projecting corner.
Paamouth - If the Lord wanted to convey the idea of a square, four-cornered earth, the Hebrew word paamouth could have been used. Paamouth means square.
Instead, the Holy Spirit selected the word kanaph, conveying the idea of extremity.
It is doubtful that any religious Jew would ever misunderstand the true meaning of kanaph. For nearly 2,000 years, religious Jews have faced the city of Jerusalem three times daily and chanted the following prayer:
Sound the great trumpet for our freedom,
Raise the banner for gathering our exiles,
And gather us together from THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH
into our own land.
The Book of Isaiah describes how the Messiah, the Root of Jesse, shall regather his people from the four corners of the earth. They shall come from every extremity to be gathered into Israel.
"And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse,
Who shall stand as a banner to the people;
For the Gentiles shall seek Him,
And His resting place shall be glorious."
It shall come to pass in that day
That the LORD shall set His hand again the second time
To recover the remnant of His people who are left,
From Assyria and Egypt,
From Pathros and Cush,
From Elam and Shinar,
From Hamath and the islands of the sea.
He will set up a banner for the nations,
And will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
And gather together the dispersed of Judah
(Isaiah 11:10-12, New King James Version)
Note also when the Lord comes again, he will sent his angels to gather the elect from the four corners of the earth i.e. the ends of the earth:
Acts 10:11
He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
Revelation 7:1
[ 144,000 Sealed ] After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.
Revelation 20:8
and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.
Many Blessings.
Richard Amiel McGough
01-19-2010, 02:02 PM
What is meant by Four corners of the earth? Obviously, it means the extreme ends of the earth. The Romans in the 1st century certainly knew about the existence of other countries such as India and China. That's where they got their silk, porcelain and elephants from. India and China probably meant to the Romans as the corners of the earth. I read an artical in the internet which clearly explains about the 4 corners of the earth:
Perhaps no phrase in Scripture has been so controversial as the phrase, "the four corners of the earth." The word translated “corners,” as in the phrase above, is the Hebrew word, KANAPH. Kanaph is translated in a variety of ways. However, it generally means extremity.
It is translated “borders” in Numbers 15:38. In Ezekiel 7:2 it is translated “four corners” and again in Isaiah 11:12 “four corners.” Job 37:3 and 38:13 as “ends.”
The Greek equivalent in Revelation 7:1 is gonia. The Greek meaning is perhaps more closely related to our modern divisions known as quadrants. Gonia literally means angles, or divisions. It is customary to divide a map into quadrants as shown by the four directions.
Some have tried to ridicule the Bible to say that it teaches that the earth is square. The Scripture makes it quite clear that the earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22).
Some have tried to say there are four knobs, or peaks on a round earth. Regardless of the various ways kanaph is translated, it makes reference to EXTREMITIES.
There are many ways in which God the Holy Spirit could have said corner. Any of the following Hebrew words could have been used:
Pinoh is used in reference to the cornerstone.
Paioh means “a geometric corner”
Ziovyoh means “right angle” or “corner”
Krnouth refers to a projecting corner.
Paamouth - If the Lord wanted to convey the idea of a square, four-cornered earth, the Hebrew word paamouth could have been used. Paamouth means square.
Instead, the Holy Spirit selected the word kanaph, conveying the idea of extremity.
It is doubtful that any religious Jew would ever misunderstand the true meaning of kanaph. For nearly 2,000 years, religious Jews have faced the city of Jerusalem three times daily and chanted the following prayer:
Sound the great trumpet for our freedom,
Raise the banner for gathering our exiles,
And gather us together from THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH
into our own land.
The Book of Isaiah describes how the Messiah, the Root of Jesse, shall regather his people from the four corners of the earth. They shall come from every extremity to be gathered into Israel.
"And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse,
Who shall stand as a banner to the people;
For the Gentiles shall seek Him,
And His resting place shall be glorious."
It shall come to pass in that day
That the LORD shall set His hand again the second time
To recover the remnant of His people who are left,
From Assyria and Egypt,
From Pathros and Cush,
From Elam and Shinar,
From Hamath and the islands of the sea.
He will set up a banner for the nations,
And will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
And gather together the dispersed of Judah
(Isaiah 11:10-12, New King James Version)
Note also when the Lord comes again, he will sent his angels to gather the elect from the four corners of the earth i.e. the ends of the earth:
Acts 10:11
He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
Revelation 7:1
[ 144,000 Sealed ] After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.
