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  1. Rapture
  2. Is America Manasseh?
  3. True Israel
  4. Will Ezekiel's Temple be built in Israel?
  5. Europe in the Endtime
  6. Daniel's 70 Weeks were fulfilled in 70 AD!
  7. Symbols and Reality in Revelation
  9. Have you counted or calculated?
  10. This Generation (Matthew 24:34)
  11. The callousness of Israel
  12. Pentecost and the 144,000
  13. Is The First Or Second Beast The "numbered one"?
  14. Christ Coming in the Clouds?
  15. Isaiah 19:25
  16. Gog and Magog
  17. A Mystery - What is the identity of Babylon the Great?
  18. Women gives birth to Male Child
  19. New Jerusalem = The Church = Bride of Christ
  20. Sea Beast / Earth Beast
  21. Are the Restoration Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today?
  22. Two Witnesses
  23. The Seven Seals
  24. Dating the Book of Revelation
  25. Happy Thanks Giving
  26. Online Eschatology Resources
  27. The Catholic Origins of Futurism and Preterism
  28. Daniel's 10 + 1 horns = 11
  29. First century Parousia demands a first century rapture
  30. 2Thessalonians 2
  31. The Kingdom of God (Heaven)
  32. The “Little Horn” in Daniel 7:8
  33. Abomination of Desolation?
  34. Daniel 8
  35. Physical or Spiritual body?
  36. chaff
  37. The unity of the spirit
  38. They have as king over them, in Greek Apollyon, in Hebrew Abbadon
  39. From the Mailbag: Are all prophecies fulfilled?
  40. Olivet Discourse (round II)
  41. Two John's or one?
  42. A Quick Proof of Preterism
  43. Different Levels of Punishment in the Lake of Fire?
  44. identities
  45. Rapture Date Setting Deception
  46. Who's Wrong, the Apostles or Futurists?
  47. Is Dispensationalism uder attack???
  48. Daniel's 70 "Weeks" and the "Artaxerxes" question.
  49. Understanding the Beast of Revelation 13 and 17
  50. The Millennium is coming
  51. Olivet Discourse Round 3, the best one yet!
  52. The Approaching Time of Jacob's Trouble
  53. The Heresy of Preterism
  54. Past or Future?
  55. The Last Enemey to be (being) destroyed is THE Death
  56. Reference: Early Church Fathers
  57. Chronology & Cycles
  58. Charts & Tables
  59. The Abomination of Desolation in Daniel
  60. Isaiah 11
  61. sign, sealed, and delivered
  62. 6 days of creation = 1000 years per day theory
  63. Israel and the Church
  64. Eschatological Sequence of Events
  65. Great Slaughter July 8th 2008
  66. Conversations with Sandra
  67. Jesus coming in like manner?
  68. Here-after, you shall "SEE" the son of man
  69. The Synoptic Apocalypse (Olivet Discourse)
  70. Invititation to Todd Strandberg
  71. repetition of types
  72. Conversations with Sandra - Israel and the Church
  73. The Torn Veil and the 70th Week
  74. God cannot divorce Israel
  75. Rapture in the Olivet Discourse
  76. The Feasts of Israel
  77. ProphecyNet.com
  78. 2 Peter 3:4 "Where is the promise of His coming ?"
  79. Those who live in Christ shall never die.
  80. 40 years in the wilderness
  81. This Generation
  82. John Hagge, a false prophet
  83. According to the measure of a man
  84. Continuity of Prophetic History confirms Preterism
  85. Concerning the Lake of Fire
  86. This week, I lost a friend.
  87. Two Throne Judgments?
  88. The Judgment Seat of Christ
  89. The Lake of Fire That Consumes Part 1
  90. Did the Apostle Peter read the Book of Revelation?
  91. My Inaugural Address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead
  92. Then I saw another Beast rising out of the earth...
  93. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
  94. Is Mecca the Great Harlot of Revelation 17?
  95. Coming in Glory
  96. The "bookends" of Revelation
  97. The RAPTURE
  98. Remember our fallen Hero's
  99. Historic Premillennialism
  100. Matthew 23, Revelation 18 and The Seven Letters
  101. Conversations with Alec Cotton
  102. Synagogue of Satan
  103. Keeping the Faith; A First Century Challenge
  104. The Use of Symbolism
  105. 3 Positions & Rapture Unveiled
  106. The Day of the Lord and the Lord's Presence
  107. The Didache: Dispensational Proof?
  108. The Mark of the Beast 666 / 616
  109. Israel's 40 years possibly a foreshadowing of the 40 years to 70AD?
  110. 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Man of Sin, The Temple
  111. Date Setting again???? Jack Vanimpe is at it again!
  112. The Woman in Revelation 12
  115. The End of the World
  117. The 1st to the 4th Seals of Revelation
  118. The seven trumpets and the seven bowls
  119. 70 Weeks of Daniel (Amillennial)
  120. My "Revelation" Notes
  121. Date of Jesus' Crucifixion
  122. 2012? The end of the world?
