- Prime numbers
- Meditations on One, Three, and Seven
- 4440
- Psalm 37 is a Triple Alphabetic Menorah!
- Search by Number feature now Online!
- The LOGOS snowstar, 1261 and the SEVEN STARS in the right hand of Christ
- New Jerusalem Cube
- Lord Jesus Christ 3168
- 8880
- Related Scripture Gematria Matthew 16:24
- Search by Word feature now online!
- 3888
- The Number 50
- The Messiah, ha-Messhiach = 888
- IBA=13 ShILH=345 = 358
- Temple Pillars in Jerusalem.
- Chapter & Book in Bible?
- bible codes/Equidistant Letter Sequences
- Symmetry of the Aaronic Blessing
- 'Moshiach' ??
- An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything
- Israel = 541
- Number 222
- #19 and Egypt
- English Gematria
- The breastplate stones
- William Downie (www.thenewbiblecode.co.uk)
- From the Mailbag - How does the Gematria database work?
- Genesis 1:27 and other key Genesis gematria studies???
- The Tav Mark and "Israel" ... an awesome 3-D application.
- A curious relationship between 37 and 613.
- 153 a mathematical wonder
- 3-D application of 73 Star and 2,521 Star.
- alef het gimel yod and tav samekh resh mem
- Confused About Gematria Numbers Being Different
- Does Gematria value 501 Equal Judgment and End of Days Somewhere Specifically
- the stone that the builders rejected
- Torah Letter Count
- Introduction Hebrew/Greek/English Gematria
- The Number 144
- The Number 216 and the Holy of Holies
- The Sound of the Word of God
- Chiral/achiral
- Understanding gematrial connections
- The number 232 ?
- The Pure Language of God
- Gematria confirmation of the virgin birth of Christ
- Random thoughts confirm the truth regarding Jesus
- The number of His name
- God In Pascal's Triangle?
- what about BHMH 52 ?
- question
- God’s signatures in Genesis1.1, Light & Hydrogen??
- Differences of Letter/Word Count
- Gematria and its Usefulness
- TORH/YHVH Code in First 5 Books Question
- Something New About Numbers!
- A new number to chew on
- Eve formed from the rib...or vice-versa?
- The 12600 years of the 26 Patriarchs
- God's 10 Spokes in Genesis 1 = 620 letters
- Angels and Wilderness Settlement
- 160: Nehemiah 10:15
- The Fool Says, There is no God
- Genesis 1:1 "God of Time /Yehoshua"
- 1616 (jewish numerology)
- Clarifying Clock Numerology
- Phi in the Tanakh
- B'hibaram 474th word
- What is the source of Original Text used in the GR Database
- Who is Diane Lorraine Pope?
- The Number Three
- I've developed an useful tool: Cabala and Gematria Calculator for iPhone
- Spiraled rods
- Gematria number 911
- jesus and narcasistic numbers gematria code cracked
- What is the connection between Psalm 119, 9/11, the Twin Towers, Bush, and Obama?
- Something interesting I noticed about the numbers in the Bible
- how to count the holy signs
- Permutations of the Tree BOOK 231 (Sepher Yetzirah)
- An interesting website of gematria and such
- The devil's number?
- That Which is Perfect, Hidden Manna, In the End It shall Speak
- 777
- New WTC building 'One World Trade Center' stands tall at 541 meters
- rules of gematrika a.k.a part one of cabbala
- The burning bush
- VAMPIRES !!!!!close your children the eyes if its jewish, please !!!
- Link between Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 1:1
- The 23 multiples of 37 in Genesis 1:1
- The 112th Triangle
- 73rd square in Genesis 1:1 ...
- Value of Pi in Matthew ...
- YAHWEH = 26 = 37 ...
- Adam and Eve = 37 ..
- Square and Cube roots in 7th Psalm
- Pi to 53 digits in the Bible
- Ciphers of Elohim ...
- Hidden value of Hebrew alphabet ...
- Genesis 1:1 in Pi sequence ...
- Jesus Christ = Yahweh Elohim
- Must see videos
- The CENTRAL word of Genesis 1:1
- Genesis = JESUSness ...
- The ATOM of Genesis ...
- The number 127 ...
- SHESH --- שֵׁשׁ
- 88 Ciphers Of JESUSness ...
- LJC = 3168 ...
- Cardinality of Strong's concordance
- The first and the last
- 117 = EL + ELOHIM ...
- 666 and the head stone of the corner
- Two witnesses
- Connection Between the Numbers 777, 666 to Their Digital Positions in Pi and e via 37
- The gematria project
- The New Bible Code
- The Delusional Numerology of Alexander Marcussen
- Gematria153
- Number 1 is the first Prime
- Knights Tour Mystery for real mathematicians...
- Why do people laugh at creationists (Part 45) DOOMSDAY!!!
- a property of 2701
- Happy new year
- Eye of Providence
- The validity of gematria
- Esther and Mordechai in the Torah
- Conversation with Leo from Mathematical Monotheism
- Jethro Black - The Grand Gematriamatician?
- God's Word in the Divine Prologue?
- The Second Edge: A Role for Numerical Coincidence in the Pursuit of Truth
- Trefoils in Genesis 1.1
- Does the Number 318 in Exodus 14:14 prove gematria was being used?
- Honeycomb conjecture
- The heart of wisdom
- 2k price offered to show Bible-type math in other literature
- "I and the father, we are one" (John 10:30)
- nothing in good higher than Delight nothing in evil lower than Plague
- Anyone knows the highest and lowest gematria of a single verse in the Tanakh
- Son of David
- Basic Question on Gematria...