Sorry if you can't see the Hebrew font. I'm working on it. 

This is a table of all the alphabetic verses of Scripture that I have studied so far.

1st Verse \ Letter [la Aleph tyb Beth lmg Gimel tld Daleth ah He ww Vav /yz Zayin tyj Cheth tyf Teth dwy Yod [k Kaph dml Lamed <ym Mayim /wn Nun ims Samekh /yu Ayin hp Peh ydx Tsaddi [wq Quph vyr Reyish /yv Shin wt Tav
Lam 1.1 hkya How? hkb Weep hlg Captivity ird Way ayh Woe! w And (prefix) rkz Remember afj Sin amf Filth dy Hand lk All awl Not m From/Of (prefix) n (Prefix) hls Trodden under foot lu /yu Upon, Eye vrp Spread forth qdx Righteous arq Cry har See umv Hear t Let (prefix)
Lam 2.1 hkya How? ulb Swallow hdg Cut off ird Way hyh Is/Was w And (prefix) jnz Cast off bvj Reckon ubf Sink y They do - (prefix) hlk Fail/End l To/For (prefix) hm What? aybn Prophet qps Clap hcu Deed hxp Open

Blue note

qux Cry <wq Arise har See bkv Lay t Thou hast - (prefix)
Lam 3a1 yna I hlb Old rdg Hedged bd Bear h He hath - (prefix) w And (prefix) rkz Remember dsj Mercy bwf Good y He does - (prefix) yk For, Because l To/For (prefix) ym Who? n Let us (prefix) iks Cover  /ya Eye hxp Open dwx Hunt arq Cry byr Plead umv Hear t Do thou - (prefix)
Lam 3b ytwa Me hnb Build <g Even/Also ird Way hyh Is/Was w And (prefix) rkz Remember vdj New bwf Good y He does - (prefix) yk For, Because l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) avn Lift up iks Cover du Until djp Fear tmx Cut off lwq Voice har See tpv Lip t Do thou - (prefix)
Lam 3c ia Surely b In (prefix) rdg Inclosed ird Way h He hath - (prefix) w And (prefix) taz This qlj Portion bwf Good y He does - (prefix) yk For, Because l To/For (prefix) hm What? wnjn We yjs Offscouring  /ya Eye glp River [wx Flowed over brq Near har See <tbv Their sitting down t Do thou - (prefix)
Lam 4.1 hkya How? /b Son <g Even/Also qbd Cleave h They did - (prefix) w And (prefix) hkz Pure ivj Dark bwf Good dy Hand hlk Fail/End al Not m From/Of (prefix) hun Wander rws Depart  /yu Eye ynp Face dwx Hunt lq Swift jwr Breath vyv Rejoice <t Complete, Perfect
Pov 31:10 hVa Woman jfb Trust lmg Do good crd Seek hyh Is/Was w And (prefix) <mz Think, Consider rgj Girdle <uf Taste/Perceive dy Hand ik Palm of hand al Not dbrm Tapestry n (prefix)  /yds Linen zu Strength jtp, hp Mouth, Open hpx Watch <wq Arise br Many rqv Lie wnt Give ye
Ps 25.1 iyla Unto thee b, jfb Trust, In <g Yea ird Way h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) rkz Remember afj Sin bwf Good y He will - (prefix) lk All l To/For (prefix) ym Who? (What man?) ?pn Soul dws Secret  /yu Eye hnp Turn (as in face) rx Trouble  skippedq har See rm? Keep <t Integrity (Perfect)
Ps 34.1 hkrba I will bless b In (prefix) ldg Great  ?rd Seek h They did - (prefix) w And (prefix) hz This hnj Encampeth <uf Taste/Perceive ary Fear <yrpk Young lions wkl Come ye (from yelak) ym Who? (What man?) rxn Keep (Watch) rws Depart  /yu Eye ynp Face qux Cry bwrq Near br Many rm? Keep t It shall
Ps 37.1 la Not b, jfb Trust, In lwg Commit (Roll) <wd Rest h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) <mz Think, Consider brj Sword bwf Good udy Know yk For, Because hwl Borrow m, duxm From (prefix), Steps run Young rws Depart   Skipped yp Mouth hpx Watch hwq Wait har See rm? Keep, Mark t ?
Ps 111.1 hdwa I will praise b In (prefix) ldg Great  ?rd Seek dwh Glory w And (prefix) rkz Remember  /j Grace [rf Meat y He will - (prefix) jk Power l To/For (prefix) h?um Works <ynman Sure ims Support h?u Deed twdp Redemption hwx Command ?wdq Holy ty?ar Beginning lk? Skill hlht Praise
