View Full Version : Christianity
- The God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
- The Religion of Christianity of Today & their Slick Doctrines
- The original Greek text Textus Receptus
- De-Conversion
- The CUP
- Christmas
- Holiness versus Wholeness
- Jesus born in feast of trumpeths or some other feast in those months?
- Lot's Daughters
- Slavery
- Jephthah's Daughter
- Don't Be A Scrooge! By Jim Fowler
- Cowboy Prayer
- Quotable Quotes
- Appreciating Christ's Death
- A More Excellent Way
- Why I Hate Religion and Love Jesus
- How do you know if you have the life of Christ in you?
- Unrepentant serial liar Ergun Caner exposed once again by ABC News
- Jesus is not God
- Is Michael the archangel Jesus?
- Why are Christians looking in texts instead of for the one?
- May the dark vision of the future not come to pass - Jesus
- The Mysterious Ways of God ~ 2 Samuel 21
- God-breathed ?
- Jeremiah 33:17 - A Failed Prophecy?
- The Mystery of the Fellowship
- Parodies of Piety
- Belief and Faith by Jacques Ellul
- Dr. Walter J. Veith
- Catholic Fr John Hollowell Rebuked
- Contract on Children - Part 1 (Winkie Pratney)
- 1,400 year old skeleton wearing Christian Cross
- Pyramid in the SUN then Pope Shenouda III passed over
- The Bible is not a Moral Guidebook
- God gave David multiple wives
- NYC City Schools BAN words of God and the word DANCING
- The LORD OVERTHROWS the LEARNED and makes FOOLS of the Rest
- Does Fulfilled Prophecy Prove the Bible?
- Batman stopped in MARYland
- How many Gods are there?
- Are the stories in the Bible true? Can Christianity be proven genuine?
- The Cult of Human Sacrifice
- UN Call for Mark of Beast - Carbon (666) Trading and the Biosphere Reserves
- Mind Control
- The Mark of the Beast p. 2 - Identifyiing the Mark Internally
- Did Tribulaton start on January 1, 2012?
- What Defines Morality?
- Isaiah 7:14 maiden/virgin
- The Other Gods..
- Divine Inspiration of Bible
- Lord Jesus Christ - Gematria 3168
- Ensignia Mark of the Beast
- Can a misplaced COMMA distort the account?
- Immanuel the Messiah. Why are people so slack to read Isaiah 7:14 and Daniel 9:26
- Religious Christian Weddings
- Christianity and the Tree of Life
- Jehovah 'Redemptive' Names
- Defending Misogyny in the Bible
- Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?
- Bishop Spong on the Bible as a source of truth
- Sexism in the Bible
- How the Bible Views Women
- The City of Glasgow is the "New Jerusalem"
- Why I became a Christian
- Should man rule over women for women’s own good?
- The Scottish "Mountain of God"
- The Woman caught in Adultery
- Women in the Bible
- God is almost omnipotent. He has many limits.
- Who Am I ?
- 2 Samuel 8:2 ~ Yet another atrocity approved by God
- God to Jesus. I just condemned the human race. Now go die to save them.
- Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ
- If you accept this as universal morality, you will reject God.
- Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?
- Footwashing ?
- There are no gods
- What is the best evidence for Christianity?
- The Naked Truth
- The Severity of God
- Prominent Atheist Blogger Converts to Catholicism
- Issues of morality shuts Christians up.
- Hell is for Children. A Christian Parable
- "Jesus' Birthday" Graphically Encoded in the Genesis
- To hate Jews is to hate God.
- Quiz Show (Bible Contradictions)
- Jesus shot himself!
- Is becoming like God good or evil?
- Are Adam and Christ "one and the same"?
- God loves the evil ones more than the good because he is the greatest sinner.
- Three in One (1Jo 5:7)?
- Two arguments for the possible corruption of Law!
- The Enigma of Jesus' nature!
- Dividing the Baby !
- The Gospel of Mark and the Progresssion of the Resurrection.
- The Scarlet Thread
- The Bible as a source of Truth
- Can you help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?
- Another Date-Setter Bites the Dust
- Wives for Benjamin
- Why was Jesus Tortured?
- Science explains the existence of God.
- The LOST Book !
- Apostle Nathanael ?
- Does the award for the greatest evil go to Satan or God?
- Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?
- Proof the Judeo-Christian Bible Inspired of God
- 666 Most Comprehensive Calculations - They did not worship the name or number...
- Justifications of God’s Atrocious Behavior
- When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?
- Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule.
- Like it or not, God is immoral.
- Anti Woman Quotes by Church Fathers
- God Hates Women
- A Christian speaks out against Christians feeling cowed by skeptics
- Who are the Christadelphians?
- I do not like vigilantism. But.
- God does not follow the first principle of morality. Why not?
