View Full Version : God's existence is PROVEN encoded in AKJV Bible: English Gematria!
Bible Wheel,
As we believers all know, God does truly exist, but the non-believer requires proof. Our GOD, who originated outside of time, has indeed inspired men to pen the very proof of His existence. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is indisputable conclusive proof, hidden deep within the text.
Download and read the book called 'Holy City Bible Code' from my website called by the same name http:/ This book deals with anomalies in the King James Bible that can be used as conclusive prove that God exists. English Gematria is but one of the many points.
English Gematria is a very useful tool, helping to expose these proofs, using a very simple method of assigning numerical values where letters of English alphabet correspond to numbers according to their alphabetical order. This means corresponding letters and numbers are as follows: 'A=one', 'B=two', etc. Examples of its use are as follows…
So therefore, 'Jesus', J=10 + E=5 + S=19 + U=21 + S=19 total 74. Other examples attributed to the gospel of Jesus Christ are 'gospel', 'cross' and 'messiah' also each total 74.
Another example is 'YHVH' (God’s Holy Name), 'Divine', 'Deity', and 'The Bible' all total 63.
This is no mere coincidence; matter of fact the Hebrew language has NO word for 'coincidence'! Because of this, they don’t believe there are such things as coincidences just divine intervention. These examples, to some, may be just conjecture yet to others provocative, but in either case should at least cause one to think that there could be something to English Gematria and the existence of God. (FYI, another astonishing fact both words, 'English' and 'Gematria' just happen to total 74 as well!)
Some people go off on English Gematria and try to match phrases to numbers looking for word combinations that match yet do not edify (or build up) just to try to prove that God or more exactly, English Gematria is nothing more than 'hogwash'. The more words that are strung together, the more it can be manipulated. Therefore single words that have the same total have the most impact and are harder to debunk.
I have had communication with some and have read other places where skeptics trying to debunk English Gematria, will use phrases like 'my a**' and say it totals 77 and then say that this also matches the significant word total such as 'CHRIST'=77. This type of abuse proves nothing, but merely shows how desperate some people are in trying to debunk the Word of God and English Gematria.
People that try to disprove God’s existence and those going off on tangents with English Gematria is nothing more than a distraction away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity believes English Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core. Using established Biblical phrases is one way to reach out to mainstream Christianity with this powerful information.
One particular number (the number 151) offers the idea of God as a trinity. Locked into the English language are ideas about God, needing only Gematria (or 'The God Numbers'=151) to verify. Such as 'The LORD JEHOVAH', 'Jesus Christ' and 'Holy Spirit' which all total 151.
People have in the past patterned English Gematria to match both the Hebrew and Greek use of Gematria. That would mean A-J’s allocations would remain as 1-10, but then changes occur after 10, that would make J=10, K=20, L=30, additional changes also occur after the 90 mark, S=90, T=100, U=200 through Z=800. Yet another method used for English Gematria is an x6 variant (which I talk about in the book), that would make A=6, B=12 through Z=156, but neither of these methods line up with the Hebrew.
Examples of how English Gematria connects to Hebrew Gematria
Quite remarkable how Gematria even crosses language barriers. The Hebrew word for Passover 'פסח' (148) matches the words 'The Passover' in English. Probably the most important of these examples is how 'GOD The Father' (117) matches precisely who He is in Hebrew 'יהוה האלהים' (JEHOVAH GOD).
117= יהוה האלהים
26= יהוה
The Passover=148
God the father=117
We say 'GOD' in our prayers, but GOD’s Name in Hebrew is 'יהוה'; it just so happens that both these words share the same Gematria total of 26!
We’ve established: 'Jesus Christ', 'Holy Spirit', and 'The LORD JEHOVAH' all total 151. The AKJV Bible uses the phrase: 'LORD of Hosts'=151, which constitute the Trinity idea in one simple phrase.
There are THREE main feasts that are written in the Bible, they are…
1)The Passover=148
3)Feast of Booths=151
These special numbers that are linked to the feasts all have great significance, which I write about in great detail in 'Holy City Bible Code'.
It seems that a common mistake that people (in general) make is they go about trying to establish the truth according to their perception. However, 'The truth' simply IS, and all that’s needed is for it to be discovered or reveled. It takes God (or in more term the [Holy Spirit=151]) to give people the ability to believe the truth.
Pointing people to their creator and helping them to 'communicate'=117 with 'GOD The Father'=117 is my main goal in writing 'Holy City bible Code'. This is my way to help illustrate through a preponderance of circumstantial evidence that GOD or YHVH does indeed exist.
If a person takes the time to evaluate the evidence, all doubts should be removed. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is indisputable conclusive proof that GOD, which originated outside of time has indeed, revealed to mankind his existence through the hand of man, which can now be proven.
Read how Jesus was numbered with the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12), and how it relates directly to Greek Gematria (Chapter 23); plus much more.
Thanks and God Bless,
Ed J
Richard Amiel McGough
10-06-2009, 07:37 PM
Bible Wheel
As we believers all know, God does truly exist, but the non-believer requires proof. Our GOD, who originated outside of time, has indeed inspired men to pen the very proof of His existence. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is indisputable conclusive proof, hidden deep within the text.
Download and read the book called 'Holy City Bible Code' from my website called by the same name http:/ This book deals with anomalies in the King James Bible that can be used as conclusive prove that God exists. English Gematria is but one of the many points.
English Gematria is a very useful tool, helping to expose these proofs, using a very simple method of assigning numerical values where letters of English alphabet correspond to numbers according to their alphabetical order. This means corresponding letters and numbers are as follows: 'A=one', 'B=two', etc. Examples of its use are as follows…
So therefore, 'Jesus', J=10 + E=5 + S=19 + U=21 + S=19 total 74. Other examples attributed to the gospel of Jesus Christ are 'gospel', 'cross' and 'messiah' also each total 74.
Another example is 'YHVH' (God’s Holy Name), 'Divine', 'Deity', and 'The Bible' all total 63.
This is no mere coincidence; matter of fact the Hebrew language has NO word for 'coincidence'! Because of this, they don’t believe there are such things as coincidences just divine intervention. These examples, to some, may be just conjecture yet to others provocative, but in either case should at least cause one to think that there could be something to English Gematria and the existence of God. (FYI, another astonishing fact both words, 'English' and 'Gematria' just happen to total 74 as well!)
Some people go off on English Gematria and try to match phrases to numbers looking for word combinations that match yet do not edify (or build up) just to try to prove that God or more exactly, English Gematria is nothing more than 'hogwash'. The more words that are strung together, the more it can be manipulated. Therefore single words that have the same total have the most impact and are harder to debunk.
I have had communication with some and have read other places where skeptics trying to debunk English Gematria, will use phrases like 'my a**' and say it totals 77 and then say that this also matches the significant word total such as 'CHRIST'=77. This type of abuse proves nothing, but merely shows how desperate some people are in trying to debunk the Word of God and English Gematria.
People that try to disprove God’s existence and those going off on tangents with English Gematria is nothing more than a distraction away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity believes English Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core. Using established Biblical phrases is one way to reach out to mainstream Christianity with this powerful information.
One particular number (the number 151) offers the idea of God as a trinity. Locked into the English language are ideas about God, needing only Gematria (or 'The God Numbers'=151) to verify. Such as 'The LORD JEHOVAH', 'Jesus Christ' and 'Holy Spirit' which all total 151.
People have in the past patterned English Gematria to match both the Hebrew and Greek use of Gematria. That would mean A-J’s allocations would remain as 1-10, but then changes occur after 10, that would make J=10, K=20, L=30, additional changes also occur after the 90 mark, S=90, T=100, U=200 through Z=800. Yet another method used for English Gematria is an x6 variant (which I talk about in the book), that would make A=6, B=12 through Z=156, but neither of these methods line up with the Hebrew.
Examples of how English Gematria connects to Hebrew Gematria
Quite remarkable how Gematria even crosses language barriers. The Hebrew word for Passover 'פסח' (148) matches the words 'The Passover' in English. Probably the most important of these examples is how 'GOD The Father' (117) matches precisely who He is in Hebrew 'יהוה האלהים' (JEHOVAH GOD).
117= יהוה האלהים
26= יהוה
The Passover=148
God the father=117
We say 'GOD' in our prayers, but GOD’s Name in Hebrew is 'יהוה'; it just so happens that both these words share the same Gematria total of 26!
We’ve established: 'Jesus Christ', 'Holy Spirit', and 'The LORD JEHOVAH' all total 151. The AKJV Bible uses the phrase: 'LORD of Hosts'=151, which constitute the Trinity idea in one simple phrase.
There are THREE main feasts that written in the Bible are…
1)The Passover=148
3)Feast of Booths=151
These special numbers that are linked to the feasts all have great significance, which I write about in great detail in 'Holy City Bible Code'.
It seems that a common mistake that people (in general) make is they go about trying to establish the truth according to their perception. However, 'The truth' simply IS, and all that’s needed is for it to be discovered or reveled. It takes God (or in more term the [Holy Spirit=151]) to give people the ability to believe the truth.
Pointing people to their creator and helping them to 'communicate'=117 with 'GOD The Father'=117 is my main goal in writing 'Holy City bible Code'. This is my way to help illustrate through a preponderance of circumstantial evidence that GOD or YHVH does indeed exist.
If a person takes the time to evaluate the evidence, all doubts should be removed. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is indisputable conclusive proof that GOD, which originated outside of time has indeed, revealed to mankind his existence through the hand of man, which can now be proven.
Read how Jesus was numbered with the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12), and how it relates directly to Greek Gematria (Chapter 23); plus much more.
Thanks and God Bless,
Ed J
Hi Ed!
Welcome to our forum!
I just welcomed another new member, biblenumeric, who also is very interested in English Gematria. Here is what I wrote to him:
We have talked a lot about English Gematria on a few threads in this forum. It might help if you review those threads and add your comments there so we don't have too much repetition. The main thread is called, appropriately enough, English Gematria ( That is probably the best place to start because I present some statistical analysis and explanations about why I don't believe that English Gematria is meaningful. I also had an in-depth discussion with William Downie ( who is very intelligent and has done some very impressive work with English Gematria. Click his name to read that thread.
So right now we have two new threads and two old threads all talking about the same topic. We'll probably want to consolidate our discussion to a single thread. Personally, I have already spent a lot of time responding in those other threads, so it would probably be best if you started by reading my reasons for not accepting English Gematria as meaningful. Then if you think I missed something or failed to understand something, you will know where to start. This way I don't have to repeat myself. :winking0071:
Many blessings to you in Christ our Lord,
10-07-2009, 11:05 AM
I've been playing with english gematria for some time. T(26) = 351 - that is T(God) = 351 - which if you notice is the infamous 153 backwards - and to me the 153 signifies the sum of all people
One more important reason that 153 is a number is significant is because of the promises that God made to Abraham. He said that his seed would be as plenty as the…
1) 'Dust of the Earth'=170 (Gen. 3:16)
2) 'Stars of Heaven'=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) 'Sand of the Sea'=117 (Gen. 32:12)
The number 117 plays a key role in God. For example take the verse in Rev. 20:8 where Lucifer /Satan goes about in battle to deceive the nations, He is going against God’s people, who’s number are as meaning equal to (using English Theomatics or English Gematria) the 'SAND OF THE SEA'=117.
Rev. 20:8: 'And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is AS the sand of the sea(=117).'
Hi Ed!
Welcome to our forum!
I just welcomed another new member, biblenumeric, who also is very interested in English Gematria. Here is what I wrote to him:
We have talked a lot about English Gematria on a few threads in this forum. It might help if you review those threads and add your comments there so we don't have too much repetition. The main thread is called, appropriately enough, English Gematria ( That is probably the best place to start because I present some statistical analysis and explanations about why I don't believe that English Gematria is meaningful. I also had an in-depth discussion with William Downie ( who is very intelligent and has done some very impressive work with English Gematria. Click his name to read that thread.
So right now we have two new threads and two old threads all talking about the same topic. We'll probably want to consolidate our discussion to a single thread. Personally, I have already spent a lot of time responding in those other threads, so it would probably be best if you started by reading my reasons for not accepting English Gematria as meaningful. Then if you think I missed something or failed to understand something, you will know where to start. This way I don't have to repeat myself. :winking0071:
Many blessings to you in Christ our Lord,
Hi Richard
I have only recently been exposed to the Internet as this is all relatively new to me (forums, blogs, web sites etc.)
I have checked out the thread that you asked me to post on and have noticed (in my opinion) several points of importance that were missing.
I feel if someone is interested in the subject of 'English Gematria' and starts reading the other threads, they too like yourself, may get turned off and stop reading before they even get to my posts. Therefore I purposely started a new thread to start a new dialogue on the topic and not rehash some of the other points. Which I feel are a little vague and could be mistaken as important??
I really feel that this is a VALID field of study i.e. English Gematria, I know as I’ve been studying this for quite some time and have documented proof that if does play a critical role in proving the very proof of God’s existence though the English speaking world!
Ed J
Richard Amiel McGough
10-07-2009, 01:39 PM
Hi Richard
I have only recently been exposed to the Internet as this is all relatively new to me (forums, blogs, web sites etc.)
I have checked out the thread that you asked me to post on and have noticed (in my opinion) several points of importance that were missing.
I feel if someone is interested in the subject of “English Gematria” and starts reading the other threads, they too like yourself, may get turned off and stop reading before they even get to my posts. Therefore I purposely started a new thread to start a new dialogue on the topic and not rehash some of the other points. Which I feel are a little vague and could be mistaken as important??
I really feel that this is a VALID field of study i.e. English Gematria, I know as I’ve been studying this for quite some time and have documented proof that if does play a critical role in proving the very proof of God’s existence though the English speaking world!
Ed J
Hey there Ed,
I think it is good for us to have a thread devoted to your work because you have written a book on the topic and we should focus on what you have written. I just wanted you to be aware of the previous conversations and to help you get a bit of an orientation about how I understand English Gematria so I don't have to repeat myself. (Time is precious!)
Many blessings to you my friend,
The number 117 shows much significance in English Gematria, as it relates to the Bible and God’s Hebrew name and title.
GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet lacks vowels.
The Center Chapter in the Bible just so happens to be Psalm 117 (Psalms is the largest book); since there are exactly 1189 chapters inthe entire bible that would make Psalm117 (the smallest chapter) the center, because there are 594 chapters before and 594 after. What similarity can we draw from this? Well how about… From small to large, GOD is at the center of all truth even unto the smallest of particles yet larger than our mortal minds can fully comprehend. But what does the number 117 have to do with this?
Finally to show that this has real merit, the Gematria total of'GOD the Father' matches precisely with the Hebrew Gematria of 'יהוה האלהים'(Jehovah God); which is 117. Furthermore 'YHVH is GOD' totals 117 as well! Some may say these facts are all mere coincidence, but the believer understands that it is by design.
Ed J
10-08-2009, 09:55 PM
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
just look at the english alphabet for a second
let's divide it in half (I use ________ for spacing)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m______n o p q r s t u v w x y z
hmm...interesting what we have in the middle and on the ends
a________________m n__________________z
a little moving around and we get
_________________m n__________________
_________________a z___________________
interesting man + z; well of course z = 26, and we know God = 26; kind of like God and man together - I find this to be an interesting observation!
Also, man = 13 + 1 + 14 = 28 = T(7) - kinda like saying man = the sum of 7 - the 7 spirits of God???
10-08-2009, 10:12 PM
The french language also uses the characters of the english alphabet albeit with accents etc. on some letters.
Remember God saying to Moses to tell Israel that "I AM" hath sent me unto you?
Well I AM in french is: Je suis - which is an anagram for I Jesus. The evidence for English Gematria will pile up if there is any merit to it.
I've been playing with english gematria for some time. T(26) = 351 - that is T(God) = 351 - which if you notice is the infamous 153 backwards - and to me the 153 signifies the sum of all people
Hi Derekkye,
Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together. For example Jesus said in Mark 1:17: 'Come after me and I will to become fishers of men.'
This verse in light of Gematria is has Bible numerical overtones. They are…
1) Verse 1:17 of Mark, matches the Gematria total of the Hebrew 'יהוה האלהים' (JEHOVAH GOD).
2) The term 'fishers of men' has a Gematria total of 137; which is an important number to Kabbalahists.
Numbers, however, can be used as a second witness; meaning to help illustrate concepts more fully. Previously overlooked facts (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.
