For the word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4.12
One of the richest and most obvious Numerical Categories used by God in Scripture is defined by the
Number 2 and the Letter Beyt. It begins with the Second Geometric construct - the Line - which is
the extension of the Point through
one dimensional space. It is the root of such symbols as the Rod and Sword, which Scripture uses
as symbols of the Word as in Hebrews 4.12 above.
Thus we read: "Out of his mouth came a sharp two-edge sword" (Revelation 1.16) and "he shall smite the
earth with the rod of his mouth" (Isaiah 11.4). This manifests in the distributions of the words "Word"
and "Prophecy" which are maximized on Spoke 2 of the Wheel.
The meaning of the Number 2 is ultimately found in the Nature of the eternal Godhead
- the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Son, whose name
is called the Word of God. He is also called the image of God which integrates
with the general ideas of
Duality, Image, and Reflection that are subsumed by this Numerical Category. Thus we understand
the Second Commandment: no graven images.
This also integrates with the Second Person through the fact that the first reference to
anyone as the Son of God is
found in the Second Book wherein Moses lifts his rod to divide the waters as God did on the
Second Day of Creation.
The Psalms follows this pattern, with the Second Psalm - Thou art my son - being the only
passage mentioned by Number in all Scripture.
The pattern continues in the Second Seal of the Apocalypse which integrates with the obvious meaning
of the Number 2 with
the Second Horseman being given a great sword
to take away peace and divide the people (identified as water in Scripture).
All of this is summed up in the letter Beyt - House - which is the symbol of that which divides between
what is in and what is out. All of this is discussed at length in the articles relating to
Spoke 2.
Given the overwhelmingly obvious meaning of the Number 2 and the Letter Beyt, the divine design of the
Logos Holograph becomes self-evident. I begin with the index of the verse Hebrews 4.12. This number
coincides with the numerical weight of the
name of the Second Letter:
(Beyt, House) = 412
This further integrates with the value of the fundamental Hebrew word for Word, the topic
of Hebrews 4.12:
(Davar, Word) = 206
This loops back to the meaning of the Hebrew Beyt through the identity (2 Timothy 2.20):
The Great House
Hay Megale Oikia |
= 206 = Word |
The Greek term (Ho Logos, The Word) used in Hebrews 4.12 also integrates with the
Second Letter through the identity:
The Word
Ho Logos |
= 443 = |
The House of God
Beyt El |
Most people are familiar with Beyt El as Bethel. It is where Jacob set up a pillar (symbol of the Line)
and made a vow to God.
The House of God identifies with the Word! Exactly the same idea manifests in an entirely different way
in the First Word of the Bible, Berashith.
As an aside, without the definite articles,
we have the following
identity based on the large prime Number 857:
God's Word
Logos Theou |
= 857 = |
Zon |
The Number 443 also appears in the first clause of Hebrews 4.12, which sums to 2658 = 6 x 443. I
represent this as a kind of feedback loop into the verse:

The words in the light blue sum to 443 and the words in the dark blue sum to 2658 = 6 x 443. This
self-reflectivitiy is characteristic of Biblical Holographs. The same number appears and reappears
repeatedly on different levels within the holograph. This self-similarity over scale also characterizes
The Logos Holograph is built upon two other prime numbers, besides the Number 443. They are
associated with these two fundamental words:
Chokmah |
= 73 |
Logos |
= 373 |
The Numbers 37, 73, and 373 are all deeply integrated via fundamental
hexagonal symmetries. This integrates with the explicit message of Scripture, which relates the
Number 6 and the creation of the Cosmos. The geometric form of the prime Number 373 is a
variation on the theme of the Star Numbers. It is a fractal Star Number that
is built upon the union of Seven Stars, each with the value of 37, as shown in the
image below:

This is discussed in more detail in the Logos Star article. The Number 73
is also the foundation of the Creation Holograph,
which sums to 2701 = 37 x 73 = Sum(73).
This astoundingly beautiful
symmetry is amplified in its relation to Λογος (Logos, Word) = 373 and John 1.1 which
declares that this Logos created all things. Infinte perfection! Glory to God in the highest! How could anyone doubt that the
Holy Word would have such structure as this, given the fact that the Logos is the very living word that
created everything. The degree of integration knows no end - The Logos and the Creation Holographs are integrated
with the Number 73.
Yet this is but the beginning.
The image below displays the full structure of the Logos Holograph, built upon three
prime numbers:
73 (Wisdom) and 373 (Logos), and 443 (The House of God/The Word).
The integration is so complex and deep it is hard to express only because
I can't simultaneously point out all the different integrated features.

