5 - 12 - 22 |
The Number 5 |
The Hand of God as a symbol of the Power of His Word.
The Fifth Day of Creation, when God
created living creatures and gave the
first blessing.
The Fifth Commandment, uniquely referenced
on Spoke 5 in Ephesians as " the first commandment with promise, that
it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the
The Number 12 |
The Twelve Tribes
The Twelve Disciples (literally learners, or
pupils) of Christ.
The Twelfth Letter Lamed ()
means to Teach and to Learn. It is the root of Talmud,
the great compendium of Jewish teaching and learning. It certainly is an apt number to find governing the geometric
structure of God's Word.
The Life of Christ: He was twelve years old when He taught
in the Temple (Luke 2.42).
The Number 22 |
Twenty-two Letters of the Hebrew
Alphabet, the dimensionality of the revelation vector.
The basis of the structure of all the Alphabetic
Verses, such as Psalm 119, and the Book of Lamentations.
Praise! |
Taking the sequence 5 - 12 - 5 - 22 and substituting the
corresponding Hebrew Letters yields:
This spells Tahilah,
which means Praise, or Psalm. A good example of such is found in
Psalm 150:
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty
acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him
with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise
him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments
and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the
high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the
LORD. Praise ye the LORD.