Gematria as a science has its first piece of hard evidence in the verse of John 21:11: Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty three (153): and there were so many, yet was not the net broken.'
As God is multidimensional, I believe so is this verse (John 21:11). You could say that number matches in English Gematria that don’t amount to anything, can in no way can break the complete net of truth.
I understand that 'net of truth' is bad grammar, but it does help to illustrate the truth of my point. If we are to believe Gematria to be anything, then it must help to establish the truth.
A very important point that the number 153 carries (besides just tying it to a net) is the promises that God made to Abraham. He said that his seed would be as plenty as the…
1) 'Dust of the Earth'=170 (Gen. 3:16)
2) 'Stars of Heaven'=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) 'Sand of the Sea'=117 (Gen. 32:12)
The term 'stars of heaven' is very curious as it has the same Gematria total (153) as the 'Sons of God' in Hebrew בניהאלהים Beni Ha-Elohim. Now to tie all these ideas together; the point I hope we can all glean from all this is…
Gematria can be used as a tool or in more term as bait on the end of a fishing line. Showing through much circumstantial evidence the very proof needed to bring people back to the 'God Spirit'(=117).
John 4:24: 'God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.'
Ed J
As was pointed out earlier in this thread, YHVH is God’s name
(יהוה) transliterated directly into English. YHVH has a Gematria total of 63.
We talked about how 'GOD the Father' (יהוה האליהם) or in more term how the Gematria
total (117) that he carries IS AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE BIBLE (Psalm 117).
We also talked about how 'YHVH is GOD' also happens to equal 117.
And how the Hebrew language has no word for coincidence, and thus
they believe there are no coincidences.
Well it can be documented that YHVH=63 is tied (using Gematria) to the account
of Jesus crucifixion. First Gal. 1:1 says: GOD the Father=117 raised Jesus from the dead.
The numbers [63+54=117] help to conclusively prove YHVH is GOD=117.
'YHVH'=63 as the 'God Spirit'=117 indwells in mankind starting after a 54-day period
which began at the crucifixion and ended at Pentecost. On day four, Jesus is living again, GOD the Father=117
raised Him back to life (Gal.1:1). Pentecost in Greek means fifty; which started fifty days after the resurrection.
Pentecost brings a close to the fifty-four day period that began at Jesus’ death. Pentecost=117 therefore began
54 days after the crucifixion.
YHVH=63 plus the 54 days it took prior to Pentecost=117 starting, can be mathematically stated as (63+54=117).
This formula lends strong support to the claim of English Gematria in general and yet stronger evidence to the claim
that YHVH is GOD=117. The evidence keeps mounting!
Ed J (
Because of what Jesus did on the cross (to die for our sins) we have a New 'Testament'=117 with our GOD; יהוה האלהים=117 (JEHOVAH GOD).
(Heb.9:15-17: For this cause He (Jesus) is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first (Old) Testament, that they which are called
might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a Testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of 'The Testator'=151. For a testament is of force after men are dead:
otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives. 'Jesus Christ'=151 was 'The Testator'=151.
(John 16:7: Nevertheless I (Jesus=74) tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit=151)
will not come unto you; but if I depart,I will send Him [The "God Spirit"=117] unto you.) Because, 'YHVH is One GOD'=151.
(John 12:24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat (Jesus=74 emphasis mine) fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much 'fruit'=74.)
YHVH is GOD=117
GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet lacks vowels and has a Gematria value of 63.
We talked about how the Gematria total (117) of 'GOD the Father' matches (Chapter 117) of Psalm, which is the bible's center.
The central focus of this thread is to prove 'YHVH is GOD'; which also equals 117.
"The Bible"=63 is the word of "YHVH"=63.
In 1603 King James I Authorized 54 Godly Bible scholars and educated men to take on the task of going back to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts
and do a 'word for word' translation. This had never been done before, as most Bibles of that time were translations of translations.
King James I wanted a non-biased translation of the purest form, God’s word produced directly from the original texts.
The numbers [63+54=117] help to prove YHVH is GOD=117.
Translating (the Bible=63) the word of YHVH=63, by 54 scholars to bring the English-speaking peoples
A personal understanding of (יהוה האלהים=117) JEHOVAH GOD.
It seems to be by divine appointment how Gematria plays a part in the very 'finger print' of 'GOD the Father'=117!
This sum (117) seems to be just one in a series of numerical anomalies using English=74 Gematria=74 that helps to illustrate what I call 'The God Numbers'=151.
1) (117) GOD The Father=117
2) (74) Jesus=74
3) (151) Holy Spirit=151
4) (63) YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)
I plan to show these numbers represent 'The Key'=74 in understanding (יהוה =26) GOD=26.
God Bless,
Ed J (
YHVH=63 has encoded 'the trinity idea' into the very design of 'The Bible'.
There are three (3) main Major Prophets in the Bible. The reason they are called Major Prophets
is because of the long length of the text. The very meanings of their names illustrate a trinity.
1) Isaiah=47: Isaiah’s name means 'Jehovah’s Salvation' (this Prophet illustrates JESUS, because Jesus’ name means 'Jehovah’s Savior')
2) Jeremiah=69: Jeremiah’s name means 'Jehovah is High' (this Prophet illustrates GOD THE FATHER, because He, JEHOVAH=69 is the Highest). (Psalm 83:18)
3) Ezekiel=73: Ezekiel’s name means 'EL (GOD) will strengthen' (this Prophet illustrates the HOLY SPIRIT, because the Holy Spirit strengthens us all in GOD).
Now here is the kicker (47+ 69+73=63 x 3). This mathematical formula illustrates 'YHVH=63' as a Trinity (Meaning 3) using English Gematria.
Ed J
יהוה, who is GOD, is pronounced as YÄ as well as YÄ-hä-vā in Hebrew.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of 'The LORD' shall be saved. How then shall they call on in Him whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? (Rom. 10:13-14) The identity of הוהי=26 is GOD=26 spoken as YÄ=26.
There are three main feasts of GOD written in the Bible; these three expressions illustrate a trinity.
The three main feasts of God are…
1) The Passover=148 (which refers to)
Jesus Messiah=148
2) Pentecost=117 (which refers to)
GOD the Father=117
3) Feast of Booths=151 (which refers to)
Holy Spirit=151
God bless
Ed J
'YHVH Banner'=117
GOD’s Name is expressed [4] times in the AKJV Bible as JEHOVAH and [1] time as JAH;
JEHOVAH is also used 'in three phrases', illustrating 'a trinity idea' within this translation.
1) Genesis 22:14, Jehovah-Jireh means: 'GOD will see' or 'GOD will provide';
appertains to JESUS=74, the provision back to GOD. (IICor. 5:19)
2) Judges 6:24, Jehovah-Shalom relates: 'GOD is My Peace' to the comforter,
the HOLY SPIRIT=151, because the God Spirit brings GOD‘s peace to us all.
3) Exodus 17:15, Jehovah-Nissi means: 'GOD is My Banner', which illustrates
'GOD THE FATHER'=117, because under GOD’s banner we all stand. (Psalm 60:4)
Ed J
YHVH GOD is One=151
God’s unity of Spirit is seen through prime number counterparts.
God’s Name (יהוה) is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
The Gematria of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek) bears a
resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of primes starting with 2. Now this might not seem
significant until you realize that the number 877 is the 151st prime number, this number (151)
has great significance; as it is one of 'The God Numbers'=151 (63,74,117 & 151).
The Key=74 or The God Numbers=151
GOD The Father=117
Holy Spirit=151
Unity in the number 151
Jesus Christ=151
Holy Spirit=151
YHVH GOD is One=151
The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63.
God bless
Ed J (
Hi Everybody, I hope this post will help many to see that GOD truly exists in a plurality, but not just merely ‘two’ or ‘three in one’, but as ALL IN ONE!
The Hebrew word [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm (in Genesis 1:1 for God) carries the meanings of both 'God in the plural', and also 'The Mighty God'.
This can be better illustrated using both the English AKJV Bible’s rendering of JEHOVAH and the Greek’s word for 'GOD'.
There are five words for 'God' the Greek (all are pronounced Thēôs).
Four (4) of these are plural forms of the word; only one (1) is used in singular form; they are…
1) θεος
2) θεου
3) θεω
4) θεον
5) θεε
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity)
1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3)
2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18)
3) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 12:2)
4) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 26:4)
5) JAH (Psalm 68:4)
'HolyCityBibleCode' documents how 'The God Numbers'=151 integrate with the AKJV Bible.
1) (117) GOD The Father=117
2) (74) Jesus=74
3) (151) Holy Spirit=151
4) (63) YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)
5) (26) GOD=26 (יהוה =26) Spoken as 'YÄ'=26.
I hope my research will enrich all your lives; giving the skeptic the proof he needs!
God bless Ed J (
יהוה (YHVH) is God's Name translated as 'JEHOVAH'
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity idea).
1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3) is My Name 'YHVH'=63
2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18) is The Most High 'GOD The Father'=117
3) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2) is [The Savior=117] in 'Jesus Christ'=151
4) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 26:4) is Everlasting strength in 'Holy Spirit'=151
5) JAH (Psalm 68:4) The Name of 'GOD'=26 is יהוה=26 spoken as 'YÄ'=26 and 'YÄ-hä-vā';
where ä sounds like that of the word 'ah' and the other ā sounds like the vowel in the word 'hay'.
God bless
Ed J (
There is 'a superstructure'; but based on the delivery system
the information always seems to look 'Kooky' to people?
Graphically shown in this manner, the consistency be easily seen!
[YHVH is GOD=117] יהוה האלהים=117(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL- ō-Hêêm.
The number(151) is part of a structure of numbers contained in the AKJV bible,
which I call 'The God Numbers'=151 (26, 63, 74, 117, 151).
This fractal consistency can easily be seen in the following…
'HolyCityBibleCode' documents how 'The God Numbers'=151 integrate with the AKJV Bible.
1) (117) GOD The Father=117
2) (74) Jesus=74
3) (151) Holy Spirit=151
4) (63) YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)
5) (26) GOD=26 (יהוה =26) Spoken as 'YÄ'=26.
There are five words for 'God' the Greek (all are pronounced Thēôs) ; they are…
Four (4) of these are plural forms of the word; only one (1) is used in singular form.
1) θεος
2) θεου
3) θεω
4) θεον
5) θεε
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity)
1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3)
2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18)
3) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 12:2)
4) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 26:4)
5) JAH (Psalm 68:4)
These facts cannot be denied.
God’s unity of Spirit is seen through prime number counterparts as well.
YHVH GOD is One=151!
God’s Name (יהוה) is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
See how the Gematria value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
bears a resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of primes starting with 2. Now this might not seem
significant until you realize that the number 877 is the 151st prime number. And this number shows 'Unity' in Spirit.
Jesus Christ=151
Holy Spirit=151
YHVH GOD is One=151
The anointed AKJV Bible repeatedly uses the phrase 'LORD of Hosts'=151!
God bless
Ed J (
Hi Everybody,
The updated copy of “Holy City Bible Code” contains chapters 1-23.
The table of contents reflects the scope of the entire book(26 Chapters), the balance of the book is still being written.
Since this is my first book along with the added research has thus far taken me over 2 years to produce.
This book deals with many anomalies in the King James Bible that can be used as conclusive prove that God exists.
English Gematria is but one of the many points in it.
Defining the terms…
Gematria: is the use of number valuations, associating different words together, through integers.
“Gematria” is a powerful tool, which can be used with Hebrew, Greek and English languages;
illustrating that through the use number associations Gematria even crosses languages barriers.
Theomatics: is the practice of using “Gematria” to associate Theological ideas together;
through the use of multiplication factors derived from their Gematria valuations.
The God Numbers: are specific reoccurring “Theomatic numbers” in the AKJV Bible;
that not only help to prove GOD’s existence, but also help to clarify many doctrinal beliefs.
Gematria: illustrated as a parable, is much like a loaded gun…
Is a gun an instrument of evil? That depends on how it is used; doesn’t it?
In the hands of a rebellious criminal, it is indeed. Yet put that same gun
in the hands of a trained Police officer and it becomes an instrument of peace.
Prov.25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
Prov.18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
This powerful information is relatively unknown to mainstream Christianity, yet it is
neither irrelevant nor inconsequential; and can be proven that God orchestrated it’s design!
In the free e-book called “HolyCityBibleCode”, I expound upon these proofs in greater detail.
God bless
Ed J
Isaiah 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money;
come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which
satisfieth not? hearken dilegently unto me, and eat ye that which is good,
and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Hi Everybody,
Crossing the bridge between two views…'Trinitarian' and 'non-Trinitarian'.
This can only be done with God(HolySpirit) resident on the inside of the believer.
Hebrews 6:18 That by two immutable(unchangeable) things, in which it is impossible for God to lie!,
we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
2Timothy 2:13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself!
Luke 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be FIVE(shown below) in one house (Eph.2:20-22) Divided,
three(Trinitarians) against two(non-Trinitarians), and two(non-Trinitarians) against three(Trinitarians).
2) The non-Trinitarians view GOD this way….
YHVH GOD is One=151……GOD! (Deut.6:4 / Eph.4:6)
LORD of Hosts=151.............including Jesus and the rest of us!
The AKJV Bible uses this phrase repeatedly!
3) And the Trinitarians view GOD this way…
The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2, 26:4)
Jesus Christ=151
With God existing as 'The Trinity'; above and out of reach.
Proof of this Fivefold House of God is illustrated using Hebrew, Greek, and the AKJV Bible…
The Hebrew word [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm (in Genesis 1:1 for God) carries the meanings of both 'God in the plural', and also 'The Mighty God'.
This can be better illustrated using both the English AKJV Bible’s rendering of JEHOVAH and the Greek’s word for 'GOD'.
There are five words for 'God' the Greek (all are pronounced Thēôs); they are…
Four (4) of these are 'plural' forms of the word; only one (1) is used in 'singular' form.
1) θεος
2) θεου
3) θεω
4) θεον
5) θεε
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
JEHOVAH is also used in three (3) phrases (illustrating a trinity)
1) JEHOVAH (Exodus 6:3)...........(Exodus 17:15)
2) JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18)..........(Gen.22:14)
3) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 12:2)...........(Judges 6:24)
4) JEHOVAH (Isaiah 26:4)……....LORD of Hosts..............Jesus and the rest of us!
5) JAH (Psalm 68:4)……………...YHVH GOD is ONE…...used only 'once'! (Deut.6:4 / Eph.4:6)
'HolyCityBibleCode' documents how 'The God Numbers'=151 integrate with the AKJV Bible.
1) (117) GOD The Father=117……………....….…......…...Th e LORD JEHOVAH=151
2) (74) Jesus=74………………………………...... ...............Jesus Christ=151
3) (151) Holy Spirit=151……………………………….... ....HolySpirit=151
4) (63) YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)…......LORD of Hosts=151
5) (26) GOD=26 (יהוה =26) Spoken as 'YÄ'=26……….....YHVH GOD is ONE=151
God’s Name (יהוה) is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts. See how
the Gematria value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
bears a resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of primes starting with two (2). Now this might not seem significant until you realize
that the number 877 is the 151st prime number. This number 151 shows 'Unity' in Spirit.
Jesus Christ=151
Holy Spirit=151
LORD of Hosts=151…(AKJV Bible)
YHVH GOD is One=151
The wall(Eph.2:14), Jesus died to abolish, is illustrate as a dichotomy: [68 <- ->23] and [23 <- ->68].
These points are all explained in great detail in 'HolyCityBibleCode', the free e-book.
God bless
Ed J (AKJV 22:34 / Isaiah 60:14)
The AKJV bible was completed and in the public's hands in 1611.
The AKJV bible is going to bring about satan's final defeat!
John 16:11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world (i am) is judged.
The prince of this world is 'i am'(satan; the son of perdition).
2Thess.2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Thess.2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God=63(YHVH=63),
or that is worshipped; so that he as (i am)God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he(satan) is God.
2Thess.2:8 And then shall that Wicked (i am) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth (Rev.19:15),
and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan (Mark 13:6)
with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
What lie did they believe?
Romans1:23-25 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man,
and to birds(the rapture), and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature(Jesus) more than the Creator(YHVH), who is blessed for ever. Amen.
