View Full Version : IT IS FINISHED!

Richard Amiel McGough
07-10-2007, 03:22 PM
The Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database is now online! (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.asp)

It displays the text of every verse of the KJV and the corresponding Hebrew or Greek exactly as written in the original text plus the dictionary forms of the words with their definitions from Strong's Concordance.

I added a feature to the gematria function so you can select any combination of words in the original language. This is just the Version 1.0, I have many plans for updates now that the database is up and running. For example, I still need to add many search features, and I want to add data entry pages so we can store all the insights we have. Please use this thread to post suggestions, comments, and bug reports. Remember, this is really just the beta version. I've been doing little but coding for the last six days or so.

I'll write more when I recover from the brain exhaustion. This was a huge project that involved extensive SQL, VB, HTML, and Javascript programming. I praise our Lord who has taught my fingers to fight! (or type, as the case may be :lol:)


07-10-2007, 03:38 PM
:woohoo::bounce:::woohoo::bounce::woohoo:I'd put the gematria for that - but now I will go look it up!:flowers::bounce::woohoo::bounce::bounce:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-10-2007, 03:44 PM
:woohoo::bounce:::woohoo::bounce::woohoo:I'd put the gematria for that - but now I will go look it up!:flowers::bounce::woohoo::bounce::bounce:

Please report back as soon as you find it! hehehe ....

07-10-2007, 04:25 PM
Hi Richard!

Can't thank you enough for making this available. Your giving to the flock of God has been phenomenal, and has great recompense of reward. Again, thank you so much for your hard work and your love of God's word.

Your bro in the Lord,

Richard Amiel McGough
07-10-2007, 04:44 PM
Hi Richard!

Can't thank you enough for making this available. Your giving to the flock of God has been phenomenal, and has great recompense of reward. Again, thank you so much for your hard work and your love of God's word.

Your bro in the Lord,
Hey there bro!

Great to see you here. And thanks for adding to my joy by joyfully receiving the gift! I am sure we will all be amazed to see how God will use it to reveal more of the wonders of His Word!

Now maybe I'll find some energy to answer some of those posts I've gotten a little behind on ...

Talk more soon!

07-11-2007, 01:28 AM
Wow!! Thank you and the Lord God who was with you

07-11-2007, 07:49 AM
:yo: Bravo!


Triple Nine
07-14-2007, 06:21 AM
The Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database is now online! (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.asp)

... I'll write more when I recover from the brain exhaustion...


I can't wait to dig in, in every direction.

Brain exhaustion, yeah, I can relate to that.

I've already got a very large list started on the "other" thing.

Have a great day, brother! (Something you won't hear in heaven)

08-04-2007, 06:42 PM
The Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database is now online! (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.asp)

It displays the text of every verse of the KJV and the corresponding Hebrew or Greek exactly as written in the original text plus the dictionary forms of the words with their definitions from Strong's Concordance.

I added a feature to the gematria function so you can select any combination of words in the original language. This is just the Version 1.0, I have many plans for updates now that the database is up and running. For example, I still need to add many search features, and I want to add data entry pages so we can store all the insights we have. Please use this thread to post suggestions, comments, and bug reports. Remember, this is really just the beta version. I've been doing little but coding for the last six days or so.

I'll write more when I recover from the brain exhaustion. This was a huge project that involved extensive SQL, VB, HTML, and Javascript programming. I praise our Lord who has taught my fingers to fight! (or type, as the case may be :lol:)


:pop2:Well, lets see……… it's BEEN saying 'Search by word or phrase' COMING SOON. And I know the Scripture also tells us that Jesus is COMING SOON. So I was just wondering :peep: which event might occur first :confused: Just wondering - that's all :ranger:. I mean - what do you do with all that time you are sleeping??? :bounce:

08-06-2007, 07:54 PM
Hey Richard,

You are incredible - when do you sleep? - and Shalag : Coming soon is just that : COMING SOON before 2000 years are up - REVELATION 22:20 "Yes I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 22:21: "The grace of the LORD JESUS be with all." The end.

Soon can be a very long time...

Richard Amiel McGough
08-06-2007, 08:10 PM
Hey Richard,

You are incredible - when do you sleep? - and Shalag : Coming soon is just that : COMING SOON before 2000 years are up - REVELATION 22:20 "Yes I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 22:21: "The grace of the LORD JESUS be with all." The end.

Soon can be a very long time...
I don't know when I sleep. Things are always keeping me busy. I had to go to Seattle twice in three days - 600 miles round trip total, and my brother in law is here and we visit a lot and this forum keeps me busy and I really do want to get the word search function uploaded SOON (its already working on my computer, but needs some finishing touches before I upload it to the site) -- I just hope I can finish before Christ returns so He can use it to help more souls get to know Him in this Age of Grace!