View Full Version : A match made in heaven

01-10-2010, 03:43 PM
Since the folks on this Forum have truly become part of Richard and my family I thought you might enjoy a very brief overview of how I came to be involved in the work of the Bible Wheel, and Richard’s wife.

I first met Richard back in the early 80’s, he being the best friend of my brother Robin, who was in college (both of them had Math/Physics majors) at the time. I saw him occasionally over a period of a few years when he would come to my house with my brother to visit. In 1985 my brother went on to another college that was out of state to finish his degree and lost contact Richard. Richard was not to enter my life again till almost 17 years later, after having looked up my brother Robin (who lives in PA, and is a professor at Messiah College) on the Internet. They soon set up a reunion that took place in the summer of 2001, at a time when Robin would be out at my house for a summer visit since Richard was living in Seattle which was only 2 ½ hours from where I lived. At that reunion I got my first hint of Richard’s discovery (of the Bible Wheel), when I overheard Robin talking with him about “probabilities of something like this happening by chance were one in multiple millions.”

It wasn’t until the following year 2002 when Robin came out to my house again, this time for Easter and asked if Richard could come also that I found out the magnitude of his work, and our relationship started. He began to share with me what he had discovered hidden within the pages of the Bible. His explanations of connections between Hebrew letters and books of the Bible sparked my interest, since I had briefly studied Hebrew many years before, I being interested in the original language of the Bible. He started showing me how when the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (found as an acrostic in Psalm 119 and other Psalms) are formed into a circle, with the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments rolled up like a scroll on them, forming three cycles and 22 Spokes, with three books on each spoke, that amazing connections became apparent. When the Bible is laid out in this way, books on the same spoke start having very obvious thematic and “KeyLink” word connections.

Our relationship continued to grow (We would commute back and forth between Seattle and Yakima on weekends), as did my interest in this amazing design that had been hidden in scripture since its beginning. Its like God placed his seal in the Bible by integrating it as a pattern composed of the very order of the Books, and only when the Bible is rolled up like a scroll does the image God’s seal emerge.

I became connected to Richard’s work in a very surprising way about 5 months into our relationship. As I was working one day in September of 2002 and thinking about what I could get Richard for Christmas, the idea of having a “Stain Glass” representation of the Bible Wheel made came to mind. I knew of someone who did Stain Glass, but thought how could I possibly tell anyone how to design this piece of art when I didn’t know how it should look myself. So the only option left for me was to learn the art of Stain Glass. I called up an Art Shoppe in town where they do Stain Glass….they happened to be offering classes in beginning Stain Glass, so I promptly signed up and began my journey into learning a new skill. As I mastered the technique of glass cutting I was still pondering on how to design the Wheel and what colors to use. Then one day as I was looking at a Jewish calendar on my wall, I noticed the colors on a picture of a prayer shawl, and felt led to look in the book of Exodus 28:2-6 where it speaks of the colors God said were to be used for the temple garments of the priests. I knew then that these were the colors that I needed to use, though still pondering on how to arrange them….that too came in time.

The picture on the cover of Richard’s book is the original Stain Glass Bible Wheel which I finished on 12-05-2002, in time for Christmas. With the completion of the Stain Glass Wheel a new fuller image of the Wheel was taking shape, a flawless symmetrical design emerges representing the very icon of the Christian faith it represents “the Tri Radiant Halo”, which has been embedded in Christian art since its beginning; and that being the very symbol that emerges from its pages.

The more I learned of and studied the Bible Wheel the more intriguing its pattern became. It contains in its order what you might call the time tables of history, starting at Genesis and progressing around the Wheel counterclockwise with remarkable correlations between major events in history and the meanings of the corresponding Hebrew letters with the books of the Bible on each spoke start to become very apparent.

Richard and I were married 11-29-03, and in the words of my brother Robin it was “a match made in heaven”. I continue to be blessed daily with new insights into the Bible Wheel, what I call God’s “blueprint of His Word”. In the same way as each of us has our own unique genetic blueprint, which identifies us as being the son or daughter of specific parents; holds true for God’s “fingerprint” or “seal” that is indelibly marked upon and integrated into His Word. It is proof that God alone is the author of the Bible and works through us “His creations” to carry out His plan. God has put his “fingerprint” into His Word as to leave no doubt that the Bible is truly His Word.

Words can barely describe the wonder I have felt on a daily basis at the glory of our God and how He has laid out before us this fullness in the pages of His living Word. How He has interwoven His seal into scripture to be revealed at this time in the form of His fearfully and wonderfully made Wheel, and most significantly that God has allowed me to be a part of this revealing…. my heartfelt desire is for others to experience this revelation too.


01-13-2010, 06:30 AM
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with all of us, Rose.
I just wanted to thank you both, on behalf of the Body of Christ, for this site. I have used the data base almost every day, since Richard first put it on-line, and I believe I can safely say that it has been a tool God has used, probably more than any other, with the exception of the Bible itself, in this century and one which has blessed us exceedingly.
A heart felt THANK YOU to you both, for your obedience, dedication and hard work. May you both continue to be blessed with the Revelation of Jesus Christ and in every area of your life...In His Mighty Name,

01-13-2010, 07:28 AM
Rose, thank you for sharing that wonderful story with us.

You and Richard are such a blessing to us, and the Bible Wheel is a gift from God through you to us, and beyond.

We are also blessed that you would consider us family. The love goes both ways as you are also a part of our family as well.

I join Kathryn in testifying as to the daily "bread" I receive from the Wheel. As I have mentioned somewhere else, a Bible study group of which I am a part uses the Wheel's database in our weekly study.

I wanted to link you with an article which I recently discovered on a site that is managed by Greg Killian, who lives in your home state.......he resides in Lacy, WA. The article is; http://www.betemunah.org/three.html.

The number three as applied to the Wheel ties the three circles together.

Grace and peace be multiplied to you,