'The devil's trick'; 'i am'=23! (AKJV Psalm 102:11-13)
Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my(Christ's) name,
saying, I am; and shall deceive many. (Romans 1:25 / John 6:15)
God’s Name יהוה is written exactly 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts. See how the
Gematria value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
bears a striking resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
the wall Jesus died to abolish (Eph.2:14), is illustrate as a dichotomy: [68<- ->23] and [23<- ->68].
.............68<- ->23..........and..........23<- ->68
............"Trinitarian" ....................."non-Trinitarian"
New god=68 † 'i am'=23?....... 'i am'=23 † NOT JAH=68!
.............(Gal.2:20) .......................(Psalm 68:4-5)
Deut.3217 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not,
to (i am) new gods that came newly up (Rev.13:1), whom your fathers feared not.
Rev.13:11 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads (i am) the name of blasphemy.
Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he (i am) corrupt by flatteries:
but the people that do know their God (YHVH) shall be strong, and do exploits .
Ed J (AKJV Hebrews 11:34 / Daniel 11:18)
To All: These are "The Seven Spirits" of GOD!
Outside "HolyCity"
117=יהוה האלהים JEHOVAH GOD=95
Jehovah God: in "Both" English and Hebrew!
Usually in the signature part of my Post.
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
God The Father=117 (Representing God's Name and title GOD: יהוה האלהים)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's English Name: "Joshua")
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה transliterated into English)
HolySpirit=151 ("The word": structure of "GOD" indwelling in us believers!)
These Names represent "The Five Positions" of "HolyCity"=117
These Names and numbers represent "The Seven Spirits" of GOD!
(HolyCity)26+117+74+63+151+(Outside The HolyCity)117+95=643 (117th Prime Number)
Gematria helps to illustrate the Complete Seven-Fold GOD!
Rev.1:4-6 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace,
from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from The Seven Spirits
which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness,
and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;
to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Witnessing to the world in behalf of...
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD)YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)
02-10-2010, 07:54 PM
To All: These are "The Seven Spirits" of GOD!
Outside "HolyCity"
117=יהוה האלהים JEHOVAH GOD=95
Jehovah God: in "Both" English and Hebrew!
Usually in the signature part of my Post.
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
God The Father=117 (Representing God's Name and title GOD: יהוה האלהים)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's English Name: "Joshua")
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה transliterated into English)
HolySpirit=151 ("The word": structure of "GOD" indwelling in us believers!)
These Names represent "The Five Positions" of "HolyCity"=117
These Names and numbers represent "The Seven Spirits" of GOD!
(HolyCity)26+117+74+63+151+(Outside The HolyCity)117+95=643 (117th Prime Number)
Gematria helps to illustrate the Complete Seven-Fold GOD!
Rev.1:4-6 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace,
from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from The Seven Spirits
which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness,
and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;
to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Witnessing to the world in behalf of...
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD)YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)
What about Muhammad=74
02-10-2010, 07:57 PM
You seem to believe in the Gospel of Paul, not the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
You have not received Jesus yet you have only heard of him. Once you believe in Jesus you will believe in The Gospel of The Kingdom of God and then you will go through the door of Christ and submit to ALLAH.
Until then you will not know who the God of this world and everything else is.
And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
Exodus 23:12-14
See how greatly you sin against YHVH
And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?
Numbers 16:21-23
See how greatly you sin against YHVH and see how mush you lack knowledge
Now here is proof of your ignorance and lies:
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD's thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is.
Deuteronomy 10:13-15
Richard Amiel McGough
02-10-2010, 08:33 PM
You seem to believe in the Gospel of Paul, not the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
You have not received Jesus yet you have only heard of him. Once you believe in Jesus you will believe in The Gospel of The Kingdom of God and then you will go through the door of Christ and submit to ALLAH.
Until then you will not know who the God of this world and everything else is.
And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
Exodus 23:12-14
See how greatly you sin against YHVH
And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?
Numbers 16:21-23
See how greatly you sin against YHVH and see how mush you lack knowledge
Now here is proof of your ignorance and lies:
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD's thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is.
Deuteronomy 10:13-15
It sounds like you deny the New Testament.
What Scriptures do you adhere to?
02-10-2010, 11:22 PM
It sounds like you deny the New Testament.
What Scriptures do you adhere to?
Why would I need to deny the NT when it is clear that Jesus said that there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD whom he said is his God and your God and there is no other GOD is there?
Richard Amiel McGough
02-11-2010, 12:01 AM
Why would I need to deny the NT when it is clear that Jesus said that there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD whom he said is his God and your God and there is no other GOD is there?
You did not answer my question.
You appear to deny the NT because you suggest there is a difference between "the Gospel of Paul" and "the Gospel of the Kingdom of God."
Galatians 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
People need: "BIBLE PERCEPTION"=151, to understand TRUE "BIBLE TRUTH"=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)
The "THREE" main “FEASTS OF GOD” are…
1) “The Passover”=148; made possible by
2) “Pentecost”=117 started the “Former Rain”=117 of
“GOD THE FATHER”=117; “Spirit [of] God”=117(Holy Spirit)
3) “Feast of Booths”=151 begins “The Latter Rain”=151 of the
“HOLY SPIRIT”=151(God The Father); “Feast [of] Tabernacles”=151.
..........The First of the "Three" Great feasts of God !
.................74+74="The Passover"=148 !
Crucifixion: 'the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil' is destroyed! (AKJV Romans 6:6) :signthankspin:
.................................................. ..................(AKJV John 18:37)
Mark 8:29-33 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ.
And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.
And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things,
and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes,
AND BE KILLED (Gospel=74), and after three days rise again.
And he spake that saying openly.
And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.
But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples,
he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan(Lucifer=74): (AKJV Gal.2:20)
for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.
Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age,
even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
………………………..…. “YHVH is GOD”=117
PSALM 117 "is" [The Bible's Center], the "[smallest chapter]" of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of...
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (AKJV Psalm 45:17)
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34) (
Next Post has been fixed: I hit the wrong button
People need: "BIBLE PERCEPTION"=151, to understand "BIBLE TRUTH"=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)
...............The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63 !
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
...............["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
The "THREE" main “FEASTS OF GOD” are…
1) “The Passover”=148; made possible by
2) “Pentecost”=117 started the “Former Rain”=117 of
“GOD THE FATHER”=117; “Spirit [of] God”=117(Holy Spirit)
3) “Feast of Booths”=151 begins “The Latter Rain”=151 of the
“HOLY SPIRIT”=151(God The Father); “Feast [of] Tabernacles”=151.
Gal.4:3-8 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: (2 Peter 3:10-12)
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. (Rev.21:7)
6: And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a ["JEHOVAH SON"=117]; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them (the systems of religion) which by nature are no gods.
Gal.4:6 Refers to the fulfillment of John 14:23: our own Personal "Pentecost"!
John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will
love him, and "WE"(Jesus' Father + Jesus) will come unto him(the believer), AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.
.........................[Isaiah 64:4-5 + Heb.9:28=John 14:23]
Isaiah 64:4-5 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear,
neither hath the eye seen, O God(HolySpirit), beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
Thou(HolySpirit + Jesus: A Personal "Pentecost") meetest him(the Believer) that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness,
those that remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.
"The Savior"=117 is "GOD The Father"=117 [117=יהוה האלהים] (JEHOVAH GOD) (Isaiah 43:11)
Heb. 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ("The Passover");
and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time ("Pentecost") without sin unto salvation.
These verses refer to "believers" having their own Personal "Pentecost"; which can be illustrated as...
Jesus now sits at (the head of the corner) the right hand of "GOD The Father"=117; (Luke 20:9-18)
Geometry(Shapes) and Gematria(Numbers) can CLEARLY ILLUSTRATE this FACT (Jesus at The Father's right hand)!
"The Large Box"=117 represents "GOD The Father"=117, "The Box"=74 inside represents "Jesus"=74!
Psalm 110:1-2 The LORD (יהוה YÄ-hä-vā) said unto my Lord (יהשוע YÄ-shü-ă),
.........Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
.........The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength ("HolySpirit")
.........out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
......................."YHVH is GOD"=117
PSALM 117 "is" [The Bible's Center], the "[smallest chapter]" of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of...
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! (Psalm 45:17)
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34)
03-12-2010, 09:00 PM
even = 5 + 22 + 5 + 14 = 46;
odd = 15 + 4 + 4 = 23;
we know if we add two odd numbers we get an even number; in english gematria this is illustrated as follows:
odd + odd = even
(23) + (23) = (46);
cool eh!
Richard Amiel McGough
03-12-2010, 11:00 PM
even = 5 + 22 + 5 + 14 = 46;
odd = 15 + 4 + 4 = 23;
we know if we add two odd numbers we get an even number; in english gematria this is illustrated as follows:
odd + odd = even
(23) + (23) = (46);
cool eh!
Personally, I think that's just a coincidence with no significance because English gematria has not foundation in reality as far as I can tell. I won't have any reason to think otherwise until someone can show me an integrated self-reflective alphanumeric structure like the Greek and Hebrew holographs we have in the primary texts of holy Scripture.
.......................The 151st verse
People need: "BIBLE PERCEPTION"=151, to understand "BIBLE TRUTH"=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)
The God Numbers=151 are: 26, 63, 74, 117 & 151; and these numbers help to establish "Bible Truth"=117!
The 151st verse in "The Bible" is Gen.6:13.
Gen.6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is
filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
First: It's interesting to note there are EXACTLY 613 commandments in "The Torah"=95, given by "JEHOVAH"=95.
Secondly: YHVH=63(JEHOVAH) had "Noah" build "The Ark"=63 to save the "faith seed" to which "Christ" would be born.
Thirdly: God’s Name יהוה (YHVH) is written EXACTLY 6823 times in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
See how the "Gematria"=74 value of Ιησους Χριστоς=2368 Ē-Ā-Soos Chrĭstŏs (Jesus Christ in Greek)
bears a resemblance to the number of times God’s Name is used in the Hebrew Masoretic Texts.
6823 is the 877th prime number in a long list of primes starting with two (2).
Now this might not seem significant until you realize that the number 877
is the 151st prime number. This number 151 shows “Unity” in Spirit.
YHVH GOD is ONE=151 (Deut.6:4 / Eph.4:6)
1) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2 / Isaiah 26:4) (Old "Testament"=117)
2) LORD of Hosts=151…(AKJV Bible)...His Hosts=117: Jesus and ALL of His brethren! (Rev.11:15)
3) Holy Spirit=151 ("Father: The word"=151 structure of "GOD": Old and New "Testament"=117)
4) Jesus Christ=151 ("The Testator"=151) (Hebrews 9:16-17) (New "Testament"=117)
..........................“YHVH is GOD”=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of... (Psalm 45:17)
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Hi Everybody,
In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to JOSHUA=74, Messiah=74;
also in the following: JESUS=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, עד=74, and even English=74.
Jesus Christ (74x32) also factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
[Jesus] Ιησους=74(x12), [Christ] Χριστоς=74(x20).
[Son of Man] υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).
(Lōgôs) [λογος]=373 means "Word", and 373 is the 74th Prime Number!
(Hō Lōgôs) [ο λογος]=443 means "The Word" and 443 is the 86th Prime Number. (John 1:1)
"God Word"=86 and אלהים=86 ĔL-ō-Hêêm both equal 86 and ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63 means "YHVH"=63.
Ed J (
PS> I will be showing more between the difference of 'The Word' and 'Word'.
A quick recap of why this information is so important to know.
People need: "BIBLE PERCEPTION"=151, to understand "BIBLE TRUTH"=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)
"The God Numbers"=151 (26, 63, 74, 117 & 151) helps to corroborate this all important "Bible Truth"=117!
"The Savior"=117 is [117=יהוה האלהים](JEHOVAH GOD); Known as "GOD The Father"=117! (Isaiah 43:11)
...............God's Name [יהוה] translates DIRECTLY into English as "YHVH"=63
...............The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63!
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
...............["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
.............."The Passover"=148
Jesus=74 + cross=74 = (פסח=148) "The Passover"=148
.............“Former Rain”=117
.......(Jesus was alive on day FOUR)
+54 days after the 'cross': STARTED...
117="Pentecost" [63+54=117]
..........“The Latter Rain”=151
........."Feast of Booths"=151
........(Feast [of] Tabernacles=151)
......."Jesus is Lord"=151, because
........"HolySpirit"=151 (Jesus' Father) is...
......"The LORD JEHOVAH"=151
..........................“YHVH is GOD”=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter],
the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Your brother,
in "Christ, Jesus"=151!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Hi Everybody,
Jesus lineage is clearly written in "The Bible. (1Thess.5:21)
It's only a matter of lining up all the pieces correctly. (2Tm.2:15)
50% "Son of Man" = "Son of Mary" (Matt.1:18 / Matt:1:20 / Mark 6:3 / Luke 1:35)
25% Judah: Mary’s Father Heli was the 'son of David' (seed: according to the flesh) through Nathan. (Luke 3:23-31)
Romans 1:3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;
25% Levi: Mary’s Mother was from the tribe of Levi (which was the tribe of the priesthood). (Luke 1:5 / Luke 1:36)
Heb.5:6: As he saith also in another place, Thou(Jesus Christ) art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
50% "Son of God" = "Son of The HolySpirit" (Matt. 1:18 / Matt. 1:20 / Luke 1:35)
Matt.1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused
to Joseph, before they came (consummated) together, she was found with child of the HolySpirit.
Matt.1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto
him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:
for that which is conceived in her is of the HolySpirit. (Son of the HolySpirit = Son of God)
Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The HolySpirit shall come upon thee,
....and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that
holy thing(Jesus) which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 20:41-44 And he said unto them, How say they that Christ is David's son? And David
himself saith in the book of Psalms, The LORD(יהוה האלהים) said unto my Lord( יהשוע המשיח ),
Sit thou(Jesus) on my(JEHOVAH) right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool. (Ps.110:1-2)
David therefore calleth him(Jesus Christ) Lord, how how is he(Jesus Christ) then his(David's) son?
Can you reconcile these two Scriptures together, I can!
John 5:31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
Jn.8:14 ...Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true...
John 5:37 is therefore fulfilled today in your reading of this Post! (Rev.21:2-3)
Luke 10:30-37 will help you understand who יהשוע המשיחYÄ-shü-ă hä-Mäh-shē-äkh was! (John 8:14) This is
an exegetical parable about [יהשוע המשיח (Jesus Christ)and "His neighbor" יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD)! (John 5:37)
Luke 10:30-37 And Jesus answering said, A certain man (Jesus) went down from Jerusalem to Jericho,
and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
And likewise a Levite(a Priest), when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him
to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to
the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will
repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
Romans 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness,
by the resurrection from the dead: (Gal.1:1) (John 6:39-40 / John 6:54)
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Hi Everybody,
Eph.4:4-6 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord,
one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who
is above all, and through all, and in you all.
...... ...."YHVH" ↔ "God".....................................(Rom. 1:20)
.. .."Christ"(77) = "And Father"(77).......................(Coloss.2:9)
.... ."Body"(46) = "of all"(46)...............................(Matt.10:29)
"Witness"(109) = "in you all"(109).........................(Acts 17:29)
...."ONE SPIRIT: GOD"=151 (Deut.6:4 / Eph.4:6)
....The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2, 26:4)
....LORD of Hosts=151 (AKJV Bible)
....Jesus Christ=151 (New Testament)
....Holy Spirit=151 (Old & New Testament)
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Hi Everyone,
"There is an intelligence originating outside of time that can now
be mathematically linked to the Christian Bible and even labeled... "GOD"!"
..................[ 63 x 71 = 4473 ]
The title: "God" appears in the "AKJV Bible"(74) exactly 4473 times.
..................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
Gematria: is the use of number valuations, associating different words together, through integers.
'Gematria'(74) is a powerful tool, which can be used with Hebrew, Greek and English languages;
illustrating that through the use number associations: Gematria even crosses languages barriers.
Theomatics: is the practice of using 'Gematria' to associate Theological ideas
through the use of multiplication factors derived from their Gematria valuations.
The God Numbers(151): are specific reoccurring 'Theomatic numbers' in the AKJV Bible;
that not only help to prove GOD’s existence, but also help to clarify many doctrinal beliefs.