  123. The Temple design; does it have meaning?
  124. the ten horns
  125. Is Preterism a Heresy? Edward Hindson believes so
  126. Dr. Hindson's "Last Days Scoffers"?
  127. An essay on 1 Thessalonians
  128. Josephus and Tacitus Record Angels Seen in the sky
  129. Book of Life
  130. Generation of vipers
  131. The coming of Elijah
  133. ....where Satan's Throne is / dwells
  134. Resurrection thoughts
  135. Great White Throne = The Day of the Lord
  136. Eve's part in the garden
  137. "Partial" FULL-FILL-ment is an oxymoron
  138. The message of Malachi
  139. Judgment of the Saints
  140. Are Israel and the Church separate?
  141. God's Timing
  142. New Heaven and New Earth
  143. Fulfillment of the Great Day of the Lord - Future or Past?
  144. A Question for Futurists
  145. DaveO and Richard reason together
  146. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you
  147. Revelation and the number 7
  148. The dangers of date setting
  149. Figures of the older serving the younger(new)
  150. Deut32 as the forerunner of the end times prophecies
  151. Preterism and the apostles creed
  152. As it was in the days of Noah
  153. In the same way you've seen him go
  154. When you see all these things, know that it is near-at the door
  155. What were they thinking??
  156. Audience Relevance...Who would see these signs?
  157. The whole earth, are you sure?
  158. Correlations!!
  159. I am coming soon
  160. Destroy the earth, are you sure?
  161. The Historicist View of Eschatology
  162. The heavens of old, the heavens which are now, and the new heavens
  163. Preterism and the book of Daniel
  164. Year 4 of the "Destruction of Israel"
  165. The 4 Beasts of Daniel 7 = The Beast of Revelation
  166. Refutation of "Ten Reasons 'This Generation' Doesn't Mean 'My First Century Audience'
  167. The Meaning of Phule (Tribe) in the NT
  168. Refutation of "Who Are The 'Holy People' Of Daniel 12:7?"
  169. Matthew 24: A Fresh Start
  170. Bibical timekeeping is all in order
  171. Sealed unto the Day of Redemption
  172. Barnabus; Joe take note; Sept
  173. Daughters of men, and the sons of God
  174. Help!!
  175. Judgment and fire about to devour the adversaries
  176. The sign of the Son of Man
  177. The New Creation
  178. Controversial post...maybe.
  179. Do these verses pertain to the same event?
  180. New Heaven and earth
  181. Zechariah 12 & 13 - 1st or 2nd advent?
  182. Analogies of the 7 days of creation
  184. Parousia and 'his revealing' one and the same?
  185. Ready for 2012?
  186. Rev 16:12-16 Armageddon 6th Seal
  187. Another look at Daniel's 70 weeks
  188. Zionism - articles OPPOSED to Zionism
  189. Fourty Years
  190. Ready for 2010?
  191. Sign of the Son of Man
  192. Preterism Refuted!!!
  193. Judgment on Jerusalem
  194. Preterist interpretation of the Olivet Discourse DOMINATES Church History
  195. Battyus and Richard discuss the Olivet Discourse
  196. The witness of its ruins
  197. AD70.net
  198. The End of the Age (aion)
  199. The three Kosmos:
  200. What are we waiting for?
  201. Discussion of Dating Revelation by Pop
  202. Does the Epistle of James help date Revelation?
  203. Third Temple
  204. Son of perdition
  205. Evangelical Missionaries to Palestine
  206. Meshiach Nagid
  207. Was Christ at the door in the first century?
  208. Flee to the mountains of Judaea
  209. They shall deliver you up to the Sanhedrin
  210. Why should "this generation" apply to us today and not to the 1st century Disciples?
  211. Romans 15:8-12
  212. A witness to ALL NATIONS (pas ethnos)
  213. Immortal at Salvation???
  214. Answer to Battyus
  215. 1st Century persecution BY the Jews
  216. The "about to" coming of the Lord
  217. New Heaven and Earth
  218. Revelation 5:9 & Revelation 14:6
  219. The Gospel Preached To ALL the World before the End!
  220. Biblical Proof that Revelation was fulfilled in the first century
  221. Is Physical Death the Penalty for Sin?
  222. Once and for all...
  223. Will Non-Christians go the heaven?
  224. Be saved from this Crooked Generation
  225. Redemption for Darkness
  226. Isaiah 7, 8 through Preterist mindset
  227. Question about Preterism
  228. Was John really "banished" to Patmos?
  229. Soon vs. swiftly
  230. Death IS Defeated
  231. The Last days, etc.
  232. Please Explain
  233. The Believer's Resurrection
  234. The "Earnest" of Salvation
  235. The parable of the Ten Virgins
  236. Was Adam a Jew?
  237. What Are the Effects of the Parousia event
  238. The Parousia of Christ – to see Him as He is
  239. John Hagee predicts more doom and gloom
  240. The witness of Stephen
  241. They neither marry nor are given in marriage
  242. The Mark of Cain
  244. And I saw….
  245. Last days, Time of the End, Latter Days
  246. Preterism Vs Hyper-Preterism
  247. Dialogue on Preterism
  248. A Careful Study of the Doctrine of the Second Coming
  249. Will you wait 2,000 years?
  250. Is Universalism Dangerous?