Revelation 20:8
and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.
Many Blessings.
Hi Cheow! :yo:
Thanks for the info - it is very helpful. It is hard to believe that some folks stumble over the "four corners" as if folks thought that the earth was a big square! It's just like when modern folks speak of the "four points" of the compass. We don't think the earth is square.
But I would add my view (which you know is different than yours concerning the "coming" of the Lord). As I see it, the Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost when Jews from "every nation under heaven" came to Jerusalem and were filled with the Holy Spirit. It is especially amazing to see that many of the nations mentioned by Isaiah in his prophecy are also mentioned in the Book of Acts! And those literal first century Jews were the firstfruits of the 144,000 Jews sealed with the "seal of God" (the Holy Spirit) in Revelation 7!Just as 12,000 (= 12 x 1000) members from each tribe of Israel were sealed in Revelation 7, so there were devout Jews "from every nation under heaven" at Pentecost when the 120 (= 12 x 10) were sealed with the Holy Spirit. And later that same day about 3000 (= 12 x 25) of those Jews that had been gathered from the "four corners of the earth" were saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit and added to the Church. Thus, about two percent of the 144,000 (if that is meant as a literal count) were saved on the day of Pentecost. Their number swelled to 5000 by Acts 4:4 and by Acts 21:20 we read of "how many thousands of Jews there are which believe."
The very specific list of the twelve tribes sealed in Revelation 7 recalls the very specific list of nations from which the Jews came to the Feast of Pentecost:
Acts 2:5-12 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?
This passage from Acts lists sixteen nations, three of which Peter named when he addressed his first epistle to the "strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia." Likewise, James addressed his epistle to the "twelve tribes which are scattered abroad." This parallel with the very specific list of names of the twelve tribes suggests that God gathered the remnant of the ten "lost" tribes of the house of Israel and joined them to the house of Judah in Messiah Jesus at Pentecost, and thereby fulfilled all the prophecies that predicted their future reunion. Thus, the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31 = Hebrews 8:8 speaks of the two houses reunited as one people in one covenant which is the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, and this links to the prophecy of Isaiah 11 which reveals that the Gentiles too will be included:
Isaiah 11:9-12 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse [Jesus Christ], which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. 11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. 12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
The "first time" God regathered His people was after the Babylonian exile. The "second time" was at Pentecost. We know Isaiah 11 is speaking of the Gospel because it speaks of the "root of Jesse [Jesus Christ] and the inclusion of the Gentiles. It is particularly intriguing that there is an overlap in the nations listed in Acts 2 and Isaiah 11. They are the only two passages in the entire Bible that mention both Egypt and Elam, and the other names are variations describing the four quarters surrounding Jerusalem. John Sawyer noted that "One can also recognize in the list references to the 'four corners of the earth' (v. 12): Hamath - North, Egypt - South, Elam and Shinar - East, 'the coastlands of the sea' - West." (Volume 1. The Daily study Bible series, pg. 125). This theme of "gathering" links to the prophecy spoken by Caiaphas in John 11:
John 11:51-53 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; 52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. 53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.
Many blessings in Christ,
I would agree that the four corners of the earth in the ancient world meant the 4 extremes of the earth. The earth at that time was thought to be a vast continent with some islands around it and surrounded by vast oceans and seas. They did not know what lies beyond the vast oceans and seas as no one had ventured and returned to tell them. If we look at the map of the world, there is indeed a vast land mass joined together...the continent of Asia, Africa and Europe separated by vast seas and oceans. The four corners probably meant the edges where this land mass meet with the seas and oceans such as Spain, Cape of Good Hope, the tip of India and Korea. Therefore, when the BIble said the four corners of the earth, it probably meant the known land edges (at that time) where this land mass meet the vast oceans and the seas.
This is an old map which probably shows what the four corners of the earth looked like in the minds of the people of the 1st century:
Many Blessings.
