View Full Version : Theories of Reality

  1. Solipsism
  2. "As a Man Thinketh"
  3. The Myth of Myself ~ by Alan Watts
  4. Our interpretation of Reality.
  5. Dealing with Deception - Winkie Pratney
  6. Concept to Creation
  7. Why is there something rather than nothing? Science meets philosophy.
  8. My spiritual awakening
  9. Absolutes
  10. Bunny Rabbits Can Fly
  11. A Pre-Adamic Stage?
  12. Agenda
  13. Agenda
  14. Frequency ratios
  15. Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation
  16. 369
  17. The Meaning of Life
  18. first major contribution to Gauss’ theory in 200 years