The God Numbers (26, 63, 74, 117 & 151) represent certain specific numbers that connect theological ideas,
which reduce associated language limitations. Through the extensive use of [theomatic encryptions = 63x4],
great and mighty things of GOD are now being revealed, greatly increasing the knowledge of truth. (Jer. 33:3)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-02-2011, 08:41 PM
Hey Ed,
Why do you use YHVH = 63 instead of YHWH = 64?
All the best,
Hey Ed,
Why do you use YHVH = 63 instead of YHWH = 64?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
YHVH is God's Name (יהוה) translated into English; as the Hebrew lacks vowels.
Click here to link on your own site ( <-- 3/4 way down link (Also Click Here ( com/Names_of_G-d/YHVH/yhvh.html+pronounce+yhvh&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us))
GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet
lacks vowels. Hebrew has No [W] sound, No [J] sound and the symbol ש is pronounced 'Sh'.
GOD’s most sacred Holy Name [יהוה] was given to us directly from the Hebrew language.
Correctly translating Hebrew into other languages can be difficult however. Some basic
linguistical rules need to be considered when translating Hebrew texts. These include a lack
of spacing between words, as a general rule has no written vowels and the basic direction
in which Hebrew is written (opposite: from right to left). Hebrew word spacing is a modern
advent that distinguishes one word from the next, aiding both translators and multi-linguists
alike. Unwritten 'implied' vowel sounds are a concern because, correct pronunciations of
Hebrew words are at risk. This point is made because the correct pronunciation was thought
to be lost, which led only to translators’ interpretations.
[יהוה] GOD’s Name [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey is pronounced YÄ-hä-vā & [יה] YÄ
The identity of יהוה=26 is 'GOD'=26 spoken as YÄ-hä-vā: where ä sounds like
that of the word 'ah' and the other ā sounds like the vowel in the word 'hay'.
The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63; 'YHVH is GOD'.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
To All,
.....................(פסח = 148)
..................The Passover = 148
...........................74 + 74 = 148
At Jesus=74 decease: Lucifer=74 was extracted from "The Godhead" (Isaiah 14:19-20)
"God The Father" resurrects Jesus. (Gal.1:1) Jesus then returns to Heaven. (Acts 1:5-9)
"Tree of Life"=101 is "GOD"=26, because 101 is the 26Th Prime Number! (Genesis 3:24)
The identity of יהוה=26 is GOD=26 spoken as YÄ=26: the "Tree of Life"! (Revelation 22:2)
Jesus=74 then sends the "Spirit of God"=117 in behalf of "God The Father"=117 to all the believers in God. (John 14:26)
The LORD JEHOVAH=151 sends "Jesus Christ"=151 back with the "HolySpirit"=151 in behalf of all Believers! (John 14:23)
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the HolySpirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall
teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me:
.................FEAST OF BOOTHS=151
Since we are now in the "Feast of Tabernacles"=151, which is also called
"Feast of Booths"=151, believers should understand this! (John 14:23)
.........................'YHVH is GOD'=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], and
the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā .hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-14-2011, 09:41 AM
To All,
.....................(פסח = 148)
..................The Passover = 148
...........................74 + 74 = 148
At Jesus=74 decease: Lucifer=74 was extracted from "The Godhead" (Isaiah 14:19-20)
"God The Father" resurrects Jesus. (Gal.1:1) Jesus then returns to Heaven. (Acts 1:5-9)
Hi Ed,
In the other thread, I showed that "Lucifer" is not a name of Satan and it does not appear in the original Greek or Hebrew manuscripts at all, so all your statements using that name are meaningless. But you did not respond to the evidence I presented, so let me repeat it here:
Hey there Ed,
Your post proves that English Gematria is utterly meaningless because you can manipulate the words to get the whatever results you want while ignoring the millions of numerical identities that contradict your position. This is obvious when we review your list.
For example, you used the identity "Allah is devil" = 114. But your grammar is wrong. The correct grammar would be Allah is the devil" = 147. And we all know that you would have used this identity if you were trying to build a pattern on the number 147. We see exactly the same erroneous "force-fitting" when you wrote "Islam false" rather than "Islam is false." This shows that it's all just made up.
And you identity "Lucifer liar" is doubly erroneous. First, because the grammar is wrong. You should have written "Lucifer is a liar" or something like that. Second, and more importantly, the word "Lucifer" is not the name of the devil! It is a word that means "light bearer" and it was erroneously inserted into the King James Bible because the translators copied the Latin Bible version of Isaiah 14:12 (How thou art fallen, O Lucifer). Exactly the same word "lucifer" is used in the same Latin Bible in reference to Jesus in 2 Peter:
2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star [Latin: Lucifer] arise in your hearts:
See that? The Latin Bible, which is the Bible that the KJV translators used to get the name "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12, tells believers to wait until "lucifer arises in your hearts." There is nothing in either the original Hebrew or Greek scriptures that indicates "Lucifer" is a name of the devil. The KJV is fundamentally flawed on this point.
And your idea that Allah was the "moongod" is false. Arabic Christians have used the name "Allah" for the one true God of Christianity for many centuries. They do not think "Allah" denotes a "moongod." And neither is there a single Muslim on the planet that believes Allah is the "moongod." All your conclusions are wrong. The numbers prove nothing. You can make them say anything you want, and you ignore them when they suggest things you don't like. For example, you love the number 74 because it is the value of Jesus, Messiah, and Gospel. Well, great! It's also the value of MUHAMMAD = 74, and as you know, Muhammad taught in the Quran that Jesus was the Messiah who preached the Gospel given by Allah. So if your numbers prove anything, they prove that Muhammad = 74 is from the same God who designed these identities based on the number 74. Of course, anyone can see this is false. The numbers prove nothing.
I've explained the problems with English Gematria many times in this forum, but you have ignored the evidence. Why is that? The problem is that there are too many words that overlap so you can select (cherry pick) any group that you like to "prove" your point while IGNORING all the other words that are meaningless.
There is one thing I would like to know. Given that I have proven over and over again that there is no legitimacy to English Gematria, and you have never refuted the evidence I have presented, why do you continue to believe in it?
All the best,
If you want to continue posting your extraordinary claims like "proof" of your ideas about "Lucifer" and "God" through English Gematria, then don't you think you should respond to information I have presented?
All the best,
PS: I went to your site but the link to the PDF was broken. Nothing happened when I clicked on it.
Hi Ed,
In the other thread, I showed that "Lucifer" is not a name of Satan and it does not appear in the original Greek or Hebrew manuscripts at all, so all your statements using that name are meaningless.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
On the other thread, I showed that Lucifer is in reference to satan; perhaps you didn't watch the video?
For slow internet speeds: start the video and pause it until it
has downloaded sufficiently in advance of the play speed; OK?
Judges 8:21 21 Gideon arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and
took away the [moongod crescents] that were on their camels' necks.
Ps.83:4,11 They (the muslims) have said, Come, and let us cut them off
from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
But YHVH says: Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes
as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Ed,
I went to your site but the link to the PDF was broken. Nothing happened when I clicked on it.
Hi Richard,
If you request it at the site, I will e-mail you the PDF;
or PM me your e-mail address, and I'll send it to you.
All the best,
Ed J (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-14-2011, 10:15 AM
Hi Richard,
On the other thread, I showed that Lucifer is in reference to satan; perhaps you didn't watch the video?
I'm not talking about that video. I'm talking about the word "Lucifer." It does not appear in the Hebrew text of Isaiah 14:12. It was put there when the KJV translators copied the text of the Latin Vulgate Bible that had been the primary Bible of Christendom for over a thousand years. This introduced a fundamental error into your belief system. You now believe that the word "Lucifer" is a name of Satan. This is totally, absolutely, and completely false and without any foundation in fact. Why have you not responded to this evidence that I have shown you?
All the best,
I'm not talking about that video. I'm talking about the word "Lucifer." It does not appear in the Hebrew text of Isaiah 14:12. It was put there when the KJV translators copied the text of the Latin Vulgate Bible that had been the primary Bible of Christendom for over a thousand years. This introduced a fundamental error into your belief system. You now believe that the word "Lucifer" is a name of Satan. This is totally, absolutely, and completely false and without any foundation in fact. Why have you not responded to this evidence that I have shown you?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
Satan’s(74) (Is.14:12-19) name before he fell was Lucifer(74) (Lk.10:18).
Lucifer means: ‘to boast or make a showing and selfish rage or praise’.
The name Lucifer also means ‘giver of light and bright morning star’.
Ezekiel 28:13...17 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
...Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
...Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
...therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
...Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:
...I will cast thee to the ground (Luke 10:18), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-14-2011, 12:40 PM
Hi Richard,
Satan’s(74) (Is.14:12-19) name before he fell was Lucifer(74) (Lk.10:18).
Lucifer means: ‘to boast or make a showing and selfish rage or praise’.
The name Lucifer also means ‘giver of light and bright morning star’.
Ezekiel 28:13...17 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
...Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
...Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
...therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
...Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:
...I will cast thee to the ground (Luke 10:18), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hey there Ed,
Your assertion that Satan's name before he fell was Lucifer has absolutely no foundation in the Bible whatsoever. None. Nada. Zilch. You are following a false and erroneous man-made tradition that is not taught anywhere in the Bible.
I have explained this many times now, and you continue to ignore the evidence I have presented. Why is that?
All the best,
Hey there Ed,
Your assertion that Satan's name before the fall was Lucifer has absolutely no foundation in the Bible whatsoever. None. Nada. Zilch. You are following a false and erroneous man-made tradition that is not taught anywhere in the Bible.
I have explained this many times now, and you continue to ignore the evidence I have presented. Why is that?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
.................1Thess.5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Hebrew 1966 (75)הֵילֵל: (hêy-lêl) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the scene of brightness) the morning star:- Lucifer.
Hebrew 1984 (65)הָלַל: (hâ-lâl) Ha-lal'; to shine; to make a show, to boast; and selfish rage or praise. [75+65=140]
...............................[140=75+65 = 55+33+52=140]
Is this not an accurate description of 'satan the devil'(55+52+33=140)?
You will claim this as more "Cherry Picking"; but these cherries are very ripe!
Satan’s(74) (Is.14:12-19) name before he fell was Lucifer(74) (Lk.10:18).
Lucifer means: ‘to boast or make a showing and selfish rage or praise’.
The name Lucifer also means ‘giver of light and bright morning star’.
Ezekiel 28:13...17 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
...Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
...Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
...therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
...Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:
...I will cast thee to the ground (Luke 10:18), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-14-2011, 05:12 PM
Hi Richard,
.................1Thess.5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Hebrew 1966 (75)הֵילֵל: (hêy-lêl) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the scene of brightness) the morning star:- Lucifer.
Hebrew 1984 (65)הָלַל: (hâ-lâl) Ha-lal'; to shine; to make a show, to boast; and selfish rage or praise. [75+65=140]
...............................[140=75+65 = 55+33+52=140]
Is this not an accurate description of 'satan the devil'(55+52+33=140)?
You will claim this as more "Cherry Picking"; but these cherries are very ripe!
Satan’s(74) (Is.14:12-19) name before he fell was Lucifer(74) (Lk.10:18).
Lucifer means: ‘to boast or make a showing and selfish rage or praise’.
The name Lucifer also means ‘giver of light and bright morning star’.
Ezekiel 28:13...17 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
...Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
...Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
...therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
...Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:
...I will cast thee to the ground (Luke 10:18), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hey there Ed,
I'm glad you quoted that verse, for indeed we should "prove all things." But what does your "proof" prove? It says nothing about the name "Lucifer." I have been repeating myself over and over again and you continue to dodge. You have yet to acknowledge, let alone address, the facts that I have presented concerning that word. Let me repeat: The word "lucifer" is not the name of the Devil or Satan. It does not appear in the either the Greek or the Hebrew original texts. It was imported from the Latin Vulgate by the translators of the King James Bible. The same word "lucifer" is used in the Latin Bible version of 2 Peter 1:19 which says believers should wait for "the day star [lucifer] arises" in their hearts. There is NOTHING in the Bible that supports your assertion that "Lucifer" was ever a name of the Devil. NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. ZERO. Don't you understand plain English? I've repeated this over and over and you have never addressed it! Where do you get the idea that the name "Lucifer" was a name of the Devil? Where???? Where do you get that idea???
Also, it would be very interesting to know if you have ever tried to explain how the lists of numbers and words are supposed to "prove" anything. I get the impression you think it's just "obvious" and that you are not able to actually explain why your lists constitute "proofs."
Listen Ed, have you ever tried to actually EXPLAIN how the numbers you list are supposed to "prove" anything? If you try, I think you will see that they prove nothing because you are free to make up whatever "explanations" you want when the facts contradict your "proofs." Like when you make a big "proof" that Jesus is Messiah because both words equal 74. Then you find Lucifer = 74 and so you have to make up an excuse why that doesn't "prove" Jesus is Lucifer the same way that Messiah = 74 "proves" that Jesus is Messiah. This shows how you just make up whatever you want and so your lists of numbers prove nothing at all. Can you understand this? Why are you not responding to the things I write? Rather than just repeating more lists of numbers, why don't you take this opportunity to see if you can actually EXPLAIN why the lists of words and numbers are supposed to be "proof" of anything at all? It's something you will need to do if you want anyone anywhere to ever believe your "proofs."
All the best,
PS: Have you checked you web page? The link to the PDF book does not work.
Hey there Ed,
I'm glad you quoted that verse, for indeed we should "prove all things." But what does your "proof" prove? It says nothing about the name "Lucifer." I have been repeating myself over and over again and you continue to dodge. You have yet to acknowledge, let alone address, the facts that I have presented concerning that word. Let me repeat: (1)The word "lucifer" is not the name of the Devil or Satan. (2)It does not appear in the either the Greek or the Hebrew original texts. (3)It was imported from the Latin Vulgate by the translators of the King James Bible. (4)The same word "lucifer" is used in the Latin Bible version of 2 Peter 1:19 which says believers should wait for "the day star [lucifer] arises" in their hearts. There is NOTHING in the Bible that supports your assertion that "Lucifer" was ever a name of the Devil. NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. ZERO. Don't you understand plain English? I've repeated this over and over and you have never addressed it! (5)Where do you get the idea that the name "Lucifer" was a name of the Devil? Where???? Where do you get that idea???
(6) Also, it would be very interesting to know if you have ever tried to explain how the lists of numbers and words are supposed to "prove" anything. I get the impression you think it's just "obvious" and that you are not able to actually explain why your lists constitute "proofs."
(7) Listen Ed, have you ever tried to actually EXPLAIN how the numbers you list are supposed to "prove" anything? (8) If you try, I think you will see that they prove nothing because you are free to make up whatever "explanations" you want when the facts contradict your "proofs." (9) Like when you make a big "proof" that Jesus is Messiah because both words equal 74. Then you find Lucifer = 74 and so you have to make up an excuse why that doesn't "prove" Jesus is Lucifer the same way that Messiah = 74 "proves" that Jesus is Messiah. (10) This shows how you just make up whatever you want and so your lists of numbers prove nothing at all. Can you understand this? (11) Why are you not responding to the things I write? Rather than just repeating more lists of numbers, (12) why don't you take this opportunity to see if you can actually EXPLAIN why the lists of words and numbers are supposed to be "proof" of anything at all? It's something you will need to do if you want anyone anywhere to ever believe your "proofs."
All the best,
PS: Have you checked you web page? The link to the PDF book does not work.
Hi Richard,
1) That is your 'opinion'.
2) I have shown you what is in the Hebrew, in Isaiah 14:12.
3) And the name Jesus is taken from the Greek.
4) The Latin bible does not concern me.
5) Gen.3:1-5, Deut.32:21-40,
Isaiah 14:12-19, Ezekiel 28:2-19,
Nahum 1:14, John 12:27, Mark.8:31-33,
2Thess.2:2-3, Rev.12:3-17, Rev,13:15, Rev.17:3-8
6) I will be explaining soon how Lucifer was extracted from "the Godhead".
7) It isn't obvious to you?
8) No, that's how you see things.
9) I will be explaining soon how Lucifer was extracted from "the Godhead".
10) That is your 'opinion'.
11) I have addressed every point here.
12) The fact that all important biblical doctrine line up into a pattern of Five
proves YHVH that orchestrated the proof of his existence into the "AKJV Bible".
You also show a pattern of five on your wheel, explain what is significant to it?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34) (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-15-2011, 09:37 AM
1) That is your 'opinion'.