Ps 112.1 yrva Blessed b In (prefix) rbg Mighty rwd Generation  /wh Wealth w And (prefix) jrz Rise  /j Grace bwf Good y He will - (prefix) yk For, Because l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) n (Prefix) ims Support du Until rzp Disperse qdx Righteous  /rq Horn u?r Wicked  /? Tooth hwat Desire
Ps 119a yrva Blessed b In (prefix) lmg Deal Bountifully hqbd Cleave h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) rkz Remember qlj Portion bwf Good dy Hand hlk Fail/End l To/For (prefix) hm How rn Lamp [us Thoughts h?u Deed alp Wonderful qdx Righteous arq Cry har See r? Prince t Let (prefix)
Ps 119b yrva Blessed b In (prefix) lg Open ird Way h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) hz This hlj Beseech bwf Good ary Fear hlk Fail/End l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) n (Prefix) rts Secret Place bru Surety jtp Open/Door hwx Command arq Cry byr Plead ?? Joy t Let (prefix)
Ps 119c [a Also b In (prefix) rg Stranger ird Way h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) dz Proud b?j Consider/Reckon <rf Before udy Know k Like (Prefix) l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) n (Prefix) rws Depart  /yu Eye yp Mouth tmx Cut off (Consumed) <dq Before/Of Old qjr Far rq? Lie t It shall
Ps 119d hta Thou b In (prefix) srg Break [ld Melt h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) rkz Remember ?wj Haste bwf Good yhy Let there be hmk How many? ylwl Unless m From/Of (prefix) n (Prefix) ims Support h?u Deed hnp Turn (as in face) [rx Refine <dq Before/Of Old <jr Mercy ub? Seven t It shall
Ps 119e ajly O that ... ! b In (prefix) rug Rebuke ird Way h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) hpulz Horror lbj Bands lpf Forge y Let ... (Prefix) hrk Dig l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) ?pn Soul dus Uphold dbu Servant <up Steps rux Small lwq Voice br Many <l? Peace t Let (prefix)
Ps 119f za Then irb Bless lg Remove ird Way h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) rmz Song twxj Half ?pf Fat y Let ... (Prefix) lk All l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix)  /tn Give hls Trodden under foot tu Time twdp Redemption qdx Righteous brq Near har See rb? Hope t I have (prefix)
Ps 119g hdwa I will praise b In (prefix) <g Also hqbd Cleave h Do thou (prefix) w And (prefix) rkz Remember rbj Friend bwf Good y Let ... (Prefix) k, hlk (Prefix), Fail/End l To/For (prefix) hm How ljn Inheritance gs Dross /k-lu Therefore ynp Face rx Trouble brq Near har See rm? Keep t Let (prefix)
Ps 119h ta, rmva I will keep, A+T b In (prefix) <g Also ird Way hnh Behold w And (prefix) hz This dsj Mercy bwf Good yhy Let there be k Like (Prefix) l To/For (prefix) m From/Of (prefix) hfn Inclined rms Tremble /k-lu Therefore glp River qdx Righteous <dq Before/Of Old ?ar Beginning rm? Keep hut Gone Astray
Ps 145.1 immwra I will extol thee b In (prefix) ldg Great rwd Generation rdh Honor w And (prefix) rkz Remember  /j Grace bwf Good hdy Praise lk All l To/For (prefix) twklm Kingdom   Skippped ims Support  /yu Eye jtp Open/Door qdx Righteous brq Near  /xr Will/Desire rm? Keep hlht Praise



1) The a,b,c in Lam3a, Lam3b, Lam3c indicates the first, second, third verse when there are multiple verses that begin with a given letter.  E.g. Lam3a indicates the first Aleph verse, the first Beyt verse, etc, Lam 3b indicates the second Aleph verse, the second Beyt verse, etc, etc. 

q) Quph is skipped and Resh is doubled here.

Blue Note) Ayin and Peh are interchanged in the verses highlighted blue.