- I was given a vision it change my life
- Why does God hate babies who have not sinned?
- Christianity would die without Islam.
- The Inextricable Sexism of the Bible
- Can God's Angels in Heaven be trusted?
- Are you Pure?
- Only I can judge God. I is you if you choose to be.
- For God to condemn you just to die for you is ridiculous and immoral.
- Pictures coded into the Genesis
- Atheist Church of the evolving Human God.
- God’s law versus secular law. Which is moral?
- The earth shall be filled with the Glory of the LORD – what, when and how?
- How far did Jesus know into the future?
- Two Fools
- Why did God do Satan’s bidding?
- When faith turns deadly: Parents convicted of manslaughter in faith-healing case
- Do Scientific Theories trump the Bible?
- The State and the Church: who ruled/rules?
- Are you ready for 2013?
- Why does Jesus the shepherd leave his flock at the mercy of a Super Wolf?
- Why does God Allow Evil People to be Born?
- Was God using a human to reproduce appropriate reproductive conduct?
- Wives for the Bridegroom!
- Are your Prayers being heard?
- The Eternal Significance of Hope
- Humans cannot be trusted to do Anything.
- Ravi Zacharias Comments on the Newton Shootings
- Did the Jews con their con man Western masters and win the God Wars?
- If God is evil, why does He allow good people to be born?
- The True Church
- A List of Bible Believing Scientists
- Have you ever forgiven someone? If so, who needs God to forgive a second time?
- Do you love Satan and demons as scriptures say you should?
- A call to arms for America and the world.
- Jesus Christ
- Was the Exodus natural or supernatural, fact or fiction?
- Please Please Pray For God Mercy For
- Doctrine of Thinking
- Our sin debt has been settled
- Pope Benedict is Resigning, a First in 600 Years!!!
- Paul's gospel must be accepted
- Does it make a difference who the next Pedophile Protecting Pope will be?
- Why Would God Show Me This?
- Dissproving Bible versions of Christians
- Pope
- How to spot an immature Christian and Genesis 1 differences.
- A True Bible Believer
- Does Jesus have a soul?
- Should God the Father adore man for teaching him better morals and ethics than what h
- Habemus Papam
- Attention idol worshipers of Godinabook. Satan is God’s Champion.
- Allegory of Saul/David
- The 6th Day 'Bread'
- Michael Rood's teachings about Fallen Angels that Sinned
- A Message from Our Lord to You
- April Fool..
- A touching story
- Cain and Abel - the origin of the devil explained
- The real jesus the world doesn't know him
- Not Understanding Myself
- Seven integrated reasons to believe Christianity is true
- Why I Am Not a Christian ~ Bertrand Russell
- A beautiful prayer to God
- Test Everything in the Bible
- Baptism by water
- Three Days and Three Nights
- Is it egotistical to think that a God would die for you?
- The Way to Eternal life and The Way to Death
- My Faith is Built On Nothing Less Than...
- The Word Of GOD!...What is it?
- How are adults talked into believing in fantasy creatures, miracles and magic?
- Can God love or have a moral sense?
- Consider - to Put off Mortal and to put on Immortal is to be DONE HERE..............
- Is needing or wanting to worshiping a God a human defect or benefit?
- Muslims promote Sharia law. Why do Christians not promote their law?
- If created perfect as scriptures say, why would we need salvation?
- A Big In Your Face Clue
- Abandon All Hope...Why?
- Rev.13:18 "666"
- More Meteor's
- The Historical Matrix
- If women thought and acted like men, would men like it and respect women?
- ~~~~~~~
- Still breathing?
- Fellow believers. You say you are saved and non-believers go to hell. Well, ----
- The NOAH Generation
- Does God get a fail in the love category?
- And the disciples of John and the Pharisees were fasting
- Dreams of the Pharaoh
- The Catholic Church is not a force for good in the world
- A Sign among them
- Leaving Egypt !
- Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him
- 501
- The risen Christ?
- Re-casting the Christ Story ~ John Shelby Spong
- Muddy Water..
- Is Satan both the Holy Spirit and God’s wife or Asherah?
- Family Matters..
- Indulgences; moral or immoral? How much for a rape Pope Francis?
- What was the fight between God and Satan about?
- Care to compare the Jesus you know to the one I know?
- Could God Correct Cataracts if He Wanted To?
- Bread for the Head
- Running with the Witnesses
- Can you picture Jesus using genocide as Noah’s God did?
- Judaism and Christianity?
- Who Started Religion?
- What Is Love?
- Are you Following Christianity or Churchianity?
- Does being under supernatural control exonerate Eve of any sin?
- Was Satan created in God’s image or is she God?
- Nothing
- The Centurions belief at Jesus' death
- The Importance Of Forgiving Others
- Are You Ready for 2014?
- Six hour 'Secret Church' prayer meeting (for Christians only)
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