No it's not. I presented facts and the consequences that logically follow from them, not my opinion.
2) I have shown you what is in the Hebrew, in Isaiah 14:12.
All you did was show that the value of two Hebrew words had the same value as three English words. This had nothing to do with the question I had asked.
3) And the name Jesus is taken from the Greek.
This has nothing to do with the questions I asked.
4) The Latin bible does not concern me.
It should concern you very much, becuase your entire doctrine concerning "Lucifer" is based upon it. This is the central point of what I have been trying to explain to you.
5) Gen.3:1-5, Deut.32:21-40,
Isaiah 14:12-19, Ezekiel 28:2-19,
Nahum 1:14, John 12:27, Mark.8:31-33,
2Thess.2:2-3, Rev.12:3-17, Rev,13:15, Rev.17:3-8
These verses do not refute any of the facts I have presented to you.
6) I will be explaining soon how Lucifer was extracted from "the Godhead".
That is impossible, because "Lucifer" is not a name of the Devil. This is the fundamental point I have repeated to you over and over, and you still do not seem to understand it.
11) I have addressed every point here.
You most certainly have NOT addressed the fact that nothing in the Bible supports your doctrine that Lucifer was a name of the Devil.
12) The fact that all important biblical doctrine line up into a pattern of Five proves YHVH that orchestrated the proof of his existence into the "AKJV Bible". You also show a pattern of five on your wheel, explain what is significant to it?
I have no idea which "all important biblical doctrine" you are talking about, or where the number 5 has appeared. I don't recall seeing it in any of your posts. We can discuss this further after we clarify the other issues.
All the best,
Hey there Ed,
Have you checked you web page? The link to the PDF book does not work.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
The free e-book (Holy City Bible Code) is in PDF format and is given out by e-mail, which can request at the site.
God bless
Ed J (
Hi Richard,
1) That is your 'opinion'.
No it's not. I presented facts and the consequences that logically follow from them, not my opinion.
....What you presented was: your opinions with limited facts and no consequences.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
2) I have shown you what is in the Hebrew, in Isaiah 14:12.
All you did was show that the value of two Hebrew words had the same value as three English words. This had nothing to do with the question I had asked.
....I have defined (from the Hebrew) the word that was translated into Lucifer, with "Theomatic" verification;
....what you offer is your opinion, and a biased translation in another language.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
3) And the name Jesus is taken from the Greek.
This has nothing to do with the questions I asked.
....But it has relevance to the point you are trying to establish based on 'your opinion'.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
4) The Latin bible does not concern me.
It should concern you very much, becuase your entire doctrine concerning "Lucifer" is based upon it. This is the central point of what I have been trying to explain to you.
....Why should the Latin concern me? Do you 'think' English concerns
....people that speak Hebrew, with regards to the name "Jesus"?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
5) Gen.3:1-5, Deut.32:21-40,
Isaiah 14:12-19, Ezekiel 28:2-19,
Nahum 1:14, John 12:27, Mark.8:31-33,
2Thess.2:2-3, Rev.12:3-17, Rev,13:15, Rev.17:3-8
These verses do not refute any of the facts I have presented to you.
....They help to establish the "Bible Truth"(117) that you are currently rejecting.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
6) I will be explaining soon how Lucifer was extracted from "the Godhead".
That is impossible, because "Lucifer" is not a name of the Devil. This is the fundamental point I have repeated to you over and over, and you still do not seem to understand it.
....This is impossible for me to explain or impossible for you to accept at this time (based exclusively on your knowledge)?
....I understand completely what you are saying, but you (as of yet) fail to grasp what I have been saying.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
11) I have addressed every point here.
You most certainly have NOT addressed the fact that nothing in the Bible supports your doctrine that Lucifer was a name of the Devil.
....The Scriptures in point #5 support the doctrine that satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74).
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hi Richard,
12) The fact that all important biblical doctrine line up into a pattern of five proves YHVH that orchestrated the proof of his existence into the "AKJV Bible". You also show a pattern of five on your wheel, explain what is significant to it?
I have no idea which "all important biblical doctrine" you are talking about, or where the number 5 has appeared. I don't recall seeing it in any of your posts. We can discuss this further after we clarify the other issues.
All the best,
"There is an intelligence originating outside of time that can now
be mathematically linked to the Christian Bible and even labeled... "GOD"!"
People need: "BIBLE PERCEPTION"=151, to understand "BIBLE TRUTH"=117 ! (AKJV Eph.4:22-24)
The God Numbers=151 are: 26, 63, 74, 117 & 151; these numbers help to establish "Bible Truth"=117!
..................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 (“FATHER: The Word” in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing “GOD” יהוה האלהים)
...........“Testament”=117 in Greek “Diatheke”= 63.
Because of what Jesus did on the cross (to die for our sins) we have
a New “Testament”=117 with our GOD; 117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD).
...........“The Testator”=151 is “Jesus Christ”=151
(Heb.9:15-17: For this cause He (Jesus) is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for
the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first (Old) Testament, that they which are called
might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a Testament is, there must also of necessity
be the death of “The Testator”=151. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of
NO STRENGTH AT ALL WHILE THE TESTATOR LIVES.) “Jesus Christ”=151 “The Testator”=151.
(John 16:7: Nevertheless I (Jesus=74) tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit=151) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I
will send the [God Spirit=117] to abide inside of you.) because, “YHVH GOD is One”=151.
The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63; and “YHVH is GOD”(117).
Gen.1:1 In the beginning God(ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63) created the heaven and the earth.
Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by
God Almighty(Ĕl Shăddīâ=63), but by my name JEHOVAH(YHVH=63)
was I not known to them. (These pronunciations can be PROVED!)
...............The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63 !
...............God's Name [יהוה] translates DIRECTLY into English as "YHVH"=63
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
...............["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
........The Three Major Feasts (of Seven total) also have much significance
I added “COLOR”=63 to help you grasp the “Ideas” God has put forth in His Word!
THE “THREE” MAIN “FEASTS OF GOD” (allocate as "The Trinity"=148) and are as follows…
.......74 x 2 =148
1) “The Passover”=148...........“The Passover”: made possible "Pentecost"=117
...“Jesus: Messiah”=148..............“JESUS CHRIST”=151 was/is "the Testator"=151!
2) “Pentecost”=117.................Started the “God Spirit”=117(Holy Spirit), which
...“Former Rain” “GOD THE FATHER”=117 reigning in believers!
3) “Feast of Booths”=151.........begins The “HOLY SPIRIT”=151(The LORD JEHOVAH=151)
“Tabernacles Feast”=151 .........“Tabernacles Feast”=151; is the culmination of all "three"!
...“The Latter Rain”=151...........“HolySpirit” ruling: is “PROOF OF GOD”=117! (Rev.11:15)
…………………. “YHVH is GOD”=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], and
the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
PS> Click on the Link: (Greek #1242 ( [διαθηκη] for “Testament” in Greek… “Diatheke”= 63. (See Top)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 09:06 PM
Hi Richard,
....The Scriptures in point #5 support the doctrine that satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74).
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
No they don't. None of the Scriptures in point #5 even mention the name "Lucifer" except Isa 14:12, and it's appearance in that verse has no foundation in the original Hebrew Scriptures.
Therefore, those "Scriptures" do not support the doctrine that "satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74)."
This is really very simple Ed. Neither the name "Lucifer" nor any variation of that name is found in either the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures. Therefore, the Scriptures do not support any doctrine that "satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74)." That doctrine comes from a faulty 17th century English translation based on a faulty Latin translation of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Furthermore, you have never explained why numerical identities only "prove" things you want them to prove. For example, if satan's = 74 = Lucifer proves that Lucifer was satan's name, then why does not Jesus = 74 = Lucifer prove that Jesus is the devil?
How is it possible that you can not see how your methods "prove" only what you want them to prove? How is it that you do not see that you are cherry picking in the extreme?
All the best,
No they don't. None of the Scriptures in point #5 even mention the name "Lucifer" except Isa 14:12, and it's appearance in that verse has no foundation in the original Hebrew Scriptures.
Therefore, those "Scriptures" do not support the doctrine that "satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74)."
This is really very simple Ed. Neither the name "Lucifer" nor any variation of that name is found in either the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures. Therefore, the Scriptures do not support any doctrine that "satan's(74) name is Lucifer(74)." That doctrine comes from a faulty 17th century English translation based on a faulty Latin translation of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Furthermore, you have never explained why numerical identities only "prove" things you want them to prove. For example, if satan's = 74 = Lucifer proves that Lucifer was satan's name, then why does not Jesus = 74 = Lucifer prove that Jesus is the devil?
How is it possible that you can not see how your methods "prove" only what you want them to prove? How is it that you do not see that you are cherry picking in the extreme?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
Like you were glad I Posted...
1Thess.5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
I now ask you to explain the very point that you brought up.
"Jesus"(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19,
referring to Lucifer(74), is called an abominable branch. At Jesus decease
he was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer was thrust through with a sword.
Jesus body was not found in the grave, and in Isaiah 14:19 it says Lucifer shall be cast out of the grave;
In light of these facts, can you explain Isaiah 14:19-20 to us? (Eph.5:13)
Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
20: Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed
thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-16-2011, 10:01 PM
Hi Richard,
Like you were glad I Posted...
1Thess.5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
I now ask you to explain the very point that you brought up.
"Jesus"(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19,
referring to Lucifer(74), is called an abominable branch. At Jesus decease
he was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer was thrust through with a sword.
Jesus body was not found in the grave, and in Isaiah 14:19 it says Lucifer shall be cast out of the grave;
You are still confused. Isaiah 14:19 says nothing about any "Lucifer" because the word "Lucifer" is not in the authentic book of Isaiah.
Why have you not responded to this point? I've been repeating it for days now. To repeat: The word "Lucifier" does not appear in the original Hebrew or Greek Scriptures. It is not a valid translation. It got into the KJV because it was copied from the Latin Vulgate.
Please respond to this point.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
I have responded to that (re-read my Posts to you),
but you appear to be avoiding my question asked to you.
Are you going to address the question that I have asked you?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-17-2011, 12:07 AM
Hi Richard,
I have responded to that (re-read my Posts to you),
but you appear to be avoiding my question asked to you.
Are you going to address the question that I have asked you?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
I am avoiding nothing. You know you have not admitted the truth about the word "Lucifer" not existing in the original Greek and Hebrew Bible. Therefore, your question to me is designed to avoid this truth. I have been asking the same question for days an you have not once even acknowledged the question, let alone answered it.
Please stop playing games. Please stop avoiding the issue. I have presented the evidence that the word "Lucifer" is not in the Bible and that the Bible does not support your doctrine that it was the name of Satan before he fell. That doctrine is entirely non-biblical, yet you continue to assert it is biblical. As long as you avoid speaking about the plain facts of the Bible, the other questions you ask are irrelevant. So please, deal with the facts that have been presented.
All the best,
I am avoiding nothing. You know you have not admitted the truth about the word "Lucifer" not existing in the original Greek and Hebrew Bible. Therefore, your question to me is designed to avoid this truth. I have been asking the same question for days an you have not once even acknowledged the question, let alone answered it.
Please stop playing games. Please stop avoiding the issue. (1)I have presented the evidence that the word "Lucifer" is not in the Bible (2) and that the Bible does not support your doctrine that it was the name of Satan before he fell. (3) That doctrine is entirely non-biblical, yet you continue to assert it is biblical. (4) As long as you avoid speaking about the plain facts of the Bible, the other questions you ask are irrelevant. So please, deal with the facts that have been presented.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
1) Quite the contrary: you attested to it also written in the "Latin" Vulgate Bible;
we both know Lucifer(74) is in the "AKJV Bible"(74). The word from which Lucifer was translated
means: giver of light and bright morning star. Both "Latin" and "Light" have the same "Theomatic" value of 56.
Of course you will claim this is more "Cherry Picking"; but it is you who brought to light the "Latin Vulgate"(144) Bible used it first.
................Light is JEHOVAH=117
(117)יהוה האלהים = is the light(117) = God Spirit(117)
John 3:19-20 this is the condemnation, that [light is JEHOVAH]
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth
the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
2) Deut.32:1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth,
the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil
as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
Because I will publish the name of the LORD(See signature at bottom): ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
...............The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63 !
...............God's Name [יהוה] translates DIRECTLY into English as "YHVH"=63
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
...............["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
3) The Jews would argue that the name "Jesus" is un-biblical.
4) So are you claiming I have provided you with an excuse? So now
you will not attempt to explain my question concerning Isaiah 14:19-20?
When Isaiah 14:19-20 is very relevant to "Bible Truth"(117) concerning Lucifer!
I hope you would reconsider, trying to explain Isaiah 14:19-20 in absence of "The Name".
Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34) ( (Ecl.9:12-16)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-17-2011, 11:21 AM
Hi Richard,
1) Quite the contrary: you attested to it also written in the "Latin" Vulgate Bible; we both know Lucifer(74) is in the "AKJV Bible"(74). The word from which Lucifer was translated means: giver of light and bright morning star. Both "Latin" and "Light" have the same "Theomatic" value of 56.
Of course you will claim this is more "Cherry Picking"; but it is you who brought to light the "Latin Vulgate"(144) Bible used it first.
................Light is JEHOVAH=117
(117)יהוה האלהים = is the light(117) = God Spirit(117)
John 3:19-20 this is the condemnation, that [light is JEHOVAH]
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth
the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Hey there Ed,
You still have not addressed the point. How does the appearance of the word "Lucifer" in a translation of the Bible mean that the translated word was "really" the name of Satan? It sounds like you are now saying that the Latin Vulgate is also an inspired translation like the "AKJV Bible." Is that what you mean?
And speaking of the "AKJV Bible" - that's a perfect example of cherry picking. You write "AKJV Bible" because "KJV Bible" = 73 and you want to get 74, so you add the "A". You and I both know with perfect certainty that if you wanted the value to be 73 you would be writing "KJV Bible." Your numerical identities prove nothing because they only "confirm" whatever you already believe.
I get the impression you don't know what "cherry picking" means, and that you do not understand why it is a logical fallacy. Here's an explanation (
Cherry picking is the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.
The term is based on the perceived process of harvesting fruit, such as cherries. The picker would be expected to only select the ripest and healthiest fruits. An observer who only sees the selected fruit may thus wrongly conclude that most, or even all, of the fruit is in such good condition.
Cherry picking can be found in many logical fallacies. For example, the "fallacy of anecdotal evidence" tends to overlook large amounts of data in favor of that known personally, while a false dichotomy picks only two options when more are available.
This is a precise definition of the fallacy of your "proofs." Take the number 56 for example. You said it is the value of "light" and "Latin" and seemed to imply that this proved something, though you did not state exactly what it was supposed to prove. Now tell me this: How many English words sum to 56? The answer is hundreds. So why are the two words you chose more significant than the hundreds of other words, like scum(56), pus(56), spat(56), and shit(56)? As you can see, there is no rhyme nor reason to your method. You ignore mountains of facts while emphasizing only the few things that support your preconceived notions. Your work is, therefore, the very definition of "cherry picking." It is fundamentally fallacious. Willful persistence in such fallacy is madness.
3) The Jews would argue that the name "Jesus" is un-biblical.
And they would be technically correct, but this case is altogether different. The name "Jesus" is based on the Greek IHSOUS which is how the Jews translated the Hebrew name Yehoshua (Joshua) in the Greek Septuagint. There is a direct connection between the English "Jesus" and the Hebrew original. There is no such connection between the word "Lucifer" and the Hebrew Heylel.
All the best,
Hey there Ed,
You still have not addressed the point. How does the appearance of the word "Lucifer" in a translation of the Bible mean that the translated word was "really" the name of Satan?
There is no such connection between the word "Lucifer" and the Hebrew Heylel.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
Hebrew 1966 (75)הֵילֵל: (hêy-lêl) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the scene of brightness) the morning star:- Lucifer.
Hebrew 1984 (65)הָלַל: (hâ-lâl) Ha-lal'; to shine; to make a show, to boast; and selfish rage or praise. [75+65=140]
...............................[140=75+65 = 55+33+52=140]
Is this not an accurate description of 'satan the devil'(55+52+33=140)? Is this as more "Cherry Picking"?
Original sin: The rebellion of Lucifer, the anointed cherub that covereth, cast out of the mountain of God!
