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  1. Thoughts on II Peter 3:15&16
  2. Angels in chains of darkness
  3. What is your favorite version of the Bible?
  4. The Anointing of Jesus; one or two accounts
  5. Galatians verse by verse
  6. Second chance before the second death?
  8. Psalms
  9. Joshuas "Stone of Witness"
  10. William Branham
  11. Who are God's Children?
  12. Romans 8:28-30
  13. Elijah Prophesy
  14. Mark 14:51-52 Who was this?
  15. Trinity
  16. Paul or Shaul?
  17. The Righteousness and Glory of God?
  18. biblical names and integration with the context
  19. walking through walls
  20. Repeated stories in the bible
  21. John 3:13
  22. Hanukkah
  23. Evening? Morning? When does the Biblical Day Start?
  24. Ephraim and Manasseh - Genesis 47-50
  25. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
  26. Origin of Palestinians
  27. New Covenant has been given as Torah.
  28. Seed of Abraham represent only Fleshly Jews?
  29. Need Input on the "muhammad" word in Bible
  30. Has God Forsaken His People?
  31. When Christians can fight?
  32. Natural Children and God's Children
  33. The first Jew was a Gentile
  34. Dimensions of the Holy of Holies
  35. The Church
  36. The family of Jesus
  37. The first book of Moses - Genesis
  38. Who was the Disciple that Jesus Loved?
  39. The names of Benjamin and sons with the meanings
  40. Did Jesus eat the Passover meal?
  41. The Eclipse of Herod - Josephus
  42. online/offline interlinear...wow!
  43. Benjamin, John, church in Philadelphia...a connection?
  44. Ephraim...
  45. heritage line of Jesus
  46. As in the days of Lot.....
  47. The life of the Messiah/Christ by Arnold Fruchtenbaum
  48. Gnosticism and Buddhism
  49. 40 days/nights
  50. Spiritual Reality of Nakedness
  51. The word Bless
  52. The Inheritance
  53. An Exegesis of John 14
  54. Concerning the Nature of God
  55. A Story About Rewards
  56. The Law and the Flashlight
  57. We In Him, He In Us
  58. Lost:2 Perspectives
  59. When We Shall See Him As He Is
  60. The Word of God-Shadow and Reality
  61. The mystery of Christ.....revealed!
  62. The Sum of all Scripture
  63. Predestination (Reformed; Calvinism)
  64. The Fullness of the Gentiles
  65. Good and Evil
  66. Hearing God and "Entertainment"
  67. The Spirit Bears Witness WITH Our Spirit
  68. What is Worship?
  69. My message to a Jew on a forum
  70. What is Heaven?
  71. Part I: John 5 and the healing of the Jews
  72. Same thing or New New Covenant?
  73. Order of Things:
  74. Book of Life? or Book of THE Life?
  75. Another Parable of the Sower
  76. Genesis 38
  77. Disagreements-A Reason for Division?
  78. A study on the literal and the spiritual.......
  79. The "thorn" in Paul's flesh....
  80. What is Church?
  81. Follow Me
  82. Harding the Heart
  83. Shema Yisrael nighttime prayers.
  84. Meaning of the Name 'Alexander'
  85. Question about receiving Holy Spirit in Acts 8
  86. Is God Male?
  87. Malachi
  88. Do We Sin, Or Do WE Not Sin?
  89. "Jerusalem a cup of trembling" future or past?
  90. The tabernacle of David
  91. A walk through the Tabernacle
  92. Micah: who is like unto God ?
  93. Evil spirit and swine flu
  94. Thoughts on fulfillment of sin and trespass offerings
  95. The Horses and Chariots of Zechariah
  96. There is a Man in the Woman
  97. Isaiah 66 -- Revelation connection
  98. Isaiah 29 -- Joel (book 29) connection
  99. Isaiah 8 -- Ruth (book 8) connection
  100. Present Yourselves A Living Sacrifice
  101. The twelve stars and the EU
  102. Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  103. Roaring of the sea
  104. The Sword-Famine-Plague-Wild Beast Connection
  105. a study on the parable of the Pharisee and the publican
  106. Fear of the Lord
  107. Good and Evil
  108. Could these be one and the same?
  109. but the earth became without form and void...
  110. Let US make man in OUR image
  111. you are gods?
  112. Regeneration
  113. Chinese words curiosity of the cross
  114. Firmanent
  115. Peleg
  116. Possessing the Holy Land, the Divine City
  117. To lie or not to lie
  118. The Symbolic Meaning of the Number 9
  119. Galatians 3
  120. He who has ears, let him hear
  121. EPIPHANY! I found my Blessed Hope.
  122. Semantic Vectors and the Synoptic Gospels
  123. Contradictions and errors in the Bible
  124. Was Paul a false apostle?
  125. Water and spirit
  126. Yes or no question
  127. Flesh and Blood
  128. Mystery surrounding tabernacle construction
  129. God's existence is PROVEN encoded in AKJV Bible: English Gematria!
  130. Biblenumeric - English
  131. The sabbath
  132. The End of Comparison
  133. You are worth many sparrows
  134. Hebrew word zaw-mar
  135. Hebrew Alphabet /video
  136. River of Water of Life
  137. God and the Binary system
  138. how the 66 book bible divides into 3 parts cont.