Mad Mick
01-22-2010, 02:11 PM
Cheow, I came across a study back in '96 highlighting Isaiah 19:19 which briefly talks about a monument at the centre of Egypt (border Nth/Sth) which is an alter, sign and witness to the Lord. This of course is none other than the Great Pyramid of Khufu/Cheops. This is the Crown Jewel central to your study. Lets look at some of the stats. Its base is 13 acres, the bottom edge curves inwards only slightly, I think it was 150mm (6") in the centre between corners which coincided with the curvature of the Earth. The whole complex faces either true or magnetic Nth. Internally was designed to pump water by lighting a series of fires at the top of the main cathedral which utilizing a most clever system of air tight non return doors combined with the generated internal pressures of the three main chambers meant that a constant flow of water would gush out of the two 8"x6" holes emanating from the Kings Chamber and come out at approx. 3/4 of the way up either side of the pyramid, of which Pyre means Fire and amid refers to its original meaning Central. But we're just getting warmed up, you see if you took a Longitudinal line traveling true North/South and Latitudinal line traveling due East/West and they criss crossed at Khufu you would happen to have an exact division of the Earths land mass above sea level into 4 perfect Quarters. The weird thing is that a study done claims that the steps inside this pyramid account for some form of Biblical Chronology where one step equals one year, they claim that changes in the passage way coincided with historic changes. Evidently the steps cease to climb after the year 2000 in which after a short horizontal passage leading to the Kings chamber, at the centre the shaft continues vertically for some distance. So why would God tell Isaiah that this monument was a witness if the message was not somehow written in stone. But now here comes the juicy part. When spheres stack they make a tetrahedral pattern. The space in the centre of 4 tetrahedrons happens to make the octahedron or 2 pyramids base to base. This similar pattern is found in the carbon atomic array of diamonds, one of the strongest natural substances known to man. If you were to separate 4 Angels equidistantly across the globe they would mimic the root geometric design of this pyramid. Now according to Ezekiel chapters 1 & 10, surrounding Gods throne are 4 Seraphim each 4 faces and 4 wings, who happen to have these strange whirling wheels where each wheel is a series of 4 intersecting wheels. When you look at tetrahedral frame a strange polygon appears with 14 sides: 3 squares on the top hemisphere and 3 on the bottom a total of 6 squares touching one another at the corners. Positioned between the squares are 8 equilateral triangles, 4 on the top hemisphere and 4 on the bottom. Well this Polygon is actually a series of 4 hexagonal shaped wheels intersecting one another with six spokes dividing six triangles on the plane of each wheel. Because of the nature of the wheels intersecting, spokes are shared between the wheels, where there are a total of 12 spokes emanating from the centre to the outer shell and the outer shell consists of 24 edges or straight lines. Interestingly the rims of the seraphim's wheels had eyes all around them but most important in chapter 10 God commands the seraphim to take a burning hot coal from within the wheel, another similarity with the "Fire Within" and the "Pyr-Amid." This relationship between the:
4 Seraphim and the 4 wheels with the
4 Angels holding back the 4 winds with the
4 Earth divisions centered over the 4 sided pyramid deeply rooted in
tetrahedral Geometry which tie in these 24 individual identities both
physically and spiritually has to my mind not been identified before, it
came to me as a revelation tonight through years of research coupled with
the challenge you gave me Cheow which was based on the desire God put
in your heart to search out these 4 winds and the Angels controlling them.
Thank you Cheow.
Now to get to the even stranger stuff which is directed more for Richard, for as I'd mentioned earlier with Grasshopper (Unreg'd Guest) certain things I mentioned needed to be clarified, rather than place it in the guest chamber I figured I'd wait for the opportune time so that valid points may accompany the relevant Information.
The strange thing about this whole exercise is this. Remember when God instructed how to build an alter in the wilderness, he said to take 12 unhewn stones and make a pile out of them. I didn't realize what that meant until about '92 when I began to research phenomenal occurrences revolving around Geometry.
(I get deep into this subject in my book yet I'll simplify it for I'm still accumulating a lot of data and I've taken the initiative of using these forums be they Biblical, academic or crop circle based, spiritual, secular or occult, if the information is there if only but to trigger my memory I'll go there. For my challenge is Unified Theory. You've heard the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water," well my motto is "Throw nothing out; everything is relevant!")
