View Full Version : Inspiration

  1. Life without Limbs
  2. 46 seconds of wisdom from Steve Jobs
  3. Looking through the Lens of Love
  4. Christian Music Videos
  5. Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think
  6. Lawyer to Peacemaker
  7. Charlie Chaplin's final speech in The Great Dictator
  8. Little Drummer Boy
  9. Jackie Evancho ~ 10 year old opera singer
  10. CFWY - Gal 4:19
  11. The Wayseer Manifesto
  12. Slow Heart
  13. Bone for the Dogs
  14. Shipwrecked?
  15. Road to Damascus
  16. The Beautiful Feet..
  17. Poem "The Walls"
  18. Jacob's Ladder
  19. Feathers !
  20. Rite Rhyme
  21. The Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
  22. The Walls
  23. Dr Benjamin Carson - National Prayer Breakfast 2013
  24. They Tried to Shut Her Mouth Once, Now She Won't Stop Talking. Glory to God!!
  25. A Time to Rhyme
  26. The FAITH WALK..
  27. New/Hidden LEAVEN!
  28. From Lesbianism to the Parking Lot to Church: An Interview with the Author
  29. WORDS
  30. Rite Writing
  31. Media Pedology
  32. No Camel Meat..
  33. Devil You Say!
  34. Maiden Voyage!
  35. Ye are gods !
  36. Fertile Soil..
  37. Solomon's Decision
  38. poem
  39. The WORD Says..
  40. SAMSON
  41. Deviled Eggs, anyone?
  42. Translated!
  43. Beautiful Feet..
  44. A Little Poison
  45. Bible: Spy Novel
  46. Didy Doll
  47. Veil of Tears
  48. The CrossRoad..
  49. Moses Said..
  50. Let My People Go!
  51. Slow Heart
  52. Letting Go..
  53. SHOO IN
  54. The Love Boat..
  55. Interrupted Road to Damascus
  56. Sailing..
  57. WORDS: poem
  58. Nightlight - poem
  59. Nebuchadnezzar
  60. Confounded!
  61. David & Goliath
  62. ROCK Solid