  139. The Chariot of the Cherubim
  140. Is a lie always a sin?
  141. Hebrew Word Behind Emmaus?
  142. Jesus in the center of the Old Testament
  143. Will we use money in heaven?
  144. How could the Bible know where civilization began?
  145. Time and Physics
  146. Oxygen=the breath of life
  147. covenants
  148. Rainbow
  149. Sign of the covenants
  150. Discernment
  151. Solomon Temple and the New Jerusalem
  152. Last First, First Last
  153. Fountains of the great deep
  154. Where was Jesus between the cross and His resurrection?
  155. Four corners of the earth
  156. son of perdition
  157. Modern King James Bible
  158. The Relevance of Zechariah in Revelation
  159. Was Josephus a traitor?
  160. Is Christ coming again or not?
  161. Sailing on the Gospel ship
  162. OT Marital Laws (oral)
  163. Freely received, Freely give
  164. Preparing for the days ahead part 1
  165. Kingdoms
  166. Where God is taking the church
  167. Rev 11, 12
  168. Ma 24:21, Da 12:1, Jer 30:7
  169. Islam and preterism
  170. The "mystery" of Ephesians
  171. Abomination of Desolation
  172. Rom 3:31Do we then make void the law through faith?
  173. Is the World really the World
  174. Metamorphosis
  175. Earrings
  176. Stages of development in Greek
  177. The meaning of Abraham
  178. patterns of the gospel found in 2 Samuel
  179. Adultery
  180. 4 horsemen/4 races
  181. Genesis 18 and 19 angels or God?
  182. Absalom a type of Christ? It seems to be!!!
  183. Connections between The Word and Matter
  184. The Biblical Calendar
  185. Has the Apostle Peter been in Rome?
  186. Son of Man
  187. Zechariah 12, 13 past or future?
  188. The Virtuous Woman
  189. Should Christians eat Kosher food?
  190. Someone Else’s Mail
  191. The Prodigal Son
  192. His Mercy Endures Forever
  193. Did Paul go to Mount Sinai?
  194. Lazarus and the rich man
  195. is there any plain prophecy of the death/resurrection of the messiah?
  196. Patterns you have never thought of
  197. Need info on PaRDeS the 4 interpretations of the bible
  198. Gmalathu Prov. 31:12
  199. Identifying Theophilus
  200. Will there be a rapture?
  201. KJV claims 1John 5:7 part of text
  202. Names in the bible video
  203. Gospel in the stars?
  204. Zacharias And Elisabeth Mean
  205. CHiastic structure on Samson reveal how he would save Israel
  206. Women of Faith
  207. Nachmanide's 10 Dimensions?
  208. King Saul's beginning
  209. The Greater Good….Love your Enemies
  210. The Three Words for Hell
  211. Matthew 27:9 Jeremiah or Zechariah 11:12-13
  212. Isaiah 7
  213. The Man of God
  214. God's view of the poor and stranger
  215. What is the gospel?
  216. When does God's Mercy End?
  217. Things to do
  218. pictographs - studying the Hebrew letters in from the Bible
  219. It Makes No Sense
  220. Hearing God and entertainment
  221. Desire
  222. Ezekiel 38-39
  223. Redeemed from the Curse
  224. Four Miracles of Herod's Temple
  225. Symbolism behind the Temple of God
  226. Jonah the prophet
  227. Deut 18 and the executions of false Christs in the first century
  228. All prophesies were fulfilled literally
  229. Studying the Tabrenacle of Exodus
  230. Did Moses have horns? or did his face simply shine?
  231. New Testament first written in Greek or Hebrew?
  232. What does it mean to worship God?
  233. Dan Barker's Resurrection Challenge
  234. Modern Vesrion Bible Corruption
  235. 153 large fishes
  236. Spiritual Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus; a look at Hebrews 6
  237. DNA Replication, The Giants
  238. A Reasoning of Adam, As The Only Living Being Alive
  239. The Authority of Scripture
  240. Sequence of the Tribulations
  241. The church of Antioch Syria and Rebekah
  242. Does Acts 1:11 teach a bodily return?
  243. A temple before Solomon? 1Samuel 1
  244. Jonah a shadow of Jesus Christ
  245. Nemrud Dagh/Mountain and Antiochus
  246. The state of Adultery
  247. Are you chosen or decide for yourself?
  248. Women in the bible
  249. Sleep or Death?
  250. Salmah and Solomon