Ezekiel 28:13-17 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering,
the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald,
and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee
in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
By the multitude of thy merchandise(Rev.18:12) they have filled the midst of thee with violence,
and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God:
and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty(Isaiah 14:13-14),
thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:
I will cast thee to the ground(Isaiah 14:15-16), I will
lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Nahum 1:14 And 'The LORD' hath given a commandment concerning thee,
that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off
the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hey there Ed,
And speaking of the "AKJV Bible" - that's a perfect example of cherry picking. You write "AKJV Bible" because "KJV Bible" = 73 and you want to get 74, so you add the "A". You and I both know with perfect certainty that if you wanted the value to be 73 you would be writing "KJV Bible." Your numerical identities prove nothing because they only "confirm" whatever you already believe.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
..................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
I believe a quick history lesson is in order here!
............ .. ...."The King"(74)
After the 12 Tribes split into 10-2: Jĕr-ŏ-bō-ăm sits as King over all of Israel. (See 1Kings 12:24-26)
The the crown was taken over the caucuses mountains and first settled in Scotland, later moved to England.
Jer. 33:17 For thus saith the LORD; David shall never a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;
The Authorized King James Version of the bible is the "AKJV Bible"(74)
In 1603 King James I [B]Authorized 54 Godly Bible scholars and educated men
to take on the task of going back to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts
and do a 'word for word' translation. This had never been done before, as most
Bibles of that time were translations of translations. King James I wanted a non-
biased translation of the purest form, God’s word produced directly from the original texts.
.......The numbers [63+54=117] help to prove YHVH is GOD=117.
Translating (the Bible=63) the word of "YHVH"(63), by 54 scholars to bring the
English-speaking peoples a personal understanding of (יהוה האלהים=117) JEHOVAH GOD.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hey there Ed,
I get the impression you don't know what "cherry picking" means, and that you do not understand why it is a logical fallacy. Here's an explanation (
Cherry picking is the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.
The term is based on the perceived process of harvesting fruit, such as cherries. The picker would be expected to only select the ripest and healthiest fruits. An observer who only sees the selected fruit may thus wrongly conclude that most, or even all, of the fruit is in such good condition.
Cherry picking can be found in many logical fallacies. For example, the "fallacy of anecdotal evidence" tends to overlook large amounts of data in favor of that known personally, while a false dichotomy picks only two options when more are available.
This is a precise definition of the fallacy of your "proofs." Take the number 56 for example. You said it is the value of "light" and "Latin" and seemed to imply that this proved something, though you did not state exactly what it was supposed to prove. Now tell me this: How many English words sum to 56? The answer is hundreds. So why are the two words you chose more significant than the hundreds of other words, like scum(56), pus(56), spat(56), and shit(56)? As you can see, there is no rhyme nor reason to your method. You ignore mountains of facts while emphasizing only the few things that support your preconceived notions. Your work is, therefore, the very definition of "cherry picking." It is fundamentally fallacious. Willful persistence in such fallacy is madness.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
It is NOT a matter of needing to find 60 blue colored rocks out of a 100.
That is not an accurate illustration of what I've been presenting here.
If you went an archeological dig in Antarctica, it wouldn't matter
how many rocks weren't arrowheads; only they would count!
.................... (26)יהוה = "God"(26)
For example: it doesn't matter how many words equal 26;
What's important is: God's Name and the title God do!
The short version pronunciation is also יה YÄ(26).
..................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
...........'Testament'=117 in Greek 'Diatheke'= 63.
Because of what Jesus did on the cross (to die for our sins) we have
a New 'Testament'=117 with our GOD; 117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD).
...........'The Testator'=151 is 'Jesus Christ'=151
(Heb.9:15-17: For this cause He (Jesus) is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for
the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first (Old) Testament, that they which are called
might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a Testament is, there must also of necessity
be the death of 'The Testator'=151. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of
NO STRENGTH AT ALL WHILE THE TESTATOR LIVES.) 'Jesus Christ'=151 'The Testator'=151.
(John 16:7: Nevertheless I (Jesus=74) tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit=151) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I
will send the [God Spirit=117] to abide inside of you.) because, 'YHVH GOD is One'=151.
The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63; and 'YHVH is GOD'(117).
Gen.1:1 In the beginning God(ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63) created the heaven and the earth.
Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by
God Almighty(Ĕl Shăddīâ=63), but by my name JEHOVAH(YHVH=63)
was I not known to them. (These pronunciations can be PROVED!)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
To All,
You yourself have documented a pattern of five in your bible wheel; do you think this is all a coincidence?
Here are the FACTS... There are EXACTLY Five words used for 'God' the Greek; they are…
1) θεος the nominative singular
2) θεου the genitive singular
3) θεω the dative singular
4) θεον the accusative singular
5) θεε the vocative singular
Also a matching aspect to the five variants for God in The Hebrew Masoretic texts...
1) Strong’s 426: אלה (ĔL-äh) elah: corresponding to 433; God:-God, god.
2) Strong’s 433: אלוה (ĔL-ō-äh) eloah: from 410; a deity or The Deity:-God, god. See 430
3) Strong’s 6697: צור (tsû-är) tsoor: a rock; a refuge(house); X(times) mighty God, sharp, X stone, X strength.
4) Strong’s 410: אל (ĔL) ale: mighty; strength; The Almighty (also used of any deity):- God, X goodly, X great; power.
5) Strong’s 430: אלהים (ĔL-ō-Hêêm) elohiym: plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense;
but specifically used in the plural of the supreme God; angels, X exceedingly; God, X great, judges, X mighty.
...................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
These FIVE Parts when seen as a whole in the big picture,
prove conclusively that "YHVH" has orchestrated its design!
Your brother
in Christ, Jesus!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hi Richard,
Looks like the King James Translators also "Cherry Picked" this for me! How nice of them.
'JEHOVAH' and 'JAH' is how the translators translated God’s Name into the AKJV Bible.
FIVE times (a pattern of five) God’s Name is used in singular form, which point to:
'The God Numbers'(151) 26, 63, 74, 117 & 151 are interconnected throughout!
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH (in singular form) four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
1) (63) JEHOVAH: (Exodus 6:3) My Name is: YHVH=63
2) (117) JEHOVAH: (Psalm 83:18) The Most High is: God The Father= 117
3) (74) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2) The Savior=117, Our YHVH=117 provides salvation in: Jesus=74
4) (151) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 26:4) is our everlasting strength through the comforter: HolySpirit=151
5) (26) [יה] JAH (Psalm 68:4) 26=יהוה spoken as 'YÄ'=26 and 'YÄ-hä-vā' is The Name of (Our YHVH=117): GOD=26
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
PS> JEHOVAH is also used in ONLY three (3) phrases (which are altars), illustrating a trinity.
Richard Amiel McGough
01-19-2011, 10:19 AM
Hi Richard,
Looks like the King James Translators also "Cherry Picked" this for me! How nice of them.
“JEHOVAH” and “JAH” is how the translators translated God’s Name into the AKJV Bible.
FIVE times (a pattern of five) God’s Name is used in singular form, which point to:
“The God Numbers”(151) 26, 63, 74, 117 & 151 are interconnected throughout!
The AKJV Bible has uses the name JEHOVAH (in singular form) four (4) times and JAH (1) once!
1) (63) JEHOVAH: (Exodus 6:3) My Name is: YHVH=63
2) (117) JEHOVAH: (Psalm 83:18) The Most High is: God The Father= 117
3) (74) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 12:2) The Savior=117, Our YHVH=117 provides salvation in: Jesus=74
4) (151) The LORD JEHOVAH=151 (Isaiah 26:4) is our everlasting strength through the comforter: HolySpirit=151
5) (26) [יה] JAH (Psalm 68:4) 26=יהוה spoken as “YÄ”=26 and “YÄ-hä-vā” is The Name of (Our YHVH=117): GOD=26
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
PS> JEHOVAH is also used in ONLY three (3) phrases (which are altars), illustrating a trinity.
Hey there Ed,
I just noticed that you had addressed the "cherry picking" in a previous post that I missed, so I deleted my comment here.
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
01-19-2011, 11:11 AM
Hi Richard,
It is NOT a matter of needing to find 60 blue colored rocks out of a 100.
That is not an accurate illustration of what I've been presenting here.
If you went an archeological dig in Antarctica, it wouldn't matter
how many rocks weren't arrowheads; only they would count!
.................... (26)יהוה = "God"(26)
For example: it doesn't matter how many words equal 26;
What's important is: God's Name and the title God do!
The short version pronunciation is also יה YÄ(26).
Hey there Ed,
I am glad you are trying to address the points I have been making. Thanks!
I understand that you think there are certain words that are more important than others, so their numerical values are "definitive" like God = 26. That's fine, I agree. But that does not address the fallacy that I have been trying to help you see.
The problem is that you have claimed that these numbers "prove" things about the Bible. That is the fallacy. The numbers prove NOTHING because you can cherry pick only the numbers that fit the patterns you like while ignoring the rest. You have not answered this point.
Your comment above is a perfect example of more cherry picking. You claim the "short version" of יה is YA because you wanted the number 26. Why should anyone think that "proves" anything? You have never explained this.
Here is the problem. You claim these numbers "prove" something, but you have not explained HOW they prove anything. Here is what you need to do: If your numbers "prove" something, then if the numbers were different, the "proof" would fail, right? But that doesn't work, because the numbers always prove whatever you happen to believe! That's why your "proofs" are not believable.
I've explained this many times, but as far as I know, you have not answered. Here is the problem: If the fact that Jesus and Messiah both sum to 74 "proves" that Jesus is Messiah, then why does not the fact that Lucifer = 74 "prove" that Jesus is the Devil? The fact that you have to explain this away shows that the numbers themselves prove nothing.
THE BIG QUESTION: How do these numbers "prove" anything? You have never explained this.
I'm really glad that you are trying to answer the questions I have brought up. I was beginning to think conversation would be pointless because I felt like you were ignoring what I was saying.
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
01-19-2011, 11:41 AM
Hey Ed,
Why do you use YHVH = 63 instead of YHWH = 64?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
YHVH is God's Name (יהוה) translated into English; as the Hebrew lacks vowels.
Click here to link on your own site ( <-- 3/4 way down link (Also Click Here ( com/Names_of_G-d/YHVH/yhvh.html+pronounce+yhvh&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us))
GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet lacks vowels. Hebrew has No [W] sound, No [J] sound and the symbol ש is pronounced “Sh”.
GOD’s most sacred Holy Name [יהוה] was given to us directly from the Hebrew language. Correctly translating Hebrew into other languages can be difficult however. Some basic linguistical rules need to be considered when translating Hebrew texts. These include a lack of spacing between words, as a general rule has no written vowels and the basic direction in which Hebrew is written (opposite: from right to left). Hebrew word spacing is a modern advent that distinguishes one word from the next, aiding both translators and multi-linguists alike. Unwritten “implied” vowel sounds are a concern because, correct pronunciations of
Hebrew words are at risk. This point is made because the correct pronunciation was thought to be lost, which led only to translators’ interpretations.
[יהוה] GOD’s Name [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey is pronounced YÄ-hä-vā & [יה] YÄ
The identity of יהוה=26 is “GOD”=26 spoken as YÄ-hä-vā: where ä sounds like
that of the word “ah” and the other ā sounds like the vowel in the word “hay”.
The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63; “YHVH is GOD”.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Hey Ed,
I tend to prefer Vav to Waw as the name and consonantal pronunciation of the sixth letter, but I do not have any proof of which is correct. It is pronounced differently by different dialects of Hebrew, but most modern scholars believe it had that "W" sound in the Tetragrammaton which is why they conclude that it was pronounced Yahweh, not Yahveh.
Now here is the issue. You have chosen a set of identities that fit nicely with YHVH = 63. But you just as well could have chosen YHWH = 64 because in Greek Aletheia (Truth) = 64 which is a perfect square (8 x 8) just like its corresponding word in Hebrew Emet (Truth) = 441 = 21 x 21 and this fits with our intuition about the geometry of a square as symbolic of truth.
So now we have a problem: Which is the spelling that God would want us to use? Your argument that Hebrew had no "w" sound is false. You could argue from the KJV and say that the name Jehovah proves the "v" sound. But that assumes that the KJV was inspired, which is what you were trying to prove, so that argument is circular. For example, if I could independently prove that the Divine Name was supposed to be transliterated as YHWH then I could use that as evidence that the KJV was a poor translation and not inspired. This shows how real "proofs" work both ways. And this, by the way, is the problem with most of your "proofs." They only work "one way" - that is, they only prove what you already believe. There is no way that they could prove something contrary to what you already believe, so they are not really "proofs" at all.
Great chatting!
Richard Amiel McGough
01-19-2011, 12:07 PM
Hey there Ed,
I found the perfect test to see if your "proofs" are really "proofs" of anything at all.
The only thing you need to do is to give me an example that would prove something you do not believe. For example, is this identity sufficient?
God's True Religion = 198 = Muhammad, Quran, and Allah
Note also that Muhammad = 74 = English = Gematria! And note how each of these words are super-important!
Furthermore, Islam teaches there are 99 names of Allah, and 198 = 2 x 99! And as if this were not enough, the Islamic tradition is confirmed by English Gematria:
Names of God = 99!
So please explain why these amazing facts are not a "proof" of the identity of "God's True Religion."
All the best,
Hey there Ed,
I understand that you think there are certain words that are more important than others, so their numerical values are "definitive" like God = 26. That's fine, I agree.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
There are EXACTLY "Five" of them that exhibit this same phenomenon.
They in fact do cross-over from Hebrew to Greek and finally exposed
using... "English" as "The Key" to unlock this tightly weaved pattern.
..................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
And I have shown you in detail how these number signatures help
to produce a picture that can hardly be discounted as inconsequential.
They in fact overlap in many ways, as I have also illustrated in this thread.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hey there Ed,
I am glad you are trying to address the points I have been making. Thanks!
I understand that you think there are certain words that are more important than others, so their numerical values are "definitive" like God = 26. That's fine, I agree. But that does not address the fallacy that I have been trying to help you see.
The problem is that you have claimed that these numbers "prove" things about the Bible. That is the fallacy. The numbers prove NOTHING because you can cherry pick only the numbers that fit the patterns you like while ignoring the rest. You have not answered this point.
Your comment above is a perfect example of more cherry picking. You claim the "short version" of יה is YA because you wanted the number 26. Why should anyone think that "proves" anything? You have never explained this.
Here is the problem. You claim these numbers "prove" something, but you have not explained HOW they prove anything. Here is what you need to do: If your numbers "prove" something, then if the numbers were different, the "proof" would fail, right? But that doesn't work, because the numbers always prove whatever you happen to believe! That's why your "proofs" are not believable.
I've explained this many times, but as far as I know, you have not answered. Here is the problem: If the fact that Jesus and Messiah both sum to 74 "proves" that Jesus is Messiah, then why does not the fact that Lucifer = 74 "prove" that Jesus is the Devil? The fact that you have to explain this away shows that the numbers themselves prove nothing.
THE BIG QUESTION: How do these numbers "prove" anything? You have never explained this.
I'm really glad that you are trying to answer the questions I have brought up. I was beginning to think conversation would be pointless because I felt like you were ignoring what I was saying.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
I explained how "Cherry Picking" is not an issue.
That would be like saying you finding "Gold" does not count, because
A. You knew what you were looking for and B. knew where to look. ...I hope you can understand this.
I have also addressed (at least twice now) exactly why Lucifer matches Jesus Theomatically.
After you read the book "Holy City Bible Code", it should become clearer to you. At least I hope so!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hey Ed,
I tend to prefer Vav to Waw as the name and consonantal pronunciation of the sixth letter, but I do not have any proof of which is correct. It is pronounced differently by different dialects of Hebrew, but most modern scholars believe it had that "W" sound in the Tetragrammaton which is why they conclude that it was pronounced Yahweh, not Yahveh.
Now here is the issue. You have chosen a set of identities that fit nicely with YHVH = 63. But you just as well could have chosen YHWH = 64 because in Greek Aletheia (Truth) = 64 which is a perfect square (8 x 8) just like its corresponding word in Hebrew Emet (Truth) = 441 = 21 x 21 and this fits with our intuition about the geometry of a square as symbolic of truth.
