View Full Version : Current Events

  1. The Bible Wheel forum is up!
  2. Jerusalem news
  3. Current Middle East situation
  4. Tiny tablet provides proof for Old Testament
  5. Video on the Middle East Conflict
  6. The Ideals of Hamas?
  7. Petition to Stop Ahmadinejad
  8. Student arrested for "desecrating Quran" in the USA!
  9. Calling God Allah
  10. Korean hostages released
  11. Current events
  12. New Bible Version
  13. In Memory of a Woman Who Chose Life
  14. One week of food in different cultures
  15. Pastor Concerned About Beginning Of Sharia Law In US
  17. Prophecy in the News................
  18. We are fighting the Unholy Trinity
  19. Jerusalem Watcman:Annapolis dispatches
  20. AMERICA:The Fall from Power & Grace.
  22. Movement Points To I-35 As 'Holy Highway'
  23. The Glory of God's Handiwork
  24. Inspiration from Tony Snow
  25. How old is the Middle East conflict
  26. Israel Stands Alone
  27. Iranian Students denounce Ahmadinejad
  28. A Straight Answer from a Politician? Amazing!
  29. A Merry Christmas from IRAQ
  30. Barak Hussein Obama's Religion
  31. First Temple Seal found!
  32. A German's View on Islam
  33. Noah Ark
  34. Latest about ORU
  35. If this global warming continues ... we're all gonna freeze to death!
  36. Obama related to Bush and Cheney LOL!!!!
  37. Oh those lucky Cubans!
  38. A shocking article about Obama's Pastor
  39. Deception on WorldNetDaily.com
  40. The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat
  41. Amazing Rendition of the National Anthem
  42. Inconvenient Facts for Global Warming Hysteria
  43. The Outrageous Irony of Jeremiah Wright in Context
  44. Obama and Israel
  45. Hamas Teaches Children to Murder
  46. Should the Democrats Apologize to Blacks
  47. Conflicting reports on Global Warming
  48. Global Cooling will "mask" anthropogenic Global Warming for the next ten years!
  49. Similarities between Barak Obama and the Pre-trib Rapture
  50. Obama - What’s wrong with that?
  51. Oh! The irony!
  52. This war isn't over...
  54. Indoctrinate U - Must watch
  55. Outrageous Error by Global Warming "Authorities"
  56. Outrageous LIBERAL BIAS of ABCNews Exposed
  57. Exodus Conspiracy
  58. 31,072 scientists (including 9,021 PhDs) sign Global Warming Petition
  60. Experts say that fears surrounding climate change are overblown
  61. Higher temperatures will harm many crops
  62. Climategate! The evidence is out.
  63. Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression
  64. Top Climate Scientist resigns over misrepresentation of the science
  65. Reagan, Bush, and Obama
  66. Warm-mongers have been at it for decades!
  67. Is Google censoring climategate?
  68. Everybody should use www.BING.com
  69. O'Reilly Tonight: Climategate!
  70. BING joins Google and Wikipedia in ClimateGate coverup
  71. Doomsday 1950s Style
  72. Harvard Prof Climategate Denier TROUNCED in the comments section
  73. Houston TX: earliest recorded snowfall in the city's history.
  74. Climatic debate
  75. Obama's Dictatorship: Using the EPA to take "command and control"
  76. Why climate change skeptics so quiet now?
  77. Christmas blessings to all
  78. Happy New Year....2010
  79. Pat Robertson: Haiti made "pact with the devil"
  80. Breakthrough: Artifact suggests Bible written centuries earlier than scholars thought
  81. Climate scientist considered suicide
  82. Massive head of Pharaoh found in Egypt
  83. Is Bush and Obama related?
  84. Ergun Caner Exposed as a Serial Liar
  85. Oil companies ready for expansion
  86. Wheat Rusts
  87. Cherries two weeks late because of cold!
  88. Strange current events
  89. Richard's Random Road Trip
  90. Climate scientists did not lie
  91. I'll be talking on internet radio tonight
  92. Ready for 2011
  93. Christmas songs about Jesus
  94. Another stupid doomsday prediction
  95. The flight out of Egypt
  96. The Fundamental Equation of Climate Scientology
  97. Red Tides
  98. What is REALLY happening in Japan?
  99. Big Oil and the problems in Lybia
  100. Capitalism vs. Socialism
  101. Portrait of Jesus?
  102. Christian Communism
  103. My Prediction for Harold Camping and Family Radio after May 21
  104. Harold Camping is "explaining" his false prophecy Live online!
  105. Law group suing Harold Camping!
  106. Fearful Teen Commits Suicide Due to Harold Camping's Doomsday
  107. There's a big difference between Harold Camping and serious Bible teachers!
  108. The State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony
  109. Where Have All The Neo-Nazis Come From
  110. Trojan Horse?
  111. I'll be out of the office for a week.
  112. more fallout from Camping prophecy
  113. Tax Breaks for the Rich or due away with entitlements/benefits?
  114. Republicans attempt to "tank" American Economy
  115. Tomb of St. Philip found
  116. Department of Defense (DoD) planning to cut Military Pension plans
  117. 200,000 yr old African civilization found
  118. The Obama Obsession on WingNutDaily
  119. Who are the Palestinians?
  120. The Dead Sea Scrolls are now available online!
  121. "Masturbation can be a form of homosexuality" ~ Mark Driscoll
  122. The Church in the World - Part I
  123. Throw Them All Out
  124. Ending the Global Drug Wars
  125. Turning Wastelands into Wonderlands of Energy
  126. Cuban Blogger Riles With Her Weapon of Words
  127. 343 & 1776
  129. Washington DC Stench
  130. They are frightened stars show
  131. Tesco Mice Plague Judgement
  132. Costa Rico (Strange Sounds)
  133. Malawi's first Female President stands up for Gay Rights
  134. Teacher shouts down student for merely asking a question about Obama
  135. Remains of John the Baptist discovered
  136. The Solar Suitcase
  137. There is a God
  138. Damascus shall be a ruinous heap (isaiah 17:1)
  139. Why must the nation grieve with God?
  140. Folks in the Bible Belt watch the most PORN.
  141. London (UK) Heliops (bbc link)
  142. First Caliph since the Ottoman Empire announced
  143. Dr Bill Deagle talks to Bill Ryan, 2010
  144. Triples... ?
  145. Belated beyond RIP Robin Williams and Joan Rivers
  146. Ebola Virus
  147. Beheading Time!