[Wheel] > Alphabetic Sequences in Scripture



Red:First Occurrence
Green:Major Theme Component

Letter - Meaning Gen Ps Isa Matt Rev
1 Aleph - Alpha/First/Chief 1.8
2 Beyt - House 2.2 2.11
3 Gimel - Camel/Reward 3.9 3.4
4 Dalet - Door  4.7 4.1
5 He - Behold/Woe
6 Vav - Nail
7 Zayn - Weapon
8 Chet - Fence/Chamber
9 Tet - Serpent 9.19
10 Yod - Hand 10.12 10.4 10.2
11 Kaph - Palm of Hand
12 Lamed - Teach
13 Mem - Water 13.1 13.1
14 Nun - Posterity/Son 14.22
15 Samek - Support
16 Ayin - Eye/Fountain 16.7
17 Peh - Mouth
18 Tsaddi -
19 Quph - Eye of a Needle 19.24
20 Resh - Head/First
21 Shin - Tooth


  1. jkl
  2. Gen 16.7 is the first occurrence of the word Ayin in the sense of Fountain. It is first found in the sense of Eye in Gen 3.5. Also, the word Fountains occurs in Genesis 7 and 8, but there it is a translation of mayinoth < Ayin.