So now we have a problem: Which is the spelling that God would want us to use? Your argument that Hebrew had no "w" sound is false. You could argue from the KJV and say that the name Jehovah proves the "v" sound. But that assumes that the KJV was inspired, which is what you were trying to prove, so that argument is circular. For example, if I could independently prove that the Divine Name was supposed to be transliterated as YHWH then I could use that as evidence that the KJV was a poor translation and not inspired. This shows how real "proofs" work both ways. And this, by the way, is the problem with most of your "proofs." They only work "one way" - that is, they only prove what you already believe. There is no way that they could prove something contrary to what you already believe, so they are not really "proofs" at all.
Great chatting!
Hi Richard,
The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63; and 'YHVH is GOD'(117).
Why would you try to make an exception for YHVH; Hebrew has no "W" sound?
1Thess.5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (Matt.18:16) <-- One fifth the way down this link <-- Three quarters the way down this link
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hey there Ed,
I found the perfect test to see if your "proofs" are really "proofs" of anything at all.
The only thing you need to do is to give me an example that would prove something you do not believe. For example, is this identity sufficient?
God's True Religion = 198 = Muhammad, Quran, and Allah
Note also that Muhammad = 74 = English = Gematria! And note how each of these words are super-important!
Furthermore, Islam teaches there are 99 names of Allah, and 198 = 2 x 99! And as if this were not enough, the Islamic tradition is confirmed by English Gematria:
Names of God = 99!
So please explain why these amazing facts are not a "proof" of the identity of "God's True Religion."
All the best,
Hi Richard,
....................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
Names of God equaling 99 is an interesting anomaly,
but did you know one of those 'names' (as you call them) is
...'allah the deciever'; would you call "Our YHVH"(117) a deciever?
Here are a couple of more anomalies I "Cherry Picked" especially for you.
..................YHVH Breath=117
Gen.2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
..................YHVH Voice=117
Mark 9:7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice
came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
……………........……. 'YHVH is GOD'=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], and
the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
117=יהוה האלהים(JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā .hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-21-2011, 10:55 AM
Hi Richard,
I explained how "Cherry Picking" is not an issue.
That would be like saying you finding "Gold" does not count, because
A. You knew what you were looking for and B. knew where to look. ...I hope you can understand this.
I have also addressed (at least twice now) exactly why Lucifer matches Jesus Theomatically.
After you read the book "Holy City Bible Code", it should become clearer to you. At least I hope so!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Hey there Ed,
Your explanation about cherry picking is faulty because you have no test to discern between real gold and fool's gold. You arbitrarily declare anything that fits your personal beliefs to be "real gold." Anything that contradicts your beliefs is explained away and/or ignored. It all depends on whatever beliefs you already happen to hold, so it proves nothing. For example, if you were a Muslim, you would see the purest gold in the identity "Names of God" = 99 because this confirms the Islamic teaching that Allah has 99 names. But you reject this as an "anomaly" and move on because it does not fit your personal beliefs. How then does any of this prove anything? You have never explained why your identities constitute a "proof" at all! And that is particularly curious given that you wrote the word "PROVEN" in ALL CAPS in the title of this thread.
This is why I have been asking you to explain how your lists of numbers and words are supposed to "prove" anything, but you have persistently refused to answer. So let's try again:
Why does the identity "Jesus = 74 = Messiah" prove that Jesus is Messiah, but the identity "Jesus = 74 = Lucifer" does not prove that Jesus is Lucifer? I understand you think you "explained" this by quoting verses about "Lucifer." But that only shows you do not understand the question. The question is not about this particular example, but rather the general problem of your whole methodology. I only used this example to show that your methodology is inconsistent and arbitrary, and therefore fallacious. You have not addressed this point. Your "proofs" only "prove" what you already believe, so they don't actually prove anything at all.
I'm surprised you don't see this. All you need to do is imagine that you were a Muslim. Would any of your identities convince you of anything? Surely you understand now how your methods prove nothing, right? I mean, you are able to see that your definition of "gold" would change to "Muslim Gold" instead of "Christian Gold" and you would delight in the perfection of Allah's design of the English(74) Gematria(74) which proves the truth of the prophet Muhammad(74):
Allah's Design = 111 = Perfection
And you have served Allah wonderfully with the discovery of His God Numbers and the source of His Prophet's inspiration:
Allah's Prophet = 151 = Holy Spirit = The God Numbers
Thus we know with certainty the source of the Quran:
Quran is from = 151 = Allah's Prophet = Holy Spirit
What truth could be more plain? Even Christians believe that the Quran is from Allah's Prophet! And now we have PROOF that Muhammad was inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT! But there is more! You have given the world TOTAL PROOF of Islam! Behold the Light of Muhammad! It is the Knowledge of Allah given by the Holy Spirit!
Light of Muhammad = 151 = Allah's Prophet = Holy Spirit = Knowledge of Allah!
I could continue forever showing how English Gematria declares the Perfection(111) of Allah's Design(111). Indeed, it is the Light of Allah(111) that teaches Allah is Lord(111). How much more GOLD could you possibly need to convince you to convert to Islam? I will leave you with this new discovery that Allah has "cherry picked" to help you make your decision:
Most Holy Quran = 2 x 99 = Perfect Proof of Allah = God's True Religion = Muhammad, Quran, and Allah
What Muslim would not see this as the most perfect and purest GOLD ever found? And this identity contains another identity:
Muhammad and Allah = 127 = Most Holy
And remember the meaning of the number 99? Besides proving the doctrine that Allah has 99 names, it also proves that Allah is the Perfect God!
Names of God = 99 = Perfect God
And finally (I just can't stop!) we have:
The Only True God = 189 = 3 x 63 = Allah is Most Holy
And since 63 is one of the most important of the God Numbers that you have used in your proofs, we cannot doubt this proof that Allah is the Only True God.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
Are you a muslim? You know 'the quran' contradicts "The Bible" in many ways; don't you?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-23-2011, 09:39 AM
Hi Richard,
Are you a muslim? You know 'the quran' contradicts "The Bible" in many ways; don't you?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Wow. Are you saying you don't understand the point of my post? I thought I made everything perfectly clear. I wrote "All you need to do is imagine that you were a Muslim."
The point was to demonstrate by example that your identities prove nothing. You think the identities are "proofs" only when they confirm what you already believe. If you were a Muslim you would claim all those "Muslim" identities proved Islam to be true. Therefore, the identities prove nothing.
Do you now understand why your claims about "proof" are fallacious?
All the best,
Wow. Are you saying you don't understand the point of my post? I thought I made everything perfectly clear. I wrote "All you need to do is imagine that you were a Muslim."
The point was to demonstrate by example that your identities prove nothing. You think the identities are "proofs" only when they confirm what you already believe. If you were a Muslim you would claim all those "Muslim" identities proved Islam to be true. Therefore, the identities prove nothing.
Do you now understand why your claims about "proof" are fallacious?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
As you say I can always explain them away!
By the way hows the book coming along?
My God(YHVH) who originates outside of time is much smarter than Lucifer.
Here is God's documentation of this "Bible Truth"!
Theomatics(Gematria number codes in Scripture) allows me...
(Ed: Joshua 22:34) to clearly demonstrate who is the destroyer!
...................Abaddon(41) + Apollyon(110) = 151
Rev. 9:11 And they (muslims) had a king over them (Job 41:34=allah), which is the angel(Lucifer)
of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but (the
FAKE muslim god allah) in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Notice the significance of this number (9 11)! (Isa.30:25-26) Everyone in the U.S.A. does!
The abbreviation of Isaiah: "Isa" is how the name "Jesus" translates from Arabic into English!
..........................allah = 34
satan is mentioned in exactly 34 verses in the New "Testament"!
Job 41:34(=allah) He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14) (Ecl.9:12-16)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-23-2011, 10:31 AM
Hi Richard,
As you say I can always explain them away!
By the way hows the book coming along?
My God(YHVH) who originates outside of time is much smarter than Lucifer.
Here is God's documentation of this "Bible Truth"!
Theomatics(Gematria number codes in Scripture) allows me...
(Ed: Joshua 22:34) to clearly demonstrate who is the destroyer!
...................Abaddon(41) + Apollyon(110) = 151
Rev. 9:11 And they (muslims) had a king over them (Job 41:34=allah), which is the angel(Lucifer)
of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but (the
FAKE muslim god allah) in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Notice the significance of this number (9 11)! (Isa.30:25-26) Everyone in the U.S.A. does!
The abbreviation of Isaiah: "Isa" is how the name "Jesus" translates from Arabic into English!
..........................allah = 34
satan is mentioned in exactly 34 verses in the New "Testament"!
Job 41:34(=allah) He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14) (Ecl.9:12-16)
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
.................You have demonstrated no such thing!
All you have offered to refute these biblical facts: are distractions away from The Truth.
Now that I have successfully shot down all of your distractions, 'The Truth' stands firm!
You yourself have even said!...
Hey there Ed,
I am glad you are trying to address the points I have been making. Thanks!
I understand that you think there are certain words that are more important than others, so their numerical values are "definitive" like God = 26. That's fine, I agree.
All the best,
I just noticed that you had addressed the "cherry picking"
I have illustrated to everyone here: There are 5 distinct numbers which
show a significant correlation to biblical doctrine; not merely one or two.
These numerical signature markers, correspond directly to names of YHVH!
....................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34) ( (Ecl.9:12-16)
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
It's funny how when you went about to promote your Bible Wheel,
you were met with much resistance (Click Here (; and now you
too have turned out to be 'the nay sayer'; ironic is it not?
Your brother
in Christ, Jesus!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
.........Here are some more "Cherry Picked" facts I cherry picked especially for you!
Isaiah 44:26 That confirmeth the word of his servant(Ed J), and performeth the counsel of his messengers...
'Gematria': is the use of number valuations, associating different words together, through integers.
'Theomatics': is the practice of using 'Gematria' to associate Theological ideas together;
through the use of multiplication factors derived from their Gematria valuations.
....................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
........The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63.
This 'Theomatic' sentence MUST be true because of the following...
God's name (יהוה) transliterates into English as "YHVH"(63).
YHVH's Theomatic total matches precisely the meaning of The Book 'in Greek',
which translates into English as "The Bible"(63), which is 'The Book' written about God(YHVH=63).
Furthermore, The pronunciation of the title 'God' (אלהים) in Hebrew 'ĔL-ō-Hêêm'(63) matches as well. (Click Here (
[אלהים] 'ĔL-ō-Hêêm'(63) in Hebrew, first mentioned in Genesis:1:1. (Click Here (
Prime number counterparts is another aspect of 'Theomatics' (Numbers related to God)
In 23 the 33 beginning 81 God 26 created 56 the 33 heaven 55 = 307 (63rd prime number)
God's Name is first mentioned 'in singular form' in Exodus 6:3.
Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name
of 'God Almighty', but by my name JEHOVAH(YHVH=63) was I not known to them.
'God Almighty': [בְּאֵל שַׁדָּי] 'El Shaddia'(63) is another significant bullet point!
The Bible has both an 'Old' and a 'New' Testament=117 (See God's Signature)
The Greek for word for 'Testament' is [διαθήκη] 'diathéké'(63)! (Click Here (
Nehemiah*(63) (this Prophet's Name means: in essence) Comfort
John 16:7 Nevertheless I(Jesus) tell you the truth;
It is expedient for you that I go away(crucifixion):
for if I go not away, the Comforter (HolySpirit=151 / God Spirit=117)
will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth
is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
...................'Rain' in The Bible is doctrine!
Deut.32:1 My 38 doctrine 88 shall 52 drop 53 as 20 the 33 rain 42
my 38 speech 56 shall 52 distil 73 as 20 the 33 dew 32 = 630 (Rev.15:3)
Another aspect of 'Theomatics' is meanings are intensified by adding zeros;
much like adding zeros means monetary values are increased in currency notes.
Ed's 'God' MUST certainly exist because of this information < < < PLUS A LOT MORE TO COME > > >! (‘;’)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
*The Prophet Nehemiah was commissioned to rebuild Jerusalem. (Jer.30:18)
Hi Richard,
.........Here are some more "Cherry Picked" facts I cherry picked especially for you!
Isaiah 44:26 That confirmeth the word of his servant(Ed J), and performeth the counsel of his messengers...
'Gematria': is the use of number valuations, associating different words together, through integers.
'Theomatics': is the practice of using 'Gematria' to associate Theological ideas together;
through the use of multiplication factors derived from their Gematria valuations.
....................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
........The 'Divine'=63 'Deity'=63 of 'The Bible'=63 is 'YHVH'=63.
This 'Theomatic' sentence MUST be true because of the following...
God's name (יהוה) transliterates into English as "YHVH"(63).
YHVH's Theomatic total matches precisely the meaning of The Book 'in Greek',
which translates into English as "The Bible"(63), which is 'The Book' written about God(YHVH=63).
Furthermore, The pronunciation of the title 'God' (אלהים) in Hebrew 'ĔL-ō-Hêêm'(63) matches as well. (Click Here (
[אלהים] 'ĔL-ō-Hêêm'(63) in Hebrew, first mentioned in Genesis:1:1. (Click Here (
Prime number counterparts is another aspect of 'Theomatics' (Numbers related to God)
In 23 the 33 beginning 81 God 26 created 56 the 33 heaven 55 = 307 (63rd prime number)
God's Name is first mentioned 'in singular form' in Exodus 6:3.
Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name
of 'God Almighty', but by my name JEHOVAH(YHVH=63) was I not known to them.
'God Almighty': [בְּאֵל שַׁדָּי] 'El Shaddia'(63) is another significant bullet point!
The Bible has both an 'Old' and a 'New' Testament=117 (See God's Signature)
The Greek for word for 'Testament' is [διαθήκη] 'diathéké'(63)! (Click Here (
Nehemiah*(63) (this Prophet's Name means: in essence) Comfort
John 16:7 Nevertheless I(Jesus) tell you the truth;
It is expedient for you that I go away(crucifixion):
for if I go not away, the Comforter (HolySpirit=151 / God Spirit=117)
will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth
is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
["The Latter Rain"=151 and "former rain"=117] unto the earth.
...................'Rain' in The Bible is doctrine!
Deut.32:1 My 38 doctrine 88 shall 52 drop 53 as 20 the 33 rain 42
my 38 speech 56 shall 52 distil 73 as 20 the 33 dew 32 = 630 (Rev.15:3)
Another aspect of 'Theomatics' is meanings are intensified by adding zeros;
much like adding zeros means monetary values are increased in currency notes.
Ed's 'God' MUST certainly exist because of this information < < < PLUS A LOT MORE TO COME > > >! (‘;’)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
*The Prophet Nehemiah was commissioned to rebuild Jerusalem. (Jer.30:18)
Hi Everyone,
My God MUST exist: because time is NOT a factor in YHVH's dealings with individuals through his servants. (Isaiah 44:26)
Isaiah 33:10 Now will I rise, saith the LORD; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself.
Now 52 will 56 I 9 rise 51 saith 57 the 33 LORD 49 = 307 (63rd prime number)
now 52 will 56 I 9 be 7 exalted 71 now 52 will 56 I 9 lift 47 up 37 myself 80
'will 56 I 9 be 7 exalted 71 ? now 52 will 56 I 9 ! = 260'
now 52 will 56 I 9 = 117... ...up 37 myself 80 = 117
....................God's Signature
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
Witnessing to a world wide audience in behalf of YHVH!
117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14) (Ecl.9:12-16)
Richard Amiel McGough
01-24-2011, 10:13 AM
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
.................You have demonstrated no such thing!
All you have offered to refute these biblical facts: are distractions away from The Truth.
Now that I have successfully shot down all of your distractions, “The Truth” stands firm!
Hey there Ed,
Do you remember Baghdad Bob? He was the Iraqi who said there were no Americans in Iraq immediately before we took Baghdad.
You are free to deny the facts. There is nothing I can do about that. I have shown you why your method is fallacious, and you have not responded to the facts I have presented.
Your assertion that I have "demonstrated no such thing" is demonstrably false. And I'm pretty sure you know this because you are skillfully skirting the evidence I have presented. Specifically, I showed that you accept an identity as "gold" only if it confirms what you already believed. If you were a Muslim, you would think Allah's Prophet = 151 was the purest of "gold." Therefore, your "proofs" prove nothing. I have explained this a dozen times in a dozen ways, and you have never addressed this fact.
I trust you realize that your case is not strengthened by an obstinate refusal to deal with logic, facts, and reality. If you are really interested in "proving" things, then you need to provide answers to the evidence that contradicts your claims.
