View Full Version : Mathematics

  1. Find (A,B,W,X,Y,Z) such that ...
  2. View from a higher dimension unifies 2D Mobius Transformations
  3. Vernon Jenkins
  4. Sarah's Key
  5. Good Party tricks
  6. The Elusive Icosahedron
  7. Beating Astronomical Odds
  8. S E V E N T Y !!
  9. Mod 9
  10. Three Curtains
  11. To the mathematicians
  12. A slice of pi
  13. Mathematical Monotheism
  14. The Mathematics of 666
  15. The Womb Of Creation
  16. Series and reductions question
  17. Back To The Future
  18. Gematria....Jots and Titles,C hapters, Books....addition is BOGUS
  19. Prime Atolls
  20. Pascal's Triangle and the English Alphabet