The words connected to the 73-Star sum to multiples of 73. There are three such groups in the Holograph.
Since the first two are adjacent, all the words contained in them also sum to a multiple of 73. And what
might that number be? It is 73 x 137, and the Number 137 is
yet another prime built upon 3 and 7! It is the sum of the elements of the Holographic Generating Set (A = 27, B = 37, C = 73):
A + B + C = 137
These numbers appear numerous times and in many combinations in the Logos Holograph. They play an essential
role in revealing the underlying unity of the various Holographs. For example, we have the following
intrinsic integration with the Creation HyperHolograph:
73 x 137 = CD = 100C + BC = 7300 +
Genesis 1.1
There is an extremely deep integration of the GenSet with the Logos Holograph. Here are a few of the relevant
identities from the GenSet Table:
10B + C |
= THE WORD (443) |
10C |
= 730 = A Discerner
= Sharp, Eyes, etc. |
60B + 6C |
= For the Word of God is Living |
60C |
= and sharper than any twoedged sword |
77C |
= piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit |
CD |
= and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit |
= BC + 100C = Genesis 1.1 + 7300 |
AD |
= a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart |
= Genesis 1.1 + AB - 1 |
= John 1.1 + C -1 |
The words connected to the Logos Star are all multiples of 373. There are two such groups, which encompass all
the words after the initial clause based on the Number 443.
The amazing thing about the 373 - blocks of words is that
they divide naturally according to the grammar of the text into two subgroups
which are both multiples of the large prime number that is the value of the subject of the Holograph!
This means that every word of the Logos Holograph is part of a naturally contiguous set of words
that sum to a multipler
of one of three primes - 73, 373, or 443, and the Numbers 73 and 373 are geometrically integrated.
Glory to God in the highest!
Yet there is more. The sum of the entire verse is 19443, which naturally divides as
19443 = 19000 + 443
This is the fourth appearance of the Number 443! And what is the meaning of 19000? It is a "grand magnification"
of the Number 19, which signifies physical manifestation, as explained in the
Grace Manifest Holograph!
The sum of the Logos Holograph represents the manifestation on a grand scale (19000)
of The Word (443)! Glory Glory Glory! We have full integration with both the Creation and
the Grace Manifest Holographs!
Yet there is still more. The numbers used are full of significance.
The most astounding, perhaps, is the little word near the bottom:
A Discerner
Kritikos |
= 730 |
Thayer's Greek English Lexicon traces this word down to the root
(krino) and gives this for the first
definition: to separate, put asunder; to pick out, select, choose. This is, of course, in
perfect harmony with everything we saw about the Number Two in the brief survey above. This is
a manifestation of the great theme of division
that dominates so strongly on
Spoke 2. All of this also integrates
with the Greek word for "eyes" found in the next verse (Hebrews 4.13):
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are
naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
We have the identity:
Opthalmoi |
= 730 |
Of course, the two eyes are the most natural symbol of what it means to be able to discern or distinguish
differences. This is the essence of the Number 2.
A factor of Ten is typical in the transform from Hebrew to Greek (730 = 10 x 73).
This also integrates with the sword mentioned in Revelation 1.16 (116 = The Mouth of the Lord):
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged
sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
The word for a sword in this verse differs from that used in Hebrews 4.12, but its numeric value integrates
with the Logos Holograph:
The Sword
Hay Romphaia |
= 730 |
The Sword is the symbol of Division and the Word - thus it integrates both symbolically and mathematically
with the Logos Holograph.