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
01-24-2011, 10:24 AM
Wow. Are you saying you don't understand the point of my post? I thought I made everything perfectly clear. I wrote "All you need to do is imagine that you were a Muslim."
The point was to demonstrate by example that your identities prove nothing. You think the identities are "proofs" only when they confirm what you already believe. If you were a Muslim you would claim all those "Muslim" identities proved Islam to be true. Therefore, the identities prove nothing.
Do you now understand why your claims about "proof" are fallacious?
All the best,
Hi Richard,
As you say I can always explain them away!
That's exactly correct Ed. You can "explain them away" just like any madman in an asylum. I trust you don't think I'm being rude. I'm speaking as plainly as possible in the hope that you will choose to accept reality. I have shown you the truth many times. YOU KNOW your proofs are not proofs of anything because you reject identical "proofs" if they "prove" something you don't want to believe.
Therefore, your "proofs" prove nothing, not even to you! Why do you refuse accept this simple and incontrovertible fact? YOU YOURSELF do not believe the numbers actually prove anything because you reject them and explain them away if they imply something you don't believe. Why can you not see this simple fact?
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
01-24-2011, 10:40 AM
Hey there Ed,
I have conclusively demonstrated that your "proofs" prove nothing, and you just ignore the evidence without even trying to refute it. I guess there's not much left to talk about. But I do wonder what it would take for you to admit the truth and to accept reality. I find your refusal to deal with the truth particularly ironic given that your central claim is about "proving" the "truth" of the Bible.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
It's funny how when you went about to promote your Bible Wheel,
you were met with much resistance (Click Here (; and now you
too have turned out to be 'the nay sayer'; ironic is it not?
Your brother
in Christ, Jesus!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
That's a false equivalence Ed. The fact that some folks reject truth does not mean I should accept falsehood!
Folks rejected my work on the Bible Wheel out of ignorance and without any legitimate criticism. I would have been absolutely thrilled if anyone had taken the time and effort to objectively and fairly review the evidence like I have done with your work. I would engage their criticism, not ignore it or try to "explain it away" like you do. It seems you do not realize that your "methods" of explicit cherry picking and ad hoc argumentation absolutely destroy any and all possible legitimacy to your work in the eyes of anyone with a logical mind. Your methods are text-book examples of fallacious logic, and yet you willfully persist in your error despite how many times it is explained to you! You embrace error as if it were the key to truth!
And I'm not a "naysayer." I am simply pointing out that your logic is fallacious and your claims are demonstrably false. It would be absurd for me to accept your claims without any evidence supporting them, wouldn't it?
Hi Richard,
I addresses your last three posts in my preceding posts, so there's no need to respond again!
You claim Gematria is a flawed system, yet you yourself use it? Is that not hypocritical?
The Gematria I do use has a direct correlation to the AKJV Bible; cherry picked yes,
but harder to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use. This pattern has
occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation.
Now that we (people as a whole) are starting to understand Gematria more fully, take another look
at the promises God made to Abraham, even down to calling Abraham THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS..
God(LORD God Almighty) made these three promises to Abraham's seed; his seed would be as plenty as the…
1) 'Dust of the Earth'=170 (Gen. 3:16) Lord(49)+ God(26)+ Almighty(95) or [49+26+95=170] (Rev.4:8)
2) 'Stars of Heaven'=153 (Gen. 26:4) 'Sons of God' in Hebrew בני ה אלהים=153 Beni Ha-Elohim.
3) 'Sand of the Sea'=117 (Gen. 32:12) matching 'God the Father'=117 (117=יהוה האלהים)
It’s interesting to note that the very same language is used in Rev. 20:8 where Satan goes about in battle
to deceive the nations, He is going against God’s people (the people of 117=יהוה האלהים)
to deceive, whose number is AS the "SAND OF THE SEA"=117(or 117).
AKJV: Rev. 20:8: 'And (Satan) shall go out to deceive the nations which
are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them
together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.'
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 ( (
Richard Amiel McGough
01-26-2011, 02:30 PM
Hi Richard,
I addresses your last three posts in my preceding posts, so there's no need to respond again!
Hey there Ed,
Glad you wrote something, but I'm sorry that it is not a meaningful response. You never addressed most of my points. You simply asserted that I had "demonstrated no such thing" when in fact I have. I presented solid arguments based on logic and facts. You did not respond to what I wrote. Merely asserting "you are wrong" does not count as "addressing my posts."
You have NEVER explained why your numbers "prove" anything. You have never explained why one identity is "gold" and another identity should be ignored or "explained away." You never showed any understanding that your "proofs" only prove what you want them to prove, and that a Muslim could use exactly the same methods to arrive at opposite conclusions. You never discussed any of these points with me. Your "proofs" are not based on any consistent logical principles. Indeed, you have never shown any understanding of LOGIC or LOGICAL FALLACIES such as "Cherry Picking" and "Ad Hoc" arguments. I have shown you why your arguments are fallacious, but you did not respond. And most importantly, I have clearly demonstrated that YOU YOURSELF do not believe the numbers prove anything because you ignore or explain away numerical identities that "prove" something you do want to believe.
I have repeated these criticisms many times because you have never addressed them. The only one you even attempted to answer was about Cherry Picking, but I showed that your answer was fallacious and you never even attempted to refute my argument. Therefore, my argument stands, along with all the others you have failed to address.
Let me repeat: You are claiming to PROVE something but you have refused to explain why the numbers and words prove anything. You have persisted in flagrant logical fallacies. I have explained that no person with a logical mind will every believe you if you persist in blatant irrationality. Why do you not address these points?
You claim Gematria is a flawed system, yet you yourself use it? Is that not hypocritical? The Gematria I do use has a direct correlation to the AKJV Bible; cherry picked yes, but harder to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use. This pattern has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation.
I do not claim that Hebrew or Greek Gematria is a flawed system. I claim that your attempt to prove Biblical doctrines with English Gematria is flawed. And I have shown why many times, and given many proofs that it is flawed, and you have not answered those proofs in a meaningful way. You have refused to engage the arguments I am presenting. It looks like you afraid to test your "proofs" to see if they really prove anything.
You have never explained why identities cherry picked by Muslims are not equally valid as the identities cherry picked by you.
Your assertion that there is a "pattern" that "has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation" is false. There is no "pattern." That is what I have been showing you. Unless, of course, you believe that Allah designed English(74) Gematria(74) to prove that Muhammad(74) is Allah's Prophet(151) by using The God Numbers(151).
Why can you not see this? I have shown it to you over and over and over again, and you never even try to answer. YOU YOURSELF DO NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS PROVE ANYTHING! We know this because you reject the numbers if they "prove" something you do not want to believe. How many times to I have to repeat the truth to you? It's fine if you don't agree, but it is absurd that you do not even attempt to answer!
Now that we (people as a whole) are starting to understand Gematria more fully, take another look at the promises God made to Abraham, even down to calling Abraham THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS.. God(LORD God Almighty) made these three promises to Abraham's seed; his seed would be as plenty as the…
1) “Dust of the Earth”=170 (Gen. 3:16) Lord(49)+ God(26)+ Almighty(95) or [49+26+95=170] (Rev.4:8)
2) “Stars of Heaven”=153 (Gen. 26:4) “Sons of God” in Hebrew בני ה אלהים=153 Beni Ha-Elohim.
3) “Sand of the Sea”=117 (Gen. 32:12) matching “God the Father”=117 (117=יהוה האלהים)
Why do you present more cherry picked identities? I have already shown that there are no "patterns" that prove only Christian doctrines. A Muslim would find plenty of "proof" for the Quran using English Gematria. Why do you not understand this simple point? It is as obvious as anything could be! Why do you not explain why numbers can "prove" things you want to believe, but not things you don't want to believe?
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
01-26-2011, 02:45 PM
Hey there Ed,
Here is the bottom line. You claim to have "proof" of something, but you consistently violate the definition of the word "proof." Here are the first two definitions from Websters:
the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact
the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning
See that? You are supposed to be following the PRINCIPLES OF REASONING dude!
And note, a legitimate "proof" would have "cogency" that "compels acceptance" by all rational people who accept the facts and premises of the argument. But your numbers do nothing like that because they only prove what you want them to prove. I clearly demonstrated this by showing that a Muslim could use your methods to arrive at opposite conclusions.
Therefore, your numbers prove nothing. I have proven this conclusively and you have adamantly refused to discuss it with me in a rational fashion (though I am happy to say that you have been very cordial and pleasant about it).
So answer me this: Do you care if anyone believes you? Do you understand the meaning of the word "proof"? If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, then why do you not answer the criticisms I have presented? They are the same criticisms that would cause any logical person to reject your assertions. They need to be answered. If you ignore them, all intelligent people will ignore your claims as obviously false and fallacious.
All the best,
Hi Richard,
As I said before: Finding word structures to match opposing views does not change "Bible Truth"(117)
When someone 'lies' to you, do their lies diminish "The Truth" at all? 'THINK' ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY!
..................God's Signature
..........The Bible(63) → AKJV Bible(74)
יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
……………….......…. 'YHVH is GOD'=117
PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], and
the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!
Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (AKJV Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34) ( …(Eccl.9:12-16)
Richard Amiel McGough
03-01-2011, 06:34 PM
Hi Richard,
As I said before: Finding word structures to match opposing views does not change "Bible Truth"(117)
When someone 'lies' to you, do their lies diminish "The Truth" at all? 'THINK' ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY!
Hey there Ed,
You simply do not understand. You claim that your numbers prove the truth of things in the Bible, but you know that is false because I have proven that you yourself do not really believe the numbers prove anything!
How did I prove it? SIMPLE! I showed that the numbers "prove" things that you do not accept as true. Therefore, you reject the numbers as proof.
It's so simple. Why do not not understand?
Hi Richard,
There's really something to "English Gematria", but I'm
having trouble explaining (to you) the significance of it.
Take for example the story of the 30 pieces of silver that Judas
was paid for betraying Jesus. This 'Prophecy' was foretold in Zech.
Zech.11:10-13: 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder,
that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And
it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew
that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me
my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And
the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prized at of them.
And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.
"Jesus"(74) is "Beauty"(74)
'Beauty'(74) here CLEARLY represents 'Jesus'(74);
GOD foretelling 'HIS DEATH'(74) on the [*] 'Cross'(74).
Would you call this 'Cherry Picking' as well? ~
Well, it’s some pretty ripe 'Fruit'(74); huh? (Rom.7:4 (
"God Blood"(74) from the "God Son"(74)
Matt.27:3-7 3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself,
and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 Saying, I have sinned
in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to [I]that.
5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury,
because it is the price of blood. 7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Richard Amiel McGough
06-14-2011, 05:27 PM
Hi Richard,
There's really something to "English Gematria", but I'm
having trouble explaining (to you) the significance of it.
Take for example the story of the 30 pieces of silver that Judas
was paid for betraying Jesus. This “Prophecy” was foretold in Zech.
Zech.11:10-13: 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder,
that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prized at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.
"Jesus"(74) is "Beauty"(74)
“Beauty”(74) here CLEARLY represents “Jesus”(74);
GOD foretelling “HIS DEATH”(74) on the [†] “Cross”(74).
Would you call this “Cherry Picking” as well? ~
Well, it’s some pretty ripe “Fruit”(74); huh? (Rom.7:4 (
"God Blood"(74) from the "God Son"(74)
Matt.27:3-7 3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself,
and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 Saying, I have sinned
in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury,
because it is the price of blood. 7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hi Ed,
Yes, I think it is cherry picking. I've explained why it is cherry picking and why it is a logical fallacy, but you have never indicated that you understood why this might be a problem.
I've explained many things to you, but you just ignore what I have written. One of the most important things I have proven is that you yourself do not believe that the numbers themselves actually prove anything at all. I explained this in my last post in this thread, but you ignore it as usual. So let me try one more time:
You claim that the numbers "prove" something. But that is false. You do not believe the numbers actually prove anything. You accept the numerical proofs ONLY when they confirm what you already believe. When they prove something you don't like, such as LUCIFER = 74 = JESUS = MUHAMMAD then you "explain away" why the numbers DON'T PROVE what the same numbers would prove if you liked what they supposedly "proved." In other words, YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS ACTUALLY PROVE ANYTHING AT ALL!
For example, if the numbers really do prove things, please explain why the "numbers" don't prove this statement is true: "Allah designed English(74) Gematria(74) to prove that Muhammad(74) is Allah's Prophet(151) by using The God Numbers(151)."
Here's how I explained it in my last post which you ignored:
Hey there Ed,
You simply do not understand. You claim that your numbers prove the truth of things in the Bible, but you know that is false because I have proven that you yourself do not really believe the numbers prove anything!
How did I prove it? SIMPLE! I showed that the numbers "prove" things that you do not accept as true. Therefore, [I]you reject the numbers as proof.
It's so simple. Why do not not understand?
So let me ask again: It's so simple. Why do not not understand?
It would be nice if you tried to answer this time.
All the best,
Hi Ed,
Yes, I think it is cherry picking. I've explained why it is cherry picking and why it is a logical fallacy, but you have never indicated that you understood why this might be a problem.
I've explained many things to you, but you just ignore what I have written. One of the most important things I have proven is that you yourself do not believe that the numbers themselves actually prove anything at all. I explained this in my last post in this thread, but you ignore it as usual. So let me try one more time:
You claim that the numbers "prove" something. But that is false. You do not believe the numbers actually prove anything. You accept the numerical proofs ONLY when they confirm what you already believe. When they prove something you don't like, such as LUCIFER = 74 = JESUS = MUHAMMAD then you "explain away" why the numbers DON'T PROVE what the same numbers would prove if you liked what they supposedly "proved." In other words, YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS ACTUALLY PROVE ANYTHING AT ALL!
For example, if the numbers really do prove things, please explain why the "numbers" don't prove this statement is true: "Allah designed English(74) Gematria(74) to prove that Muhammad(74) is Allah's Prophet(151) by using The God Numbers(151)."
Here's how I explained it in my last post which you ignored:
So let me ask again: It's so simple. Why do not not understand?
It would be nice if you tried to answer this time.
All the best,
..............................God's Signature
.............................Proof of God=117
GOD(26) → The Bible(63) → AKJV Bible(74) → The LORD JEHOVAH(151)
.....26=יהוה (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
.....YHVH=63 (God's Name: יהוה translated into English)
.....Jesus=74 (God's Son's Name into English is: Joshua)
.....HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word' in all believers)
.....God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD' יהוה האלהים)
Hi Richard,
I will make a comparison for you and hopefully YOU will understand.
What you are saying is that 'The Bible' (comparatively) is equal to any book.
But what you ‘fail’ to understand is one is God’s Truth and the other is man’s truth.
'Beauty'(74) is written in the bible, which clearly represents 'Jesus'(74).
What you offer is no-where to be found in the bible, so it is ‘squag’!
Unless you can show it is written in The Bible, it is USELESS!
Would you be willing to give the same credence to someone
that attempts to debunk the bible as you would to 'God’s Word'?
What I offer is 'Facts',
What you offer is ‘conjecture’!
Why do you refuse to accept my answer?
Your brother
in Christ, Jesus.
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
Hi Everyone,
.........................God's Signature
........................Proof of God=117
GOD(26) → The Bible(63) → AKJV Bible(74) → The LORD JEHOVAH(151)
......יהוה=26 (God's Name YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
......YHVH=63 (God's Name יהוה translated into English)
......Jesus=74 (God's Son's name in English is: "Joshua")
......HolySpirit=151 ('FATHER: The Word': in all believers)
......God The Father=117 (Representing 'GOD': יהוה האלהים)
In case anyone is having trouble understanding the significance of this information.
Here is a closer look at the number 26, these are six facts that cannot be denied.
.......................(26)יהוה = 'GOD'(26)
Fact #1. GOD's NAME, [יהוה], Theomatically matching 'GOD'=26!
Fact #2. The Short Form of God's Name, [יה], is pronounced 'YÄ'=26.
Fact #3. Man being created in YHVH's Image is first mentioned in Gen.1:26.
Fact #4. 'GOD'=26: matches the number of letters in the English alphabet, 26.
Fact #5. God's, the possessive form of GOD, the number of times written is 26.
Fact #6. "Spirit OF God", the possessive phrase, the number of times written is 26.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34 (
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