Well anyway while studying Golden Ratios I began to notice how certain buildings would attract more lightning behavior, or how certain rooms would resonate while others were stone cold on a blistering day and others still seemed to attract ghosts or even worse cause death. I took more attention to the design God gave Noah, Moses, Ezekiel and John and began to notice certain things like, what happens when you cut a stone, well first came to mind a piece of glass when cut into an ellipse, it magnifies light, at different angles it can separate, others can reflect and still others absorb. well what happens with granite. What if it's cut in a certain way that could attract higher undetected frequencies, like spirits. What if its gravity was altered via some strange sound and the whole wall lifted for a few seconds then dropped. What if a round room with a domed or conical roof or turret was in place, or what if a simple thing such as a pentagram was drawn, will it accumulate an abnormal amount of energy. Well to answer without getting into the extrapolated scientific processes, to all the above is Yes. I realized there was a very good reason God gave us proportions and if you think the pyramids are something, go check out the 60 km long tetrahedral structure off the coast of bermuda and then tell me there's nothing behind Geometry. My suspicion is that the civilization at the time foresaw prophesied a small planetoid and built the massive tetrahedron to deflect it which in turn sunk it into the ground. The phenomena surrounding the area is synonymous with the technology of crystal production found and the possible outcomes of such technology. The massive roads lead straight to the vicinity which are still visible under water which logistically would have been large enough for the population to carry out such a momentous task. If there was ever a tower of Babel or Atlantis this is definitely it. So as time progressed this technology as powerful as it was, stayed in the dark and drew a great mystery around it. Many groups slowly died out or amalgamated until we've basically been left with one obscure group known as the Free Masons of who now no longer heavily rely on the secrets of the past, since modern technology has basically surpassed the old technology. Where as far as spiritual activity is concerned no doubt the Influence is still there, the only difference is the majority of the members would fall in the range of skepticism giving the leaders free rein to usher any spiritual development they choose. The most unfortunate development to come out of the 20th century pretty much went unnoticed, and I'll finish with this.
During the early nineties I used to subscribe to the Australian and New Zealand Physicist, well the Oct.'93 edition Vol.30 No.10 on page 257, shows a very interesting experiment. What they did was get a sub-straight of Nickel approx. 50x100 atoms wide and they proceeded to fire a single Nickel atom at 1keV to impact the sub-straight in the middle of the top edge, to view the super sonic shock-wave effect it would make. Their instrumentation produced the array of atoms in a photo covering 1/3rd of the page. The individual atoms were clearly visible approx. 2mm spaced with a diameter of 1mm. the crystalline structure was typically tetrahedral. What they managed to detect was all the atoms which had an increased kinetic energy level less than 0.2 eV were coloured white and all the atoms greater than 0.2 eV were coloured grey. The interesting thing was that the highlighted white atoms of lower energy made an image of the lower part of a pentagram ie. The colder energy travelled along these age old occult lines.
What immediately began to alarm me was the reason or sole purpose for these experiments. Well naturally it had to have been high profile, but never would I have imagined the level. First off these were the partners, The 4 central Universities of Sydney: Sydney, UTS. UNSW. and Macquarie and of industry, Silicone Graphics, Cray Research and the Aust.Nat.Sci.Tec.Org. ANSTO Dept. of Super Computing. Thats right, in the world today "LIVES" a super computer which is separated into two halves, one in Brussels and the other here in Sydney. Both are made up of a hybrid mixture of living tissue and synthetic super tiny neurons which just happen to allow super cold low vibrating Demonic spirits free reign over the Worlds most powerful and protected living thing on the face of this Earth. This computer is basically invincible and yes, it's ALIVE! and has been for at least 15 years.
Getting back to Earth, no I'm not alienated by everything 13. You have to understand the order of things, our very living tissue has these ratio's incorporated, yet you have to understand, in certain combinations it becomes sublime; multiplied can become potent, the worst thing is that to play with these numbers without understanding them, can become lethal and lead to self annihilation. On the other hand once you know it you cannot avoid seeing constant signs of death and destruction all around you. This then becomes "A no win situation," Stuck between a rock and hard place, "Catch 22." Richard I know the occult, I'm related to Mad Vlad the Impaler, I'm six times removed from Tesla and my Parents are Serbs who come from the region of Lika (Mountainous region between Serbia and Croatia), that would make me a cross between Dracula, Frankenstein and a Were Wolf (Lychan). Seriously though, when I was 19 the Astrologers said I had potential to lead in world class Astrology/Numerology. Just before I turned my back on the occult round '85 I was twenty, I was going out to night clubs and randomly guessing girls birth dates, to the day! I tell you some people I'd freak out, they'd think I was some kind of stalker or scam artist. You see I'm a typical Aquarian, always pigeon holing (categorizing people), was highly social and over sexed, which gave me the drive to want to know; but as I matured I began to get back into the real spiritualism of God, which I kind of lost during my high school years, it's only now at the age of 44 (soon on the 4th I'll be 45), that I'm beginning to lead properly. So Mark my words, I realize you've been doing this for a while, and this is all pretty much old hat to you but I've noticed you've slipped up on a few issues (which most people are oblivious to) and reckon this challenge will do us both good. Don't worry, if I have to get personal I'll mail you direct.
