- Life without Limbs
- 46 seconds of wisdom from Steve Jobs
- Looking through the Lens of Love
- Christian Music Videos
- Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think
- Lawyer to Peacemaker
- Charlie Chaplin's final speech in The Great Dictator
- Little Drummer Boy
- Jackie Evancho ~ 10 year old opera singer
- CFWY - Gal 4:19
- The Wayseer Manifesto
- Slow Heart
- Bone for the Dogs
- Shipwrecked?
- Road to Damascus
- The Beautiful Feet..
- Poem "The Walls"
- Jacob's Ladder
- Feathers !
- Rite Rhyme
- The Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
- The Walls
- Dr Benjamin Carson - National Prayer Breakfast 2013
- They Tried to Shut Her Mouth Once, Now She Won't Stop Talking. Glory to God!!
- A Time to Rhyme
- New/Hidden LEAVEN!
- From Lesbianism to the Parking Lot to Church: An Interview with the Author
- Rite Writing
- Media Pedology
- No Camel Meat..
- Devil You Say!
- Maiden Voyage!
- Ye are gods !
- Fertile Soil..
- Solomon's Decision
- poem
- The WORD Says..
- Deviled Eggs, anyone?
- Translated!
- Beautiful Feet..
- A Little Poison
- Bible: Spy Novel
- Didy Doll
- Veil of Tears
- The CrossRoad..
- Moses Said..
- Let My People Go!
- Slow Heart
- Letting Go..
- The Love Boat..
- Interrupted Road to Damascus
- Sailing..
- WORDS: poem
- Nightlight - poem
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Confounded!
- David & Goliath
- ROCK Solid