- New Science Forum
- Young Earth Creationism
- The Periodic Table of Elements
- The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
- Staight in Nature?
- Bible - a book of science
- One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth
- There are several scientific areas
- When does life start? The Problem of Identical Twins.
- The Universe was Created to Design Itself
- Galileo Was Wrong. The Church Was Right - Catholic Conference on Geocentrism
- The Problem with Cloning
- Primes
- Queer or what/
- The world’s highest mountain
- Stranger than fiction
- Proof of extra dimensions
- What do you think of this?
- Da'ath
- "Electric Universe"
- Evidence for Creation
- Irreducible Complexity of Hearing
- Interesting Book
- Bible Stories and Our body
- Evolution, Creationism, the Bible, and the Tower of Babel
- The Origin of Matter and Information
- Brainwave Smart High
- History of the Collapse of "Flood Geology" and a Young Earth
- Minature Pterosaurs (flying reptiles)
- Nasa finds first planet in the habitible zone of a sun-like star
- Natural versus Artificial
- News on Higgs Boson..God Particle...Tuesday night
- Science on Trial?
- Building an Old Earth picture with the Bible
- Japan will built a space elevator by 2050
- Heart Mysteries Science Catching Up
- A New Leaf: New Catalyst Boosts Artificial Photosynthesis as a Solar Fuel
- AI: Cleverbot ain't so clever
- Proof we can change the past?
- Salt of the Earth?
- Climate scientist do not deny human caused climate change
- Does the Universe have a Purpose?
- Questions, questions, questions (Job 38, 39)
- Earth age
- Great Pyramid of Cheops
- Has Science Buried God?
- EXTENDED/EXPANDED PERIODIC TABLE/the electron multiverse "unity hologram 1118"
- EXTENDED/EXPANDED PERIODIC TABLE/the electron multiverse "unity holograph 1118"
- Paradoxes
- Creation-Evolution debate. Bill Nye versus Ken Ham (02-04-14)
- How do we know if something is true?
- Scientiic Dilemmas
- God, Evolution, Science
- Analyzing probability
- New heading; Creation
- Ways to know knowledge...
- Material Chemicals
- Steroidal Compounds