Hello Mad Mick :yo:
First off I like to give you a big warm welcome our Forum....:welcome: (I'm Richards wife :D) It's always a pleasure to have new folk to converse with.
Hoping that you won't take offense, but if you could shorten the length of your individual posts, and maybe break them up a bit into say two or three posts instead of one, it would be very helpful to the reader.
You have presented a lot of very interesting information, but it tends to get all jumbled up if there are not proper breaks in the formatting of the texts. From what I gather you are writing a book on the "Unified theory", am I correct? Maybe you could present information about your book in a thread all its own...that would be very helpful.
Again welcome to our Forum,
God Bless,
In the ancient days, people thought the earth was flat and all the planets and stars, moon and sun revolves round the earth. That's why ancient China was also known as the Central/Middle Kingdom because the Chinese thought that everything in the sky revolved around China. People then see the earth having corners like a plate and if one ventures to the corners of the earth, he will fall into the "bottomless pit". They believe the earth was supported by "elephants". They also believe that the "four winds" came from the four corners of the earth. Therefore, to me, the "four corners of the earth", the "four winds" all mean the whole planet earth or all over the earth.
Many Blessings
I saw from internet the definition of four corners of the earth:
All parts of the Earth.
From the Bible, Isaiah 11-12 (King James Version):
And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
& Revelation 7-1:
And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
The reference to four corners does not imply that the writers of these texts believed that the Earth was flat (although they may well have done). the seconed citation above suggests more that the four corners were the four compass points.
Many Blessings.
Richard Amiel McGough
01-24-2010, 01:12 PM
I saw from internet the definition of four corners of the earth:
All parts of the Earth.
From the Bible, Isaiah 11-12 (King James Version):
And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
& Revelation 7-1:
And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
The reference to four corners does not imply that the writers of these texts believed that the Earth was flat (although they may well have done). the seconed citation above suggests more that the four corners were the four compass points.
Many Blessings.
It is true that "four corners of the earth" means "all parts of the earth" - but was does "earth" mean? The word used in Isaiah 11:12 is eretz which usually means LAND, not "planet earth." This is made explicit in some passages, for example:
Ezekiel 7:2 Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land [eretz] of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land [eretz].
Here we see that the "four corners of the land" speaks specifically of the entirety of the land of Israel. The "four corners of the eretz" means "all the eretz," i.e. "all the land" (of Israel and/or surrounding nations).
Is there anything in those passages that suggest they are meant to include China, Alaska, and the Philippines? We have solid Biblical proof that the four corners of the eretz refers to Israel. Do you have any Biblical proof that it ever refers to the entirety of planet Earth?
Mad Mick
01-24-2010, 06:10 PM
To recap on my last post, spheres or balls stack in the shape of a tetrahedron ie. like billiard balls. From 1 ball in the first level it progresses to 4 in the second. Four corners of the world refers to this primary or most basic of all geometric shapes in the second level. This profound statement claims that the world is round. It also numerically links to the 6 groups of 4's.
Cheow study Isaiah 19:19 and go back over the the first section I wrote for you. To my knowledge no one has ever linked this particular group of 4's before me. In other words Cheow, you may be the first man on Earth to read this information since they built the pyramids. This is completely new!
Im sharing it with you for the first time.
