- The Bible Wheel forum is up!
- Jerusalem news
- Current Middle East situation
- Tiny tablet provides proof for Old Testament
- Video on the Middle East Conflict
- The Ideals of Hamas?
- Petition to Stop Ahmadinejad
- Student arrested for "desecrating Quran" in the USA!
- Calling God Allah
- Korean hostages released
- Current events
- New Bible Version
- In Memory of a Woman Who Chose Life
- One week of food in different cultures
- Pastor Concerned About Beginning Of Sharia Law In US
- Prophecy in the News................
- We are fighting the Unholy Trinity
- Jerusalem Watcman:Annapolis dispatches
- AMERICA:The Fall from Power & Grace.
- Movement Points To I-35 As 'Holy Highway'
- The Glory of God's Handiwork
- Inspiration from Tony Snow
- How old is the Middle East conflict
- Israel Stands Alone
- Iranian Students denounce Ahmadinejad
- A Straight Answer from a Politician? Amazing!
- A Merry Christmas from IRAQ
- Barak Hussein Obama's Religion
- First Temple Seal found!
- A German's View on Islam
- Noah Ark
- Latest about ORU
- If this global warming continues ... we're all gonna freeze to death!
- Obama related to Bush and Cheney LOL!!!!
- Oh those lucky Cubans!
- A shocking article about Obama's Pastor
- Deception on WorldNetDaily.com
- The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat
- Amazing Rendition of the National Anthem
- Inconvenient Facts for Global Warming Hysteria
- The Outrageous Irony of Jeremiah Wright in Context
- Obama and Israel
- Hamas Teaches Children to Murder
- Should the Democrats Apologize to Blacks
- Conflicting reports on Global Warming
- Global Cooling will "mask" anthropogenic Global Warming for the next ten years!
- Similarities between Barak Obama and the Pre-trib Rapture
- Obama - What’s wrong with that?
- Oh! The irony!
- This war isn't over...
- Indoctrinate U - Must watch
- Outrageous Error by Global Warming "Authorities"
- Outrageous LIBERAL BIAS of ABCNews Exposed
- Exodus Conspiracy
- 31,072 scientists (including 9,021 PhDs) sign Global Warming Petition
- Experts say that fears surrounding climate change are overblown
- Higher temperatures will harm many crops
- Climategate! The evidence is out.
- Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression
- Top Climate Scientist resigns over misrepresentation of the science
- Reagan, Bush, and Obama
- Warm-mongers have been at it for decades!
- Is Google censoring climategate?
- Everybody should use www.BING.com
- O'Reilly Tonight: Climategate!
- BING joins Google and Wikipedia in ClimateGate coverup
- Doomsday 1950s Style
- Harvard Prof Climategate Denier TROUNCED in the comments section
- Houston TX: earliest recorded snowfall in the city's history.
- Climatic debate
- Obama's Dictatorship: Using the EPA to take "command and control"
- Why climate change skeptics so quiet now?
- Christmas blessings to all
- Happy New Year....2010
- Pat Robertson: Haiti made "pact with the devil"
- Breakthrough: Artifact suggests Bible written centuries earlier than scholars thought
- Climate scientist considered suicide
- Massive head of Pharaoh found in Egypt
- Is Bush and Obama related?
- Ergun Caner Exposed as a Serial Liar
- Oil companies ready for expansion
- Wheat Rusts
- Cherries two weeks late because of cold!
- Strange current events
- Richard's Random Road Trip
- Climate scientists did not lie
- I'll be talking on internet radio tonight
- Ready for 2011
- Christmas songs about Jesus
- Another stupid doomsday prediction
- The flight out of Egypt
- The Fundamental Equation of Climate Scientology
- Red Tides
- What is REALLY happening in Japan?
- Big Oil and the problems in Lybia
- Capitalism vs. Socialism
- Portrait of Jesus?
- Christian Communism
- My Prediction for Harold Camping and Family Radio after May 21
- Harold Camping is "explaining" his false prophecy Live online!
- Law group suing Harold Camping!
- Fearful Teen Commits Suicide Due to Harold Camping's Doomsday
- There's a big difference between Harold Camping and serious Bible teachers!
- The State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony
- Where Have All The Neo-Nazis Come From
- Trojan Horse?
- I'll be out of the office for a week.
- more fallout from Camping prophecy
- Tax Breaks for the Rich or due away with entitlements/benefits?
- Republicans attempt to "tank" American Economy
- Tomb of St. Philip found
- Department of Defense (DoD) planning to cut Military Pension plans
- 200,000 yr old African civilization found
- The Obama Obsession on WingNutDaily
- Who are the Palestinians?
- The Dead Sea Scrolls are now available online!
- "Masturbation can be a form of homosexuality" ~ Mark Driscoll
- The Church in the World - Part I
- Throw Them All Out
- Ending the Global Drug Wars
- Turning Wastelands into Wonderlands of Energy
- Cuban Blogger Riles With Her Weapon of Words
- 343 & 1776
- Washington DC Stench
- They are frightened stars show
- Tesco Mice Plague Judgement
- Costa Rico (Strange Sounds)
- Malawi's first Female President stands up for Gay Rights
- Teacher shouts down student for merely asking a question about Obama
- Remains of John the Baptist discovered
- The Solar Suitcase
- There is a God
- Damascus shall be a ruinous heap (isaiah 17:1)
- Why must the nation grieve with God?
- Folks in the Bible Belt watch the most PORN.
- London (UK) Heliops (bbc link)
- First Caliph since the Ottoman Empire announced
- Dr Bill Deagle talks to Bill Ryan, 2010
- Triples... ?
- Belated beyond RIP Robin Williams and Joan Rivers
- Ebola Virus
- Beheading Time!