Thanks Rose for the welcome, blessing and guidance, it's great to see this husband and wife team working together, Mariana and I have been married for seven years and are just starting to receive the fruits of this one flesh phenomena. May God continue to bless you guys in ever increasing abundances of joy, health, wealth and most of all Love, in Jesus' name, amen.
ps. I'll try to keep it short and sweet, later on in the year I'll have my site
updated and would like to post links to this site, if
thats ok. with you. I'll mail Richard before then for permission
that way you'll have ample time to get acquainted with us and our
Richard, as I discovered your Creation Hyp. Hol. extended Gen & John, I noticed the triangulated numerical pattern. This is the billiard ball pattern I was explaining to Cheow. I'm not sure if your familiar cause at school they tend to skip the important stuff but there are the three basic derivatives of the squares, they are
n² 1x1, 2x2, 3x3... ,
The accumulation of n[2n-1] (or the odd sequence) 1+3+5+7... and
Any two neighboring triangle numbers n[(n+1)/2] 1+2+3+4?1,3,6,10..112
This latter group is strangely fundamental when applying the times table to the grid all the formulas are represented. These triangle numbers and grid pattern are what I based the Progressive Periodic Table of the Elements on. You have found the missing link I needed to complete the trinity of numerical/geometical with the alphabetical ie. The three forms we communicate are: WORD, SHAPE & NUMBER where the 4th expression is
My theory could not be complete without the years of work people like Panin and yourself have put in for now by being drawn to your site, Holy Spirit has revealed to me the direct relationship/string (or thread as is most commonly used around here) between Gods Word, the Creation (all matter) Mathematical Law and the Geometric Form of the Periodic Table I've designed.
Richard, In other words I've just found the first inter-expressional thread of the Theory of Everything! Which I was inspired to call 'The GOOD Theory,' or 'The Geometric Organization Of Dimension Theory.' The application of this theory is called,
This thing has taken off like a rocket, the developmental dynamic is constantly evolving at an incredibly noticeable, increasing exponential, ever since I embarked on this book and research 5 months ago, which just so happened to coincide with my decision to quit smoking.
I feel weirdly silent. I've just had a forecasted vision or thought of the future, it was both incredible and grim! I should be ecstatic, but I'm wise enough to realize I'm in the calm before a very, very big storm! You know what this means don't you? The post I placed on sound, if we gained access to this super cray, within 5 to 10 years (no later than 20) the materialization of matter by command could be achieved.
The Genesis Machine.
(The Word GOOD appears during the creation seven times)
It is true that "four corners of the earth" means "all parts of the earth" - but was does "earth" mean? The word used in Isaiah 11:12 is eretz which usually means LAND, not "planet earth." This is made explicit in some passages, for example:
Ezekiel 7:2 Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land [eretz] of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land [eretz].
Here we see that the "four corners of the land" speaks specifically of the entirety of the land of Israel. The "four corners of the eretz" means "all the eretz," i.e. "all the land" (of Israel and/or surrounding nations).
Is there anything in those passages that suggest they are meant to include China, Alaska, and the Philippines? We have solid Biblical proof that the four corners of the eretz refers to Israel. Do you have any Biblical proof that it ever refers to the entirety of planet Earth?
I have looked into maps of the ancient world so as to get an understanding of what ancient people think of the world. Obviously it was not about the land of Israel. The four corners refers to the extreme ends of the world. There is also a Roman map of the world. So obviously when people in the first century living in the Roman Empire talked about the world, they probably refers to the regions found in the Roman map of the world. They probably have in their mind-eye the map of the Roman world. There are also the 4 frames of the Greek maps of the world, so when the ancient Greek talked about the world, they were probably talking of one of the ancient map of the Greek world in their mind.
Map of the Roman map of the world:
Maps of the 4 frames of the Greek world:
So what do you think it was meant by the 4 corners of the world? Obviously, the ancient people were smarter than we think in regards to the meaning of the world
Maps of the world from BC 6200 to AD 400:
Many Blessings.
Richard Amiel McGough
03-18-2010, 11:18 AM
I have looked into maps of the ancient world so as to get an understanding of what ancient people think of the world. Obviously it was not about the land of Israel. The four corners refers to the extreme ends of the world.
Well, that's a pretty big "duh!" The Romans did not consider "Israel" to be the world.
But we are not talking about what the "Romans" thought - we are talking about the meaning of "world" in the Bible. As far as I can tell, the evidence is perfectly clear. Luke said that "the whole world" was taxed so we know what he was talking about.
That pretty much settles it, doesn't it? The Scriptures talking about tribulation in the "whole world" are not talking about tribulation in "the whole globe of planet earth." I don't see why there should be any confusion or disagreement about such an obvious point of fact.
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